Others have already said it better: “No fucking shit.”
The purchase of a game (or, really, a license) doesn’t entitle you to shit all over the people who made that game just because it doesn’t conform to your individual expectations.
It entitles you to voice your concerns, certainly, but not to issue threats, drop the f-bomb every third word, or question their mother’s virtue/whether or not their family tree ever forked.
Here’s the way I look at it: An awful lot of the folks who engage in hostile posting against/toward devs have probably, at some point in their lives, held part-time jobs, either in food service or in retail.
I held both while I was in high school and working my way through college.
Customers—particularly those at the bar and grill where I tended bar—seemed to feel they had the right to talk down to/insult me just because I was wearing the company colors and a name tag.
I came to call this “company shirt syndrome.” The idea being that a part-time, minimum-wage employee is, in some folks’ eyes, worth less as a human being than they are, and therefore is a fit target for the shit they’re too cowardly to throw at those they see as equals/superiors.
If you’ve experienced this, and you’re still shitting on others for how they do their job, then you’re either the same bastard who was a shit to you, in which case, way to be the “bigger man/woman,” or you’re a fucking coward who wouldn’t dare say that shit if you ran into that same person on the street.
Either way, you’re a continuation of an abusive behavior you had to endure.
“I got through it, so now you have to, as well,” is a system of thought that only perpetuates shitty, awful behavior.
Take responsibility for that, or don’t be surprised when the people who develop the toys you love so much decide that your bleating isn’t worth their time.