Stupid/autistic reasons you refuse to play certain games

Stupid/autistic reasons you refuse to play certain games

>Civilization: Can't handle seeing immortal George Washington found the American Empire in 6000 BCE while building stonehenge
>Europa Universalis: Battles being determined by literal dice rolls

Attached: 1551776614416.jpg (770x960, 107K)

The second one isn't that austistic of a reason.

>NBA 2K19 : it has black people

someone explain this pic, how is that possible?

Whenever I bring it up in a Paradox related thread I get told to fuck off by everyone

>EU4 Battles won by diceroll
Prussian discipline would like a word with you.

Attached: prussian pooh.jpg (400x464, 57K)

>Autists on Yea Forums get mad you don't like their favourite game
You shouldn't be surprised at this point. I used to play Paradox games a lot and I think it's fine for the RNG elements to turn you off, most people just savescum to get good RNG anyway.

Attached: 1548635507335.png (1009x939, 763K)

They were holding blanks books when they took the shot. Afterwards the shot was photoshopped onto the blank books.

Minecraft: I like the idea of living off the land

that's autistic desu

my guess would be
>make a picture with only white book
>put the picture on the book
>make second picture with the same pose while holding book with the first picture where they hold only the white book
>make a third picture to make it look less suspicious, to hide the fact that they were holding a white book in the first picture

It's not the same book you idiots, the girl in yellow isn't on the cover, it's a previous years edition.

fire emblem (awakening and it's ilk): can't into the meta shipping and too into minmaxing to not

Morrowind: It's not fully voice acted
Terraria: It's 2D
Overwatch and Apex Legends: They have named characters instead of classes but don't have a campaign mode or anything IN THE GAME to explain them.

>he cant handle nor strategize for a potential outcome

user, she literally is on the cover

I just don't fucking like video games

fuck video games.
except kenshi, its good.

How else would you simulate combat without having to add some sort of Total War aspect to EU4?

Anything 2D, it's an inferior genre/mechanic that should have died years ago but is now kept alive by faux nostalgia faggots

that's even more autistic than the other one
I wonder how someone came up with the idea to take a pic of a book cover and have people hold the same book in the book cover

Hmmmmmm, how else could it work? I mean eu battles

I'm not against RNG itself just the actual physical representation of die in the game itself.

she herself is holding the proof of the she not wearing yellow while wearing on the previous year edition holding white you fucking moron

The poses on the book they’re holding and the one we see are slightly different. And all of their arms are covering the book the people in the book are holding.

it's yellow, it's a bad picture


okay, let's play pretend and say you're right.

Why did they get everyone else to wear the exact same clothes and do the exact same poses?

Guy wearint white has his head turned a little more to the right on the book. Girl wearing green is holding the book more to her chest (hence all that white). Guy in the black has no white on him.

Reminder that the Allies genocided Prussia

she's wearing a yellow shirt on the book. it's just the white book that makes it look like that. the quality is poor so your mistake is understandable.

Reminder that Teutons genocided Prussians

OK guys, enough with the picture, stay on topic.

Any denuvo protected game. Because it has denuvo.

Good, remember what happens when you mutts try to invade real white man territory.

It's a photoshopped stock photo. They weren't even holding blank books, those were shopped on too. This wasn't planned, the guy designing the cover was just having a laugh.

Attached: testdhfdgjdf.jpg (960x1024, 122K)

>college prep

This image should be higher quality so you can see infinitely repeating book cover

aw that's disappointing I feel like I got scammed

Name a good 3D platformer

>those pants
how old is that photo?

Female protagonists.

Attached: 1552296050471.jpg (728x546, 56K)


fuck off

Every time I see a recursive imagine I wonder where the fixed point is.

But that's not stupid or autistic at all.

>bloatware that puts people off buying the game in the first place
denuvo only creates pirates

No tomb raider?
No bayonetta?
No perfect dark?
No metroid?
You're missing out

They harnessed the power of time travel, abusing it to sell more textbooks

You mean Teutons.