Do you play fighting games?

Do you play fighting games?

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Yup, I play several.

Trying to decide if I should keep my VLX as is or change it into a hitbox

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No, I'm not low IQ

Can you impregnate vampires?

I hope so

nah i hate that shit, i like playing games where I can blame my teammates or RNG for my failures

>Liking feet
But they smell

Any of ya'll coming to CEO?

>shilling your patreon on Yea Forums
fuck off

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This. They're also deforned hands.

I just like cute feet.

imagine the smell

Wash them.

yes but not on steam or consoles , the fightcade community is huge here (southamerica) while other games 100% of the time die on steam or consoles in this region to this day i can play constantly old kofs , sf, samsho etc even fucking mario kart 64 with decent amount of players

Not if you clean them. Which you should.

Oh God, I want to suck some toes right now.

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>But they smell

Name a body part that doesn't smell you fucking halfwit.

>steal modelss
>make one pose and reuse it with other stolen model
>give me money pls

Posting pic with patreon link should be bannable offense desu.

fighting games are just re-skinned rhythm games

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That's the best part

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They're undead so probably not


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nah, it smells

The fuck? King only ever talks in Jaguar growls


I thought he was a cheetah

No, I just fap to the characters. That's all they're good for, aside from watching stuff like Evo. Shit's boring otherwise

Is that a nipple?

I fuckin' love fighting games

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I can understand if they're not your thing but if you've never had the satisfaction of totally reading a motherfucker like a book and completely shutting them down then I can see why you would think they are boring.

vampires aren't actually undead, even if they were dead for a while

I wish I could learn how to use Eliza properly. I love to play with her but I get raped online everytime by other people so I have to resort to use lucky Cloe.

Well you won't get better if you keep falling back to Chloe.

What are you having trouble with?

>literally no one playing beginner rank on Tekken
Why is this allowed?