What are some good examples of well-written female characters?

What are some good examples of well-written female characters?
Pic almost related.

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The Boss from MGS3 /thread

Certainly nothing from metro


A women with a dick

>gives birth on a battlefield
okay lol

>people /thread their own post
Why is Yea Forums like this?

Cate Archer
Ann Takamaki
Juliet Starling
Max Caulfield
Garnet Til Alexandros XVII
Sarah Kerrigan
Heather Mason
Rose (Zero)
Mahiru Koizumi

Just to name a few. The good taste guys will instantly recognize these great gals and their respective games.

>respected by her peers
Why aren't gaming """journalists"""" all over her anyway writing blogs to celebrate anna as a stronk female?

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Because she's married to a white man.

- The Witcher 3 women
- Bayonetta and Jeanne
- DMC5 ladies
- Most Souls/Bloodborne female NPCs
- Most female MCs from the PS1/PS2 era that weren't explicit wankbait.

Basically any women that can be strong-willed and without compromising their femininity. True, a strong women doesn't need to be feminine but then that just makes them not interesting as fictional characters.

Even your blank slate CaC from Dragon's Dogma or Monster Hunter is a more compelling female character than what western writers produce. I'd argue that half the reason the new God of War gets the praise it's one of the few western "cinematic" games that manages to avoid falling into modern diversity tropes, so it actually feels like it has its own identity and you know that a character like Freya acts in accordance to what the story demands, and not some other external force.

If your female character's main defining feature is that she has big muscles then that's the equivalent of a 5-year old being told what they think "strong" means. How these juvenile and embarassing mentalities get into big budget game development is an absolute mystery.

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Hannah from Fable 2
Moira from Fallout 3

Gaming journalists are only triggered by female characters wearing too little clothes, looking too much like a model and/or coming across as helpless. They ignore any and all examples of even halfway competent female character as listed by .

I know it’s a shitty bait, but still kill yourself

anything by valve

and this

>Basically any women that can be strong-willed and without compromising their femininity.

I gotchu senpai

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because despite all that she acts like a woman
they only like women that act like men

Married to a Russian white man who plans on having children that's why. If she was getting railed by a nigger the gaming journalists would be praising her up and down the internet.

>Even your blank slate CaC from Dragon's Dogma or Monster Hunter is a more compelling female character than what western writers produce
I would hardly use Japanese games as an example of compelling female characters

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she literally has Yea Forumstard troll-tier opinions and ideas. I guess it checks out that Yea Forums would think she's well-written.

Bastila was better. Fight me about it.

she's bland

>she literally has Yea Forumstard troll-tier opinions and ideas. I guess it checks out that Yea Forums would think she's well-written.
Kreia isn't a well-written character because of her philosophical diatribes, it's because she actually feels like a believable portrayal of a bitter old woman.

>Bastila was better. Fight me about it.
>tsundere cliche that gets kidnapped twice and goes evil for lulz
>well-written female character

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Kreia's good writing doesn't necessarily have to do anything with her philosophy or beliefs.

Party members in JRPGs

Yen and Triss are both pretty well written. Both flawed as people and you might not like them, but they're written well. Ciri is kind of boring as a character.
Amanda Ripley was good in Alien Isolation.
Joanna Dark in the original Perfect Dark was a good lead.

Can't think of much else off the top of my head.

This. MGS3 was a surprising bunch of that


Meryl, Sniper Wolf, and Raidens girlfrriend from MGS1 and 2, as well. it wasn't until MGS4 that Kojima kind of lost the plot.

cause she's a slut that can't live without artyom's big ole dick

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>Yen and Triss are both pretty well written.
Not really.
They butchered Yennefer's character and ignored her character development from the books.
Triss was great in TW2 but in TW3 she's just a generic waifu.

Being different from the books doesn't necessarily mean bad writing, it just means it's different. You kind of have to separate the games from the books because they do diverge in ways and you end up hung up on the irregularities.

>Ann Takamaki
Excellent taste.

I guess if the sole goal was to make an unlikable batty old lady, then they succeeded swimmingly.

but an interesting or compelling character? not even close.

personally, being well-written for purposes of entertainment media needs to include the latter.

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I love Anna.

>Being different from the books
The retarded love spell is bad writing.

Are you implying that bastilla is compelling or interesting?

Which one? You mean the Djinn?


How exactly is that bad writing? Aside from Geralt jumping the gun and wishing to be eternally bonded to a chick he met not very long before.

>I fell into a bioweapons storage, oh silly me XD
Yeah, her retardation levels match real women quite well.

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The only valid choice. The best presentation of a duality of character I've seen in my life.

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That's pretty good.

Because the wish is irrelevant. Geralt made the wish to save her life, he didn't force her to love him.

Right, but that was exactly the point, Geralt wasn't careful with his wording and Djinn gave it double meaning.

Because she's conventionally attractive.

>mystical elements are removed or at least minimized to a single easter egg
>ammo as currency idea is thrown away and replaced with generic crafting
>the feeling of worldwide apocalypse and hopelessness is neutered in favor of shitty politics in a garbage plot pulling CoH2 to buttblast ruskies

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That's the stupid retcon from the game.

Fucking this for game jorno's
Being feminine is now frowned upon, they want girls that act like guys, makes no fucking sense

Have a you
Fucking spot on

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>leave the moscow metro
>somehow the currency established within the moscow metro no longer applies
Yeah that's strange.

Aya Brea from Parasite Eve is probably my favourite female MC.
Any character from Baldur's Gate 2 is pretty well written.
I liked Edwen from Bound by Flame even if her arch was predictable and she's also quite cliché.
Morrigan and her mother from Dragon Age are also alright.
Also Cybill and Lisa from Silent Hill.
I like Legion Commander Tresdin from DotA2, even if she was used to be written as a man, but mostly because her voice acting is beast.
There's plenty out there.

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Elena from Uncharted never once overstepped her bounds or came off as overbearing, would wife desu

As long as they are faithful they are good in my eyes.

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Lana Beniko

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Not really. I think the game at most focused a bit more on the assumption that being eternally bonded was responsible for their romance, which it wasn't, that was an assumption Yen started making since she found she couldn't resist Geralt any longer. When they break the spell Yen feels the same, and for all we know Geralt just uses it as an excuse to ditch her bitch ass for Red Headed sister titties.

She was completely in the right.

Is she really a slut if all she wants is one mans dick? Sounds like the perfect wife to me

if it makes my pp become the big pp, then it's a well written female in my book xD

>When they break the spell Yen feels the same
They can't break the spell because the spell doesn't exist. The writers made it up to make the Triss romance possible.

I love that dirty little hobo

She's a cunt in the books

Speaking of her, why did she go to the ammo depot? In my playthrough I just came across randomly, it felt completely random

She was scouting for NATO troops, saw the glowstick near the hole in the ground and fell in, did you even pay any attention

I picked up later in a random conversation that she saw a T-shirt tied to a post in the distance and mistook it for an American flag, so she went out scouting for occupying forces and then a patch of rotting concrete collapsed underneath her feet.
I certainly didn't hear her or anyone mention that when i rescued her, but someone mentioned it much later.

What? It's literally from Sapkowski's first collection of short stories. It's the starting point of their whole relationship.

this and


>did you even pay any attention
Did you? Read Artyoms Journal about her, it says she saw a shirt and the hole opened up beneath her.
The glowstick is from her/a videogame tool to point retarded gamers to the location.

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Geralt saved her life with the wish, that's the starting point. They don't even mention the wish after the Last Wish short story.

that looks really weird

There are a lot of animations in Exodus that come off a bit strange.
Not Mass Effect-tier terrible, just a bit off.

Not literally on the battlefield, low IQ tard

It's a hallucination.

Felt like they wanted movie-tier quality but didn't have the means to pull it. That's also really noticeable during conversations with other characters.

>Well written
There is no such thing after you starting reading even the most basic of literature

She saved Yen from the Djinn but the exact context of the wish is left vague, but whatever it was it becomes the impetus behind their relationship directly afterwards. How do you figure the spell is not what the games portrayed it as?

>posts a picture of Kaine who is not strictly female


Fucking fag.

But it's not the typical US trope of a woman that can do everything and needs no man, she is in deep love for Artyom (a white man), is rescued some times because she also needs help some times, but she isn't totally useless and is a more than capable sniper.

t. Didn't play the game.

Sorry, but no. Anna is not well written at all. She is written by someone who likely has never had sex or a relationship before for other waifufags. Her behavior and dialogue towards Artom are just not very realistic at all. It's like she exists to jerk the player off and simulate what a foreveralone thinks having a gf will be like and it is frankly bizarre most of the time.

Because she isn't really written as a strong, competent, independent woman. She is written as if her entire universe completely revolves Artyom, utterly smitten and devoted 24/7, and then requires him to save her over and over again throughout the story (falls into the chemical waste bunker and almost suffocates to death, gets captured by the cannibals, spends the last half of the game dying in bed while you try to find a cure for cancer or whatever)

>How do you figure the spell is not what the games portrayed it as?
They don't mention it after the short story and they dumped each other multiple times.

Imagine being this gay

Would you prefer pic related instead?

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Only Paramedic is good. Eva is a dumb slut. Boss is mary sue.

Estelle Bright!

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I'm sorry to inform you but you are a faggot.

Right. Which the game covers. It's not a love spell. It's just magnetism towards each other.

>5 days to go
What to!? (^_^)

Women are nothing but sex objects, they don't need to be well-written, they are an eye candy only to be used as a fuckmeat and a backdrop.

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To Sen IV release. Nips did twitter countdown art at the time.

>It's not a love spell.
You can break the "spell" in the game...