Is there a reason why anyone should care about Astral Chain, and the rest of Platinum Games for that matter, now that DMC5 is out and has claimed the title of GOAT modern action game?
Is there a reason why anyone should care about Astral Chain, and the rest of Platinum Games for that matter...
First you ruin my Astral Chain thread with your falseflagging console wars shitposting and now you do one on your own?
Its on Switch and DMC5 isnt. Its also coming out 6 months later.
No idea. Can't imagine enjoying more than one video game.
Dante himself would beat you for being a console wars shitposter.
is this the new monster hunter world thing where mongoloids who don't give a shit about the games are using them for mindless console war shitposting? sad!
Because DMCV has shit camera and camera-sensitive dodging which is absolutely retarded
Because some people like fresh stuff instead of 15 years outdated trash like Dante's controls and gameplay.
Why you think people can't enjoy both? And they are separate by 6 months anyway, DMC5 cannot hurt Astral Chain sales.
But most PG games play like shit compared to Dante in 3 and 4/5.
But it'll hurt it's perception to action game fans.
What pretentious faggot you are.
Someone convince me this game is going to suck so I don't feel bad about not owning a Switch.
It's weebshit
>Produced by Kamiya who hasn't done a good game since Okami
>director did 2 of the worst PG games in terms of combat
>on Switch so performance is gonna be abysmal
You have a problem with Tha Wandafuru whan o whan?
>abysmal on switch
I like it when fags jumps into this conclusion with every single game ever because its just Nintendo.
If they make the enemies aggressive and fun to fight like in Bayonetta then it'll be better than DMC5 already
Yes because there can be more than 1 video game
so is DMC
because nier automata alone is better than the whole DMC franchise. if you think DMC 5 (DmC 2) is good i have bad news for you
You only say that because of the shota and 2bs tight ass. If DMC had a female MC with massive tits and a nice bouncy ass you wouldn't even be shitting on it
DMCV is the blandest action game since DmC. Platinum is the true creator of unique and fun action games, from Nier Automata to Wonderful101 to Metal Gear Rising to Bayonetta. Now with Astral Chain on the horizon, Platinum are set to continue their dominance on this genre.
dmc v is boring compared to 3 and 4
I was really hoping DMC5 went somewhere but you walked through a destroyed city, through a tree, through some ruins, then the tree again. Couldn't match the travelling highs of Bayonetta 1/2. And Nico fucking stinks. Waifubait for mongoloids.
But yeah, definitely looking forward to AC, even if I expect it to be very contained to the city. We'll see...
This is the most fresh looking action game since wonderful 101. Then bayonetta. Then ninja gaiden 2.
Devil may cry is an old dog of a franchise. It has really sloppy physics/controls and frustratingly annoying dialogue and stories. Until team ninja gets back in the ring, this is still platinums space uncontended
>. It has really sloppy physics/controls
Imagine saying that in a thread about a company known for loose to a fault controls
It's gonna be a shit game. Sorry mate
>comparing Kino World to that irrelevant weeb garbage
typical Snitch tard
Last I checked, Bayonetta is in Smash, and Dante isn't.
the problem isn't Nintendo, but Switch's specs
>We can’t like this, DMC and Bayo3
Stop, we have more than 1 console user
Not an argument, Astral Chain was very clearly running in 60fps
Specs isn’t an argument, when you develop with the hardware properly, it doesn’t matter
Dragon Quest 11 S is literally going to be the better version of the game
>What is Mario Odyssey, MK8 and Smash Ultimate
so the answer is yes? thanks mong-kun!
>Astral Chain was very clearly running in 60fps
shitchtards can't be THIS retarded, right? RIGHT?
Old Wii U ports.
But it wasn't
Dragone Quest S?
Of course it will
Not the big guns like Bayo, W101, Rising and soon Astral Chains. And honestly, even some licence shit games like Transformers have more fluent controls and gameplay than fucking Dante with his cancerous style switching and button switching necessity to do anything cool.
But you only need one to play both? You don't happen to be a braindead manchild who has a Jewstation for no fucking reason when you could just buy a GPU for 100 bucks do you?
>now that DMC5 is out and has claimed the title of GOAT modern action game?
Even if that is the case, that doesn't make other games irrelevant. That's retard logic. DMC is pretty much the only action game that plays like it, but Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, MGR and other Platinum games too play nothing like DMC and still has a ton to offer with gameplay that has a different appeal from DMC as well.
No retard anymore user.