Valve doesn't sound too happy about the Epic Store copying Steam data

Uh oh...
>In a statement sent to Bleeping Computer today, Valve's Doug Lombardi said that the company is "looking into what information the Epic launcher collects from Steam." It sounds like Valve isn't too pleased about the whole thing.

>"The Steam Client locally saves data such as the list of games you own, your friends list and saved login tokens (similar to information stored in web browser cookies)," wrote Lombardi. "This is private user data, stored on the user's home machine and is not intended to be used by other programs or uploaded to any 3rd party service.

>"Interested users can find localconfig.vdf and other Steam configuration files in their Steam Client’s installation directory and open them in a text editor to see what data is contained in these files. They can also view all data related to their Steam account at:"

>In other words, Valve doesn't think the Epic Store client should be touching localconfig.vdf at all, and presumably would prefer it if Epic used the Steam API to gather friends lists.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Their obsession with trends and data gathering is hilarious.

>new competitor is owned by chink bugmen, starts paying off every developer they can find for console-tier exclusive faggotry, and on top of all this harvests your user's data
I wouldn't be happy either.

Never trust chinks with your data.

No shit I doubt any company is going to be happy about a direct competitor probing their own customers for information to use against them.

Giving China your personal info for free to own the nazcels.

Where are all the shills saying Epic did nothing wrong now?

It's also Steam's fault for storing this data unencrypted, knowing there are all kinds of epic spyware out there.

thats a poor excuse for literally stealing info. any company in the world and probably every user would be not ok with this behavior. epic should be ashamed

Epic Store shutdown in EU when? That shit is literally against the law.

What's stored in said files, in case somebody is wondering

>your entire friends list and what they have called themselves in the past
>what steam group you are a part of
>games you are following on the market place
>the exact time you have gotten a message.
>your steam library
>controllers you've plugged in and used
>game licenses
>special launch parameters for games.
>login tokens
>the router you used to login for said tokens
>all of your in-game steam overlay settings.
>family sharing settings
>last time you played all your games
>the friends that are in specific groups with you.

>man who valve is fine with running a website that harvests steam data caught harvesting steam data after being employed by competing company

Not even surprised, chink doing chink things.

>the ones who really give a shit about people being profiled, are the companies doing it
Also, I don't see how any of it matters. Google has been following almost all my shit extensively for well over ten years, including browsing history, navigation/location, email, contacts and such. Yet they still can't target me with relevant ads, which is supposed to be their expertise, at all.

One uses steam API, the other directly accesses a file that falls under user-steam privacy agreement. And this isn't the first time, Epic already got told not to fucking do it when they were exploring the idea of importing steam friends for Fortnite and to use the API instead.

>Tim Shitney will go to prison in your lifetime

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Even worse he will have to flee to China and live there

No surprises here.
Too late to stop the Chinese now boys. we let this happen

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Oh well, Epic already got the information they wanted. :^)

This regardless of the verdict even if it goes to court, all they do is "delete it" and pay or whatever the verdict is. Meanwhile some chink middle man already has the data.

Why the hasn't anybody sued Epic yet? Surely this shit is illegal?

Yea Forums was right all along about botnet stuff.

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>designed by a guy who made a site literally called "SteamSpy"
Really why is anyone surprised?

>open local config.vdf
>Ctrl+V in Tiannamen Square pasta

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It takes time for the lawyers to gather as much info as possible before actually going into a court, and Epic will no doubt just deal with it in private so nothing will come of it.

Just because I give my bank my data doesn't mean I want everyone else to have it too.


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google do it legally,you agree to everything they do. epic steals your info without your knowlegde and consent. thats a big fucking difference. epic is literally breaking the law

>install Chinese government spyware on computer
>wtf stop looking at my data!!!

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Someone didn't read the wall of text they agreed to

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>invite some businessman to your house
>he starts stealing your shit and installing cameras in your bathroom
>hey it's your fault for inviting him in lmao


>be me
>have my family photos on pc
>epic steals my photos and stores them on their servers
>it's my fault for not encrypting my data.

this is the most Tienanmen square massacre post i've ever read

If the businessman was Chinese, you have no one but yourself to blame

can you show me where is the part i agree to importing steam data into epic store?

Honestly from what you described you should've know something was up when he busted out the power drill.

chinise spyware, what else did you expect? uninstall that shit asap

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I'd like to remind you all that this has nothing (or little) to do with Tencent's ownership in Epic.
Tencent owns ~48% of Epic Games. They don't own a majority. Yes, they own enough to be an arguable influence, but if they sold all their equity out of spite, they'd be fools financially speaking.

Epic Games (and their planned store) should be demonized for their anti-consumer practices. They are seeking exclusivity deals to strongarm consumers into their store. Additionally, they are doing so to games they promised they wouldn't--such as, heinously, crowdfunded games.
They have very few consumer friendly features, and are overall shitlords, but trying to play the "china" card to the wise will just paint yourself as a racist--who's views can be safely dismissed.

If you really want to stay the hell away from Tencent, uninstall Path of Exile, League of Legends etc. They own 100% of many game companies, surprisingly enough.

>We won't steal your info & share it with Tencent

Of course not Sweeny, of course not

It's illegal for them to do what Steam was already doing?

60% is owned by epic, they manage the ue4 and store
40% is owned by tencent, they manage the spyware

it doesnt matter how much percent tencent has. they are there and control their part

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>chink launcher
>instantly spys on everything you own
Fuck chinks

Steam is pewdiepie. Epic store is t series. We must protect pewdiepie

Are you retarted? Steam logs your steam friends, logins and number of games and shit. So everything connected to fucking Steam.
Chinks from epic literally stalk your pc to copy data from other Programms like steam you chink shill

The difference is that Epic is mooching off of Steam's data instead of collecting its own. Basically, Epic is stealing from Valve.

What is controlling share? Also the rest of the stocks are split among several people. Tencunt just need to bribe one or two shareholders to royally fuck the rest.
>inb4 tencent owner is a random SA company
Totally not a front.

I wonder when Jim Sterling will say Epic abusing privacy rights is good because at least edgy games aren't on there

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I bet a dollar that fat fuck will not mention it at all even though he pretends to care about consumer rights.

Stealing your personal data is far more egregious than Valve allowing shovelware.

Fuck Valve and fuck Epic. Epic is nuclear trash. Valve are censoring pieces of shit.

>guy actively seeks out asset flips and terrible shovelware to make videos and profit off of them
>Complains about the quality on Steam when he's making money off of it, despite most users never coming across these games
He used to make some decent point about the industry. Shame, really.

This isn't between epic and the users only. They are literally accessing files and information that Valve as a company tries to protect and that even they say they don't access or use it.

Epic is spying and gathering data from the competition and their users. You can't just agree or disagree with this in a contract or terms of service because it's not fucking legal.

Because it's local data from steam.
It's like saying
>wtf why does microsoft word have my thesis
but you already knew that, you chink shill

>corporate fucks
they'd sell their own mothers if they had too.


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>Epic claims to be scraping this data only for use when linking your friends list
>Valve already provides an API for this exact purpose and would allow it to be done in a legal way that makes sure the user gives permission
>Said data scrape takes a fuckton more data than just your friends list
>There's talk that when linking friends lists on the Epic Games Store that they don't even goddamn access that file
>Epic somehow knew how many people who play Fortnite have Steam installed

I hope the EU fucks them in court, it's a blatant breach of GDPR

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Jim Sterling picks soft targets that his wife's friends (and probable lovers) agree with. The man has no spine, and almost certainly no dick. As shown when he basically threw TB under the bus when his body wasn't even cold.

Jim has a hateboner for steam because of the time they invited him over to give his views, he gave them, and they ignored him (Because it was something like verified curators ((AKA Him and his friends)) having more power when it comes to being able to influence what is shown. I sincerely think he's throwing his hat in with Epic because he thinks being an early defender will mean he can influence them more.

At least TB was sensible in saying they should just hide the shovelware and recommend the more quality games, which seems to be the route they took. Even in death, John had more influence over Steam than Jim.

You're not a business that stores millions of users' personal information so it's fine. It's not as bad as that time Sony got hacked and hackers got email addresses, passwords, full names, addresses, and phone numbers of everyone who's ever used PSN because it was all stored in plain (unencrypted) text -- including the passwords. At least the credit card information was encrypted, but if they thought to encrypt that, why not encrypt anything else? Especially passwords.

>So it's fine
Last I checked it's not legal to steal someone's private property.

>Valve are censoring pieces of shit
Valve censors jack shit. It's actually pretty incredibly how lax they are considering they're a massive company. Obviously they remove obvious flame bait like "rape day" but nobody misses that game anyway.

I won't be surprised when Epic starts using people's personal photos to use in their games/services. I'm kinda surprised this hasn't happened yet with someone like Facebook. Seems like something they'd do.

When the EU bans Facebook and detonates a EMP thermonuclear device above Menlo Park to delete all its illegally stored data: never, because all governments want is a piece of the pie.

I did report Epic to the GDPR for this shit same as I did Faceberg, but I never got a reply and presumably it all lands in a bin somewhere.

>You're not a business that stores millions of users' personal information so it's fine.
>Who cares about personal rights, only companies matter

>Valve doomposter/Artifactshitter nowhere to be seen on Yea Forums after this shit got out
you think he killed himself?

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What other shady shit does Epic do with its games or engine?

He's waiting for a new script from Tencent

That'd be too good. Likely he's just waiting for the next script from Tencent to come in.

All the shills are having an emergency meeting on how to spin this. Be prepared for them to start damage controlling en mass soon.

Maybe he finally killed himself. Jesus christ that autist just never stops.

Instagram did this in 2012. They used users photos in advertisements.
TikTok currently does the same thing too.

I'm not talking about the hackers. Hackers are gonna hack regardless of how you and me feel about them. What I'm talking about is your responsibility vs a corporation's responsibility.

My point was that "it's fine" if you don't do this because nobody gives a fuck about your family photos and whatever else is on your system. Conversely, a lot of people care about what's on a business' system, so the business has a responsibility to take those steps. Like I said, hackers are always going to be doing this shit, so if the companies don't see it coming and prepare for it then they're fucking idiots who should not be allowed to handle their users' personal information ever again.

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ebic sdore

Even though anything that could bring down the digital age as we know would be catastrophic on every level, I think it'd be for the best. This shit is too powerful for humanity.

RPS decided to play the race card in response to it. Not a strong move.

>google wtf is tiktok
>taotiyuo or something
Why are normfags so so dumb?

You know, part of me was hoping that what I was saying was just a hyperbole, an exaggeration of what these companies would do.
Apparently not only was I right, I'm 8 years late. I genuinely hate the modern age.

Android and iphone have been automatically looking up your contacts on facebook and applying their profile pictures to them for over 10 years now.

What race card? Mainlanders can get fucked.

> nobody gives a fuck about your family photos and whatever else is on your system

If they hacked my system and got my family photos it means they cared enough about it.

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It's fine for you to be cavalier about cyber security. It is not fine for a business to be cavalier about cyber security.

From Tim fuckin' Sweeney himself
>We don't use the Steam API because we work to minimize the number of third-party libraries we include in our products due to security and privacy concerns (not from Valve specifically, but see e.g. for the general concern of APIs collecting more data than expected)
>due to security and privacy concerns

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>If they hacked my system and got my family photos it means they cared enough about it.
IF they did, sure. But nobody will because who the fuck gives a shit about your family photos. Unless you're storing pictures of your hot sister on your computer and they somehow find out that you're storing files of her and want them, then you don't really have anything to worry about.

>we don't use third party libraries because they could potentially steal our data
>but we steal steams data

The man is such a fucking joke

I'm sure Steam encrypts the sensible data but allows the rest of the data for users to access it, as it should be. If a company gathers any sort of data on you, you should be able to see what that data is. But only the user in question, not random companies.

>We don't want people stealing our data so we steal people's data instead
Flawless logic right there.

At this point he should just say that they're harvesting data for their own personal use because I don't think anyone believes in his damage control.

>you don't really have anything to worry about.

What if I do not want my hot sister pics all over the internet?

>willingly installing chink spyware
ahah holy shit what are you doing?

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>anti-epic incels are also straight from reddit
can't make this up bros

Nice goalpost move

>Why are people linking to a place when the actual source is directly from that place?

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is this the best narrative your think tank could come up with?

Come on Chang, you can do better that that. Gotta earn those credit score


1,000$ deposited on your bank account.

Time for a lawsuit

but ironically

>Valve should encrypt all data on Steam, destroying performance, because they should expect Epic is going to spy on Steam users for corporate espionage

1000$ per post? Fortnite must be really successful.

post yfw you never installed epic launcher and didn't spring the 'free game giveaway / exclusives / fortnite' trap

>there are people in this thread who voluntarily stepped on a chinese tradewar mine

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Then you can choose to take extra steps such as encrypting the files if you'd like, but it's probably fine if you don't. An easier step to take would be to avoid telling anyone you have pictures of your hot sister on your computer. Displaying to the world that you have something worth hacking is how people get targeted by hackers. Some people like celebrities and their friends do this "displaying to the world" inadvertently, but chances are you're not one of those people.

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>OK, maybe we spied on you, took your information without permission but VALVE DOES IT TOO!

That was my first post in this thread.

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This is great. Frogposters are already on a social credit blacklist before we even have the social credit system imposed on us.

>If you've got nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about
The future is fucked because of people like you.

I agree. I'm familiar with European Data Protection legislation. I think a GDPR complaint should be filed against Epic for this. This has the potential to be really damaging.

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I did several years ago, way before Fortnite was a thing. I've since tried to have the account deleted but these fuckers make that process as obtuse and restrictive as possible. The day Epic burns to the ground will be a day to celebrate.

Tell us your name user
you got nothing to hide

Remember when we thought that Epic having their own store would be good for competition?
Who would've thought that they could outjew Steam? Like holy fuck

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>Yo bro, just coming in to check some things out! Don't worry, you got nothing you didn't want me to see, right?

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rip 4channel account

I will N E V E R install Epic, no matter what they offer. It's just not happening.

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The moment they stated that anti-consumer things like no reviews were meant as positive features for the devs, that's when they lost any validity as a competitor.
The exclusivity deals are just the cherry on top.

> An easier step to take would be to avoid telling anyone you have pictures of your hot sister on your computer.

Who the fuck would have thought that?
Thanks kind user, now I can finally live in peace with myself and my hot sister photos

Now, do you mind if I take a look at your PC?
Just a regular check-in

Does it count if I only installed it back for the Fortnite alpha when it was still a zombie defense game?

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How about fucking no. User should always be able to edit their own data. This is purely Epic Games' fault for being shits.

Valvebros, what do we do now?

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I still pray that Epic prevail in the end and snatches Valve's monopoly. Valve has gotten far too lazy.

>mfw I fell for the "epic are the good guys" meme
Laugh at me all you want, I deserve it

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I didn't say that or even intend to imply that at all. Everyone's got something to hide. See If I don't put my name out there and give him a reason to hack me, I'm no worse off right now than I was 10 minutes ago. Some worry is necessary regardless of how much you feel you have to hide, but I have no reason to worry beyond that just because someone somewhere might be interested in a file on my computer -- I'm not going to go encrypting every file on my computer that contains my name just because some user asked me what me name was, unless I actually told him what my name was like some fucking idiot.

depends, were Tencent shareholders back then? I doubt they were so you should be good

>Encrypting someone else's data to be stored on their own device

Are you fucking insane? You're suggesting that they put data on your computer, solely about you, that you can't access yourself? Can you even imagine the shitstorm?

>Game journos a few weeks from now
Epic store is collecting competitor data without user permission and that is a good thing and you are a shooter gooberdoober is you dont agree

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I forgive you for posting best girl
overlord is honestly a very subpar manga/anime

Good work user on reporting those scumbags.

>valve censors reviews
>gets overshadowed by Epics bullshit
They really picked the perfect moment for it.

This is also against european laws and I hope someone is sueing epic for this.

>epic are the good guys

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They added this literally yesterday or today

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I wouldn't really call it censoring when you still can access all of the reviews

can I pretend to sue them and get a free easy $10k?

Some chinese men will be executed because of this

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Tons of programs do that already, you moron. The data will still be able to be accessed via the program it's intended for.

No. If the data is stored in a way that the user can access it on a whim, then it makes it easier for other parties to also access it on a whim. This is why (competent) e-stores only show you the last 4 digits of your credit card and don't allow you to edit it, only delete it and re-add it.

Exactly what you are expecting. You are "kinda" racist if you are afraid of a company that is stealing private data because their biggest stockholders is a massive chinese multi-national company.

Omg valvebros, that can't be real can it? I don't want to lose all of my games !!! AGGHH!!! N-noo! All those precious shovelware games I got from giveaways by favorite #Woke Youtubers are going to be took away from me by the evil Gook epic shills!

Haven't courts decided that EULA's aren't legally binding?
>Epic realizes they just fucked up big time
>"Just offer them 10 grand to whoever complains, it'll be cheaper than a class action lawsuit"

Around chinks never relax

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Maybe he meant HK$?

EU courts have. US courts haven't. In fact, Blizzard successfully sued someone for violating copyright simply because their EULA said "If you violate this, you're infringing our copyright"

>"Gabe, sir, there's this new store from Epic Games. A lot of people seem to like it..."
>"...Call Microsoft."

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>Their obsession with trends and data gathering is hilarious.
consumer informations are extremely valuable. Or why do you think google and co have so much money?

If I leave my car open, in my garage, and you decide to take it, you're still getting arrested for stealing it.

False equivilany. the businessman is not effectively owned by the government.

Yeah, that shit wouldn't fly in the EU/UK. Might get some success in the US with enough lobbying but they're about to get some letters in the post from lawyers smelling blood.

But in the time that they stole it and go to jail, they could've fucked 10 whores in the back seat and drove it off a cliff into the sea. It's better to prevent them from stealing it in the first place you fucking donut. Just because stealing cars is illegal doesn't mean that nobody is ever going to steal your car.

>classic wow and halo
>accelerationism happening everywhere
for the first time in years, i have hope for the future
can't wait to be comfy while it all goes up in flames

No? So you think users shouldn't have access to their own data? How about you kill yourself right now.

Does it really take >6 months to add a fucking shopping cart feature?

>Live in the EU
>Could use 10 grand
>Have an Epic account I never used from when their service first started
I'm seriously considering sending an email to see what happens.

A better analogy would be to put a tire iron on your car while it's in your garage. Tire iron = encryption. Your garage = your computer. It's fucking absurd. It makes it more difficult to access your own data, merely because chinks can't stop breaking the law.

NOT LEGAL IN EUROPE, you can't waive your right to class action anyone's ass.

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You forget all the Loli and stuff that wasn't Loli but they claimed was Loli.
They seemed to have stopped that though, shame they won't go back and unban that stuff.

You can delete it. What other type of access do you think you need?

Features Steam already has? Cool.

I'll tell you all that, vast majority of that information is public just from using steam. Unless you're a private profile faggot. It's just video games, who gives a fuck if they know what controller I have plugged in or what games I have.

The point is, we're still talking about a criminal stealing my car, in my garage. This is like if a Mercedes' employee came into my home in the middle of the night and stole my BMW.
The comparison is starting to fall apart but you get my point.

then let's just gas all the chinks

The absolute fucking state.

>Chinese aren't subhuma-

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It's not like they have enough games on there to justify a shopping cart.

You obviously have no idea what that file is used for. Just be quiet. This is entirely Epic's fault.

Could I take the money and still participate in a class action lawsuit in Europe?

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They were doing the same thing eariler trying to discredit the information because it came from resetera.

Oh you're one of those "I don't have anything to hide" shitfaces? Mind giving me your credit card info for safe keeping? I won't do anything with it, I promise.

There has gotta be a law less cancerous than the gdpr for this, I really don't want anything to happen that endorses that shit.

>Valve censors jack shit
>Yeah, we're removing negative reviews fuck you

Hatred is also flame bait but Valve still haven't removed it, they're inconsistent to their own rules, that's called double standards or hypocrisy.

Yeah, if you can't refute the evidence, refute the source. Even if they're just hosting the evidence.

Nobody claimed otherwise.

Get out Facebook

With those access tokens you can access the user account and with that their home address, phone number etc. Don't be a fucking gullible retard.

>I really don't want anything to happen that endorses that shit.
What's bad about it?

It hurts smaller businesses more than it hurts the big guys.

How long till some smartass fuck them in the ass for this on top of actually getting the 10k bux?

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>weeks from now
user, there's already articles calling people who complain about the data scraping as a racism thing.

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Hatred is arguably more flame bait than rape day.

imagine being this wrong

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wow ive got to give them credit, that was alot faster than expected

I'm pretty sure it's not legal anywhere except maybe America.

how? is this surprising to you? hopefully you never run a business you fucking retard lmao

Nah, they'll probably have you agree that the matter has been resolved to your satisfaction, you can't then come back and sue them. It'll certainly look bad in court.

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Or they make judgement calls based on the context of the game.

Hatred is a real game that clearly had effort put into it and can drive discussion of the nature of violence in media. Rape Day is a low effort dog shit slideshow with similarly distasteful content but none of the craft that was put into Hatred.

The fact that Valve stuck up for Hatred shows that they want to be as laissez faire as possible, but they can't allow literally everything or it'll risk their marketplace getting shut-down or chasing away users.

Wrong. But whatever, keep pretending you know anything about computer data. t. /g/ user

He is completely right though, big data companies like Jewgle and Microsoft still collect loads of data from its European users and the EU will do absolutely nothing against it. Meanwhile checking out certain websites require you to go through many unnecessary warnings. It's retarded just like any European law.

Being a software engineer I bet I know a bit more than you, kid. If you added a credit card to your Steam account you had to give an address. So yes, sorry loser boy.

Good. See you in court chang. Thanks for free money. t. /biz/ user

You did a reasonable amount to prevent your car from being stolen and it still got stolen. It happens. It's so extremely rare that most people will live their whole lives without it ever happening to them, but it happens. You probably could've done more to prevent, like anything from locking the doors or putting a boot on your car, but you didn't really need to. The garage is enough to prevent strangers from accessing your vehicle 99.99% of the time. You didn't need to hire a security team to patrol your garage around the clock or anything like that.

Now, imagine if instead of a person parking your car in your home garage, you were a business with valets who you employed who parked cars in a parking garage that you owned. If you DIDN'T hire security guards and set up cameras and all the cars in your garage got stolen, you would be legally responsible.

these captchas are fucking killing me

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Stop victim blaming, this is a violation of GDPR and other data protection statutes and Epic could have just made their bed with this dipshit move. I hope they burn.

>Steam stores the cc info and address inside the login token
This is how I know you learned about computers from the batman games.

Hatred had no purpose other than to incite controversy while you are meant to beat off to rape day, rape day has more right to be there.

wtf? The world fucked up big time letting the bugmen become so powerful.
It's almost impossible to stop them now.

What? Are you fucking illiterate? With that login token you can access the user account which in turn contains the address. Are you this fucking retarded?

I'm so god dam sick of cookie warnings, yes of course the website leaves cookies, every fucking website does.
Funnily enough Yea Forums seems to get away with not having them.

>implying I accept any cookies

>t. Troglodyte

Fuck the GDPR

>gorzillian of hentai games/porn games have similar RAPE contexts, sometimes even worse, such as raped by monsters/animals/faggots...etc
>hurrdurr nah we just make judgement calls based on the context of the game, so we decide to only remove "RAPE Now" but greenlight all other hentai raping games
Sounds perfect valid and, not at all.

Fuck Winnie the Pooh, dictator of the China communist country.

>removing mass review bombs is the same thing as removing negative reviews
Okay buddy

>accepting cookies from anything aside shit that you really need or trust.

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t. Tim

>implying the token by itself contains your login credentials
Keking every time, what next? You gonna hack my isp with a visual basic gui?

When have they ever done this?

Do you faggot not know what login tokens are used for? With that token you DO NOT need credentials.

>mfw I installed Epic and they stole my nude photos
I'm a gril btw.

>But dur if you hate a stupid law you must be against any sort of consumer protection

If only we could do something about it

Attached: Damn_Me_Are_You_Stupid.png (664x413, 120K)

Oh sweatie, you couldn't BE any more wrong. But you keep thinking you know everything, okay pumpkin?

In comparision, it'd be more like if the valet business parked your car but then didn't let you get it back.
This comparison has run its course. Could steam be more protective of the data they collect? Sure. But users should have access to them in the first place. That data should only be available for both Valve and the user. Third parties not involved in this can't be allowed that data and Epic is clearly violating that, whether or not Valve had encrypted it.

Smaller business don't datamine the fuck out of everything in sight, they're still free to use cookies to offer your services and you're free to delete cookies (preferably on browser exit). Try again CCP shill.

Having written multiple access token implementations, yeah I don't know anything. How about you crawl back to the basement troglodyte.
Also it's not "sweatie", learn to write.

My question that no one's fucking answered is:
If you don't allow epic to search your steam account friends list, does it access this file?

>With that token you DO NOT need credentials.
A token gets assigned to you when you log in. You need valid login credentials to be assigned that token.

Does it even ask? I thought that was the whole point that it never asks for your consent.

It creates a copy of it for some god damn reason

Also do you know why you don't have to type in your creds everytime you start Steam. I'll give you a hint. It has something to do with tokens.

>If you don't allow epic to search your steam account friends list, does it access this file?

Epic claims they don't actually access the file until you give permission to link friends lists, but there's the issue of why the fuck to they need to preemptively scrape your data, and some have said that they don't even access the damned file when linking friends lists

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>If you don't allow
Is that even an option? Pretty sure this is one of those situations where they've already done it and only now are people finding out.

I thought their store was already perfectly lightweight and doesn't require features?

It doesn't even use that file to get your friend list.

Jesus christ, that's the thing. Once you steal that token you do not need credentials to get signed in as long as that token is valid.

The fuck? Is this even legal?

>This comparison has run its course
That's where you're wrong, you're missing one vital thing
>it'd be more like if the valet business parked your car but then didn't let you get it back.
They don't do this. You can't just walk into the garage and get your car, even though it's YOUR car. The valet gets it for you. There's a reason for this. If they let everyone just walk in and get their own car, they'd be compromising the security of every other car in their garage.

Wait, it's possible to be racist against Asians again now?

>>login tokens

Attached: Angry loli.jpg (229x231, 44K)

How does it feel living with half a brain?

>information that Valve as a company tries to protect
They aren't doing a great job of it.

>Is this even legal?
In the US? Maybe

In the EU? Fuck no, scraping your data without permission is a direct violation of GDPR

It pairs it to your system, so not only would they have to be spoofing your token, they'd have to be spoofing your entire system. this is assuming that the people behind the system are competent which you really have no way of knowing until it's too late so I see your point

>Jim has a hateboner for steam because of the time they invited him over to give his views, he gave them, and they fucking ROFL'd him

They should have had all this months ago when they first opened up the store if they wanted to compete with valve.
I will praise epic for no refunds though, refunds on Vidya is fucking dumb.

damn son

thaat actually sounds like some kind of spyware and i wonder if that's even legal

valve should destroy epicfail with a load of lawyers

however, just another reaason i will never have epicfail on my PC

all hail gaben

It's not standard practice is encrypt all information in programs you use. It negatively impacts performance too

>install spyware
>be surprised when it spies on you
fucking retards

It definitely is not legal*

*unless you live in the US

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Asians can be white or poc depending on what suits the narrative
In this case the narrative being defending epic because they are still butthurt about porn in steam.

They are, Epic is just infringing user privacy. They're essentially akin to a data miner.
Just no. It uses device UUID which the Epic Launcher also gets as Windows manages it. Epic has every mean to intrude Steam user's accounts. I'm not saying that they do but they have the means to do so.

Might as well keep the analogy going.
What Valve does is closer to having your car in your own garage. What other companies do is closer to a valet system where you don't even know what they're doing with your car.
What Epic is doing is starting a valet system then going to your personal garage and stealing your car.

>it's fine because it was easy to steal

>Basic consumer right is stupid
Plus, I think they've already implemented some sort of refund policy.

Nah, this is why you fucking retards are still being labelled as "RACISM" even on this matter. Because you really act like ones. You assholes keep deliberately derailing the focus to China/Chinese while it's NOT true.

You should go fuck America first because Epic Games is "American company" and Epic Store is "American software", it's fact! They're really not controlled by Chinese, it's not Tencent's platform. Epic Store isn't even properly functioned in China. This is you Americans' own doing!

Attached: American Spyware with 1776+ fake genders_.jpg (2572x1036, 566K)

it's the first thing it asks you when you launch fortnite. I assumed this was people who yes their way through everything complaining, and I can't find any info on whether this is actually scraped/copied before you agree. I don't see the file that was parsed in my epic folder cause I always hit no, but I may be an outlier.

In China he is.

I just want ebin to get anally fucked enough for its money hat shekels to dry out and need to compete normally.

Oh sorry, I read again your post. Actually I don't know if Steam uses device UUID or if they generate their own. But I know Epic does mine the UUID from windows. It is possible that Steam generates one with their own algorithm and stores that only on server side against which that token is partly compared against so in that case the hijack wouldn't likely work. But these are largely black boxes and like you said my point is just mainly to criticize Epic's shitty data mining.

>It's also Women's fault for wearing so exposed, knowing there are all kinds of raper out there.

Go away Chang.

>de-install steam
>nothing to spy on

>Steam giving Epic just enough rope to hang themselves

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>"Phil, Gabe, Bill here: execute Plan 117"

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Calm down ching chong

Chinese bootlickers blown the fuck out

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>racists seething

Go away Chang.

They could have called it a troll game and stayed consistent but they made it pretty clear they were not basing it from that policy statement they made.

>What Valve does is closer to having your car in your own garage.
Which is bad because they're a company responsible for a lot of peoples' cars and if someone knows their operation, like epic, they can exploit it and take cars from them.

Epic's in the wrong either way for jacking cars, but Valve is also in the wrong for not taking more steps to prevent access to those cars. In fact, when I made the "If they let everyone just walk in and get their own car, they'd be compromising the security of every other car in their garage" statement, I was specifically thinking about one of Valve's own fuckups. Remember a few years back around Christmas time in 2015 when users were randomly getting other users' personal information popping up in their client when they looked at their own account details because of a hacker-induced caching problem? Pic related, look at how the account name ON the client doesn't match the account name IN the client.

cute pic

They steal other shit though. Better ready lots of Winnie the Pooh pics.

Refunds should only be legally required for goods that are faulty or not as advertised, anything else is an insult to capatilism.

Only if they upload this data without your consent. And they most likely dont do it.
In worst case scenario they could be fined.

Can they sue? If not it doesn't matter

>Pic related
forgot pic related
>it even shows what kind of 2fa security is tied to the account and would display their phone number if they had it tied to their account

Attached: 3c.png (3189x1705, 546K)

caching issues aren't even a rarity for valve, people seem to have forgotten because it's much more remembered for being the psn hack, but in 2011 valve lost shitfuckloads of customer personal info, including (thankfully) salted cc info.

They didn't. Free DLC for Branded Azel was supposed to go to steam but it got straight banned without a chance for revision.



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You fucked up m8

Jesus, why nobody sued them?

That's beside the point though. Epic is essentially being a criminal here and hijacking user data and they should be sued for it.

>Game is broken like Arkham Knight
>Game is not what was advertised, like No Man's Sky
>Lol no refunds, just trust the devs will fix it

Valve does not have any reasons to be happy in general. Artifact flopped. HL3 never. Steam streaming flopped. Rape Day scandal. EPIC btfoing Steam.

Gabe must be feeling unwell right now.

Thanks for your email address orenasaf

Attached: 1536687843609.png (512x384, 285K)

>never cared about any zoomer shit like fortnite
>b-but look at these free games I'll never play!

Attached: 1537734448691.jpg (640x640, 62K)

How quickly Steam drones forgot VAC disaaster

And what Epic should have done is remove the data mining immediately which they fucking haven't done. They're shady fucks through and through.

I'm H1DICK though

Of course, just pointing out that it wasn't just 2015. Valve isn't immune to stupid bullshit either.

Go to bed Xi

>not censoring the most obvious part
imagine being a 2iq nigger

>[email protected]
>American Express ending in **95
bye bye

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Valve AntiCheat has nothing to do with collecting and storing personal information.

You should consider games journalism as a career with that level of spin and shillery

sure thing, sure thing

Any system can be abused. Right now I'm sure there's hackers trying to break into Steam. But those are individuals, not a company. Saying Valve needs to up their security doesn't mean much if Epic would've still found a way to go around that.

Of course, but every company does stupid bullshit. And Valve is a different breed of shit. They also track user habit much more than they should and need (including all devices on your computer, controller usage habits, inability to manage Steam Cloud saves etc.). Money and greed drive all businesses.

it's obviously not him
google orenasaf steam

Wait wait, so you're telling me that the Epic Launcher STEALS the info of your Steam Data even though that's not their property?

I'm agreeing with the op, Cletus.

How is saying both companies are in the wrong and should be responsible for fucking up "shillery"?

Than allow refunds on those games.
You never see nations demanding people be able to refund any music or movies they buy, why should videogames be any different.

Pretty much.

>more than they should and need

The data they analyze is genuinely useful for seeing how they should go about developing Steam in a data-driven way. Epic on the other hand has no justification for scraping data from unassociated programs that you gave no permission for

I don't know what any of that means but the text is red and angry so it must be bad!

Feels good watching the chinksects squirm.

Attached: AT YOU.png (1280x720, 1.62M)

Piracy isn't theft.

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They pretty much admitted to taking data from your steam account without authorization from the user

That's not how encryption works. For encryption to work, the file must be in an unreadable state unless decrypted. If the file remain in a decrypted state whenever steam is launched then encryption is just as fucking pointless anyway since Epic can just collect the file when you have Steam open or just collect data from memory during the decryption process.

There's literally no way to prevent this. It's like asking for bitlocker protected files to remain encrypted while you are accessing them... That cannot happen. If you have a backdoor on your PC (here the Epic software), then no amount of encryption is going to save you from that backdoor reading your data.

>The data will still be able to be accessed via the program it's intended for.

That's not encryption then and just obfuscation. If all you need to read data is a "software" (and not a RANDOM hidden key (i.e. password)) then anyone can just build something to decode those files. Exactly how you have save editor for games basically, even if at first the save seems to be in an unreadable state it's not encrypted, things are just obfuscated.

Well don't be fucking pushovers like music buyers, why would we want to emulate their less consumer friendly systems?

>Epic is controlled by Tencent which is China and they monitor you.
>Murrika's surveillance also exists.
>You are a fucking retarded shill shifting blame around
All of these three statements are true.

does that actually work?
if so, can i just make a steam user or email variant to fuck with them?

The facts are that Epic scrapes data from your Steam files and saves it locally in your Epic Games Store files. Epic claims that they don't look into this data unless you choose to link your friends list, but the data the scrape is a hell of a lot more than your friends list (with a lot of it being related to playing and Steam usage habits of users)

oh no that's OUR DATA stop stealing it from OUR CUSTOMERS we are ENTITLED TO IT

Maybe, but it should be anonymized. There's absolutely no need to bind to a particular user.

I absolutely agree on Epic. I just think that companies in general collect way too much data on their users nowadays. If it's for improving the product it should always be anonymized.

Because games have more intricacies as a product than music or movies. I agree that the no question asked policy on Steam can be too easily abused, even with the 2 hour and/or 2 week limit, but Steam does take into account if someone is abusing that system. You can buy a game that's perfectly fine, not broken, but it doesn't work on your machine. That's not a problem on the developers part but it's also something you might not have even known about until after the fact.

>be steam
>collect all kinds of data on customers on their own computers
>don't encrypt it
>complain when someone looks at the data

Conditionless refunds are not consumer friendly, they are vendor hostile.

I'm really trying to rack my brain here understanding the point you're trying to make to somehow make Valve look like the bad guy

Not quite. The launcher apparently has function to import your friend list from steam, and by default was making encrypted copy of the data from steam file on your local drive, not sending it anywhere.

Still retarded and they admitted it should only be done AFTER you chose to import your friendlist and not by default.

That said, the head of marketing of Epic Store is Artyom Galenkin who ran SteamSpy, he`s been exploiting Steam API and metadata for years to get game sales/activity numbers

Valve is also being a criminal through negligence. Just kidding, it's not a crime, it's only a civil offense and it's up to us to sue them for them to face any sort of repercussion.

It's not negligence. localconfig.vdf and other settings in general are good the way they are. It's user data and user should always have access to it.

This is only logical. Rival companies don't have permission to root around in their competitors' shit, except if they get explicit permission to do so, and tough luck getting that. And correct me if I'm wrong, what Epic is doing here is blatantly ILLEGAL, since this is practically corporate espionage, which, correct me if I'm wrong, is a federal offense. If Valve decides to pursue this issue, then it's pretty fair to say that Epic will not win the legal battle.

They can also be used to config Steam as not all settings are visible in UI. This is 100% Epic's fault.

>Epic Games knowingly stealing private data on their underage userbase
I don't get why this isn't a bigger shitstorm for normalfags

Perhaps, but that doesn't make what they're doing here any less illegal or scummy.

I don't care, I'm gonna advocate for what gets me the most value and if other consumers do the same then you can play ball or go home. What, no confidence in your product?

Because normalfags don't care about internet privacy. They have nothing to hide so there's nothing to fear.

Attached: zucc.jpg (1280x720, 34K)

it isn't difficult to understand. if you collect data on customers then you're collecting data on customers


To add to this, music and movies aren't updated in any way. You get what you paid for and that's the end of that, but a game, through an update, can be made into something completely different. At which point, it's no longer the product you bought.
As a hypothetical, imagine you buy a game, you love it, put in a thousand hours. Then there's an update and the game is completely different, it runs worse, parts are now broken. Should you not be allowed a refund if it's not the product you originally paid for?

Yes because it's not the game I paid for.

Cause we're witnessing the birth of a cyberpunk universe, and instead of people fighting these corporations, they're defending them.

Thanks for the free personal data Gaben Gordo.

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Exactly. It's one of the reasons why games tend to be, or should be, more lax when it comes to giving out refunds, because they're more likely to be changed against the consumer's will than a piece of music or a movie.
Plus, before buying an album or buying a dvd, you'll not only have some info beforehand, like song duration, same for movies but games can't be so easily accounted for, but you'll also be more likely to be able to "demo" it beforehand. You can listen to a piece of music before buying it, watch a movie in the theater before buying the dvd.

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>witnessing the birth of a cyberpunk universe
we've been living in it since 2007

The reason Epic are stealing all this info is to figure out how to use it against Steam.
They're basically looking at everyones list of games and wishlists then using this to figure out what games people are interested in, then buying exclusivity for their store for those games.

It's underhanded as fuck, and of dubious legality. The EUs GDPR will absolutely fuck them in the ass. Epic is going to be getting fined millions and millions for this.

>never downloaded Origins
>never downloaded Uplay
>never downloaded Epic
Name a greater joy

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True. Won't be long now before Google starts a political party called the G.O.D - Google Organization Dominion

Fuck the Chinese.

The pleasure of being cummed inside

Having all your games on GoG

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Exclusives are merely part of the capitalist game.

This is the maximum fine you can get from GDPR violations, would be hilarious if they got it
>Up to €10 million, or 2% annual global turnover – whichever is higher.

Why did you half the values? It's 20 million euros or 4% of annual global turnover. Says so on the EUs GDPR website.

I obviously can't into research properly. Turns out it's actually two tiers of 'maximum fines' and what I said was the lower tier

For a company that just made billions in 2018, that 4% is going to be quite something.

Their violation isn't particularly heinous. They're not compromising any personal information unless Valve is

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Fuck Valve, they deserve to be unhappy and I look forward to when Epic analrapes them by allowing Rape Day on their store.

Pcbros seething.

Yes, and?

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I for one respect Epic for being willing to use strategies like that to take down Valve. You guys should be more supportive of Epic's battle tactics, especially since they're deployed against Valve, the malignant cancer of the industry.

Hope you feel the same when pc gaming goes back to the dark ages

Never downloading steam.

>spying is ok when china does it
fuck off zheng

God I fucking wish, that would spawn an influx of "EPIC BTFO" threads drowning out the shills and falseflags left and right.

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never playing vidya

Oh, so it's fucking nothing. They just give you an option to censor reviews yourself and don't force it.

Nice bait.

it's all your fault


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>*American tradewar mine

Attached: American Spyware with 1776+ fake genders.jpg (2566x1036, 607K)

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I'm gonna say the T word.

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I don't understand what this image is trying to convey. The NSA had those companies' consent and cooperation in their PRISM program, and it was pretty clear based on the type of companies involved at the time of that leak that they wouldn't waste their resources on some literally who like EPIC.

All your cookies and bookmarks and browsing history is all stored in plain text on your computer. If you were to install another browser you know what it does? It fucking asks your consent before reading any of it. Nobody bitches at mozilla or google for not encrypting it and neither of them assume they already have access to the others data.

>even after all this there are still people who defend / shill Epic

Attached: 1425761607061.jpg (366x351, 15K)

>coping and deflecting facts.

>coping and deflecting facts

Remember, Chinese people are the only oppressed minority Asians. All other Asians are honorary Whites and should be killed.

They are paid for that.

Reminder that as part of the benefit to consumers, Glorious Epic has irrevocable rights to anything you upload using their service.

Attached: User content steam vs Epic.png (1144x517, 258K)

chinky chinky chink

Shills gotta earn their salary

Attached: 1522422048561.png (1419x494, 131K)

I stepped onto the mine because I loved Paragon, but then came fortnite and ruined the whole thing

>im not breaking the law, im driving YOUR car around, duh
>man, 16, arrested for car-jacking

I'm not defending EPIC here, but as someone who actually reads EULA that's actually pretty common. It's very rare to see a EULA or ToS as consumer-friendly as Steam's.

I know, but its still shitty, especially for a platform that might (lol) one day host mod files.

Why the fuck would anyone accept that agreement from Epic? It reminds of that coding contest that EA ran years ago where they said that by participating in it, you're allowing EA to own that code, even if you don't win. It's basically an excuse to steal.

>mfw I didn't fall for Epic's trap when they started poaching games.
>also mfw the only game they stole that I cared about was satisfactory and it wound up being mediocre.

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Because just like any other agreement, they didn't bother reading it.

>tfw didn't install the epic games launcher

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the only ones coping are epic users and share holders

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So it's OK for US government using US corporations as spywares tools to spy/stealing their own citizens and entire world's data just because "I hate EPIC Store and China"? Wew, you fuckwits shills still dare whining about EPIC "stealing" your data and

>NSA had those companies' consent and cooperation in their PRISM program
Did their citizens, allied and entire world "consent" to let Americans spying on them? No? You fuckwit asshole! Also most your American companies claimed they either are "forced" to do it or denied to do it.

Feeeeels goooooooooooood

Attached: Deletion.png (609x372, 9K)

For a standard user I get not going over this stuff but if you're making mods, this would be the kind of thing you should be paying attention.

How did you do it? I've been trying for a while but the fuckers won't answer my email to delete it.


it is encrypted depending on what the site owner does with their cookies

I personally don't port my shit in browsers and have a bunch of privacy add-ons also I'm a front end web dev

Its theft of private info in the US you fucking tard

Timing, I guess. Or luck. Beats me. I don't know with this company anymore. I just filed the form and an hour later I get email asking for necessary extra info and couple of back and forth emails later I received that.

they're probably drowning in deletion requests, so it'll take a while

Attached: 1496339892448.jpg (845x601, 88K)

Browser data encryption and cookies have jack shit in common. Don't lie about being a front end dev. If you are, then I feel sorry for whoever employed you unless you think you are a front end dev when in reality you have just made a home page for yourself.

>some bugman then immediately took this OP and tried to spam it and get it banned
>got banned himself instead
That was pretty great.

Nope, I know Epic Store is "American software" from the beginning, and it can combine Steam friend list since it literally states on its launcher.

>I personally don't port my shit in browsers and have a bunch of privacy add-ons also I'm a front end web dev

Yeah it's nice that you have the option instead of say, opera going ahead and making a copy of all of it for their own use. Hey, as long as they say they use it for nothing funny I guess that's fine.

>So it's OK for US government
Are you illiterate? Nobody here said any of this was ok. I was trying to figure what the connection was because I don't see it. They're two completely different situations. NSA's PRISM shit was done with the companies' consent (and in turn, their users' consent because they agreed to it when they signed up) and EPIC's wasn't. Neither is ok but they're fundamentally different, tangentialy related situations.

Attached: lkqojaeiq.png (237x256, 9K)

>a few paragraph of text
>quoted from the article
>in green text and double-spaced
Hmm...sounds like most honky shills/shitposters on Yea Forums, such as yourself.

No personally identifiable information was taken. The only information is related to your Steam account itself, not any information about yourself. They can't use the information they take to find out your real name or where you live, for instance

The 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre

Remember, its entirely morally ok to pirate every game on the epic store because they compensate devs for the lost sales

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Can you prove it?

>steal info about what games are popular

But can't they just... Do research online? Are they lazy?

Can you prove it was?


Attached: 1547747874857.jpg (601x508, 31K)

How about they prove they didn't do anything wrong since THEY did something suspicious?

More like you are illiterate and retarded. The pic simply shows the "fact" that EPIC Games belongs to Americans, not Chines, Steam also got hacked and leaked data several times, and America is far renown for spying/stealing people's data such as
their PRISM program. But you pretend you can't understand it like a illiterate retard.

Nice selfie :^)

>literally denying years of proved shilling
why even make this post

>literally denying years of proved shilling
Nope, I didn't deny it. I said (You) are shilling.

"American" is not synonymous with "America". Americans are just as much a victim of America's NSA programs as you and me are. Meanwhile, Tencent -- a business owned by China's government -- is a major shareholder of EPIC and owns 40% of the company. 2/5 of the company are literally owned by China. The other 3/5 are mostly owned by private American citizens not directly associated with America's government.

Attached: 1365705076851.png (401x360, 250K)

>epicfag so utterly BTFO he's just screeching about Americans now

>hate Valve
>don't trust the ch*Nkoids

I think you're suspicious user. Prove you didn't break into my house and steal anything or else I'm calling the cops on you.

Do you have anything to prove I was near your house?

>"American" is not synonymous with "America".
No, it doesn't, I didn't say it is. But I simply explain what that pic means to you because you say you're too illiterate and retarded to comprehend it.

>pointing out x is the same as x
actual blue haired lesbians posting on Yea Forums

Go ahead, they wont find any of my DNA anywhere in your house except in your mom.

americans are so stupid

You don't seem to understand what I'm saying so let me lay it out more clearly: Your picture is illogical. Mentioning the NSA out of nowhere because "this guy is American and the NSA is also American" is a complete non-sequitur.

Attached: Winnie_the_Pooh.jpg (551x823, 46K)

anyone have the wall of text anti-china copy pasta?

It gets auto deleted

Attached: 1548926777591.jpg (1024x429, 80K)

I wonder what kind of horrible inhuman shit we will find out once the current chinese government falls.
You can't convince me they don't have shit much worse than what the nazis and soviets did.

>being sucked into the escalator
I shouldn't have laughed this hard at that

Probably. It's terrifying to imagine how many politicians and business men know about details and are still okay with it.

you can encrypt the information stored in the cookies. there is literally nothing stopping you from doing it. it would be up to whomever designed the page to make that decision. I wasn't saying it is possible for a user to do it.

The worst part of it is we still don't know what the soviets did. Unlike the nazis, their political descendants are unapologetic.

You're right, but we know part of what they did, with ukranians for example.

Any reasoning behind that, because if yes, you dont understand the topic


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the wrong guy got ass cancer

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i installed it when they gave away shadow complex, before this whole mess started, i kept it installed because i wanted to try the game, after phoenix point was announced as exclusive, i got so pissed off i uninstalled that piece of shit program

days later it would surface it was spyware

>mfw those fuckers might now have some of my information

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For better or for worse, I think TB had a lot more to offer to this industry than Sterling. And he's making 13,000 a month for it.

Why are there so many people on the internet that don't seem to understand that Tencent only has a 40% stake in Epic Games, or what that means for a business? The influence they exert, though significant, is also fairly limited.

Same here. What's worse is that shortly after I got it for free on Steam.

I do think the whole Tencent issue is exaggerated but if they were to tell Epic to do this that or they sell their stock, Epic would obey.

i always liked TB, every since he covered Super Monday Night Combat, it was a fairly small game, but the guy made his research regarding the stuff me and other people in the forums were complaining about, and mentioned those things in the coverage of the game, its perfectly fine to disagree with his sometimes stupid opinions but they werent uninformed, atleast in my experience

And that's assuming that Epic would even be against whatever scummy strategy that Tencent comes up with. For all we know, Epic embraces the scum tactics with open arms. Hell, they might even go further with this shit than even Tencent would imagine.

>For all we know, Epic embraces the scum tactics with open arms.

Epic is basically Tim Sweeney, and Tim Sweeney is a pretty cool guy, all things considered - he's been working in video games for a long time.

I never paid much attention to him, only remember disagreeing with some of his opinions, despite not even remembering what that opinion was.
But anyways, I do think he was alright as an influencer, if you want to call it that, and having had a family member go through prostate cancer, I don't wish that on my worst enemy.

The moment a company goes public, it's no longer just one guy in charge. You can say Valve is basically Gaben, even down to the fact that when he stops giving a shit, so does the company, due to being privately owned, but Epic is not like that. I do respect Sweeney outside of gaming, like him saving several thousand acres in North Carolina, but I cannot give an ounce of respect for what he's doing currently with Epic.

>The moment a company goes public

Epic is not a publicly traded company.

Well shit, you're right. Sorry about that. Than it only makes me have even less respect for Tim.

It's like they say, never meet your heroes. The guy has been responding to dumb shit on ribbit the past day and saying stuff like "steam for valve games, origin for ea games, Uplay for"etc, and finishing it with "and Epic games for games from many different publishers". Like how many layers of delusional is that holy fuck you have like 30 games and the only one anyone plays is Fortnite. At least I can still respect his forest conservation.

That is incredibly delusional. Before looking it up, I can only hope that even reddit isn't going along with that narrative.


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Eat shit, shill

Pretty much the entire PC gaming community is against Epic, and that includes places like ResetERA and Reddit. The only groups going to bat for Epic are most gaming journalists (who brush all privacy worries to the side and continue to push articles as Epic being a necessary competitor to Steam's 'monopoly' and taking Epic's PR statements at face value)

They aren't, not even Resetera either.

Maybe this industry isn't as doomed as I thought. But until Fortnite loses its numbers, Epic will still be a powerful force.

How much do you think Epic is paying these game journalists and other influencers? I mean we already know journalists will sell out to the highest bidder and Epic has no qualms about moneyhatting their way through. I personally though will never support Epic no matter what they after they abandoned PC gaming during the Gears of War era and now come crawling back when its profitable. For all of Valve's faults at least they stuck by.

Not even they're defending it. If it makes you feel any better, the only people I've seen supporting this are literally game journalists. PCGamer/RPS/Eurogamer/PCGamesn. RPS pretty much just said that people who don't like it are racist. Whack. Like 95% sure they're all paid off given the ads they've been running.

REEEsetera was the place who decrypted the file too, the backlash is universal

No, just accessing data locally is already a breach of GDPR.

If someone leaves their valuables outside a locked vault it's their fault if they get stolen. Honestly I think people who let their own stuff get stolen deserve to be in jail, fucking scum

When it comes to giving good reviews, I don't think they're paid off as much as is the jornalists own fear of being blacklisted, no longer invited to parties, no longer able to get a job at those companies, etc.
But this does seem like its too much. All of a sudden everyone hates Valve, calling it a monopoly, despite the fact that their the one company more likely to go against against monopoly strategies, and these retards see a clearly bad deal for consumers, and even for devs, as a good thing. They have to be getting paid in some way.

>we don't use API's because there's evidence of them taking more data than what's needed
>btw I know we only want your friends list data, but we're going to take your steam games list, a log of what groups you're in, and you're login data as well ok thx for understanding

valve shouldnt have been storing all that information in an unencrypted file in the first place, bunch o idiots

also, fuck chinks


Bugmen shills on suicide watch. How can they EVER recover after this one? Notice how they "Epic Store good, Valve bad" threads completely DIED after this become known.

Dare I say it?
Valve won

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>censors reviews
did I miss something?

Epic has spent a ton of cash into the "Gamer Network" which groups sites like RPS or Eurogamer, it's probably the same case with other "news" websites

4D Chess

Valve added an OPTIONAL (keyword) method to filter out game-unrelated review bombs from aggregate review scores. Optional as in: you can opt-out from it and get the old review score if you want to.

Valve came up with another way to show a notice on the reviews page to more spam reviews. This time around when they see a massive influx of 'off topic' reviews mainly around review bombing.

Not really censoring anything

Ah, no wonder then. It's the old business strategy of why buy/"invest" in one company when you can buy/"invest" in their parent company, meaning you can say with a straight face that you're not involved with RPS or Eurogamer while still controlling it.

They changed it so there is will soon be an opt out system where makes the game score (not the review itself that is untouched) not affected by the reviews flagged as review bombs.

Does anyone actually know how Fortnite is doing and what their revenue situation is? As far as I can tell Epic will continue with their exclusivity contracts so long as they have Fortnite money bankrolling it.

>This certainly came because of Metro 2033 and Last Light being reviewed bombed
>Despite Deep Silver and 4A fucking Valve, Valve is still being a good guy and helping them out

The bad thing about it is that they threw DRM and EULA changes alongside "Offtopic" reviews

and who will decide what reviews don't count?

Full Frontal Lockdown when?

Still making them billions, I'm afraid. I can only hope that throughout this year those numbers will be worse than 2018.

>they threw DRM and EULA changes
Anything of note?

A system detects sudden large influxes of reviews, and all reviews in a timespan around this influx (both good and bad) will not count towards the total score. Of course, game launches and special events (such as sales) are exempt from this system.

ITT: faggots that can't get gabe's dick out of their mouth.

Steam 30% cut is a garbage deal for developers.

It was on YOUR COMPUTER you dumbshit, this wasn’t Epic breakign into Steam’s servers, this was them scraping your local files, which had no reason to ever be encrypted.

>"I’m the founder and controlling shareholder of Epic and would never allow this to happen."
holy shit he's hilariously delusional if he thinks tenchinks arent going to buy him out

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>epic is literally scraping your computer for information against your will and without telling you

More exposure more cuts
Fuck you faggot I don't care lmao Snoy takes an even bigger cut

The analogy would be another valet service, coming into the parking garage, stealing your car which they are now saying they legally own, storing it in their own garage that you cannot even access.

Lack of security be damned, this isn't a crime without a culprit, thus legal responsibility still likes upon the perpetrator of the criminal act. If someone shoots someone dead in your parking garage you can't be sued for murder, nor is it required for you to have surveillance only to provide it if you do.

Data has an assumption of reasonable safety on individuals devices and rights to privacy on files stored on ones devices. If this data was stored in Steams servers and those were hacked it would be a different story, but client side logs of program use stored on the device is how most programs that connect to the internet function. Epic Game store is violating your privacy by, without your prior knowledge or consent, searching for and gaining access to files that are by their very nature in your private protected ownership.

Epic has no legal right to do this and have violated several anti consumer laws just on the face of the act regardless of concerns of data security.

The developers can suck my dick. 30% is the industry standard for digital distribution stores. If the devs want to make money then they should make a game that doesn't suck ass and people would actually buy it.

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>they'd sell their own mothers if they could get a decent price.

>release bad patch
>can mute players pissed off with your incompetence/jewery
sounds useful

And? This doesn't just affect the customer, it also affects Steam itself, and no amount of EULA wheel and dealing can make it legal for them to spy on files from a competitor like that.

>Of course, game launches and special events (such as sales) are exempt from this system.

He also thinks steam only carries valve made games and that Epic is the first store tp carry games from multiple publishers.

He is incredibly delusional.

>thinking that the consumers care about how much the dev earns
fuckin moron
all we care about is who sells at the lowest price and doesn't fuck you over
and guess what? neither of that applies to epic

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>Valve censors jack shit.
thank god, someone else who understands what censorship entails
just because they're making the review bombs not impact the score doesnt mean they're taking them down entirely, if retards actually did some reading they'd see that the review bombs will still be there, you just have to look for them

>Steam honors keys and gets me cheaper deals than anything on Epic
>Doesn't charge me payment processing fees
Why should I let literal spyware with jack shit features onto my computer so "developers" can get a better cut (or more precisely their shareholders and publishers). Fuck off Epic shill


i personally don't give a fuck about epic store, i just hate the faggots defending steam without considering that they take 30% from devs for doing almost nothing

nobody gives a fuck about steam or epic store they just want to play the games


>EULA overwriting nation's law
I don't think it works how you think it works, Chang

Their system likely recognizes whether a patch was made recently or not. Stuff like Last Light had no sort of update and suddenly got a bunch of negative reviews.
And since review bombs don't happen often, Valve will surely step in in case it's a dev abusing the system.

People keep trying to spin that what Epic is doing isn't a big deal, but I have to ask:

If it wasn't an issue then why did they lie about it?