Download CS after 3 years

>Download CS after 3 years
>Silver inc
>Wallbang some common spots, headshot nubs and use my hearing
>Overwatch banned
Nice game fags

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why do people talk about this game
go play apex normalfag

don't lie user, smurfs are common in csgo

itt lies

If only every smurf was banned.

Even S1imple cant carry at gold nova

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>playing counter strike

Yeah, sometimes one person can't win by himself - when I played on novas due to inactivity sometimes I couldn't win despite having great k/d ratio. But it good player can give big impact to the team, you surely won't argue that stack of 5 gold novas will have the same winrate as 4 gold novas + pro player.

Are fortnite or apex kind of kid?

but its comfy. You can just hold corners all day

but theres no decent fps that isn't milsim or got moba'd other than cs in two thousand and nineteen

There are and CSGO isn't even close to decent anyway.


well then, lets hear it nigger



what's wrong with it?

>prefiring tight angle : the game

>use hacks
>get banned


i dont really get how that's different from csgo

>I'm a shitter and hate competition

>I'm a 15 year old kid and think mashing right/left lean 100 times a second makes me pro

you rarely prefire some shitty tight angle. mostly just holding off-angle these days
>siege babbys
>thinks his game is actually competitive
oh lawd

I love some CS 1.3
Any one here rember the -=[ THC ]=- fast knifes server.... Well this is thc. MeAt-WaD speaking

he didnt hack you nigger

henlo were are de broofs :DDDD

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>you rarely prefire some shitty tight angle. mostly just holding off-angle these days
so what's the difference?

he gets triggered by certain angles

>kill an enemy
>they call you garbage
But you died!?!?

Teenagers with a short fuse that can't seem to wrap their head around why they died.