Who is the most famous vidya character of current console generation?
Who is the most famous vidya character of current console generation?
You can see the exact moment the west took a massive dump on the industry.
>skyrim guard
go back to 9gag
The gruff generic male.
Fortnite guy
thanos epic fornite dance
The true answer would be Mario, Mario, Mario, Mario, Mario. Maybe throw Pikachu in there somewhere.
some pubg or fortnite shooter
Unironically Steve
fake nerd detected
>>skyrim guard
>go back to 9gag
Can you name a character from that console era that more people would know of?
It's a shame Japanese developers had such a persistent and negative influence on video game character design.
>skyrim's dragonborn, from a game that came out in 2011, near the end of ps3/xbox360 life span
>most iconic character of that generation
>master chief, mascot of the worst-selling console of its generation
>most iconic character of that generation
that uncharted faggot or the portal bitch
Nathan Drake
>>skyrim's dragonborn, from a game that came out in 2011, near the end of ps3/xbox360 life span
>>most iconic character of that generation
Its not the dragonborn, Its the guard that took an arrow to the knee.
PS2 was Kratos. Snes was still Mario. N64 was Link. PS3 was either Dovahkim or Trevor, so I guess this one was closer to reality.
>Its not the dragonborn, Its the guard that took an arrow to the knee.
That's even more stupid. And further proves my point: he's so generic that I diddn't even recognize him.
Pretty much any of the GTA V protagonists, but specially Trevor.
Zoomer fucking detected
>Western is edgy, overdone shit (with the noble exception of Grim Fandango)
>Eastern is simple, but iconic
Seems about right
>robot meme waifu for ironic weebs
go back to 9gag
Soul Reaver was just a shitty Vincent Valentine reskin
minecraft steve
Most redpilled post.
lara croft was more famous than cloud.
Someone understands.
If this was accurate, Mario would be on all of them. He's the Mickey mouse of Vidya whether people like it or not.
GTAV is basically the current gen
This is the real answer.
So you could say, perhaps, that he’s...in?
>Western is edgy, overdone shit (with the noble exception of Grim Fandango)
>Eastern is simple, but iconic
Every single one of those Japanese games take itself far more seriously than their western counterpart. For example, No One Lives forever is a parody/spoof of military-themed games and its protagonist Cate Archer's has various gadgets disguised as make-up and female cosmetics items, By contrast, MGS' Snake uses boring military gear, and his games have a preachy anti-war message that is conveyed with characters monologuing for hours at end during endless cutscenes and codec calls.
I mean it is just a shitpost picture, but edgy overdone shit would describe Cloud, James and Snake pretty well if it explained their backstories too
manny calavera is the best of the bunch either way
Because of a remaster?
Late 80s - Mario. Basically unparalleled
Early 90s - Sonic, Ryu/Chun-Li
Mid 90s - Crash, Lara Croft, Spyro
Late 90s - Pikachu
Early 00s - Master Chief
Mid 00s - The GTA protags
Late 00s - Miis
Early 10s - Minecraft Steve
Mid 10s - Sans
Late 10s - Fortnite Man
This. Western is mainly generic in all regards while Nips take it to a whole new level while trying to maintain a "serious" tone that falls flat as anime most of the time.
DMCV is a good example of a game that knows what it is and embraces it when most Japanese games as well as series come off as edgy.
You can't just assume because Fortnite was popular that one shitty default skin out of like 4 in a game with hundreds of other skins is going to be the face of gaming.
Yes Fortnite was popular but nobody actually paid attention to some random blond default skin.
It was Mario until Pikachu appeared. Then it went back to Mario for a bit. Probably about even now. Nobody else has even come close.
he's the face of fortnite though, and it was the biggest game in the world for a while. which automatically makes him more famous than most candidates.
literal who to anyone except PS3
Yeah I'm thinking that title goes to me
>serious means edgy
I'd replace Spyro with Snake, but otherwise fairly accurate.
Fortnite doesn't have a "face".
That skin is no more popular than any of the other random default skins.
not too bad. maybe kratos for late 10s.
everyone owned a ps3
this exemplifies how modern games are no longer sold on being a character, really. who was the last big platformer mascot? Ratchet?
Not a fan of the Halo series but Master Chief is by far the most well known original character from that gen next to Kratos.
Old kratos
>gen 6
>not CJ
I have never in my life owned a PS3.
My console history goes.. NES, SNES, N64+PS1, PS2+Gamecube, Xbox 360, Xbox One+PS4.
Wii was way more popular and xbox was just as popular
You poor bastard
>cherry pick: the shitpost
2 can play that game
>no 7
try again fucko
Who the fuck is "trevor"?
It's Mario for all generations
It's not that mascot-based games are even slightly dead, it's that we're still using the same set from near 30 years ago and any new ones are placed under intense scrutiny
> No mention of the Master System
> N64/PS1
> No mention of the Saturn
> GCN/PS2/Xbox
> No mention of the Dreamcast
big rip
Ah yes, good old game of cherrypicking, where's the jrpg biasaed one?
What is the point of that image, considering several of those characters are from Japanese-developed games or 1st-party titles from japanese publishers?
>Ah yes, good old game of cherrypicking
Cherrypicking of what, exactly? Snake, James Sunderland, Cloud and Link are easily some of the most critically acclaimed protagonists in all of gaming.
that cherry picking is fucking easy to do
Anyone who says anything other than Lara as the face of gaming in the late '90s is literally revisionist-happy zoomer scum
She was everywhere. You couldn't get away from her. She transcended games, people who didn't even play them knew who she was.
> Waluigi with a gun
>forgetting a little game called Pokémon that came out in the late 90s.
I don't even think Cloud was the most famous Japanese game character of that generation. More people probably know of Leon S. Kennedy or even Solid Snake (who is technically a third gen character, but let's be honest here, nobody cares about the 2D Metal Gears that much).
>worst selling
>not the GameCube
Uhh, I love Alice, but she is not iconic (at least that incarnation of her).
Ps3 era is definitely Trevor, GTAV is one of the best selling games of all times, Skyrim doesn't even come close. Whiterun Guards also aren't one character, they're NPCs.
>worst selling
>not the GameCube
barely, by like a few 100k copies, so it's not meaningful. Xbox sales was utterly dwarfed by PS2, so my point still stands.
Is that fucking Bob Page? What is he doing there?
>preferring the shitty madness returns version fo alice (which completely ruined the character)
Get back to me when Pikachu receives an honour on par with being the sixth Spice Girl
I've never seen a picture so incredibly white.
I can't stress how problematic this is.
>who was the last big platformer mascot?
The portal gun.
The Big Daddy from Bioshock.
The Delta Squad from Gears of War.
Japanese developers made Mario and Sonic.
Link and Cloud are the opposite of generic.
Huh ?
> Getting tripped up by that but not SNES/Genesis
They're just listing the important consoles from each generation.
Get back to me when Lara Croft is in the fucking Thanksgiving Parade.
>More famous than Link
>Skyrim dude
>More famous than Big Daddy
>Skyrim dude
>More famous than Big Daddy
>sells 30 million copies
>sells a few million copies
more like most famous new character
otherwise it's mario for them all
Unironically, I'm slightly tempted to agree. Shovel Knight went everywhere and did everything, but his influence is mostly limited to the people who actually play games. That's a dwindling number.
Probably Kratos or Spider-Man. Or if we have to go with a character made within this console generation... fuck, I legitimately don't know. What new IPs have been made? Does Splatoon count??
Pissing our pants yet?
>Master Chief
>worst-selling console of its generation
Master Chief was never on the Wii U you retard
Why do people think he's actually popular?
He's not. His design is iconic, but he's not that popular, especially not more popular than Cloud and Master Chief.
You can actually pinpoint exactly when games started turning to trash
>not the dreamcast
Come back to me when Lara Croft becomes the nr. 1 media franchise in the world.
Because it was released at the end cycle of the last only so they could make more money.
>Cloud over Crash
>implying anyone except kids played fucking Crash Bandicoot