This game is so good. I'm completely hooked

This game is so good. I'm completely hooked.

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I wish I had gotten into it when it came out. Now its probs too late for me.

It has a learning curve but they added a newcomer playlist that matches you with people under level 50. There are some smurf accounts but not that many.

What if I'm pretty bad with aiming?
I can do fine in team based games vs AI like Payday 2 but I think in something against other players, I'd get creamed.

Is there anything even remotely resembling a tank build or at least a class where I won't be on the frontlines and isn't a sniper? Metal Gear Solid had a class with a shield + pistol - kinda meant for defensive positioning

There are a lot of smurfs on that playlist. I was playing with a low level friend and my team got spawn kill 3 games in a row.

Rook is a stay and defend class. Don't play a roamer like Caveira if you are new and are learning the maps.

I've never received so many message online in my life. Usually in multiplayer game the people I play with use their mic occasionally and give hints towards things. But in this game I always end up getting an angry message from someone.
>shooting at enemy
>teammate gets in way
>accidentally shoot him as I'm shooting at the enemy
>guy freaks out and sends me an angry paragraph
>1v5 scenario
>take two guys down with me then die
>message from three different people telling me how I ruined the game for them even though I top score and we win in the end
or what happened yesterday
>two guys kept team killing me as I'm trying to play
>end up with zero kills at the end of the game
>top scoring guy invites me to a party with just me and him in it and starts questioning me as to why I didn't get any kills and how I was useless
This is in ranked, too. I mean it is kind of funny occasionally but it's hard to rank up when my team constantly flips out and team kills each other.

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You'd probably like Echo. He's a fat weeb that sits in a corner and plays with his roombas that can disorient and mark enemies for easy kills.

Ubisoft has slowly turned this game from a grounded and methodical team shooter to tactical overwatch. It’s sad, really. Siege in 2017 was amazing after they worked out the launch kinks.

montagne, big nig who walks around with an extended shield and stares at enemies distracting them from his team
is a frontline sort of character though and requires communication to be properly effective

Okay, I'll get it

Do I just buy the base version or do I need to spend more money or what?

Nah when this game came out it was dogshit, now if the time to get into it. Games a lot of fun and worth the effort to learn

wasnt dogshit actually, it was basically the same just rougher around the edges, less content sure but less global abilities and crowd control too, and the playerbase wasnt half as trash
still a fine time to get into it because itll last for a long while yet, just expect to get shit on endlessly

The base edition doesn't include the DLC ops however ubi says they are "possible to attain solely through gameplay***********" (they aren't feasibly). It's not a big deal, because the base ops are still among the strongest. I don't know what you have to do at this point to even pay for the DLC ops because their pricing structure is confusing as fuck.

Too bad the anti cheat system is the biggest spyware shit ever

Its got a really solid foundation.

There's some shit I can't stand however, like how everyone has negligible health. Characters like Rook and basically anyone with heavy armor and not a great kit is worthless because everyone dies near instantly anyways. Headshots are super easy to get too on PC.

I want to see more FPS/TPS with proper destructible environments and defense building.

Yeah it's another of exaggeration but it definitely was not what it is today

Get Echo and Maestro on Defense, shields, Nomad or the newcomer fat tranny whose name I forgot on Attack.

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The thing that makes rooks armor great outside of slightly raising the minimal time to kill is that if you're shot in the body or blown up you'll always be downed instead of instantly dying. It might seem negligent but it really makes a big difference in many scnearios.

I can't imagine how it's like to play with randos in this game, don't you have some gaming buddies to play with? The game really becomes the ultimate experience if you can play with your buddies and coordinate stuff well.

Why do you like this game, anons?
I get it, it's fun so who gives a shit.
But do you understand that this game is guilty, along Dirty Bomb and other retarded shitter games, of pushing the "hero shooter" archetype?
This game is literally Overwatch but with gadgets.
It's actually unreal how much this game is bad on a pure competitive FPS standpoint, and yet people keep guzzling up abortions like this and Overwatch because "they're fun" to play.
Why complaining that Overwatch is shit and then praising this hot turd?
This game is not fun, it has the same issues any other hero shooter has, and the community is once again pure fucking cancer.
Maybe i'm biased, but what's the appeal?
Do you guys like eating shit?

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It's insane how fucking dumb you are.

Why do you care if Overwatch is shit? Why do you care if people enjoy it? Or Siege for that matter?

Siege is one of the best multiplayer games out there currently, with a very heavy emphasis on communication and tactics. Why does the fact that there are 'heroes' in it bother you?

Everything else has been done a thousand times on over in terms of FPS - realistic shooters Rising Storm, action shooters like CoD and BF, wacky shit like TF and Overwatch, what else do you want?

If people like eating shit; i will be served shit next time.
I do not like that.
I don't want to be served shit.
Simple as that.

>Siege is one of the best multiplayer games out there currently

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>if i don't like it it's shit
yikes dude, the world doesn't revolve around you

It's pretty fun.

Isn't rainbow six supposed to be cops and robbers? Why does a swat team seem to attack another swat team?

>supposed to be cops and robbers?
Fuck no. Multiplayer in the older Rainbow Six games has been Rainbow vs Rainbow