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Post your library so we can give recommendations

All I do those days is download mods for Oblivion. I don't even play it, I open the game after few new mods, test if it works and close it.

This. Instead of just complaining post so we can help you pick something. Or pick something at random and fuck off.

Just make something for a game you like if you can find something new to play.

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Time to turn off the PC and go /outside/. Just walk.

im taking a break until sekiro
get some new hobbies

Kill yourself.

gaming died in the 2000's

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not op but i literally have over 200 games on steam. i still cant find a game to play. if its not too much to ask can anyone recommend an online fps that is fun and good and doesn't have a dead playerbase besides CSGO?

Vidya is shit nowadays

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There is.
Just try some game/genre you never did before and don't be a retard.

>i'm very concerned abour white radicalisation but I'm ok with radical islamists or christian genocide in Africa
Get a load of this cunt, whoever she is

>Thousands of games
>Multiple platforms
>Complains there's nothing to play
Get off my board you filthy scum. KYS

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Why is raging an acceptable emotion in american culture?
Everyone showing anger in my country is seen as hysterical and unstable and usually are escorted out of there. It is shameful to be angry.

What other games do you like?
I don't play fps, sorry. See above

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He doesn't actually like video games but he's too dumb to realize he can just do something else.

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Maybe she should visit the comfy boards like po and check that not everyone is a racist in here

Based solely on the indies, I would recommend Hyper Light Drifter or Butcher.
Also Caves of Qud

Bullshit. There are too many games to play. Here, pick someone from my backlog and play it.

Attached: just part of my backlog.jpg (1920x1036, 551K)

literally the only evil boards on Yea Forums are /pol/ and Yea Forums. this lady needs to calm down

oh it's just an """""actress""""

/pol/ is an inbred cess pool that needs to burn.

There are too many games to play.

/pol/ is chaotic neutral.

bonus stupidity points when they say that other hobbies cost money while he sits in from of $1500 gaming PC

Yea Forums is not evil you faggot. we just are constantly attacked by other people

> politicians that do not play games want to censor then
> activists that do not play game what to shape them
> writers that do not play game review them
> causuals want every gamer to only consider them as target audience

what other hobby gets shit like this? our attitude is fully justified.

Yea Forums is unironically just pure cringe and bluepilled JRPG trash opinions with immense avatar and waifufagging, I'd say Yea Forums instead

>Yea Forumsstands for video games in general

Not saying vidya or people who play/make them are evil. I'm saying this board is evil.

play apex