BioWare Community Manager Says Hostile Replies Make Developers Less Likely To Engage

STOP being so hateful, Yea Forums!

>"“To start, things used to be a lot friendlier here for dev team members who normally don’t talk on social channels or forums,” Anderson wrote in response to a long post critical of BioWare’s dwindling communication. “They could answer questions, give information and know that they aren’t going to have people getting upset at them.”"

>"“Why would a dev team member take time away from working on the next update to post when they know it’s likely to be met with hostile replies, or they get flamed because [they] can’t answer other questions that players are asking? I don’t mind posting here when things aren’t so nice, but that’s because it’s my job. For the devs it isn’t their job, and I’d like to ask that people remember that when replying to them. When some people say ‘be nice or the devs will stop posting’ it’s 100% true.”"

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh no no no, how am I gonna get feel good buzz/hype now?!

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Abolish communities. All communities.

BioWare confirmed mynbabies.

Who cares what SJWware thinks, they are on the verge of getting shut down after two massive flops in a row.

>or the devs will stop posting
Truly it is the end of the rine.

Don't release a shit game, problem solved

>linking directly to kotaku

They should go fucking bankrupt

>make shit game
>"you game is shit"
>'BioWare Community Manager Says Hostile Replies Make Developers Less Likely To Engage'

Listening to reddit at all

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>be code monkey for game
>literally have nothing to do with the decision making or direction the game is moving
>all I do is follow instructions and code, thats my job
>post something on forum
>player, "god why are tou devs so retarded what made YOU decide to change x,y and z the game is shit now because of you dumbass ape"
>all I do is code

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>things used to be a lot friendlier here for dev team members before people actually got to play the game
>but after the game was out people suddenly got upset and angry at the Devs
really get you thinking

>release shitty game with problems
>get shit on
they deserve all the shit they get (You) stupid nigger

>make shit games
>refuse to answer questions
>"why aren't players nice to us?"
the absolute state of bioware

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fuck reddit and fuck middle management holy shit.

It's true. The more i read Yea Forums, the more i grow to hate gamers and wish Yea Forums gets cucked out of a great game forever just to spite them.

>code is shit and causes tons of bugs. Even powers off PS4s

Still your fault too, retard. Learn to code better.

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oh noes! poor dev can't shill their products in peace, it's amazing how they behave like we own them something.

>waah stop bullying billion dollar corporations! we are people too!


Spotted the shill.

>Why would a dev team member take time away from working on the next update to post
You shouldn't. Get back to work you lazy cunt.

>trying to tell spergs that they can communicate without insulting

i mean it's an uphill battle but you can try to make them understand lmao

at least my job when a customer gets retarded and starts to swear I can just cut communication immediately, but I guess everyone just wants members of the team to just not talk at all and then they can bitch about that instead

in fact, now that I think about it:

>trying to please v autists ever

don't do it, just ignore them and move on

>He thinks i'm refering to just Bioware
Ah, the clueless perspective of a zoomer chasing the latest trendy outrage.

>When some people say ‘be nice or the devs will stop posting’ it’s 100% true

Good, stop posting and get back to working on improving the damn game. Let the community manager who is paid to talk to the community do so. Relay the news on what the team is working on to the community and relay their thoughts on the game/particular issues back to the team.

It's not so hard.

why the fuck is this an article? It's not even not even news worthy, it was just a passing statement in a larger discussion

videogame journalism is such a fucking joke

>Why would a dev team member talk to the players when they aren't going to lick their asshole until a polished shine
Literal children can take criticism better than this

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Any game developped by "code monkeys" is going to be a soulless piece of shit. You need passionate devs that are involved in the design process and will speak up against bad design decisions to make a good game.

Good community starts with a good decent product. What do you expect?

>an entire article devoted to being a pussy

Just a question:

Have you ever actually been on the bad end of a Twitter mob?

Have you ever been on damage control for a major consumer-facing company?

>wow we made a broken product where only the cash shop works as intended
>and now people on reddit are upset and call us bad names, why is this allowed
And people call gamers entitled.

Does it matter if the devs engage? They're mostly puppets under NDAs who's purpose is generating fake hype, so it isn't like they're gonna tell people the juicy bits or listen to the userbase anyway.

>insult people with a shit product
>when they tell you they don't like x, y, or z scream about how they are crazed incels angry about seeing a woman in a game
>people tell you to go fuck yourself

Oh yeah, I really wonder why it's BioWare that is saying this, and not CDPR or Sega or whoever else. Why is everyone so mean, their games are clearly so amazing! Just look at Anthem, what a hit!
Bunch of retards. These are the people that want to take away user reviews, forums and other tools.


EA just have to do what its expected from them and close Bioware.
There, issue solved, no more stressed baby devs over toxic gamers.

>i don't want to talk to people who are mean to me
Okay, as long as you're not actually paid to do so, like a community manager, you don't have to. People aren't entitled to you listening to them and you aren't entitled to them licking your boots.
How is this even news?

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God fuckingdammit. How did they mange to go trough school? Only with special ed and no marks? Being such a pussy whipped faggot shouldn't be possible.

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You know I'd also take every possible excuse if it means I don't have to talk, reply or engage with customers.

>Linking to Kotaku
I know it's an uphill battle against you shills but please kill yourself.

Waaah waah my fee fees, I only released a game that bricks peoples ps4s I'm just a poor Indie Dev I gots no food also my abusive ex

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>call others manbabies
>turns out you were the manbabies all along

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>used to be
you don't have tightly moderated forums anymore.

Shitty games makes players less likely to engage

Journos and gamedevs are the most ENTITLED people on earth.

They dont even realize that they benefit greatly from communicating with the community >>properly

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>if you're gonna be a jackass I'm gonna stop talking
>okay I'm done

I guess?

Who gives a shit, Bioware has maby one more game left in them before EA takes them out back and adds them to the pile.

Please anons, be kind and respect Bioware's artistic integrity

>say the wrong thing
>literally inundated with negative comments
>then the people start to follow and stalk you on twitter with negative comments
>then they start to find your other social media and do the same thing

It's just a completely different beast now, you have actual full blown giga-autists that roam in packs now and they coordinate in hunting the same prey sometimes MONTHS after the person has responded.

I really don't like how recently even though game devs are basically software developers but they don't treat the players like their customers at all. In a not-vidya software development environment you just eat shit from your customers most of the time no matter how bullshit they are, and you actually would try make your product into something your customer would want to use.

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Most of Yea Forums is dudes that would rather marry cartoons and call all women whores rather than take a shred of criticism from a woman.


shitty products and developer communication make consumers less likely to buy.

I like how the exact faggots getting called out for going too far always take it to this logical extreme. They're not asking for you to suck their dicks, just for you to not go on expletive-laden rants and other such reasonable requests. Always "why can't they just take our criticism(abuse)?" Why can't you just communicate without being an asshole?

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>Every word I say is full of corporate without any trace of truth just to defend shitty products
>it's players' fault
these new marketing strategies of defecating on your consumers are so weird

what happened to western devs balls? is this the best we got?

Then don't post, or at least don't do it as a company employee. Interacting with players isn't part of a code monkey's job description. That's what community managers are for.

Companies don't love you.

its because veteran game devs, writers, and artists get fired when their studio is eaten by a big studio to slash wages and the replacements are interns or on contract literal tumblr kiddos

>trending in any way

Muh feelings

>make shitty code
>duuur not me fault wtf

It's not the same anymore.

Twitter has created a situation where you may see all the reasoned, thought-out posts that may even include yours but the person being replied to literally sees the 90% other tweets which are full blown rape threats, death threats, or (hopefully) just your garden variety personal attacks.

I understand the internet has always had bantz, we would cut each other some seriously personal shit on the old UT servers, but Twitter is a different fucking thing altogether.

I'll be dead-assed honest, if I was a developer and about 600 of your faggots told me to KYS because I put a black person in my game I'd never respond again.

Going on Blizzard's twitter and giving them a new asshole is one thing, corporations aren't people, but when you pick people and single them out like they aren't people it really is just the kettle calling the pot black.

I part of me appreciates the time when Valve didn't talk to the press (nor anyone at all about all) about the shit their games or their DRM-platform gets.

Oh those poor devs.

It's something beyond game industry. Same thing happens in movies and comics nowadays.

Even Bethesda have more balls to admit when they fucked up. That doesnt stop them from trying to rip the userbase, but at least they dont blame others

My guess is that social media warps their perspective a bit. The "customer" is vague, while the Twitter crowd is always there to support your every move.
They don't understand that "the customer is always right" exists for a reason. It's not that the customer is literally always right, it's that it's your job to coddle him so that he spends his hard earned money on your bullshit. They seem to think they're beyond this principle.

You spent like 5 years making this piece of crap game, and after Andromeda, this is the first time I'll actually take EA's side when they "restructure" your company.

>And he doubles down on being a fucking illiterate ESL



Maybe they shouldn't shill here in the first place.

You better watch your language, young man. Wouldn't want people to think you're being rude or anything. After all, you were just asking why someone couldn't communicate without being rude.

This, and controlled social media doesn't help either. Now every company tries to moderate the global population.

this is good. I have no interest in their engagement.

Customer's always right is just wagie propaganda to get you to be okay with customers shitting on you for 8 dollars an hour.

You’re right in that the pool of assholes is bigger, but the bioware reps have their own walled garden with company monitoring. I also wouldn’t leave out resetera literally constantly monitoring all channels for reasons to demand people be fired.

>Someone says being an nonconstructive cunt just because is bad
>Yea Forums instantly feels personally attacked
>Even though it was aimed at Reddit, the real internet.
Kek, such a bloated self-warranted importance for an impotent cuck who hasn't had a say in anything since mom and dad cut off his foreskin

I feel for them because of this. There's some lower management and grunts that probably worked full weeks at the start and hundred hour weeks later, only to have the shit squandered by bad leadership.

>below is my blog, subscribe lel.

A few years ago I took a new position creating MEP drawings for retrofit jobs, I'm a PE and been doing this shit for almost 10 years now. I shadowed a few people from each stage of the process, and the field guys always bashed them. Every job would tank in our department but make bank elsewhere.
Anyway, fast forward 2 years and every package I've created has been destroyed by my boss, and every job has gone over budget. Most other leads in my position have quit or been fired due to constantly being bitched at, I'm still around because mine are still accurate/work. I've worked almost every weekend, I once had a 130 week sleeping in the office and haven't had a 40 hour week in months. I have 7 people under me and they're always getting bitched at by the field team.
Come to find out last week, the estimating tool (created and maintained by my boss) has been broken for 3 years, every project has been getting a third of the time needed to create what he's been wanting, which is what many people have been saying for years.

Incompetency at upper management is a fucking impossible battle to win.

Maybe if they weren't obnoxious cunts who make garbage games people would be nicer to them.

END OF RINE----------------------------------------------------------------------RINE ENDS HERE


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The massive amount spent on reps by blizzard and how hard they got blindsided at blizzcon was clearly a factor in their mass firing.

Look. Mom and dad criticize us all day long. Our siblings does. Our friends, teachers, neighbours all do. So why the fuck can't we criticize society and it's evil brands back?? We won't take this shit lying down any longer!

Civility is only given to people who show civility in the first place. Bioware devs have been insulting all their consumers after every release for years now, so expecting the consumers to talk in an obsequious manner or else daddy game devs will be upset with you, someone who gave them money, is ridiculous.

Not to mention that tone policing absolutely ends up as 'only positive things can be said' and used by people who are too mentally weak to deal with negative emotions. If you can't deal with negative emotions, get out of humanity.

yeah so now the customer get shat on for 60$ they paid instead. How is that better

Customers are usually wrong but they should always be treated with deference. And a good shopkeeper doesnt try to rip, lie or scam its customers, basically because you want them to come back other day.

Game devs fail to understand this and the PR guys are basically hired mercs that dont give two shits about the product they advertise

It’s quite winnable. Quit and work for the competition, and crush your old boss.

current Bioware devs should engage with some good games, maybe then they'd know what people like to play

The fuck are you on about fag? Quality has gone down. The market is crashing.

The actual issue here is that social media gives the screeching minority a much louder voice than they should have and an outlet for it besides, while most people don't care enough to get riled up enough to post that sort of shit.

Don't pay 60$ for a game.
Now you have 60$.

The term is used to tell employees that the customer, while upset, is right and we should move to meet their expectations.

Sure, if it's reasonable. Otherwise? It's just wagie propaganda that HR tells you so they don't have to spend the time filling your position because anything else is insubordination.

>Says increasingly nervous cuck for the 20th year in a row


The reality is that /gamergators/ and /kotakuinaction/ types can't wrap their head around the fact that every single one of their /pol/-tier "bantz" literally gets the spotlight before ANYTHING else and sets the tone completely.

I hate it too, that I can type out a well-reasoned post but the 9 other pricks that said "FUCK YOU GAME DEV EAT DICK AND DIE" are going to get individual Kotaku articles.

You're not making an objective product with videogames.
A game should be bug free and competently programmed, but other than that you're in the realm of subjectivity. Not every single person is going to agree with every design choice.

That being said, the way you properly take criticism is to read it and don't respond to it or have conversations with your critics. You then fix the problems you agree with and ignore the rest. You also don't entertain retarded shit like user forums or community management.

Hostile you say?

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Why would you post with a tag that confirms you’re a part of the staff then fuckface?

Just post without.

That customer will complain and act like a total asshat of course. But will still buy the next $60 game regardless.
Nothing changes.

Oh yeah, it's the mean goober gators who are the overwhelming screeching majority, and not the resetera types that LITERALLY get people fired from their jobs.

Yea, he dropped the bomv last Friday pretty nonchalantly and tried to blame the previous leadership, from fucking years ago. "I'm just trying to solve the problem"
I make good money and the light at the end of the tunnel (normal workload) is always so fucking close. I've gotten a promotion each year I've been there, but like you said, I'm revving up the old LinkedIn next week.

Love how this guy basically bitched about whitey all the time, then bitched out Bioware when he wasn't working for them anymore. Now he's forgotten, his only legacy is working on bad games.

Did you even read my post?

Did you read the qualifiers where I referenced specific group within that specific group? Or did you just read the word gamergator and you had to put on your /r/kotakuinaction defense force hat?

>Oh yeah, (sarcasm)
Listen you fucking fairy learn how to engage in dialogue without being a waifish faggot.

>Muh toxic community!
>Muh review bombing!
Make a good, finished game and you will never have to deal with these issues, fucking retards.

And hostile devs make me less likely to buy.

Those guys are fucking cancer incarnate. Just yesterday they were trying to boycott all THQ related games, even Shenmue and Atlus games because somehow THQ has distribution rights on some countries.

They are no better than those pedos from infinitychan (they probably are the same fags anyway)

>make a (subjectively) good game

Imagine your career is spent trying to make NEETs happy.

Lmao it's like being a Blockbuster in 2019.

Why are all video game developers such huge fucking manchildren in terms of responding to criticism? Movie critics shit all over movies and the production staff don't make statements about how hurtful and unfair that is

>destroy company's goodwill by shitting on its majority white customers every single day
>get fired, blame company's failure on lack of diversity

Just give me another Turian to fuck you fucking bitches

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>the suits use the devs as meat shields against legitimate criticism and the gaming press is willing to participate in this by publishing this narrative without questioning it.

okayyy, not fishy at all, btw play Yakuza games

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>plays ten million games
>plays the game for 500 hours in two sittings
>never leave his room
>plays civilization

What people don't seem to understand is that there is a rapidly accelerating cultural divide in America between the prole and the elite, that is also manifesting in video games. Look at Mass Effect 3, Andromeda, Sunset, DmC all of these have been met with subcultural conflicts because the public wont respond how the elite want. The prole don't support the values of the elite so the elite have this floundering sense of superiority because they deem the interest and values of the prole beneath them and embarrassing, racist, sexist etc. This is why "Games need to grow up" narratives are so prevalent in the media landscape, grow up being analogous to "internalising our values".


I don't need the devs to "engage", I need them to fix what's broken. What are the community retards even for if they can't make a condensed list of what's broken to relay to the devs? It's their job to eat shit and it's the dev's job to fix the shit.

How lefties haven't realized that they are a corporate-social mechanism is literally beyond me.

Someone post that comic where you see the Antifa member on the same side of the tug-of-war as the fat cat.

This is nonsense. Those fucking sexist gamers just need to wake up. It's 2019

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They'll consider anything negative as "hostile", all of their games is so great after all and someone said otherwise is just a hateful individual.


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Maybe they should make a good game then lmao

My favorite thing is how feminists don't realize that their movement was hijacked by corporate interests that simply wanted women to go to work so corporations could have twice as many worker-consumers.

Guess what faggot, the devs don't even want the 'reasonable' criticism. You are no different from the people outright insulting them because you think the devs did anything wrong, period. Being polite about it will only make them use a less harsh insult to dismiss everything you say.

Also bringing up gamergate in the year of our lord 2019 is very silly and shows that you're very out of touch. Please go back.

>never date a real woman
>never have actual conversations with people

Uh yeah okay but if you're just a code monkey following orders, why does your opinion even matter on social media? I mean hello, I don't want to talk to some braindead code monkey, I want to talk to the DEVELOPERS that actually come up with shit.


The world you're looking for is "created". It's always been this way.

Then don't buy their games you baby back bitch.

>gamergate not relevant
Talk about out of touch, all those lefties you hate sure seem to think it's plenty relevant.

Every culture and sub culture is hijacked by corporations. Even at-right faggotry is corporate subbed now, it's just not as profitable.

>Release a shitty product
>People call you out on how shitty your product is
>"W-Why is everyone so mean!?!?!?!?!1?!"
Fucking fickle-ass bastards need to grow some fucking BALLS or they might get hurt by a gentle autumn breeze

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>Speak directly to customers
>Turns out they're not all polite
Shocking stuff.

>games "journalists" and publishers work hand in hand in painting any and all consumer feedback as toxic entitlement from alt-right manbabies
>it's overlapping to movie reviews for a while now too
It's amazing to know i'll see the consumers getting completely silenced from the conversation between media manufacturers and their journalism enable, and see it getting applauded to boot.

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>bioware continually makes shit games
>hey your games as shit stop that

That's the reality we are now in though, reasonable criticism will get ignored while "kys" will spawn 10 articles about gamer death threats. Social media was a mistake.
Yeah, that's their boogeyman (and yours too, apparently; go dilate).

Why are American games so corporate, political, and sterilized of all artistic freedom?

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You supported my first point, about KYS spawning articles.

But you don't think GG is relevant so I'm a... what?

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Maybe if these big california game devs want their consumers on their side, they should stop with the anti-consumer practices.

who knows anymore
everythings fucked man

Well his right, I mean imagine if some poor guy on a devloper team who has to engage with Yea Forums.

>Social media was a mistake.
Yeah this.
Most commentaries are nice or made by interested fans. At best you have people say stuff like "rather remake Mass Effect" or changing some specific thing like the end everyone hated anyway and this is a legit wish. I honestly never see these typical kys posts. They probably exist and I don't read 1000 twitter posts but they're clearly a small minority, the devs should concentrate on the neutral posts like non-faggots.


I sincerely hope EA closes Bioware, bring on the next video game crash. Maybe out of the ashes we might get some good fucking games for once

Aye, that's the only thing you can do when the ship starts to sink. The upper management of my company is the type to "I only trust and hire my friends". To the suprise of nobody, it's now it's filled with unethical and inneficient people, who refuse to take any responsibility and they cover each other's ass. A pawn fucks up? Fired. A boss fucks up a hundred times worse? Find a pawn to pin the blame and fire him.
I work far from them, we barely interacted in years, it's the only reason I'm still around.

>Implying that releasing good games will stop people from shitting on it

GG is as relevant as the demon who made you blow your load in your sleep because caught a glimpse of your fair neighborhood maiden's stockings.
>I'm a... what?
You're whatever disyllabic insult an era has for 'man who can't get laid'.

And the left wants people to believe they are anti-corporatism...

Devs wan't reasonable criticism, the problem is that nobody is reasonable on the internet.

Wait, why would an incel need to dilate?

This has been my own conclusion for a long time. Weird to see another user share the view since i figured it was more fringe. You alright user

I feel bad because a LOT of Bioware basically got where they are through no fault of their own. Contrary to popular opinion the doctors did not sell out Bioware, but rather EA acquired their investment firm and Bioware by proxy. Which was probably their true goal, but still. Overnight people found themselves working for EA of all publishers and it's been downhill ever since with most likely only yes men getting promoted and pulling their cliques upwards with them. This was further not helped by the fact Bioware underwent tremendous brain drain ever since DAO's release.

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Devs shouldn't interact with us anyway.
Put out a survey. Take bug reports. Cash your paycheck and live your life, retards.

Maybe if they weren't constantly vomiting their toxic leftist rhetoric all over social media they wouldn't find their fans to be quite so hostile in response.

>This is why "Games need to grow up" narratives are so prevalent in the media landscape, grow up being analogous to "internalising our values".
Those articles are written by 27 year old tumblrina interns do you really think Big Brother has something to do with it or is it more like
>Boss: We need you to make an article that gets clicks
>Intern: But I wanted to write about physics evolution in games over time
>Boss: We need something more "Divisive" for our gamers
>Intern thinking: Fuck you, Fuck this, Gamers are dead.

>alienate a chunk of your fanbase
>oh no why is a chunk of our fanbase alienated

Minority hires in a nutshell

Bullshit. Its an excuse to ignore the metric shit ton of valid criticism out there.

wouldn't the community manager be out of a job then?

What fucking gets me is the entitlement this industry seemingly has. Nigga, you're making a product that has to sell. If anything it's the CUSTOMER who's entitled to a good game if you actually want to get paid. Studios are the customers' bitches and not the other way around.

Wake me up when they or anyone else creates an actual non-indieshit space game in which you play as alien and only learn about their culture bit by bit while doing your missions and whatever you are about to do. Can't give a shit about anything I have heard about Andromeda and Anthem. I want something foreign and new, not all that stupid MC=messiah bullshit human pandering. ME1 was a step in the right directions but it delved into the same generic bullshit after that.

kill yourself you fucking faggot nigger lover i hope you personally have to answer to a 50 man project some day you kike licker

Wait so if a person hired to be community manager dont interact with the community. Then why are they there?

They make is sound like they are going out of their way to do their job?

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>work on a game
>make sure I do my part well
>make sure the parts I did receive praise because I did them well
>when other parts of the game are criticized, I don't take it personally

>be a spineless cuckold working for a company you KNOW is shit
>don't complain when something wrong is being done
>help produce a shitty product
you deserve every every second

The valid criticism gets drowned out.

i have no more time for wimps and women

*floorrprp borrrppp* ahahahauhauhuhu mommyyy mommyyyy come here mommyyyy mommmyyyyy
>*sigh* what is it, user
HAHAHA MOMMY HAPPY POOPPY HEEE HEEE HEEE mommyy happy to poopppyyyyy hahahah :)

I don't think it's lack of sanity as much as most people simply can't criticize shit because they're not equipped to. Look up 90% of reviews out there and tell me what insight they provide beyond A) pointing out the obvious by listing what's in the game and B) author saying how he felt. None of these are really constructive opinion pieces or, god forbid, critical dissections.

>talk to your manager about how the game is going
>tell him you don't like it and you refuse to go in the direction you want
>get fired

lmao okay some good all that integrity will do me down at the unemployment office

I'm a professional game dev (not at Bioware) and this is exactly right. It's just another big business, with the same bullshit as working at any other corporation, except we happen to make video games instead of tractors or something. (I wish it weren't like that, but that's how it is.) When a game comes out as shit as Anthem, it's not a programming problem, it's management problem. And, like any other big business, the managers most responsible are never going to held accountable while rank and file staff get shit on from within and without.

>"We're working on fixing it guys"
>"What the fuck why aren't they communicating with us anymore?!"
You know it to be true, you just don't care because you want Bioware to die.

> Look at all these mean words!!!

Hahahaha like nigga turn your eyes from the screen ahahahaha

If you don't agree with the direction, why are you taking criticism personally? Nigger you're getting paid. A burger flipper isn't offended if the client doesn't like the color of the table, he didn't make the fucking table. Nigger do your job and get paid, end of transaction.

>neither of them actually answer the question

Explains quite a bit.

Bioware died years ago, we're just watching its shambling corpse finally getting the message.

It would be mercy killing, though.

>managers most responsible are never going to held accountable while rank and file staff get shit on from within and without.
Stop making shit up, I've never seen people blame random art grunts and programmers, it's the higher ups who are getting the blame from the public. You're just butthurt because even though you say it's a soulless corporation, you're emotionally invested in it for some reason. Well stop being invested.

Maybe they should make better games. I know for sure I've tweeted some really disgusting compliments to devs I like that probably gave them diabetes, so it can't be all bad.

>You're not making an objective product with videogames.

But you are, though. What varies is the subjective IMPRESSION. You can tell objectively whatever a game is well made or not.

>Hostile Reptiles Make Developers Less Likely To Engage
That would've been way more interesting article, but instead it's just retarded shit from retarded devs.
I hope i'm not the only one who read that at first

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man, what happened to gaider? he was a cool guy once upon a time who even modded baldur's gate in his own free time.

That doesn't make sense.

It would be a burger flipper getting cheesed out because the customer doesn't like their burgers and the manager just tells them to stay the course.

Your metaphor is just dumb.

They know they can just turn their computer off, right?

People said the same about Capcom a couple of years ago, now look at them.

That's impossible under years of EA's influence.

It'll happen to you too Respawn

cute lizard

Only way to bounce from being under EA's management is to the grave, though. Respawn Entertainment has somehow avoided it so far.

>People start sending hostile Reptiles to developers

I don't think it's either to be honest, i don't believe it is that intentional or self aware. I think you have a bunch of kids who got into games, made careers here and then out grew the medium but are effectively stuck. So you have these adults who are embarrassed that their lives are centered around what are essentially children toys and largely don't even seem to want to be here (Ben Kuchera is the prime example of this). They want the industry to grow up, less as a component of some grand narrative and more as a function of them desperately trying to save their own ego. This is why so often games are only valid if they ape other mediums because historical art movements are deemed legitimate, hence the "Cinematic Game", The Walking Simulator or anything that appeals to the traditional art scene. TL:DR they want games to be mature and political because then by proxy they too will be mature and insightful for engaging with them.

People still lose their jobs, wouldn't call that merciful.

The only good Bioware game was Mass Effect and even those games have their individual problems.

No, my metaphor isn't dumb. If I'm a texture artist and the client says game plays like shit, why would I be upset? I did my part, I got paid, I don't give a fuck if it plays well, that's not the part I worked on. You just can't understand how compartmental game development is. As a texture artist I have zero say in how the game plays, so criticize away, I don't give a fuck.

Whereas in your metaphor the burger flipper has direct impact on the quality of the burger, in my reality the texture artist has zero impact on gameplay.

>Avoided it so far
It's only been two years you stupid motherfucker

bioware has been extremely communicative, sending the developers to answer reddit questions like red cross medics on a battlefield.
they addressed community concerns and patched shit.It turns out you need a couple of days of investigation before releasing a statement on a serious bug such a PS crashes.

they just can't help it that they released an abort that would take 1 year of hard work to bring to an acceptable 6.5/10 state.they can't reply on every reddit thread shitting on the game because the only answer they could give to most question is "sorry, we have no fucking idea what's going on and how to fix it, but it will likely take months", so they just answer to things they actually can solve in the short term.

just go and compare them to what Valve is doing with Artifact.


Only certified people should be allowed to use social media.
Restrict/ban public access from posting and you have an all around more healthy and much less toxic experience. Think about it. You could easily control any discussion though this. It’s honestly the future.

He embrace his homosexuality. And instead of being just a part of him as a person, it become his only and exclusive trait. Of course, it expanded to his work too.

Good things have come from Bioware developers leaving, though.

>Banner Saga
>NEO Scavenger

DICE used to be top doge and all it took was a couple of bad games to make people hate their guts. Again, good games = good fan response.

Do code monkeys get paid well?

Ninth post best post

They are trying. It's clearly one of the reasons they decide to close their forum.

Staff get shit on from players on social media
Staff get shit on from management that are unhappy at the game's reception

Have you ever held a real job?

>Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Knights of the Old Republic.
sasuga, zoom zoom.

even in absolute failure, they are still trying to evade responsibility,i have no pity for them at this point i hope ea eats their corpse for sportsball games.

Not him but the client would have no problem lumping you in with the rest of the developers. If the game is shit then you ALL did a shit job.

Yeah...? Siege of Dragonspear.

Dont release shit games and gamers wont be as mean.
Division's subreddit is filled with praise and positivity because devs actually put effort into making a decent game

Oh you mean the guys who made Battlefront II and Battlefield V

Comparatively, yes, but they also have to take 100 hour weeks.

>Shit Game, Shit Game and Star Wars
Kotor was garbage

Get cancer, faggot.

>Siege of Dragonspear.

>mfw expansion so bad it got two writers demoted to CMs and eventually fired

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Absolute retard.
Nobody that worked on those are still in Bioware, nostalgiaman.

I'm thinking about career change into code monkey. Currently working for Pharmaceutical Company as Microbiology Analyst and its too stressful and pay is too low (15 Euros per hour). I also often work 12-13 hours every day.

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That depends on what was faulty in the game. Sometimes games are fine on technical level but shit on design level - the nu-battlefronts are good examples of it. And hell - I don't blame engine programmers for these games being shit, but the problem in this case is that the game was fucked up on technical level so there is no excuse.

Yes, I actually am in a game studio making an actual game. And I have literally never seen any gamer criticize the quality of say, environment props. I thought Andromeda had horrible textures on props, I've never seen anyone complain because people just don't pay attention to stuff like that. They criticize art direction, by who the fuck criticizes average art grunts? Nobody does. And fuck the art director, he had it coming, let them shit on him, I don't care.

>it's shit cuz my dad was 14 when they came out haven't played them btw
Jesus christ, these children today

I don't see how that's relevant, considering that tard was mentioning Mass Effect as their only good game ever.

I don't give a fuck. I know I did my job well, I know I'm right, I don't a fuck what you think. Why would I? It's not me losing money if the game flops, I don't care. Stop being invested emotionally in your jobs. Stop adopting your studio name as your personal identity.

That really depends on the company. Not everyone does a crunch week.

What's he up to these days?

>make a disgustingly sub par product (for an AAA title)
>too jew to even hire playtesters
>blatantly lie in every sneakpeek, trailer and stream - falsely advertise the game in every occasion possible
>release the game in an awful state, lacking content, running like shit, bugs galore
>twist everyones balls by making endgame worthless through abysmal drop rates and several other issues
>gamebreaking things found every week
>avoid giving out information that the players desperately need
>didn't even bother to add vital QoL features like chat - purely because of pussy ass sjw 'devs' who didn't want any "toxicity"
>a month later, literally trying to squirm their way out of responsiblity

>"what.. the 'customers feelings'? who gives a fuck lol"

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Same here.

Coding is a very specific skill and if you can't get into it you probably never will.

The future is now, Old man.

>"why are you making shitty games?"
no wonder devs are offended, they can't answer this question

It's just a typical console player and ME was probably his only Bioware game.

I know, and not everyone pays over 100k a year.

Others have already said it better: “No fucking shit.”

The purchase of a game (or, really, a license) doesn’t entitle you to shit all over the people who made that game just because it doesn’t conform to your individual expectations.

It entitles you to voice your concerns, certainly, but not to issue threats, drop the f-bomb every third word, or question their mother’s virtue/whether or not their family tree ever forked.

Here’s the way I look at it: An awful lot of the folks who engage in hostile posting against/toward devs have probably, at some point in their lives, held part-time jobs, either in food service or in retail.

I held both while I was in high school and working my way through college.

Customers—particularly those at the bar and grill where I tended bar—seemed to feel they had the right to talk down to/insult me just because I was wearing the company colors and a name tag.

I came to call this “company shirt syndrome.” The idea being that a part-time, minimum-wage employee is, in some folks’ eyes, worth less as a human being than they are, and therefore is a fit target for the shit they’re too cowardly to throw at those they see as equals/superiors.

If you’ve experienced this, and you’re still shitting on others for how they do their job, then you’re either the same bastard who was a shit to you, in which case, way to be the “bigger man/woman,” or you’re a fucking coward who wouldn’t dare say that shit if you ran into that same person on the street.

Either way, you’re a continuation of an abusive behavior you had to endure.

“I got through it, so now you have to, as well,” is a system of thought that only perpetuates shitty, awful behavior.

Take responsibility for that, or don’t be surprised when the people who develop the toys you love so much decide that your bleating isn’t worth their time.

Well I don't have to actually like it. I could just take a night course or something to learn how to code right? I'm tired of being a poorfag despite having a Microbiology Degree.

He "voluntarily" Bioware to "seek new opportunities" as an "independend game developer"

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>imagine feeling pride about all the products available to you being garbage

I looked him up awhile back (because i hate myself) and he was raging about Beyond Human, saying that he could make a better game if he had David Cages budget and then something about racism and black stories idk. He has his own "studio" but i don't think he is actually doing anything

I mean they're right, too many retards literally cannot critique anything without being a tremendous cunt. It's all fun and games when doing it "ironically" (poe's law) on meme image boards but you shouldn't actually go be assholes to the actual people making the games, or whatever the fuck. It's not even about being "thin skinned" literally no one wants to engage with assholes and nor should they, no matter how shitty Andromeda was.

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Just one language isn't going to cut it. It essentially has to become your life.

and if you coddle them they don't fix the fucking game.
If they neglect the userbase, they've got no one to blame but themselves when users stop playing their game.
see: apex legends. dying a very swift death because of the lack of updates and dev interaction.

How do you stop him?

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Actually, as far i remember people were very hostile to Bioware ever since DA:O, which wasnt even the bad game - in opposite, but devs and writers were assholes on their forums thus turned large part of community hostile.


Then stop posting and fix the fucking game

Everyone shits on Blizzard for Overwatch, yet Jeff Kaplan communication with people their staff in general is without reproach.

Majority of time community manager/game dev recieves a lot of hate is in cases where they are assholes in first place.

the easy answer is "what a bunch of fucking babies"
the hard answer is that saying so won't change their minds
then again pissed off users aren't going to stop being pissed off anytime soon
i think devs should contextualize this. people are mad at the devs, they're mad that the thing they paid money for isn't operating the way they wanted it to. the devs are just a proxy for that frustration and they shouldn't be taking it personally.
>but you don't have to experience this every day
i worked call center tech support for four years until our team got outsourced, i got it worse than they did

Fuck off Bethesda shill, Bethesda is hot garbage at the technical side, that's why they still reuse the same engine for more than a decade.

Imagine clutching the garbage games you held dear and viewed as perfect

Imagine seeing the company you loved decades ago flounder today

Imagine getting pissy about it and wanting them all to die.

Bioware was never good, they were only okay at best.

Bethesda is just technically inept, they always were. Problem is the more advanced technology got the more obvious this became.

Oh ok. That sucks. I'm not relly prepared to make it consume my life.

he's right bros.... gonna buy a couple of boxes in Anthem™ and the next edition of Anthem™ Gay sexual edition™, based EA™ fighting the patriarchy and the gamers

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>buying a product doesnt entitle me to criticize it
ok kike

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They sorta fixed some stuff in Andromeda but nobody cared anymore and they all got fired anyway

So what's the point?

>Linking to kotaku

So kotaku writers found out a way to get easy views huh?

>blame game failure on virgins
>this isnt considered hateful

these fags consider any post calling out their horrible scaling as hostile. if it's not a softball question they ignore it on their stream, and now they want to complain they're being called accurate thing like incompetent, incapable of basic math and borderline retarded

>being mean to virgins isn't hateful

This is correct.

andromeda is a single player game with no reason to update it as once bad press hits it, it's done.
games as a service, like destiny and anthem can survive bad press at release if they have a dedicated playerbase, as they'll keep the game afloat. it's what happened with destiny 2, because that was universally panned, but they scrambled to fix things and now it's sort of enjoyed I guess.

anthem however, instead of being fixed, is just having the devs complain that they can't work under this pressure, how everyone hates them, and how it's so hard.
so the game's gonna fail worse, and the people who want to enjoy it, will quit.

even fucking fallout 76 has people playing it. anthem doesn't. That goes to show how much it matters.

that's inhuman

A Single Player game with a Multiplayer component as well and DLC that was planned then canceled.


I really wonder what was the actual reason for Bungie getting away from Activision AND keeping their rights to Destiny.

>Can't work under this pressure
Which is why most of them have left EAware
>Everyone hates them
It's kinda true
>It's too hard
I wouldn't want to fucking work there trying to polish a turd like Anthem

Here's a food analogy for your bitch ass
>go to a restaurant
>order a steak
>the waiter brings you a mince-meat patty that smells like horseshit

"Waiter my order must've been mixed, this is not what the advertised meal looks like."
>"lol fuck you you're not entitled to criticize it"

>demand to speak to the chef
"What is the meaning of this? I specifically ordered a steak that was advertised to me. I am not content with this product and I can't tolerate all of these things that are wrong with it."
>chef is quiet
"Speak to me you imbecil, or I will take this to your manager"
>chef remains quiet
>several other customers appear, each who are shouting about their own individual negative experiences and issues
>Chef starts crying, blocks his ears and locks himself in the kitchen
>waiter comes over

nobody can handle criticism anymore

>your game is shit
It's just straight up bullying. People put thousands of hours to make this beautiful game.
It's not acceptable to stomp them down.

>Go to a restaurant you used to love
>people say it's not as good anymore since the new management took over
>Who cares what they said, Order a rare steak
>It's not cooked
>Stomp over to the tired chef who doesn't want to be there and scream at them for fucking up
>They apologize and offer to fix it for you
>Scream at them some more while they cook the steak, silently wishing you choke on it as you wolf it down like the fat shit you are
That sounds logical to me!

I can't hear you over that dick in your mouth, tranny

Realistically they bought their way out with the cash they'd earned from destiny 2. Other options are the game flopping lowered the value of the IP and bungie was able to run out (since they were never fully incorporated, only purchased)

That's what i read, that's why i'm here...

This one cunt on Yea Forums is absolutely destroying million dollar companies with this one simple criticism

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>don't engage
>don't get feedback
>game doesn't improve at all
>game dies

>go to restuarant
>order steak
>it arrives and its undercooked and I yell at the cook.

>for devs it isn't their job
>software development
>it's not their job to communicate with the client
yep that's why games are shit nowadays

It's funny because it started to become pretty popular for devs to talk shit towards fans then copout with "My personal twitter account doesn't represent the company". Not sure if that was the case for Bioware but that's what the internet has. People flinging shit at each other.

That's what made me respect a lot Reikon Games and give Ruiner a second chance. They actually listen to the fans even if sometimes they're a little bit blunt.

>Yell at cook for fucking up
>He doesn't want to talk to you while he's fixing your food
>WTF Why won't he talk to me anymore?

>the chef intentionally cooks up a lazy garbage 'steak' that is NOTHING compared to the one that was advetised
>customer is angry for a reason
>They apologize and offer to fix it out of sheer necessity and pressure from higher ups, all for the sake of their fucking careers, not for anyone else.
>they bring the customer the exact same dish but now with some pieces missing but brought with condiments like ketchup and pepper
>customer mentions this and is more pissed off

>the boss of the establishment is ripping the chefs a new one for being such fucking incompetent pieces of shit and dragging their reputation further in to the mud
>the investors of the restaurant start ripping the boss a new one for not making enough money

>but somehow customers are being too mean

>No fucking shit. Gamers can be some of the most entitled assholes ever. Why the hell would someone want to engage with spoiled shits who armchair game develop, as if content and features are as easy to make as a meme template.

>These games cost hundreds of millions of dollars and involve hundreds of people. A chucklefuck who thinks they know everything can fuck off.

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This is what happens when you let millennial pussies into your workplace.

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Why did you go to that restaurant though when everyone told you not to?

It's your fault for going and expecting gold out of garbage

Who said that and when?

> EA released half-backed game with lack of content
> Roasted by everyone and drawn in shit
> Ubisoft released half-backed game with lack of content
Guys, fuck you, kys plz guys.
Because you all here are just brainless mob that like to hate some studios.
You don't even know what objectivity is.

>passionate devs

these kinda guys don't have virtue signaling instagrams, 500+ friends on facebook and are often fat/ugly/socially akwkward
of course company like Bioware won't employ them

Maybe is Nu Devs stopped acting like shit and trying to bring politics into all their discussions, people wouldnt get angry.

There's a reason why US EEOC regulations require HR issues like politics to not be discussed at work. Makes people to volatile
>Inb4 Burgerland shitposting

>why would a dev team member take time away from working on the next update
Because it's your fucking job you stupid faggot. Besides it's their own fucking fault for alienating their old audience in favour of screeching social terrorists and their LGBTQ++ nonsense who ARE NEVER HAPPY NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO.

What if Bioware just stopped making games
It would make the industry better in the long run

>lose respect and trust of fans years ago
>being surprised when all communication is littered with doubtful inquiry and pessimism
Notice how smaller studios that run successful games don't have this problem whereas big corporate owned studios propped up by huge marketing sales do. Nigger companies force shit games and practices down normies throats then wonder why their players are so stupid. Chad studios grow on the merit

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Why would you buy Anthem knowing the shit reputation they got once DA2, ME3, DAI and Andromeda happened?

What the fuck were you expecting? You don't deserve to be angry for being so stupid.

Does nothing for the industry, now if EA died...

We're not entitled to criticize but they're entitled to our money?

Yes, shut the fuck up and pay you stupid white incel neckbeard virgin. The Bioware break room needs a noms refill and a new $30k coffee machine.

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>make shit, get shit
really makes you think huh

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God it must be sweet making shitty games, fucking your consumer up the ass, then making the case for not engaging angry consumers because their anus is sore from aforementioned anus fucking. Absolutely sweet.

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Of course! They spend 6 years and many manhours to make this BEAUTIFUL game! I mean so what if it feels incomplete, unoptimized? So what if damage numbers don't mean shit? Levels don't mean anything? Starting weapon and abilities are literally the strongest ones in the game due to bad scaling algorithm? Dev team can't do their own research on what others before it did wrong and don't seem to know what they want out of it to begin with? They worked hard on it! Look how pretty it is! They are entitled to our money!!111

>shit on your customers
>Force degeneracy on the people that made them what they are
>Be passive aggressive faggots that can't handle the remnants of their own community

This is the kind of shit you see kids cry about. This is the future we chose.

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>charge exorbitant amounts for a game whose demo corrupted hard drives and full game barely works anyway
>wow why is everyone angry, fucking entitled, toxic and problematic

A consequence of making your audience zoomers.

Didn't the community manager post this? That's literally his job, why are code monkeys doing his job for him?

When is segregation going to make a comeback? It's clear that that's what people want, tolerance is a dead practice.

I didn't choose it, I fought as hard as I could without ruining my own life in the process.

>Craptaku direct link

go fuck yourself


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


You deserve to lose that money!

>Coffee maker
Coffee is for overly masculine rage apes you toxic shitter. They clearly want tea

>"and allies!"
Every fucking time

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who gives a fuck what their community manager says? They're in the business of creating entertainment for MY enjoyment. I don't fucking care how they do it

On one hand I feel like Bioware absolutely deserves to get shit on, on the other I want people to shit on the correct people in bioware. I couldn't care any less then I currently do about managers at this company complaining about people being mean to them.

Putting the cuck back in Canuck.

Bioware is probably gonna die and they pretty much deserve

>corrupted hard drives of PC players
>Xbox and PS4 players having their consoles shut down
>a few even said that it bricked their consoles
>Sony volunteered to refund copies of Anthem and Sony FUCKING DESPISES REFUNDS
>community manager goes "yikes, stop complaining, that's toxic"

Criticism is important, its how shit gets made better, but if you're going on the bioware forums to just rage out like a spastic then you're doing it wrong. Hit em with the FACTS and LOGIC or bait people for everyone's amusement.

>Incompetency at upper management is a fucking impossible battle to win.
Fucking this. Its the entire reason why bioware has become a fucking travesty now, the lower level people in bioware have little to do with it.

10 year old mentality. No surprise though, every company always seem to hire CM's with personality disorders.

>"It's Bioware that's the problem, not EA"
You're all fucking morons, I'm outta here.

>Bioware California got axed
>Bioware Montral got raked
>the companies they bought like Waystone, Victory and Mythic all shut down
>Day of the Rake coming for Bioware Edmonton
>literally the only thing left is Bioware Austin, the TORtanic and Dragon Age team

The most self absorbed bait in this thread, kek

Anyone else find this picture unusually unsettling?

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Both are the problem Though I don't know why you'd defend Bioware unless you are a delusional DAOfag praying for a good game or Canadian.

I care. I want them to make a good product i will enjoy and they clearly cant because of their leadership

What's wrong with what he said though? It's not like he's asking Bioware to make games for free, he's a paying customer. Why the fuck should people give Bioware money for a substandard product? Why do they deserve free money for doing the absolute minimum of work?

>Before games released
>Listen to all this cool stuff about our game and what you can do
>after people buy it
>It wasnt cool at all and everything is broken
>Why are you all so mad we thought you enjoyed the cool stuff we told you

When you do shit work do you really feel good about it? Or are you at there as a Manger trying to shovel shit to people to keep your job around for another year or so until you can move on to a better project. When you work on a game you know EXACTLY how its turning out when you play test it. You may not see the bugs but you can see if its fun. I dont believe that anyone at bioware played this long term from beginning to end and said "I enjoyed the 60 hours i put into the game". I dont belive they played anything more than what needed to be tested for an hour and moved on.

>0% chance to make a 0 quality game with 0 improvements overtime
Damn scaling is broken.

yeah its customers fault their mad

>BioWare Community Says Anti-Community Decisions Make Community More Likely To Be Hostile

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>only constructive criticism works is allowed
Some times people need to vent that the product they had got hyped about was actually a bait and switch and they got lead instead of gold. In this case they got pure trash out of something that was over hyped from the start. not only that its Systemically broken. NOT ONLY THAT the changes they are making make me wonder if these people play games at all. When you fail so spectacularly as Bioware did, i am amazed someone hasn't sacrificed themselves and left the leadership yet. Were at near acts of god to save this game

Where the fuck do these companies get their community managers from anyway? I remember Mighty no.9's community manager dared people to refund the game, and then went fucking nuclear when people actually refunded the game.

>"and allies!"
What does this stands for?

>make a flying game with slow flying
>make a loot game where a no-skill level 1 gun is stronger than a level 40 legendary gun
>make a multiplayer game where the multiplayer isn't fun because someone can just show up and one-shot the final boss
>blame it on the customers

>Some times people need to vent
Sounds like a personal issue. Why do you think anyone is obligated to hear you dumping your emotional baggage on people?

If you bought this game at all you're a fucking idiot, pure and simple, and I have absolutely no sympathy for you. Every sign about this game was bad, and you retards are STILL willing to throw money at EA for making terrible products.

Wh*te M*en

make shit games, win shit prizes.
also you be sayin' opening gaming up to a more mainstream diverse crowd and targeting the lowest common denominator has ruined your sense of community? wow.

sexual predators

Celebrities and corporations need to literally stop interacting with their fanbase. Social media was a mistake and has ruined everything


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thing is, to work in this industry you have to be a snowflake so no wonder they can't deal with normal people

>Sounds like a personal issue. Why do you think anyone is obligated to hear you dumping your emotional baggage on people?
I wont disagree.but that wont stop people from doing it. More so if they are fanatics about a game. Echo chambers make it even better since you can just reinforce your hardship with other people instead of just moving on.

>decide you want to work at bioware
>oh no how could this happen to me

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>“Why would a dev team member take time away from working on the next update to post when they know it’s likely to be met with hostile replies, or they get flamed because [they] can’t answer other questions that players are asking?
Because they're fucking men with a job to get feedback about a produc-Oh, oh wait that's right they're not men are they? They're women. Whoops.

>Game fails
>Media cries the fanbase is toxic and mean and hurtful and kicked a puppy

Why is it always like this? Why does the failure of a game have to be the consumers' fault, and not the developers'?

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This 100%. "Entitled" millennials doesn't even begin to cover this. These precious babies are so adverse to negative criticism they can't even perform due diligence at their jobs.

Fire them all.

>Why is it always like this?

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I remember when the head of FFXIV publicly apologized and remade the entire thing into something workable.... is the west really that far gone?

If they are so easly offended by words then they should do a better job and think about the people that give them money instead of being greedy jews.

It’s not Yea Forums it’s gamers in general.

Imagine looking at post-ME3 Bioware and thinking "Ah yes. This is where I'm suited to work"

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>game is full price
>game has ingame purchases on top of that
>devs spent half a decade making the game
>devs released game in broken or unbalanced state
>players ask devs to fix the busted shit
>players are rightly upset that they are being expected to shell out loads of money for a product that isn't what they expected
>"whoa hold up we all make mistakes lets be civil lol!"

Have any of these babies ever worked a service industry job? I've seen cashiers get fucking punched over a frappucino not being perfect or grandma having a hysterical meltdown because she cant figure out how to connect her grandsons tablet to wifi. Faced with legitimate concerns in a fucking online forum these dumbasses retreat into their safe space. I can guarantee none of these snowflakes have ever had a job that wasn't cushy as fuck.

>get plenty of reasonable and constructive criticism
"we know better you entitled scum"
>as a result get shit on

These people deserve nothing. I'm glad they never got my money. Arrogant pricks

Eat shit Bioware faggots, your opinions on anything are worth fuckall. Nobody likes you and nobody cares. Drown your dogs, murder your kids, then kill yourselves. Fuckin retarded cunts.

This is really in the game, lol.

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What's hilarious is that they genuinely believe that social media following can only exist as a neutral or positive force with regard to their job and prospects. People will see the game, create buzz, discuss and draw more attention which can result in sales. Or,worst case scenario, do nothing. Leave things as it is. The people, the users, they can only exist insofar as they are mostly there to benefit their sales.
It's amusingly dawning on them that the opposite can, will and deliciously should happen too.
People using social media to fuck their shit up. Badly. Deny them their livelihood. Make them earn less. Actively encourage other people to question their content, their practices, their skills, simply because they weren't pleased. They don't own the internet. They don't own the platforms. Sure, they shut down their own forums, when it got obvious that more members were critical of them and negatively impacting their reception, but social media as a whole? Can't shut that down bitch. All those angry customers? There's too many. They're active users, twitter wants them. Sure, they can ban the
>I'm a rape your mother's corpse, faggot
crowd, but they know that's not the bulk of the people that'll fuck up their sales. Everyone and their mother shat on anthem.
Earn. Less. Bitches.

>criticism = harassment now
Twitter does this every time they've been pushed into a corner in a argument. Can't bullshit your way out of something anymore, cry harassment, cry fake death threats, everyone will jump on your side at the snap of your fingers.

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What the fuck is the point? They aren't making good games. Just fucking churn out the shit EA tells you to do and stop giving a fuck about what people say. You aren't here to make good games, you are here to make political statements and skinnerbox garbage. That's it.

Attached: Would+love+to+see+glorious+leader+nude+_e7ca617813bd5ff86cacb5e5dc33533f.jpg (350x358, 47K)

>release game that is completely and utterly shit
>has a million and one problems
>community constantly finds horrendously broken stuff on it (like how the stat system basically lies to you)
>become the laughing stock of the entire gaming industry
>consumers are angry
>suddenly, an article comes out alleging harassment against the game's devs and crying about how angry and mean everyone is being towards them

Is this going to become a common tactic in the future? Whenever you massively fuck up, just say you received death threats and harassment until an online media publication believes it and publishes a story on it so that people forget how shitty your game is and divert attention away from imt?

Negativity is what you end up with when you've squandered all the consumer goodwill that was built up by people who don't even work at your company anymore.

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>biodrones still existing

Thought they'd be an extinct species by now

Does Bioware really even have anything left to say though? Isn't it about time EA took them behind the shed.

Fucking kek