What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?

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>Hey guys look I said its bad too am I cool yet?

Besides everything?

Had a who make it because the dmc creator didn't want to make the second game yet plus i think it was rushed or something like that

>the dmc creator didn't want to make the second game yet
More like he didn't even know they were making one, because old Capcom was retarded.

Capcom fired the director and obligated Itsuno to complete the prohect in 8 months or so. We never found out who the original director was

It wasn't even a DMC game at first.

Some mystery director was in charge of the game and they didn't get anything done during the time was in charge besides the fucking stinger move. That's when they got Itsuno involved in the last 4 months of the dev time for the game.

Game is shit but that cover tho

T. Haven't played the game

>all the enemies are braindead fucking retards
>shitty camera
>health sponge bosses that just stand in one place and rely on minions or big knockback attacks
>no secret missions, just rooms where you kill enemies normally
>no alternate melee with different moves just swords that are exactly the same
>11/12ths of the game is you spamming projectiles or DT rapid fire
>Dante is too serious
>Diesel: For Successful Living
>Useless map
>You don't even get told what to do for a mission just some cryptic bullshit that may or may not even correlate with the objective
That said it wasn't complete garbage and many of the things it did play directly into mechanics used it the later games. Dodging became Trickster's dash and Twosome time/Rainstorm led to Gunslinger, beginning the start of Dante's style system. DMC2 also gave us bloody palace, unique alternate playable characters, hell even switching guns on the fly is because of DMC2.
It's just that while it had a lot of ideas we've come to appreciate later on they just weren't implemented well at all because DMC2 in itself is just a bad game mechanically.

god of war trilogy > dmc series

>they retconned DMC2 after DMC1 instead being the last game lore wise

>>shitty camera
The camera of the first DMC was just as bad, arguably even worse.

>>Useless map
DMC is one of the most linear series ever made, the fuck do you even need a map for

Its amazing how much it added to DMC and made it into the great series it became, while also being one of the worst games ever made. I haven't played it in a while but I remember all of Dante's mechanics being pretty good, he was just put into the wrong game with horrible enemies.
It was innovative while almost killing the series at the same time.

>arguably even worse.
Genuinely kill yourself.

>Its amazing how much it added to DMC and made it into the great series it became, while also being one of the worst games ever made.
lmao. makes me think of hitman absolution. shit hitman game but nuhitman2016 took so many good elements from absolution, like climbing, melee system, stealth, modern cover system that doesn't feel like shit, distractions etc etc


They only had 6 months

Pat and wollie can stfu about the game being bad becuse if we didnt have the swing of emotion then we probably wouldn't have wanted a 3rd game to fix it all

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>switching guns on the fly
This was in dmc1

>the first DMC was just as bad
That's because it was supposed to be RE4. They were exploring unknown territory with the first one, it's obvious it has some "flaws" but those are suposed to get fixed in the second game, not stay there.

The games fine, in fact it's better than that pile of shit 5

2 is a mediocre DMC game but at least it's better than DmC and like 90% of other action games like GoW and Bayonetta

Imagine bring this contrarian, eating shit because most people say pasta is better. You deserve this food analogy.

It's far worse than all of those, DmC is a masterpiece by comparison.

GoW and Bayonetta are pretty good, you're just a contrarian.


>game bad good because next game good
take a load of this guy

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Here is a (you)

No, that's just blatant shitposting
DmC is better by the sole virtue or actually being more mechanically sound and playable
GoW and nuGoW for the same reasons
Bayo completely blows this game out of the fucking water
It wasn't, you could only swap ifrit and alastor without menuing

is it really THAT bad? im about to start HD collection do i just skip it?

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Be funny if it was Inafune.

Trying too hard there, buddy.

Yes, don't let anyone convince you otherwise
Not only is it bad, it's inconsequential since it was retconned for over a decade before 5 kinda fixed its place in the timeline

still better than DmC5 lmao

play it
it will make you appreciate 3 more and it's short anyway

play it and suffer

It's a game everybody is fully aware that it's bad, but it's something you do anyways just to get better understanding and appreciation for how the series progressed. Bite the bullet and do it.

You know how Kamiya came up with a Resident Evil with swords that eventually became its own thing?
DMC2 is pretty much actually just a Resident Evil with swords.
As long as you do not pretend it's anything but Resident Evil with swords (and a lot of things that were prototypes of DMC3 mechanics) you'll be fine with DMC2, think about it as some kind of Onimusha with 3D backgrounds and no tank controls, with a DMC skin.
On the plus side, the music is REALLY good and some boss designs are really cool, though the implementation of most is lackluster at best due to, well, being a game made in pretty much four months, if anything you'll appreciate how Itsuno made something playable in that short amount of time and also managed to cram in a lot of the stuff he wanted for DMC3.

Every time I play it its worse than I remember

I'm playing it as well. I'm not one to critique games but it's noticely worse after finishing the first one. No point in missing potential content though

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fighting helicopters and tanks instead of demons

>newfags playing old dmc games in preparation for 5 flood the board with dmc2 threads
Kind of tiresome.
Always caught my eye whenever I walked into EB Games or Babbage's back in the day



Yep. DMC2 is mediocre.

>three halfassed playable characters
>A gazillion number of bosses, most of which are one trick ponies that can be easly defeated

Instead of creating 3 barebone characters, they could've given all those moves and weapons to Dante.

Instead of creating like 20 shit bosses, they could've created 5 decent bosses you fight numerous times like in the first game.

Instead of wasting time in creating Lucia's campaign, they could've fully focused on Dante.

The game would still be shit but not that shit at least.

I guess they wanted to innovate instead of copy pasting the first game, which is fair. Too bad they only had like 5 months to make a whole game from scratch.

>neither good nor bad
>not bad
The only good parts are the final boss and that level through the power plant.

Why do they make such a mistery out of the original director?

see itsuno demanded the ability to make DMC3 after having to try to salvage that cluster fuck

That guy pulled that game out of his ass like 6 months before release.

Show some respect, snowflake.

Infested Chooper, Infested Tank, Infested Gameplay.

You have actually played it, right?

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probably to protect his career

I'd say play it to get an understanding of what exactly went wrong going from 1 to 2. It's a slog so I don't blame you if you drop it. Infested Chopper just made me fucking laugh.

woolie is OUR guy

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All this bad talk yet
>Best devil trigger ever designed
>Customizable devil trigger
>Special devil trigger that brainlets didn't even know exist
>Special movesets for the devil trigger
>Most fluid animations for its time
>Dodge button was a really nice addition
>Best iteration of Dante, and this is fact.
>Best OST of the series FACT
>Enemy aesthetic true to its the series horror origins
>Implemented Bloody Palace for the first time

On the surface the game is high quality, but it falls extremely short of where a DMC, at least gameplay wise needs to be.

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wasn't the director also in charge of like 5 other games at the time because Capcom management was fucking retarded?

she's the purest dmc girl its not fair

I wish I was at home to post the webm of the infected tank fight.

I don't think anybody who actually played DMC2 would deny that it did in fact add a lot of core elements to the formula and had plenty of nice ideas and little things like having smooth animations and even physics for Dante's hair.
The problem is that despite everything, it was a rushed mess, so while one can enjoy the game for what it tries to do it still ultimately fails to deliver most of what it sets out to do, and not because Itsuno was incompetent, but because he had no time to properly implement those things.
So yeah, the music is great, it was the last game with a true horror aesthetic, Dante's costume is the best in the series, the music is stellar and only DMC1 OST can compete, there's a lot of bosses, BP started with this game and you also have the essential Proto Trickster/Gunslinger without even have to change styles to use them, but all in all, the game is poorly put together and has a lot of flaws that prevent it from being truly good.
For what it is, it's a decent game, but it's pretty boring most of the time and lacks a lot of polish, and it's really more of an Onimusha game than it is a DMC.

Literally the highest IQ response I've seen in an entire dmc thread.

I can't disagree with you one bit man. It is a shame really, because with the proper time and care this game could have been the best in the series, its a shame to see that we will never get the stoic Dante.

We are all aware of the low-point boss fights, but believe it or not, there were some good ones to. Maybe you're like the rest of Yea Forums who is parroting its bad to fit in.

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>Thanks to DMC2 abismal failure we got DMC3
>Thanks to DmC's underwhelming figure sales and alienating the fans we got DMC5

The two times DMC was on the verge of dying it was saved by Itsuno. Like pottery.

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It's not a Yea Forums thing, buddy. It's a bad game and everyone knows it. Snowflakes think they're sophisticated by defending it pointing out poorly implemented concepts that 3 perfected. You do know it's possible to come up with new concepts for a sequel and implement them well, right?
It's boring to play and a real slog, the enemies are so bad it's surreal.

>Snowflakes think they're sophisticated by defending it pointing out poorly implemented concepts that 3 perfected
All DMC are full of poorly implemented concepts.
DMC for instance had lots of useless filler like Force Edge/Sparda, the only gun worth a shit for being an actual gun is your shotgun, the Grenade Launcher is only good for Griffon, otherwise it's just a cheap way to get DT meter and let's not talk about the crap like underwater missions or the fact that while the game does have secret missions it also promotes you to complete the stages as fast as possible (Many of which are barely even five minutes long), so actually trying to do Secret Missions hurts your score, and let's forget about the camera issues entirely.
>the enemies are so bad it's surreal.
The enemies aren't really any worse than DMC3's punching bags, at least Goatlings are actually dangerous, and all DMC have their stinker bosses you wonder why they even exist.

Defending a game for coming up with good ideas, even if they got perfectioned later (what a shocker!) doesn't make anyone a snowflake, it makes them actually coherent people, but I guess that given how we're in Yea Forums and you're not allowed to like anything the hivemind doesn't like it's a bad thing to be able to appreciate things, while also conveniently ignoring other games' massive problems.

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not anymore, have you played DMC5?

both bayo games are better than all DMC games.
That's just a fact, did you play bayo 2?

even with the fixed camera in DMC1 it was still deigned with where the player was in mind. There's pretty much never a time where you'll get hit by an enemy just because the camrea fucked you over

>The enemies aren't really any worse than DMC3's
Typical Yea Forums contrarian garbage. I bet you think you're cool and sophisticated for your unpopular opinion. In reality, you're just a shitposter.

they put the best dmc soundtrack in the worst game

I don't actually think its a bad broken game or anything. I think its just boring which is kind of worse than being bad in my opinion.

>Implying there's any difference between one of the Seven Hells or most of the punching bags of DMC2
Unlike you I don't really think much about my identity on an anonymous mongolian tapestry board, but at the very least I'm not a massive fucking hypocrite.

unironically better than 5


>The game would still be shit
This. Everything would've still been this. What needed to happen was give it more time in the oven.

>they didn't get anything done during the time was in charge besides the fucking stinger move.

Stinger was in the first game, so how the fuck was it apparently such a chore for them to put in the second?

They listened to gunfags.

the first GoW aged like rotten milk but the others are good