GoW4 ruined the series

Just finished this game and it's a total step back from GoW 1-3.

> Awkward behind-the-back camera throughout the whole game.
> Slow, prodding pace with stupid Uncharted tier climbing of walls and navigating the world via boat for 5 minutes a pop while nothing happens.
> No cinematic action of taking down legendary monsters and gods.
> Kratos lost all of his edge and just says "BOY" 9,000 times.
> You're an immortal who survived being impaled in the stomach but after about 20 years later Kratos suddenly ages and gets fat.
> Game misses the opportunity to explore Norse mythology in the main storyline, and instead makes a Baldur/Freya analogue to Ares/Zeus.

The series was built around being a badass Spartan warrior that can take on dozens of soldiers and destroy oversized beasts. Now he's just a brooding old man who has trouble taking on multiple people because of that damn axe and shitty camera angle.

The game didn't even feel remotely like GoW until you pick up the blades of chaos 2/3 the way through the game. Even then, the behind-the-back camera makes fighting hoardes of enemies awkward and less fun than previous installments.

Overall a decent game but not nearly as good as GoW 1 or GoW 3.

Attached: god of war4.jpg (220x220, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The Nu-GoW is a quintessential example of
>mature games 4 mature gamerz like myself!

Nah, God of War 1-3 were shitty, mindless action games. GoW 2018 isn’t perfect, but it’s the only good God of War game to date.

> Nah, God of War 1-3 were shitty, mindless action games

That was the point of the series. It's fine that you didn't like them, but instead of making a faux sequel create a new title.

Also, GoW 1-3 created beat-em-ups in an age where cinematic gameplay like Nu-GoW was king. For me, it was refreshing to play a no-nonsense game that put you in the thick of the action 95% of the time.

Can't say I don't agree. I'd always known GoW as an action game with endless killing and brutal action gameplay but I bought the reboot a couple weeks ago and the whole father/son thing is boring as fuck and I'm not a fan of the narrative based design

>Overall a decent game but not nearly as good as GoW 1 or GoW 3.
unironically this

The father/son thing wasn't that much of a problem so much as it was very poorly done from a storytelling perspective.

If Kratos wasn't such a brooding ashamed asshole, he could have been teaching his son how to become a great warrior, even without having to divulge his past as a brutal murderer. You know, bringing up his son with some Spartan value in the Norwegian world.

Instead it's just "...BOY..." all the time.

so far my problems with GoW IV were all written down (except this guy)
however the repetitive enemies bothered me through the whole game, especially the bosses
>ogre (which is basically a smaller troll and later gets demoted to a sub-boss)
>fairy king (which is literally just a fairy but with more health and a little taller)
>two trolls
overall I liked GoW I more and GoW III is still the best in the series

Literally the only problem is lack of enemy variety. If they would've come up with more creative ways to fight bosses instead of recoloring trolls then the game would actually be a 10/10

Completely agreed

GoW 2 and 3 are masterpieces that will be remembered and replayed forever. The linear, flat, awful level design of nu-GoW, the auto-movement combat, the OTS camera, and the awful RPG-lite mechanics and padding will make it age fucking horribly

I felt legit betrayed by this new god of war game. With more game franchises i simply move on if I get bored or it stops being made. I truly loved the God of war formula despite problems. God of war 2 was a fucking masterpiece my god Yea Forums I never felt so hyped for a video game like that in my life. It lived up to it and more.

This new god of war just isn't what I wanted and it hurts.

Attached: 1515563217960.jpg (423x600, 41K)

forgot Magni and Modi, which was actually a good boss fight

That's pretty much what I meant by my criticism that the game fails to more fully explore Norse mythology in the main story.

I think that the developers were purposefully trying to avoid having appearances by Thor and Odin to save them for sequels, and in doing so were limited in the amount of mythological bosses that they could put into the game. I could be off on this though as I'm no expert on Norse mythology.

I forgot to mention low enemy variety buthas my back. Although I'd add that it's not even just trolls but regular enemies. Remember how hectic GoW2 would get when you'd have sirens, minotaurs, AND undead soldiers to fight? fucking hell

>b...but you have blue AND red undead soldiers to fight at the same time!!!
mother fucker GoW 4 was so fucking disappointing
I'll admit that yeah this was a good boss fight but it's one of the only good parts of the entire game

Atreus was CUTE

Attached: 1529089047274.jpg (690x854, 74K)

>thick of the action %95 of the time

Wow that's funny I seen to recall a lot of playtime being block pushing puzzles and slow crossing balance beams.

you recall wrong. That was like 20% of the games.

I feel like lesser enemies are okay. They are varied in action, but not in looks (lava guys and their variants, and flying guys and their variants are the only ones that come to mind) but trolls? fuck trolls. There's a bajillion mini bosses in the original trilogy and they were pretty diverse in mechanics

More like saved the series. It's the highest rated and most popular entry, after years of stagnation. It even won GOTY over Rockstar's big once-every-5-years release.

agreed, game would have worked better if it wasn't a god of war game

Just to add, I feel like this is becoming a trend with high end games that focus on presentation or graphics. REmake 2 also had to cut enemies like spiders and shit and I feel like these super realistic graphics come at a cost of creative liberty. Same reason I think nemesis will be nerfed in the inevitable REmake 3; game will be too realistic to have him run and jump everywhere and actually being powerful


I've never saved a wojak but imagine I'm posting one of the dumb ones.

yeah due to this GoW IV gave me GoW I vibes in the lack of enemy variety
even though in GoW I's case I realized it after playing GoW II
in GoW IV's case, it grinded my gears through the entire second half of the game

GOW 4 is supposed to mainly be a standalone story that centers around Kratos and Arteus (sort of like what Logan was to the overall X-men franchise) and its better that way because the story becomes tighter and the themes actually connect to each other (like family).

>It's the highest rated and most popular entry
I bet you think Witcher 3 is the best in the series

It's just a lot harder to make and especially animate lots of enemies when your game has really good graphics and animation. They have to be consistent with the quality seen everywhere else in the game so nothing can be skimped

You're talking out of your ass.

> GoW 1 sold over 4 million copies.
> GoW 3 sold over 5 million copies on PS3, which wasn't even as popular as the Xbox360 in that generation.

People ate up GoW 4 because they were expecting more of the awesomeness that was in GoW 3 and the PS4 is the dominant system of this generation.

Also, you do realize that sales of sequels in entertainment are heavily dependent on the reputation of the preceding entry, right?

Based and actually-played-the-game pilled

And here is where the problem lies: sacrifing gameplay for graphics, which is what AAA games seem to be too content in doing.
Fucking hell, Barlog even admitted they cut out bosses. Glad we got more walking segments with Kratos and Atreus where all we get to do is look at the footprints we leave in the snow, though, right?

>GOW 4 is supposed to mainly be a standalone story that centers around Kratos and Arteus (sort of like what Logan was to the overall X-men franchise) and its better that way because the story becomes tighter and the themes actually connect to each other (like family).

Except the game simply doesn't work as a stand-alone story due to the way its narrated. There are subtle references to previous GoW games that you wouldn't understand unless you played each entry in the series. Scenes like Kratos picking up the Blades of Chaos, Athena appearing in ghost form, the image of Kratos fighting Zeus...none of those scenes make any sense in the context of ONLY playing GoW 4. To work as a stand-alone, at some point Kratos would have to come clean about his back-story of how he was a spartan warrior, how he became the God of War, etc. Kratos tells Atreus that they're gods but never what they are gods of.

Instead you get like two lines:

"I made a deal with a god. It cost me my soul."

Wow. Good synopsis there.

I think that this is done on purpose in order to get people who didn't play GoW 1-3 to go back and play them (the ability to look up youtube videos notwithstanding).

The other direction the game could have gone to be a stand-alone is to make 0 references to the first 3 games. Like, none whatsoever.

So if GoW 4 is a stand-alone story, it fails miserably.

The game still has great gameplay though. They started from scratch, and now that they've got the system built and in place, they can focus the entire next game on creating a many more assets like enemies, areas and combat animations.
And IMO the graphics really add a lot to the experience

Attached: GOW.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

There is NOTHING in GoW4 that needs extrapolating on for it to be enjoyed as a standalone story. I would struggle to even call it a sequel, it's a soft-reboot, the player gets the impression he has a past he is not proud of, the fact that he is A) Spartan and B) a God C) Killed gods himself and D) the son of zeus is literally outright stated within the dialogue of the game itself. If you cannot use the information get the gist of his backstory as a new player, then you're either stupid of willfully attempting to find faults with the game.

It's too bad that battles are separated by 30-45 minutes of climbing walls, listening to Kratos say "boy", and paddling around a fucking lake.

This, the combat is fun but everything in between is sleep inducing. There's no interesting level design or puzzles like in say zelda.

>great gameplay
your webm demonstrates this though
>one auto aim ranged attack
>a second auto aim ranged attack
>a parry including a slow-down window to make it look ebin cool and ensure that you aren't too slow to counter attack
>stunlocking enemies for the rest
looks like shit to me.

Not really

>like in say zelda.

i think the climbing sections are loading screens

there can be big gaps like that (more like 5-10 minutes) travelling between areas or watching story cutscenes, but once you get into an area you usually fight like 7 or 8 battles in quick sequence there, only separated by bits of climbing around and doing puzzles. The dialog doesn't stop you or make you walk 99% of the time

The level design in gow 1 and 3 wasn't interesting

> There is NOTHING in GoW4 that needs extrapolating on for it to be enjoyed as a standalone story.

That's not true. Kratos's character makes no sense in the context of just GoW 4. The story needs extrapolating because we never find out why Kratos isn't proud of his past. You only know that because you've played the other games, which center on Kratos escaping his bond to Ares due to being tricked into killing his own family, and eventually overcoming a conflict with the Gods of Olympus.

Nowhere in GoW 4 does the game tell you that you killed your former wife and children. That's entirely where Kratos's sadness and regret comes from, and his character only makes sense if you know that prior to playing GoW 4.

So aside from the fact that changing GoW into a narrative-based franchise is a turn for the worse, GoW 4 doesn't even do it well.

The series ruined itself by being repetitive trash
I bought all 3 or 4 games at once and got bored halfway through the second one. It needed a reboot with a twist or painless death. Reboot did fine with sales and reviews.

Fuck off GoW1-3 was a tired, shallow DMC ripoff. GoW 2018 isn't perfect but it was honestly a pretty refreshing take on the series.

It was basically Zelda with a unique combat system. The game is 90% action so the whole "movie game" argument and comparisons to uncharted are pretty stupid.

You never liked the series to begin with and thus your opinions are disregarded.

Attached: 1517834968286.jpg (944x606, 70K)

Those are manually-aimed ranged attacks. Aim assist is an optional thing. Also that enemy was one inch away from cutting his foot but the slamming axe-recall move made him jump out of the way; he wasn't stun-locked

I've enjoyed the first one

>The level design in gow 1 and 3 wasn't interesting

I disagree. GoW 1 and 3 utilize dynamic backgrounds to keep the action going, like when you are fighting on the Titans.

>That's not true. Kratos's character makes no sense in the context of just GoW 4. The story needs extrapolating because we never find out why Kratos isn't proud of his past. You only know that because you've played the other games, which center on Kratos escaping his bond to Ares due to being tricked into killing his own family, and eventually overcoming a conflict with the Gods of Olympus.

Those gaps definitely last an hour. I know this because I typically only get about an hour a day to play vidya if that and I've gone multiple complete sessions in GoW 4 without encountering a single enemy.

Here is a literal direct quote from the game

>I am from a land called sparta I killed many people that deserved it and many that didnt

There are constant allusions to his killing gods, his being "monster" and his past. If you think that the narrative of the game would have been improved by a full breakdown of the previous 3 games you have no idea how story telling works, sorry.

I could not finish GOW1 because of the awful platforming. I said "fuck this" at that stupid Pillar of Hades or whatever right before the end. I don't know wtf they were thinking with putting that shit in an action game; I died 500 times more often to falls and traps than I did any enemies

Except Kratos doesn't give two shits about the fact that he killed Gods. He's sad because he killed his own fucking family.

If you think that "killing many that did not" = "I killed my own family out of bloodlust for victory in battle" are equivalent, then you have no appreciation for detail in character and storytelling.

Video game oscarbait.

Didn't say I didn't like them, just that they were poor imitations of better games.

If GoW4 came out like 3 but with Vikings. It would've been mediocre trash forgotten about in a week. GoW was something pretty unique though and even though I don't think it deserved goty or anything, it was top 5 atleast and by far the best game in the series.

I thought there he was talking about how he basically destroyed his entire homeland and killed everyone in it when he killed his father. Greece was in ruins at the end of GOW3

> If you think that the narrative of the game would have been improved by a full breakdown of the previous 3 games you have no idea how story telling works, sorry.

This is all you know by *just* playing GoW 4:

> Through 90% of the game, Kratos is a character from some foreign land. This is eventually revealed to be Sparta in the game's ending.
> He's got pale skin despite being Greek, a strange tattoo, and multiple scars. You have no idea why.
> About halfway through the game, he tells you he's a god. God of what? Who the hell knows. Presumably the God of War, since that's the game's title.
> Wait, he's the god of war...doesn't that make him immortal? Then why is he old and fat? Well, at least that explains why he has some battle scars...wait, he's a god, why does he have scars again?
> You have a son with a woman who just died. Apparently Kratos hates or resents his son, and all he can do is tell him that he's not ready and come down on him by saying "BOY."
> He's got these weird blades buried under his floor. Why are they significant?
> Athena appears as a ghost. There's some allusion that Kratos served Athena. How does that make him the God of War if Athena was the goddess of wisdom?

The only way to connect and fully make sense of everything that occurs is if you've played the previous GoW entries.

Mind you, you're the one claiming GoW 4 is a "stand-alone" reboot. My point is that it's not. There are multiple allusions throughout the game to the previous entries in the series that ONLY make sense if you've played all of the games. For GoW 4 to be a stand-alone story, these would have to be more clearly fleshed out in GoW 4 itself, or all references to Kratos's past would have to be eliminated.

I think you're making a HUGE jump to say his character "make no sense" because the specific detail that he killed his wife and children is never explicitly stated, especially when so much of the rest of his past is clearly laid out for the player, and we do get the information that he killed his father, considering the whole theme of the game is the Father/Son relationship and Kratos not leading Atreus down the same path of vengeance and suffering he did, but whatever.

>Then why is he old and fat?

Kratos was ripped as fuck.

Then go play 1-3. God damn.

God of War prior to GOOOOODS was never really a stellar series and it didn't really have that dedicate cult fanbase that DMC has so it didn't hurt them to re-invent the series.

As GoW currently stands, the subtle references to the previous entries aren't the issue. The issue is that the game relies on narrative and character development, but Kratos doesn't really grow throughout the journey. The game would have worked much better if the revelation about being Spartan occurred with the revelation that Kratos and Atreus are gods, and Kratos starts teaching Atreus some of the good aspects of Spartan values like hard work and discipline throughout the rest of their journey, without the emphasis on warfare and killing.

Instead Atreus turns into a shithead for a while, then suddenly comes to his senses for apparently no reason whatsoever. Meanwhile, Kratos never overcomes brooding in denial of what he is enough to be a real father to his son. He never grows or develops throughout the game.

>"stand-alone" reboot

Genuinely never said this. It's a soft-reboot, which means it marks a new direction for the series and can be an entry point for new players that can stand on its own, but retains continuity from previous entries. If it was a full reboot Krato's history in Sparta would just not exist.

>Wow that's funny I seen to recall a lot of playtime being block pushing puzzles and slow crossing balance beams.
Still more interesting than the puzzles in nu-GoW, a game where you can't even jump freely and where climbing is on rails and impossibel to fail.

I mean, Kratos killing his own family is why the character even exists in the first place. It's the moment that set the entire franchise in motion, up to and including GoW 4.

And there's not really a lot of his past 'clearly laid out for the player.' His past is hinted at, and it's only clear to you because you're familiar with the story.

You used the words stand-alone. You're splitting hairs now. Bottom line is that GoW 4's story doesn't stand alone. You need to be familiar with the storyline from the other games in order to understand and appreciate the nuance in GoW 4's story.

My girlfriend watched me play this entire game and was engaged from beginning to end without the context of previous games, I think you're underestimating how engaging a story-telling device "mysterious past" can be, for new players uncovering bits of Kratos' past is part of the experience, for GoW vets having the context makes the experience richer. I'm going to stop calling you an idiot and being being difficult, but I really think the way the narrative is laid out here can be effective for new players and people with experience with the old games simultaneously.

I didn't play the first three, and I understood Kratos just fine, so you're wrong.

> Similar to Logan

Uhh, Logan was set in a post-apocalyptic world where mutants are almost extinct, and Logan is trying to survive in old age while taking care of a demented Professor X.

GoW 4 is set in Norway where Kratos is an emotional wreck trying to hide from his past as the god of war and can never come to terms with it even by the game's end.

The two storylines, motivation of the characters, and overall themes are nowhere near each other. The only thing remotely similar is that the main characters are each taking care of children.

Also, Logan is actually good and has character development.

It literally stands alone, that doesn't mean it totally writes off the continuity of previous entries.

> One girl was able to watch her bf play the game so that means the story is stand alone.

I'm sorry, but that's not a good criteria to argue that a story stand alone.

> Kratos lost all of his edge and just says "BOY" 9,000 times.
> You're an immortal who survived being impaled in the stomach but after about 20 years later Kratos suddenly ages and gets fat.
Good, Kratos only got worse as a character in the second and third game. From what I been able to gather this game fixes that

That's literally what 1-Ascension were, dumbass. 4 reworked the series for the best, if you don't like it you're LITERALLY a plebe.

Let me help, this is the part you should focus on:

>I think you're underestimating how engaging a story-telling device "mysterious past" can be, for new players uncovering bits of Kratos' past is part of the experience, for GoW vets having the context makes the experience richer.

that's not level design and you're just showing your ignorance

every gow game has trash level design

The first game was written like a Greek tragedy and got a lot of things right in terms of writting, but it only went downhill from there.

Did you even play the game or did you watch some shitty playthrough on youtube? He accepts he can move on, that's the whole fucking point. He realizes he doesn't have to suffer for past mistakes, because he's a better man now. Balder's character is what Kratos used to be, you have to be an absolute brainlet to not understand GOW4. I know this place is retarded but holy fuck

Not him but the new gow can be a stand alone entry because the narrative is done so that all characters are as clueless as you about kratos' past so everything is shrouded in mystery. You learn about his shit as the rest of the cast does
If you know the story, you see shit like the jar, zeus and all that and clap like an american, but if you don't know about it then you're constantly being fed pieces of his past and see the similarities to the present story

GoW2 had the best level puzzle sequences between fights.

It was giant tetris blocks, this is the nostalgia that GOW1-3 fags remember so well

Attached: tetris blocks.jpg (480x360, 10K)

>Also, GoW 1-3 created beat-em-ups in an age where cinematic gameplay like Nu-GoW was king
God of War was considered bottom of the barrel and only played by normies because it was rated M for everything under the sun. They all released in a time when Ninja Gaiden, Shinobi, and DMC were relevant. The whole cinematic started with God of War 3, with it's minimalist hud. God of War also popularized QTEs to keep players engaged with cutscenes. You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about, and saying it was good because you could turn your brain off is the worst compliment you could ever give to any piece of media.

Attached: 1550449762993.gif (500x473, 3.77M)

Its similar in the sense that while both are set in a fictional world with shit like superpowers or powers and a full history behind said universe, Logan and GOW4 are pretty grounded and small scale compared to previous entries in their respective series, so no saving the world shit or murder everyone in the pantheon, just a few characters technically dealing with their personal issues and not doing anything too ambitious

I bet my left nut nostalgia fags that are shilling for old GoW were the ones that shat on it because it was basic as fuck and compard them to devil may cry
I can almost guarantee it

>uhhh... wow logan and gow similar well GoW didn't even have magneto so...

Seriously? Fuck.

Attached: BEN DON'T.png (74x238, 42K)

What you said had nothing to do with what I said

This is bullshit because God of War was one of the top selling games on the PS2 if not THE top selling game. It also got like five PSP sequels and numerous collections released.

Anyone that thinks this franchise was not a fucking powerhouse in the PS2\PSP era is delusional.

>Logan was set in a post-apocalyptic world where mutants are almost extinct
Not really, Logan was set in a normal world where all the mutants has died out.

He is boring as fuck in this game. He is so family and female friendly now.

>Awkward behind-the-back camera
This alone ruins everything for me. It makes sense for shooters to have that look like RE4 but for a melee game it doesn't make any fucking sense

If that's what it takes to improve the character then I will take it

Stop being such an incel.

But he's on a soap opera level of characters now.

And if that makes him a better character then what we saw in God of War 2 & 3 then I'm glad that's the case.

> GoW1: 11th best selling PS2 game
> GoW2: 14th best
> GoW3: 10th best selling PS3 game

There are a lot of repeat entries for series, if you condense them by franchise it becomes:

> GoW 1 and 2: 7th best selling franchise
> GoW 3: 7th best selling franchise

Just to be clear, my post was not trying to say that GoW was unsuccessful. It was very successful. But the top 5 games in the PS2 era sold over 10 million copies. So far, only Horizon Zero Dawn on PS4 has topped 10 million.

>If that's what it takes to improve the character then I will take it

The improvement on Kratos in GoW 4 is lost potential because he never develops over the course of the game. The Kratos that is so ashamed of his past in the beginning that he can't even be an adequate father is the same Kratos that is so ashamed of his past at the end that can't even be an adequate father.

That's what makes Kratos "boring" in GoW 4 - he never develops and grows as a character.

Also, paddling around a fucking lake. Anyone who thinks paddling around a fucking lake belongs in any video game other than fishing should be shot. And it's not like the warps work any faster because you have to wait 5 minutes for the next area to load.

God of War was never good.

Attached: 1527876027666.png (631x544, 442K)

>It was basically Zelda with a unique combat system
I fucking wish


All the old God of Wars games were boring as fuck. This is the only good God of War game imo

This was true until the 2018 game came out.

>poorly paced sequel bait

and you base this buttfucking retarded opinion on what?

>Dad Simulator
don't worry user he'll come back from the store some day

Ive been saying this since its first trailer
if i had to choose between either 3 or 4 i would take 3 any day

why do people always refer to god of war 1, 2 and 3 but never include ghost of sparta and chains of olympus even though they are direct sequels in the series?

Nintenshills are getting tiresome crying so much about GOW, RE2R, DMCV, KH3

infinity war reference!!

Attached: Shattered Gauntlet of Ages.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)



GOW was a greek tragedy very akin to classic greek tales showing the struggle of a man(or demigod) defying the whim of the gods , that are cruel and selfish. Under all that mindless rage Kratos is actually a tormented figure that lost everything important to him due to his mistakes and the also the selfishness of the gods, which is why revenge was everything he got. Nu gow is atleast trying to move Kratos forward, he consumed his revenge he killed his father, and for what? To be left with nothing, he wants to be a new man , he fights his own seethinh rage to prove the he is better and finally put that cycle to an end and not lose his loved ones again, also Kratos was a family man from the very begining remenber calliope?. So yeah, dumb long post of mine TLDR : unpopular opinion, kratos was actually always a complex character , and gow4 is just the natutal continuation of his life

If GoW4 was like 1-3 I'd get to shit one it by saying it's way worse than DMCV. You fags should be happy about that

Why though?


3 has the worst ending of all time. Also no one mentions Ascension which was all about gameplay and had multiplayer but utterly failed.

>comparing two radically different games
>pretending God of War wasn't dead, irrelevant and outdated by the end of its original run

Either a reboot happened of God of War remained dead forever.

Either way it wasn't coming back in its original form, and the new version is fine - it's basically this gen's equivalent of the original God of War in terms of drawing from other games but also having its own ambitious vision. People whined about QTEs in the original and now people are fond of the game.

I liked the game and i'm interested in the sequel, but it has to fix all of the problems of the original. The cinematic over-the-shoulder stuff can't carry the series.

Either way if you think the new God of War is a bad game, you're delusional. It feels no different from a PS2 game in terms of depth and content, which is a quality sorely lacking from most modern games. Kratos is a better character and the new setting is realised perfectly. The combat is satisfying in its own way, despite needing the most improvement of everything.

GoW 4 is great - just deal with it.

You didn't provide any evidence for the game being good aside from. "I say so." So my comeback will simply be. GoW 4 is complete dogshit and you need to deal with it. Also trying to say a Ps4 title is good because it feels like and has the content of a fucking Ps2 title I have zero idea who you were trying to fool.

Does this really upset you?

>all those fucking slowdowns
Cinematic "gaming" is a mistake.

But its okay for fighting games like streetfighter to freeze the game when there is an impact..
>Its only wrong when Sony does it

Imagine seething this hard about someone's opinion, pathetic child

objectively incorrect you flaming homo

>irrelevant and outdated
when somebody who isn't a faggot hears these words, they're usually translated into "actually a good video game"

Attached: IMG_2048.jpg (329x399, 44K)

The only good one from the og trilogy was 2

This is clearly the best

Those are not the same thing you straw grasping fagoloid.

It is literally the same thing.

I dunno why people on Yea Forums get so pissed about the slo mo. It only happens on special moves and parries (because you're turning the tables on the enemy and can follow up with different shield smashes). It makes the moves that follow it look so much stronger and more impactful when time speeds back up right as they come crashing down, like Kratos actually is the incredibly strong god he is supposed to be. The combat gets hard enough with the slo mo moves already there, it's not like it ruins the difficulty

>old game gooood!
>new game baaaad

Attached: derp.png (756x900, 59K)

I couldn't believe that the bridge keeper of Hel was just another fucking Troll with a big pillar again, that got killed with the same animation as the first boss in the game.

Anyone that says GoW3 is better than 4 is a faggot and should be shot.

>God of War was considered bottom of the barrel and only played by normies because it was rated M for everything under the sun.

The God of War games were massively critically acclaimed and almost universally liked by players. God of War 2 is usually near the top of almost any list of best ps2 games you'll ever read.

I don't even dislike the new one even if it is massively flawed, but you revisionist retards are infuriating.

the other way around. Combat, level design, bosses, and art design are exceptionally superior in GoW 3.

Ogre was never a boss, he just has a standard enemy HP bar floating over his head. Also the "fairy king" is actually an elf king and he is 10 times harder than any other elf you fight. Ridiculous poise, dodgy as fuck + dropping blinding bombs everywhere, plus multiple phases that increase his moveset and aggression the more you hurt him.

Also you forgot Magni and Modi

Attached: M&M.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Completely bullshit. GoW3 was a failure in every way. Combat was just downgraded GoW2. Bosses were mostly lame and with too many QTEs. Kratos' arc was ruined. The entire story went to shit. Cory had to salvage the trainwreck in 4 by setting up a redemption arc instead.

GoW4's combat has way more mechanics at play. And while less combo-centric, it makes up for it by forcing the player to juggle a multitude of mechanics to prevail. The bosses are few but good. Art design is really good. Writing is obviously much better. Only letdown is the OST.

he also forgot all the valkyries, and how the bosses like Baldur and Magni+Modi and the Valkyries all get new combat AI that does specific sequences of attacks in a specific order designed to fuck you up (like GMGOW NG+, Sigrun will blind you then throw chakrams while you're blinded then dive at you)

>GoW4 was a failure in every way and had to be revived as a fucking cinematic game

The joke is that GoW3 is way more cinematic with endless obnoxious QTEs than 4. Maybe play the games next time nigger.

agreed. vastly overrated

improved enemy variety and more bosses would have gone a long way for me. too much of this game's praise was laid for its story, which was just fine

I take QTE every time over walking straight for 10 minutes while doing nothing.

You mean when escorting Pandora? GoW4 shits all over 3. You can cherrypick the intro segment all you want but it develops into a true action game while 3 just remains a bore from start to finish.

Attached: gow1.webm (670x314, 2.84M)

>that webm
Go back to faggotera tranny.

>that post
Go back to faggotera tranny

Yeah it definitely is way worse than the original trilogy. Just such a bland game.

I do miss the platforming sections, but overall I would say that nu-GoW is easily the best one in the series

This is the truth but unfortunately most fans of the series are now new and have only played GoW 4. I've never had a series I personally enjoyed so mercilessly slaughtered with no hope of redemption. GoW wasn't a GOAT series but it was good and I think the manner in which they just completely rejected the old games by calling them immature and totally changing the gameplay was a slap in the face. Pretty much done with western devs after that and RDR2 desu.

It's fucking boring compared to previous games.

The series already went to shit with 3 and Ascension. Everyone wrote it off as dead until they brought Cory back and he decided to take a new spin on it since everyone got bored by the concept by Ascension.

And Cory has been insisting that GoW4 is a continuation of their design philosophy for the early GoW games. GoW4 is more faithful to 1 and 2 than 3 ever will be.

Attached: gow-cory.jpg (941x482, 55K)

lmao watch as I literally stand in the same spot and press a couple buttons to engage impressive cinematics

GoW4 is a huge improvement over GoW1-3, but it still pales in comparison to shit like DMC or God Hand.

>GoW4 is more faithful to 1 and 2 than 3 ever will be.
>that delusion
Also nice of you being a retard and forgetting David Jaffe.

Just cause he insists he always planned on making a shitty game doesn't make the game less shitty.

GoW2 is the best GoW game and Cory directed it, not Jaffe. Retard. GoW3 took a massive dump on what 1 and 2 were building up to. GoW4 reverses some of the trainwreck 3 did and tries to make Kratos a decent character again.

Don't you have more people to ride with after your "serious" unbiased reviews? :)

The butchering of the gameplay is the biggest issue. They should have done what Capcom did with DMC. Gotten rid of the fixed camera but kept the gameplay fast paced and aggressive.

>expecting a western studio to make a gameplay focused game
kek user

They're powerful, risky moves used in the flow of normal combat. Except for the cleave into the wolf, those moves all leave you vulnerable because you are unable to dodge. The player took full damage from that ogre smashing him while he was doing that axe smash runic attack. Most moves you can dodge out of, but not those two because they do so much more damage.
It's basic risk / reward shit and it works very well at stylishly tearing apart the game's "spongy" enemies if you time it right (even on very-hard difficulty).
Like in this webm, the move where the axe spins around the player saves him from being chopped in the back, and he doesn't get hit during that same axe-smash runic attack because he actually made himself an opening in which to perform it before he tried it

Attached: 1515662590621.webm (768x432, 2.98M)

Don't bother man. They're not going to budge. This thread is just disguised console wars.

If Hel and Freyr actually appeared in this game and you fought them instead of moar trolls and a nameless fairy, this game would be 247% more interesting. It's science.

Those scenes are literally fan service to the people who played the original trilogy. You do not one single bit need to play the originals to play and understand 4, what a pathetic reaching attempt to win your argument.

>people are so fucking stupid they require the history to be explained in depth

No, the "vague" answers Kratos gives are incredibly on the nose and leave a lot of room for newcomers to fill in gaps themselves.

>he thinks interactive cinematic set pieces are level design


the enemies in this webm are aggressive as fuck. Unless the player is actively stunning them or they are getting back up from the floor, the only time they'll stand there not attacking is when doing that little taunt move (you only see one of them do it one time there). Otherwise they are always charging up their unblockable lava swords or activating their devil-trigger or dashing at 100mph towards the player to swing at them, flying in from on-screen as well as off-screen. The lava sword guy's poise is only able to be broken at 3 seconds by the extra strong combo finisher attack's wide-swinging-hitbox catching him, as there are different values of poise-breaking for each enemy and for each of the player's attacks.

Matthewmatosis doesn't know shit about this game btw, he played it like a homework assignment and used the tacked-on classic controls option like a retard.

> Implying that you can't have both an interesting story of redemption paired with GoW 1-3s action packed gameplay.

The storyline isn't the issue. In fact it's the highlight of the game. The problems are with the plodding gameplay, awkward camera, and excessive periods of nothingness while you paddle through a lake or climb walls. They took an action beat-em-up and made it into an action RPG.

Thats a load of bullshit that proves you didn't even finish the game. Kratos at the start is NOT the same Kratos at the end.

>understand and appreciate the nuance

I think you mean fan service, which isn't important to understanding the overall plot.

So he stopped being a man child? How is this a bad thing.


The new GoW's combat is better than every single game in the series except arguably 3. And it beats 3 in story easily.

The problem is that by Ascension, people were fed up and tired with GoW's gameplay. They needed to reinvent it somehow for the series to stay alive. And I think it was a pretty clever compromise between new and old.

I hope for the sequel, they go more batshit insane like with the Baldur fights. I think the game had too few moments like that for being a GoW game.

Way to prove you're underaged you fucking cunt. When GoW came put, everyone here rightly shat on it for being discount wannabe DMC.

What's wrong with using the classic controls? It's how you attacked in original games. They used to call it God of Square-Square-Triangle

This is plain wrong. The game was critically acclaimed.


It has the same rating on metacritic as nu-GoW and GoW 2. Gow 3 is a whole 2 pts lower on a scale of 100.

Ascension was shitty compared to GoW 3. Having few recognizable mythological characters and the whole oracle arf ruined the mood of the game.

Next time.
They were building the foundations for everything with this game. The sequel will have far more in the way of assets, like enemies, bosses, areas and combat move variety (both for the player and enemies), because they don't have to start from scratch

he said here and not on metacritic though

Making a game that is obvious sequel bait makes it worse not better.

I can get over the shameless and numerous foreshadowing references to Odin and Thor, but there are plenty of Norse gods that could have contributed in this entry. I simply named two that wouldn't have required any change in the game's progression yet would've made the game more interesting and provided more diverse enemies.

Oh, and yes I'm aware that GoW 1-3 as well as nu-GoW are written to be trilogies from the start.

Kratos new he'd be a bad father, so he let his wife take care of him rather than risk propagating the long line of bad fathers he came from.

> You're an immortal who survived being impaled in the stomach but after about 20 years later Kratos suddenly ages and gets fat.

It happens, user. You think you're incredible and untouchable in your 20s and age just catches up.

Attached: 1422750908444-1.jpg (500x651, 92K)

What things endgame Kratos would have done differently compared to prologue Kratos?

Fuck guys you are so right ,4 is the worst Gow for fucks sake ,having the best graphics doesnt not make it better if the gameplay is SHIT


What I meant was that they didn't have time to add a million enemies and bosses that are as fleshed out as the other enemies in the game because they had to spend so much of it building everything else from the ground up, and testing it / changing it to make sure it worked. Its style of gameplay is not something you can study by looking at older games; there is nothing else that plays quite like it w/ regards to camera and control scheme and combat pace.
It's only "sequel bait" for not having enough boss variety because it had to be in order to make it a good foundation for a new trilogy.

it could have been a thousand years later for all we know

>GoW3 took a massive dump on what 1 and 2 were building up to. GoW4 reverses some of the trainwreck 3 did and tries to make Kratos a decent character again.

Literally the first thing Kratos does in GoW1 outside of gameplay is dropping a guy who is theoretically on the same side to his death because he was slightly annoying or something. Throughout GoW 1-2 Kratos murders people who happened to be near when he had a bad hair day, employs his patented technique of using still-living random bystanders' bodies to manipulate traps and generally acts like a bloothirsty asshole. The only thing that can be called a redeeming quality in him is guilt for killing his family, and the plot of 1 is set off by the fact that Kratos wants to eliminate this thing.

And then you're somehow surprised that this very Kratos in 3, when he actually has plenty of reasons to be mad as fuck, gives no thought about collateral damage?

Literally bought this yesterday and i just finished the first boss and i have 0 desire to play any more, the combat is fucking awful. I thought V was memeing whe they said this was bad, glad i bought it used.

It doesn't get good until you reach the sea of nine.

It's like playing a shooter where you aim your gun with L2 / left trigger and you fire with fucking square and triangle. You have to remove your thumb from the aiming stick while aiming your axe throw just to throw it. I don't know why they even included it in the game as an option, it just makes everyone who uses it think the combat sucks and they usually blame it on the camera.
Not to mention you cannot rotate the camera w/ classic controls while you are attacking anyone with your normal light / heavy attacks because they are bound to the face buttons. Matt played with classic and complained about how the game made him "babysit" the camera stick, even though aiming the camera is integral to the controls and every attack you do in this game, so you're supposed to keep your thumb on it 99% of the time you play.

Attached: looking sideways.webm (768x432, 2.99M)

GOW 4 is honestly an amazing game. I almost bought into the memes when Yea Forums said it was bad, but I am honestly loving the combat, story, characters, and exploration. This is easily the 2nd best ps4 exclusive right behind Bloodborne. It also blows out all other GOW games out of the water.

>it gets good 40h in
every time

>ip count didn't rise
You ain't fooling anyone, shill.

lol, the sea of nine is like 3 hours in this 60+ hour game, STFU bitch.

I only made one other post here retard about something small. It is the same 2-3 people hating on it anyway, so check your own house first.

Idk man opinions and all but I think it saved the series. Button mathers aren't fun


Sea of nine is like 2 hours in (including all the intro cutscenes) and is where the game properly opens up.
If you're playing on GMGOW, the beginning before that area is going to feel like an absolute slog because you don't have any moves and you probably don't know about the tricks you can use with the axe-throws for insta-kills and massive shatter damage / freezing enemies, nor how to spin+stun them for instant stun-grab kills or perfectly lead them into positions where you can spartan-kick them into ring-outs

Yeah, I would love 7hr long linear QTE, square mashing rehash of the same game with the dumb story of constantly shouting retard.
Thank god Yea Forums is not in charge of video games making.
>awkward camera
How you played God Hand, you dumb toddler?

The camera actually zooms out a ton once you actually start swinging your weapon in combat. It goes from over-the-shoulder to about 3-4x further out, where you can see down to your feet (or at least ankles) pretty much all the time as you fight

I think think it's at least as great as any of the trilogy ones, but it's a very different take on the gameplay/storytelling which I really happened to like. I can totally see why some might not like the change though.

If that's fat then you'd probably hate what they say about you with those standards.

Love original GoW games but I played maybe 4 hours of GoW4. The combat is too slow. I like fast combat like in DmC or shadow of war

it gets fast quite fast and relentless, read this

>The combat is too slow.
It's really not.

After playing GoW4 I couldn't return to the original trilogy, combat feels so poor, repetitive and simplistic although still better than Metal Gear Rising for example.

>but it still pales in comparison to shit like DMC or God Hand.
How so?

The platforming was the worst part of the old games ( ). Fuck dying from a stupid fall in an action / hack and slash game, it is never a good thing, even in a "welp I deserved it for not being a good enough jumper" kind of way. Dying to traps is acceptable because they are far easier to bypass and are often just dangerous little puzzles, but otherwise you should only ever be dying from enemies in these kinds of games

One of my favorite things in DMC 1 and GOW1 was the platforming. It adds a lot of soul. GOW4 is still the best though.

this game might be good if the camera was zoomed out a bit but it's not so instead it's shitmatt was completely right in shitting on the "auto-movement" of the game and how poorly thought out the camera is. It has a lot of impressive elements to the combat design but they're completely destroyed by the bad decisions

This scene honestly gave me goosebumps, and that doesn't happen for a lot of things these days.

Attached: Blades of Chaos GoW4.jpg (1280x720, 183K)

it does not pale in comparison, it is on the same level as those games.
Look, here is an amazingly good Japanese player showing how its done:

Attached: Atreus.jpg (1920x1080, 469K)

>It also blows out all other GOW games out of the water.
anybody who thinks 4 is better than 2 should be sentenced to death

2 and 4 are literally made by the same guy. 4 is better. And I played all the games practically back to back before 4 came out as replays. When I was finished with them all, I had 4 days left until 4. 4 is the best game in the series
4 > 2 = 3 > 1 = Ghost of Sparta > Chains of Olympus > Ascension

How is the camera even a problem in that webm? It zooms out significantly once combat starts. You can turn the camera all around while swinging and watch your back like . Or just listen and use your ears, or use the arrow indicators if you actually need them.
You are just parroting whatever Matt says. That's why I hate him for making that fucking video when he doesn't know wtf he's talking about. He's just trying to get subs from every contrarian looking for a reason to shit on the game, and they repeat his talking points as if they know anything about it.
The amount of auto movement is drastically overstated, you only ever move into an enemy like 2 steps max, and you CAN still miss with these attacks if your opponent is moving at all. You auto direct unlocked-attacks towards enemies with soft-lock aiming in Bayonetta and DMC too, it's just there you never lunge at the enemies more than a couple steps depending on what attack you do.
It's always lame to whiff attacks in an action game anyway. Parrying and dodging and countering and interrupting is always way cooler than yours and the enemy attacks just hitting noting but air, followed by you or the enemy stopping and repositioning to actually be in range for the next swing. It makes the combat flow much better

>You are just parroting whatever Matt says
No I played the game last May when it came out. I got the special God of War edition version of the PS4 Pro because I was really hyped because I love the old GoW games.
>That's why I hate him for making that fucking video when he doesn't know wtf he's talking about
no you should thank him for pointing out flaws in the game that the developers appreciated feedback on, and maybe next go round they'll make the game better
>The amount of auto movement is drastically overstated
it really is not and was my number one problem with the game when I first played it
>Parrying and dodging and countering and interrupting is always way cooler than yours and the enemy attacks just hitting noting but air
right so you care about "cool factor" more than mechanic complexity. I knew that already but thanks for admitting it

Spacing is not more important than cool factor in an action game. Minding your spacing is important for games with slow, deliberate combat like Dark Souls and Bloodborne; it is just a minor consideration in a fast paced action game.
In every main action game Yea Forums likes, you have moves that let you instantly close the distance with your opponents (like teleporting, or Nero's arm pull move), so you are not stuck there whiffing the air when you should be staying in the flow of the action and continuing your combos. But you don't have those instant distance-closers in God of War, it just has a little move assist when you swing (and somehow that's absolutely unacceptable because Matt told you so.)

Also I really hope and pray that Santa Monica was just being nice when they said that to Matt to try and make his followers less hostile to getting the next game.

Attached: Bloodborne.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

>the next game will be worse if auto-movement isn't a thing and instead there are controls or combos that let the player move quickly to close distance manually
man you are just a shit eating loser at this point.

>3 has the worst ending of all time
I disconcur, so does everybody who had actually played the game unlike you, killing zeus with that comeback and its previous built up fights was the epitome of kino

>Also I really hope and pray that Santa Monica was just being nice when they said that to Matt to try and make his followers less hostile to getting the next game.
I hope the same. Everything you said was correct.

I didn't say that retard. Kratos just doesn't do that and neither would a similar demigod like Hercules. He doesn't teleport like Dante or pull out a magic whip to instantly yank himself into enemies faces. It goes against his character of being a real, masculine old-school demigod who doesn't need any of that fancy shit; he is simply a godly warrior and he fights like a warrior

Everything has to exactly be like DMC

Thats not the ending dumbass, the shoehorned chaos retcon for pandora and Kratos an heroing is the dumbest ending ever made.

closing distance with enemies and auto movement weren't problems in the original trilogy, and Kratos was still Kratos back then.
like I already said herethe only reason to hope santa monica ignores matt is that you somehow think the game wouldn't be better without auto-movement and with a better camera. that's just retarded. he didn't say the game was bad and honestly neither do I, it's just that those problems prevent it from being great.

>it just has a little move assist when you swing
It's hardly a bit of move assist though, is it? It's completely inconsistent as to whether you'll hit a slightly out of range enemy or not. Same goes for enemies way out of your range being able to hit you at the last second. Santa Monica listed Bloodborne as one of their primary inspirations, maybe if they didn't have such a stupid feature and zoomed the camera out just a tiny bit so you didn't have to hely on the dreadful sort of compass warning for attacks then they'd have a much better game.

The PSP games were good though, same exact level design philosophy as 1

>It's hardly a bit of move assist though, is it?
it its, go and test it. You move a maximum of like two paces forward with an R1 or R2 axe attack on an enemy slightly who is slightly out of standing swinging range to assist you in hitting them (and Kratos' swinging animation has him stepping forward as he swings so it doesn't even look like sliding most of the time). If they are any further out of range, you only move forward a little with the normal animation step and just swing into the air

>so you didn't have to hely on the dreadful sort of compass warning for attacks then they'd have a much better game.
I play the whole game with no HUD on GMGOW. You really don't need that shit. Enemies basically announce "I'M ATTACKING NOOOOW" with their battle cries and grunts, and if you're any good at all you will be mentally keeping track of any enemies that have moved off screen and be constantly thinking of when they might return to try to attack and thinking of how you can position yourself again so that everyone is in front of you.
The camera is almost perfect the way it is, the only thing that should change is Kratos should become invisible when you get backed into a corner so you can see whats going on through him.

They probably copied Ryse son of Rome not bloodborne's combat

Ryse literally has cookie-cutter Batman combat with QTE finishers. It and GOW play nothing alike and I doubt you've ever played either of them. But hey the screenshots from both games are third person w/ good graphics so they must play the same right

it's good but the narrative parts drag it to a snail pace

good game, not a good god of war game

Nu-GOW = How to casualize an already casualized series

GOW 1-3 are basically GOAT tier next to the shit that is Nu-GOW and GOW 1-3 were the casualized for the masses bastard games of the genre during its time. It shows how really far gaming has fallen when even GOW as it once was is way too extreme for today's audience.

The old games had long-ass unskippable cutscenes too

Which you can just leave the room and go for a piss during. The decision to disguise loading means you can't even put your controller down to fast travel. Fuck me what a terrible decision.

>you can't even put your controller down to fast travel
you can too, the portal appears right in front of you even if you just stand still the whole time in the fast-travel realm. You don't have to run down the branches to reach it.

>gamplay is SHIT
>he thinks 1-asscention is good

GOW4 and TLOU have made me realize that games finally have their own 'Oscar Bait'.

The camera obviously needs improvement. I never had an issue with auto-movement though, so whatever you are stinking up about that is wrong. I hope they don't change anything in that regard, and I doubt they will. If it is true that matt was using classic controls then he is an idiot anyway.