The PC has had no good exclusives in over a decade

The PC has had no good exclusives in over a decade.

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Consoles have had no definitive versions of any multiplat in forever.



Frogposting has been forced and a shit meme for over a decade.

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But we do have Halo.

exclusives are meaningless when you aren't poor

DWARF CHAD FORTRESS will have a word with you, OP

exclusives are not indicator for anything other than the greed of the corporations
you think they make exclusives to please you? they make exclusives to make the most amount of money
they dont give a shit about you

Based, Fuck poorfags.

Sure. Makes me wonder why so many pc versions of games are buggy and run like shite.

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certain games are only truly playable only in PC
(battlefield, far cry, cities skylines, vermintide, witcher, for honor etc)

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Such as?
That's right, sit your bitch ass down, beta incel.


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True, pclardasses somehow enjoy their faggy tranny-developed pixelshit early access survival+craft """games"""" enough to spend $10000 to play them.

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>mfw idort and no good exclusives in over a decade on any platform

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Try not having a shit pc, poorfag.

B-BUT WE DO HAVE LEAGUE..............


I liked Factorio and Starsector

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Victoria 2 as well.

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>witcher 3
>dark souls 2
check, m8

Imagine unironically thinking that.

but every non-exclusive is better on PC so it's the better overall platform. It's great to have the consoles to dust off for the good exclusives once a year though

I love consoles

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Remember how awful Arkham knight ran when it was released? On console it looked and ran amazingly.

He'll even ff13 ran like bum on pc. Can't even run a fucking corridor game correctly.

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Fuck meant to link onnly the image

And those both were easily fixed with either updates or community patches.
Could you do the same for consoles? Yeah, you can't.

Rimworld, Factorio, CDDA, every Total War game, Hearts of Iron 3, every paradox game, Underrail, Counter Strike Global Offensive
Modding and emulation, just to name a few things

I don't have a pc. Wouldn't waste my time or money.

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Snas undertale

true, pclardasses spend $100000 to play video games and developers still don't give a shit about those mentally-ill trannies

Arkham Knight is literally still broken. Even after they pulled it from Steam. PC games are a fucking joke.

Wrong, stop getting your information from shitposts retard

>literally linking reddit
holy fuck