FF15 ruined the Final Fantasy franchise, Tabata is a hack
FF15 ruined the Final Fantasy franchise, Tabata is a hack
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Hot take.
>Ruined the Franchise
It's bounced back from worse, both financially and quality wise. XV did fine all things considered.
>Tabata is a hack
Absolutely, but he'll hack up the game first.
don't fool yourself, XV would've equally been shit under Nomura.
Desperately needed the old party system where you could swap out members.
>I think I'll do one more story mission
>Get literally railroaded into the endgame
You can tell the exact momemt their budget ran out.
Final Fantasy XIII already fucked the series for good. There has not been a good FF game since XII. It's simply time for Yea Forums to move on and play other JRPGs. there are plenty that are not final fantasy and are being made right now. Acceptance is one step to become a better person. Accept that Final Fantasy will never be good again
And NO the FF7 remake will not be good either. All talent at SE has left.
You can’t really say it ruined the franchise until 16 is realised, since it’s the newest in the series so we are yet to see the impact it will have. It is a pile of garbage that isn’t final fantasy though, I hope 16 will be more fairy-tale traditional medieval.
FF16 better look like this: m.youtube.com
>Final Fantasy XIII already fucked the series for good. There has not been a good FF game since XII.
>Dude what if we made literally half the cast be inconsequential to the story
>Dude what if we made a cast that barely says anything and almost never interacts with each other
>Dude what if we made multiple cutscenes where the main character has no idea what's going on and just stands in the background while people who matter speak
>Dude what if we made a character who's literally just a random girl off the street
>Dude what if we made a villain who has zero emotional connection to the heroes and doesn't even meet them until the last ten minutes
>Dude what if we took Final Fantasy Tactics' setting and made it a poor man's Star Wars
>Dude what if we gave the narrator a comical Apu accent
>Dude what if we made a political plot and then ruined it by turning it into standard ancient god shenanigans
>Dude what if we made a plot where the heroes have almost no impact on what happens until 95% of the way through the story and spend their time traipsing through non-descript caves and ruins
>Dude what if I'm Captain Basch
>Dude what if we took everything 100% seriously and had zero levity
>Dude what if we wrote all of the dialogue to sound like a Renaissance Fair
>Dude what if we we had no overworld and all travel was handled by a menu or floating teleport crystals
>Dude what if we made a battle system where you set everything up in advance so that you don't actually play the game
>Dude what if we made summons useless except for opening doors
>Dude what if instead of fun side quests we had only fetch/kill quests like in some generic MMO
>Dude what if instead of having fun side games like the motorcycle chase and Triple Triad we had nothing
>Dude what if we had really shitty music
>Buying an entire stack of the weakest potions makes you unkillable
>RNG summons
>Combat feels very automated
>"Magic" is literally just elemental grenades
>Late game gives you a "Kill everything in one move" spell
>Stealth segment which you can just run through for no reason at all
So much went wrong.
It was already shit before XV
We know.
false. nomura would have redefined the franchise with his kino.
This series was doomed since it hit 6th gen.
Shitty or mediocre games don't help but don't really ruin what was already tainted
FFXV is a bad game, probably the worst mainline title. But you are wrong - FFX ruined the series.
If they hadn't spent it on movies, anime episodes and cellphone games they might have been able to actually finish their game.
I think you mean time ran out. Square Enix wrote a blank check for FFXV. They had 3 years to turn concept trailers into a full game.
XV isn't a bad game at it's core
Just really really badly handled
This is the worst numbered final fantasy game.
How the fuck do people get enjoyment out of this braindead?
The combat isn't engaging or difficult; you can instant revive and win as long as you have 99x potion.The storyline is non-existant and is extremely padded out with typical Ubisoft open world busywork bullshit. The party members don't have typical growth arcs you'd expect from a JRPG let alone a Final Fantasy game (Cain, Cecil, Barret, Wakka) and the banter is SO FUCKING BAD LIKE MEN DON'T TALK LIKE THIS it is the most sterile pointless boring banter in an all male-cast movie/game, who the fuck wrote it? What else, the game's pacing is all over the place and the villain isn't properly built up and explained in-game. The heroine sucks and Aranea should've been a permanent party member + love interest to Noctis. Even without comparing it to FF13 Versus or the idea we had, it's SUCH A BAD JRPG.
Unbelievably bad from story, gameplay, characters. It is the most shallow games on the market and it is equivilant to any run of the mill Ubisoft open world game. KH3 and FF15 are proof SquareEnix isn't a serious AAA game creator and they have no talent that isn't a freelancer like Nier Automata's creative lead Yoko.
Basically FUCK modern day SquareEnix. They don't respect player time and their games don't make up in any category of good storytelling or good gameplay, I fucking loathe SquareEnix and I was actually OK with FF13 and it's 2 spinoffs/sequels. Lightning's Returns is actually more challenging than FF15, what the fuck is wrong with SquareEnix? Why won't they get new blood to create content like Nintendo did with BReath of the Wild? Jesus fuck, they're about to rape FF7 Remake.
Sorry for the lack of grammar, it just sets me off every time I think for a minute how FF15 recouped its dev costs and has an 80 something Metacritic. That worthless piece of shit should have been a net loss and 60 Metacritic, rewarding the most benign pointless open world games and its a flagship title for SquareEnix. Fuck the dipshit casuals who eat this garbage, LOOK OUT IMPERIALS ABOVE US WELL TIME FOR A TENT HAHA MORE BUSYWORK HAHAHA 10 HOUR STORYLINE FOR A JRPG HAHA ALL MAJOR PLOT ELEMENTS AND BACKSTORY HAPPEN OFF SCREEN BTW.
If it was quality why:
Was the prologue gutted to a CGI movie?
Was there multiplayer DLC?
Was the combat so shit?
They need basically 2 season passes of DLC (2nd of which got cancelled) to tell the story?
Most of these are true, but it's still a lot better than XIII
>The combat isn't engaging or difficult
because it's Casual Pandering, the director wanted it that way
Pic ruined the FF franchise by westernizing the gameplay into casual trash and making the story a shameless, embarrassing retake of past FF games
How did FFX ruin the series? A lot of people call it the last good one
The Final Fantasy XV hatebase is really, really autistic.
If you don't like the game, that's fine. But its probably time for you to get over it. Its been like 2 years, and its really not as bad as XIII, despite you desperately trying to push that it is. Yeah, Final Fantasy games should be doing better quality wise, but XV absolutely did not "ruin the franchise".
At least we have Dragon Quest XI
OK, XV-kun, whatever you say.
>and its really not as bad as XIII
FF14 was much more of a FF game than VII, X, XII, XIII and XV combined
Reread again, I said "It's (S-E) bounced back from worse, both financially and quality wise."
By which I meant in context
Spirits Within, which bankrupted Square, but they bounced back
Final Fantasy XIV 1.0, which was without question, the worst release they've ever done. Yes, worse than All the Bravest.
But I'll go ahead and answer your questions anyway
>Was the prologue gutted to a CGI movie?
Because S-E mandated that they use every bit of Square-Enix's portfolio that they cover for maximum profits. Including movies, so Tabata cut the prolouge from the game and made it into a movie. It sucks, but it was cost effective.
>Was there multiplayer DLC?
See above, maximizing profits as they do get a stipend for anytime a player uses PS+ to play online. Also, Beta test for FFXVI to have multiplayer.
>Was the combat so shit?
Because they were married to the idea of Open World games were "in", so they made it that way. Turns out they had no idea what they were doing, fancy that. I'd have prefered turn based, fyi.
>They need basically 2 season passes of DLC (2nd of which got cancelled) to tell the story?
Maximize profits, it's their fiduciary duty to do so.
Why's that? What would you like to discuss in defense of FF15 that doesn't divulge into sales talk?
it almost reminded me of the 2nd disc of Xenogears. Not as bad, but its still pretty jarring how linear it became
Fuck no it's not, you deluded subscription baby
ARR literally saved the company though from another year in the Red. It saved FF, if anything.
redefine deez nuts
Neither are great games, but XV had potential and a lot of it shines through even in the finished product. XIII is entirely shit with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, I don't see how anyone can think it's not the worst mainline FF there is. Please give me one good thing about the game, other than Sazh.
Go back to playing with your lightsabers, sci-fi retard. Those games have no connection with the first game, 14 does.
Is there a fanbase more pathetic than FF faggots?
>FF14 started out a complete fucking embarrassment
>guys kept working on it until it became something worth playing
>had all the staples of FF, looked and sounded like an FF game
>now nearly 9 years later it’s still popular and one of the only successful MMOs to ever compete against WOW
>FF15 was just a clusterfuck from beginning to end
Honestly I’m amazed 14 turned out as well as it did
I don't know about all that, but its better than any of the fabula nova games
More like you can tell where FFXV and FFXIII spin off got stapled together.
You can even tell the open world was supposed to be way way bigger
My opinion > your opinion: the threads
The game has a story (which you may like or hate, your choice) and a good soundtrack.
FF XV has no story, everythign that's happening is off the screen, and soundtrack is just awful. Not ''Hyperdimension Neptunia kind of'' awful, but still...
12 was okay honestly, but it was the beginning of the end.
Oh, they had reasons for making it shit?
Then it's totally fine, I get it now.
Comfy open world
Enix honestly saves Square from itself, you can clearly see from Dragon Quest that Enix is the part of the company with a heart still left in it while Square sold its soul just before the merger (so people blamed the merger, not Square itself). Square honestly sabotages Enix and Dragon Quest, just look at the butched localisations of DQ games with censored religious themes after Square, and I hate Square for it.
14 would be great if it was a single player game, I still like it, but it would be better.
final fantasy 15 is not only the worst final fantasy game ever, it's one of the worst videogames ever as well
They didn't intend for it to be shit, obviously. Just worked out that way when their concept of an open world was way too big for their ability and previous experience. Bit off more than they could chew, you could say.
Glad you understand.
You sounds like someone who engaged in conversation and lost, and has nothing else to say.
If it was a single player game, but still had all the content, it'd legitimately be considered one of the greatest FFs ever made.
Since Squaresoft became Square-Enix it was downhill for me.
I have mixed feelings about FFX but I'm 100% confident that FFXII is probably the worst FF I've played.
But when I heard the mellow version of "Stand by Me" in FFXV I knew it was going to be a bad ride.
Yeah, it would also mean the addition of a full party meaning that it would have been the one true modern Final Fantasy game and a step up from V’s system.
You sound like someone who's got a giant gaping asshole when somebody points out of shitty these threads are.
The thing is, it wasn’t Enix to blame. It was Square itself.
Metroid a bit after Fedforce but before MP4/SR annoucement
It is a tough competition
Maybe. But you did not dispute my claim, user.
They already did kinda with WoL, Alphinaud, Ysale, & Estinien during Heavensward. As well as WoL, Alisaie, Lyse, Gosetsu, & Yugiri in Stormblood; plus upcoming with Urianger, Matoya, & Thancred in Shadowbringers with the trust system.
Everything is literally in place to make it a single player game.
If we're gonna be subjective then the story in XV was at least a lot better than XIII, even though it might have been told in a worse way. The combat in XIII is worse than XV, and I would take the open world of XV any day over the corridors of unavoidable enemies that is XIII. The villain in XV is good, one of the best in the series imo, the one in XIII is a god of some sort? And I don't feel like the soundtrack is a lot better in either of them. The characters in XIII are mostly trash and the relationships between them seem like something out of Bollywood, while the ones in XV are slightly better with a good bromance between them.
Calling XV worse than XIII is an insult to intelligent lifeforms anywhere, unless you say it out of spite because of the wasted potential of XV
That's so fucking true.
The last good FF was X.
XII had a good setting and potential with the political plot but it just wasted it.
Vayne and the Judges deserved to be in a proper Tactics game
>Tfw some Literal Who of Light turns out to be cooler than Cloud, Squall, Lightning, and Noct combined
>And stronger than them all too
He's still not as strong as Prishe but he's getting there.
>"Disputing" anything with a passive aggressive little bitch
I have better things to do with the time I have to browse this place than "disputing" with perpetually menstruated bitches who cling to a mysterious standard of quality that never existed.
>If we're gonna be subjective then the story in XV was at least a lot better than XIII
Stopped reading there. Having a conversation with people like you is just a waste of time.
Well, not saying it was Enix fault, just that when they fused it was for the worse. Separatedly they both released great games. One would think that together they'd be much better but no.
Who's this fag?
I just replied to a subjective soundtrack comparison, don't see the problem with continuing the trend
His official name is Meteor, but he's supposed to represent the player character.
I think Final Fantasy SUCKS!
Hey FUCK YOU man!
It was 7 years too late for that.
a nigger
For a bunch of warriors they have literally no muscle definition
STICC's galore
I liked it. Pretty fun game once you get link strikes and get used to parry and counter timing. Plus the hours and hours of hunts and end game super boss stuff was neat.
XIV's Warrior of Light. Has the Protagonist Power to stomp all Protagonist Powers, even when he gets cut off from the Crystal.
Finally someone gets it
I think elongated development times is what killed FF. In the same time it took to get pic related, the bulk of the franchise was created
>Ruined the franchise
>When X was a mess, 12 was unfinished, 13 and its sequels are laughing stock, and 14 bombed hard originally.
FF's reputation has been dead forever.
Honestly he is spewing hyperbole, the series is alive and kicking and there is still plenty to love for each entry, but there is a kernal of truth. FFX was well recieved, good even, but it wasn't quite as 'timeless' and lacked something that the previous games had, that spark, and the series has never quite felt the same since IX's final seconds. I loved the shit out of X at the time, yet somehower a few decades on it just doesn't hold a place in my heart like 6-9. It's also when we started getting spinoffs.
It also has a ton of design and writing flaws, even for an FF game. And not the "haha so wacky" kind like 2 and 6 and 8, but like bad mob design and pacing, and awful character writing in places.
Oh fuck off. ARR onwards is a success story; and it's actually impressive how they are weaving the rest of the more interesting elements of previous games into the world, while keeping to the overall tone. They even seem to be building up to our Warrior of Light being something unnatural which is going to be interesting.
XV can't ruin a franchise that was already considered to be trash. It's another unsatisfying entry in a string of mediocrity that has been going on since FF left the PS1.
Squeenix ruined every franchise they own, not just FF
This is true, though. I've never seen such viterol for a game with sales that high where the fanbase was both enraged at it's state while also upset the second batch of DLC was cancelled. It's like they don't actually know how to feel. It's actually a pretty odd success story, especially if you factor in the mobile edition.
The spear user is the only one who is remotely close to being called a warrior. The rest are normal people who are getting buffed by the magic of the gods else they would die on the spot
XIII and XiV 1.0 are objectively worse.
FF II however is the worst game of the franchise.
don't forget that they cut the tactical elements of the behemoth hunt from the duscae demo for literally NO REASON, leaving you to just walk up and fight it in the final game
t. brainlet or didn't play the PSP version.
>not allowed to compare a launch version of a game vs a launch version of a game
fuck off fag
Well, fuck you guys. I am at work, bored. just downloaded VBA emulator and FF II (Dawn of Souls), so maybe now I'll finally finish it.
It's the only mainline title I haven't finished (not inclusing XI and XIV).
I just finished this game yeasterday and was confused about the part towards the end where it gave you spots to hide in the corridors because I just melted the patrols in a couple of seconds with the ring.
It was pretty hard for me until I discovered I could just spam HiPotions. Everything fucking 1 shots you.
Who said anything about launch versions? In that case XIV 1.0 is still worse, as 2 Famicom didn't process your menu inputs server side or crash constantly.
The Famicom version sucks, but 2 being the worst FF is a meme.
objectively wrong but ok
Both fans and square killed ff
X - high expectations, couldn't possibly satisfy anyone
>"too simple, story is for bebe weebs"
XII - great game, but casualisation of the nations made it boring to people
>"complexity? Boring? Story? Takes too much brain to understand"
XIII - since people want casual, they tryhard
>"uh! It's trying too hard to be everything! Drop the turn based system already"
XV - indecisiveness based of previous things kept it in devhell for too long to be anything
>"Uh! It's trying to hard to chase trends, go back to pure turn based"
Kinda glad I got the Royal Edition years later
I thought the story was fine, and Ardyn was great. There were some good callbacks to old FF games in the form of story beats, and it was way better than FFXIII.
Also, Ep Ignis was kino.
>FF15 ruined the Final Fantasy franchise, Tabata is a hack
Oh that's the one that broke the camels back?