Post your dumbest video game conspiracy theory

post your dumbest video game conspiracy theory

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Polybius was real.

gaben is waiting for full immersion vr before he releases half life 3

That Yea Forums is run by a Chinese

Nintendo breeds corporate zealots that unironically defend and worship people in the company, like Sakurai or Masuda

wojaks are reddit memesoh wait they are and they also aren't video games so fuck off

Quiet was always meant to be Chico but they changed it when people figured it out and laughed at it, and changed Quiet’s whole backstory to suit.

Link is actually dead in Majoras Mask.

shills exist

People arbitrarily dislike games if it's not on their favorite console and pretend they played the game when they complain about it.

This is retarded

>video game conspiracies
>not vidya related
How do you go through life being so retarded

kill yourself wojak autist and learn to read

The image is irrelevant you stupid nigger.

Starcraft was pitched to GW as a 40k game but they turned it down

hes some autisti, he would like it more if the image was some tf2 gif

small brain, Warcraft was the Warhammer game, Starcraft was just a logical progression (and it's based on Starship Troopers anyway)

I think video games are being used to distract the larger population from more important things going on around them that they could interfere with if they were more aware.

The larger population are more distracted with SnapBookGram and taking gay pictures of their doggos.

Yeah because vide game playing manchildren are such a threat

OP said dumbest

>trucks of peace
couple hundred
dozens, maybe a hundred
You just care compare knifes and trucks to the power, concealable nature of firearms.
>what if we want more children to die in mass shootings?
Hey dont look at me, I live in aus, specifically WA with the strictest gun laws and I applause anyone mowing down others. Less CO2 that way, pic related
Its the bad arguments I can't stand; that more guns solves gun violence.

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Bullying the weird kid into suicide is the normal method of removing a future criminal from society. Access to guns has disrupted this.
You seem to have disrupted the natural order as well seeing as you haven't killed yourself yet. You should probably kill yourself in penance.

>Allow people to own forks
>Highest Fork massacre rate
But do watch this you dumbass

woah calm down sperg

Your deflection doesn't undo the fact that gun owners are white niggers and can't be trusted to use their weapons of murder correctly.

There are female stalkers in clear sky, but they appear only while you are at swamps and you must throw 3 bolts exactly at 22:00 to the water next to the church

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BASED and youtubepilled

I don't really have a video game based one, but I mulled this over in my head last night:

Captain Marvel is just Revenge of the Sith from Anakin's point of view.

Game file size is nowdays ridicolously large on purpose because developers fight for console HDD space

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Bloated filesizes exist because when a game makes up your entire harddrive, you are less likely to play a different game. When your bloated game runs on micro-transactions, it means guaranteed money.

Yeah, that's the conspiracy i was referring to