

Attached: de_dust.jpg (1968x1107, 392K)


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high iq thread

I laughed.

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That's not a CS map.


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This Yea Forums best thread. Makes you think huh

>he hasnt played de_deepsea
lol @ ur life

>Should remove the dust from my computer because it's been a while
>Can't be fucked to unplug everything, remove it from the rack, take it out to the garage to my compressor and do so
Also not video games.

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>Only had can of compressed air
>Ran out a week or 2 ago
>Too lazy to buy more plus it's more expensive than last time I bought a pack of them
Fucking greedy bastards. I'm not spending a load of cash to blow air at my PC.

>Also not video games.

Uncultured degenerate.

>Fan starts being noisy as fuck
>Have to locate which fan it is
>Missidentify thrice, ended up cleaning my entire PC case as a result
>It's the fucking power supply fan
>Case is riveted in for some fuckall reason and I can't reach the underside to lube it up
>Now stuck with a rocket engine noise until monday because I have no drills

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oh yeah i forgot time to hit the duster. gonna get high AF bros

>air is everywhere
>some air in a can is 10-20 dollarydoos
god I fucking hate the Jews.

>he doesn't have an electric duster

blame the goyim

>Buying air

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I've looked at them but the price seem kind of high for something I'd use only now and then. I only clean my rig every few months and have no need for one outside of that.

I just use a hairdryer and cotton swabs.

Just get a utility fan and wave it around at your open computer. Then you can use it as an air conditioning alternative.

A leaf blower also works.

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Infinite air for 50 eurodollars.

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compressing it takes some energy

I unironically do this.

It is bad?

Wait wouldn't a full size air compressor just break everything

Just refill the can dummy.
No, it's not a leaf blower.

For me it was worth it. I live in a dusty area and compressed air is almost 10 euros per can.

The 550w electric duster I have pushes more air than cans. It's crazy how powerful it is.

>what is a regulator

Get an Air compressor then, If you don't use it often you're a failed human bean.

Absolutely not, unless the cotton peels off easily or your hairdryer only has warm air settings.

It won't make your PC spotless but it does the trick.

>No, it's not a leaf blower.
When I think of an air compressor I think of something 5 times more powerful than a leaf blower.

>not using your PC fans to blow dust out of your PC

Air compressors have different head attachments, some of them have "throttle" handles so you can change the flow coming out. There is no reason to buy compressed air or one of those specialty computer cleaners over one because they have a lot more use outside of just cleaning shit.

thats the worst pc i saw in a while
sasuga Yea Forums

I just control the PSI, output, distance, etc.

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