Refund? Y/N
Refund? Y/N
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Don't even know what game you're talking about.
>Clarifications on what we are offering to backers of Phoenix Point
>Phoenix Point
I don't know either to be honest
Thought that was the developer.
>Strategy Game
Refund, yep.
looks interesting desu
havent seen a single cunt, that sjw bullshit always detracted me from the experience in xcom games
or is it just this video? (or maybe i havent been looking carefully enough?)
>sperging about shit like that when you can pick and choose and costumize every soldier in your squad
I can't even tell what's bait or not at this point.
>special soldiers in 1 EW
>1st mission in 2
I would still refund it just because its on epic store.
Besides i already payed for the game i don't want to wait a year to play it.
Refund exclusivity is console bullshit it has no place on pc.
I already paid for it and can play it on steam when it comes out, so N
>Phoenix Point will be DRM free on Epic and can be played offline.
V is unironically more upset over this than they are any other kickstarter scam simply becuase they're anti-epic valveweenies
The gamers who supported that project ARE STILL GETTING THE GAMES, 3 FREAKING COPIES OF IT AT THAT!!
>use backers as an interest-free loan
>flip 'em off once you're financially secure
hope you crowdfunding faggots feel proud of yourselves for enabling this
it didn't have to be this way
Well, you really need to lurk to find anything.
And to add onto this, How about you guys fuel this anti-epic anger and go after the gun manufacturers who enabled a mentally-ill incel to kill 50+ minorities instead of going after a fucking video games corporation.
Why should i we need more people like him if anything.
ahem, about that...
It's already here, and it's been here for over a decade.
basically it's a free pass to pirate since epic has already paid them for me. based chinks.
Yeah the difference is that steam doesn't pay out developers not to release their games onto other platforms.
refund and pirate
fuck off you autistic retard
i'm not gonna defend the store that made the game that is inspiring terrorists all around the fucking world
>Phoenix Point will be DRM free on Epic
>fuck off you autistic retard
>i'm not gonna defend the store that made the game that is inspiring terrorists all around the fucking world
wtf was the deleted post about
>pay for a key
>have to wait for a period of exclusivity to end before you get your key unless you use another platform.
That just seems like poor business practice.
something something pcbro
Why is this different? Why do I fucking care? I don't have to buy anything extra, I don't have to pay more. PC storefront exclusives have existed for years, so why only now do you suddenly care?
They essentially fucked over people that supported them from the beginning in favor of Epic and #3 is blatantly a lie, I'd say yes
When did this happen?
I feel like someone should perhaps mention what the actual fuck the situation is?
did they simply add an epic store key to the pre-orders or some shit?
Because the Epic store has less features than most of it's competition and exclusives before this were at least developed by the store front owner
Yeah, they just force developers to be on their store or never get any sales if the recent "STEAM OR NO BUY" horse shit is anything to go by.
Oh, and they steal a third of your profits too. So fucking glad Epic came up to stop this monopoly horse shit.
>did they simply add an epic store key to the pre-orders or some shit?
simply put, yes
and released it a year earlier than the other platforms, which would've been delayed until then anyway, judging by the state of the backers version
hol up.... if I didn't pre-order before now, I can ONLY get it on epic?
>they just force developers to be on their store or never get any sales if the recent "STEAM OR NO BUY" horse shit
And that's valves fault how?
they were gonna release it on gog and steam but epic gave them 1.5 to 2 million to make an exclusivity deal with the epic store
It's gonna be garbage anyway
They've made themselves the only option to sell your game or you just fail. That's literally a monopoly.
you will be able to buy them on other stores later
So? They did it by offering a better service to customers (even though they aren't the best storefront)
>It's fine that they're a monopoly because I like them
A good monopoly is still a monopoly.
That's actually a pretty based approach
They aren't a monopoly though and never have been. GOG and other shit exists, and barring that you could just release with no 3rd party software.
>I like them
You clearly can't read
They got there by offering a better service than epic could, epic can't compete so they have to fuck over consumer choice.
They're shit enough to not be real competition.
>Wah wah being the best isn't a monopoly
Yes it is, go fuck yourself. If they're the monopoly because they're too good, they need to fix that shit pronto, or force anyone releasing games on their store to also be required to release it on Epic so they can keep competition.
fucks any late adopters in the ass though, despite the fact that purchseses from the games website don't go through epic at all.
how long is the exclusivity bullshit?
shit, I'm better off waiting for those based slavs to finish up OpenApoc
still getting it
Epic is paying for my pirated copy
I guess you can just sell your Epic key, download a cracked version, then when the Steam version comes out you activate the game on Steam and it's all good
Fuck the timed exclusivity deal but hey, you can get some money back bevause you have 2 spare keys
You didn't give me reasons to care, you just listed random facts. I didn't ask for factoids, I wanted reasons to give a shit.
if you didn't buy it already, you don't get the steam or gog option at all.
Oh for fucks sake
I guess it'sa pirate for me then
Maybe I'll buy it on a sale on Steam if it's actually good
yeah, I'm gonna wait out the 18 months. I'm sure some helpful buccaneer will upload all the digital books and shit. probably give me time to upgrade my toaster too
mmm.. the money
I would refund. At least they're putting in the effort, but this isn't what I signed on for.
I think one year?
easier to pirate
I refunded but mostly just because I want my $70 back
Yes you do, at the same time as the people who already paid for it: one year from now.
Won't epic store exclusivity hurt this game in the long term since everyone that cares will have pirated or forgotten about it by the time it releases on steam.
It's been like that for years
You can't say
Ninten-yearold or Sony-brony either
epic exclusivity deal offers some kind of minimum sales guarantee or something, if a game doesn't generate enough money epic will compensate, no harm done, besides it will be released on steam/gog a year later
>Ever finishing
When was their last update?
Absolutely. Shitting on the people that funded you deserves backlash and punishment.
what kind of a retard preorders something with limitless supply
epic is paying them a shitload for the timed exclusivity
they said even if everyone refunded, they would still have money left over from what epic gave them
meaning they got over 765k from epic
it's easy to see why small devs would go to the epic store
they dont need any sales when epic throws money at them
>no harm done
Plenty of harm done. Shit load of negative PR. Now you have the stigma of being a developer that is a risk to consumers, that you don't give a shit and you will hurt them for your gain. Epic will only cover your ass in the short term. In the long run? Good fucking luck.
>they dont need any sales when epic throws money at them
chinks do. all chink companies are directly connected to their government. their plan is to replace american made products, steal intellectual property, push monopolies etc etc
epic store shills are literally chink shills.
>ask gamers to lend me money to make a game
>once i have a presentable product sell the game to Epic and tell the gamers to take it or leave it because they aren't important any longer
>but the people who think this is a bit fucked up are the ones who are entitles crybabies
Ironically enough Tencent is one of the few companies of this size that was entirely privately funded and has no goverment shareholders.
I have no doubt that they get pressured by the goverment non-stop but they are one of the few chink companies that are not "directly connected" to the goverment, but without a doubt indirectly.
Refund and pirate, fuck them
no, you'd have the option to purchase an entirely new copy of the game at that point. if you ordered right now, that would only ever give you access to the epic version. i checked with them.
like yesterday
>game is only on Epic
>Why can I only buy an Epic copy?
Wow, quite a brainteaser there.
It's spelled Yea Forums.
You mean the youtube channel? Their Trello site is dead.
>You don't have to support epic but you have to wait a whole fucking year for the game you bought after the DLC you may or may not want.
>LMAO just install literal botnet and play the game offline
>The epic deal will certainly make Pheonix Point a better game at no extra cost to backers. We have expanded the team to 55 developers and we are securing outsourcing contracts to put more content and polish into the initial release.
Yes you selling out to Epic and outsourcing part of the game will surely make the game better you dumbass.
They are being classier than any developer out there and i'm glad they got my money to begin with. Watching all the salty children tears as they get dabbed on for being gabe slaves is just an extra free bonus I never expected and i'm grateful.
Yes, you buy the fucking game on steam in a year. Are you retarded or just trying really fucking hard to look like it?
>for being gabe slaves
user you're gonna need to adjust your shitty bait a little since it was coming to GOG too
Reeeeeeeee!!!!! listen to my false outrage because I want to argue one spyware client is better than the other when the devs can get a better deal and I don't even have to use the epic launcher reeeeeeeeeeee
What's taking them so long?
>Sell game to your backers on the idea of it coming to GOG or Steam
>Outright approach Epic yourself on the idea of becoming an Epic Store exclusive for a fat sack of cash after people supported you in crowdfunding for platforms that weren't that
>Tell your backers they need to get with the program or they can fuck off and refund, essentially having become an interest-free loan for Snapshot
Gollop is a piece of shit
>Hey I can get this fat stack and secure my development for a year and get a substantially higher return on sales for a year of exclusivity and allow us to comfortably do more than we thought we could and we will give back full refunds with no bullshit or bait and switch like any other developer
>Nah man I should turn it down because some steam kiddies might be salty about it
you're repeating what I said, so i guess you're some kind of hyper-advanced double retard
lol, gog is only barely less relevant these days than Steam gabecuck
>some steam kiddies
What about GOG users? Why do people never mention GOG, is it because it rips apart the strawman people make?
Not that user but
>Promise backers steam and gog keys
>Dab on them 6 months from release that they'll have to use Epic or wait another whole year for a special edition with DLC they may not even want or refund, and even admit 100% of backer refunds could be taken they'll still be in black.
Such noble and humble devs am i right? I'm sure backers appreciate being taken for granted and having deals altered before completion.
>secure more funds to improve game without risk or cost to fans
yeah man what a cunt
So with all their goodwill obliterated, what are they going to do for their next game? Expect Epic to keep recouping their losses from lack of sales? I can't imagine that's a remotely sustainable business model.
>Developer makes financial decision that allows them to improve and support the game even further with little impact to gamers
I don't see the big problem. Some gamers can be a whiny bunch sometimes
my son already plays Fortnite so it really doesn't matter to me
This will absolutely affect kickstarters going forwards.
gollops like 100, he doesn't have another game in him, and the rest of the company are literally who's.
there is no next game
They were forced to take on members of the central party on their board of directors. They literally run the social credit system. That said, they're less directly run than a lot of companies.
People never mention GOG because GOG is only good for pirating stuff. Why do you think they let go of a bunch of staff. They aren't the premier shop by a long shot and galaxy is aids.
it's funny how honesty and integrity are seen as bad things these days
probably because leftists are the opposite of those things
The launcher is a literal botnet user.
What do leftists have to do with anything? Were you molested as a child?
>launcher steals your data and sends it to china
Gee I wonder why people don't want to do it
How interesting, even insectoids can lose their temper when forced to shill easily destroyed arguments nonstop. I wonder if you'll be here tomorrow still?
They're lying cunts about Epic deal making the game better. They haven't gotten any money from the deal just sale quantity guarantee from which they get money after the fact. Unless of course they're lying cunts. And they're lying cunts in either case since one of the things they have said is a lie.
>Meanwhile he is blissfully unaware that his phone, computer components, and most every app he has installed does the same thing as well as giving his information to countless businesses and foreign actors
So is there any place where we can grab that backer build?
im not chinese or a tranny. you guys are worse than redditors who think everyone online is a russian agent
I see but I'm still not giving it to literally confirmed spyware
I'm in tears from the number of schizos in these threads god bless every last one of you
>when just this week it was found that the client scans your hardrive and takes your steam data without permission
Sorry bugman. Still not installing it.
Ask /vg/ in the Xcom thread, but keep in mind we should have a new build later this month (hopefully)
Don't tell me you're actually white and lowered yourself to such a job? Why are you doing this to yourself?
Please don't tell me you're doing it for free.
>They haven't gotten any money from the deal just sale quantity guarantee from which they get money after the fact.
wouldn't Ebin just give them money now and then keep all the money sales give them until they made their money back?
But not on GOG. And not without installing the damn Epic launcher.
I mean they're going to get sued to shit
>say the game will be available on steam on release
>people fund the game on this basis
>now do a 180 on that
>in the Xcom thread
It's dead Jim
4 if they pirate it
kickstarter is not a legally binding contract
Eh, I doubt it. But who knows.
>every program I don't like is a botnet
Phoenix Point wasn't funded on kickstarter
It was through Fig which is closer to actual investment.
surely their lawyers would see if that shit checks out
>Literally browses unrelated folder and files and records them without permission
If that's not a botnet I don't know what is you shill.
They'll return. Some day.
I mean, it's too much work to do a lawsuit for indieshit, but in this case you have a more decent chance than if it was funded on Kickstarter. Fig is allowing refunds since they considered they lied so there's no reason to sue unless you believed this game would give big returns and the company just tanked those.
we're talking about epic, not just any other program
speaking of refunds, I wonder if it's even a good idea. Surely you could just sell your epic copy to make back costs, then sell your gog key later to earn a small profit.
>Surely you could just sell your epic copy to make back costs
That's my plan. Give Epic less money overall, along with seeding Phoenix Point nonstop once it's released
New to the whole process monitor thing?
>shilling this fucking hard
>after the period of exclusivity
Why would you bother? It'll be another year on top.
Said every working person ever
imagine being such a subhuman niggershit retarded mongoloid
They originally promised backers the game would be available on GO and Steam. Then they went to Epic and got a one year exclusivity deal and told their backers if they didn't like it to get a refund because they don't give a fuck now that they've been paid.