Is there really any disadvantage in playing at 25fps. For an example, I play league of legends at 25fps and after a few games my eyes get used to it. Also I'm sure more fps are not healthy for you in the long term, it just doesn't look natural and probably fucks up your brain.
25fps vs 60fps vs 144fps
>I play league of legends at 25fps
bet you play some toddler-tier input champion like master yi
Nice chimp brain, OP
25 fps? Bro you are fucking up your brain so much, cap it to 24 as our eyes only see 24 frames per second (movies do this as well). You are forcing your eyes bro, probably you will die in the next 2 or 3 years.
15 FPS for true KINO experience.
Just say you are poor. Nobody will judge you.
I'm not baiting and am not a console subhuman, I just find high fps pointless even though you're supposed to lose like 35frames a second.
>Le muh sarcasm and movie meme
Imagine being such a faggot.
I think of going to like 20 and then probably 15 but it will be gradually.
I cant take this seriously. Sorry op its just to dumb to even pretend.
>I'm not baiting
I guess you're kinda right, it's hard to even call this bait.
More fps = better interpretation of movement = less work being done by your brain to get the same results
Also your eyes don't see in fps', they are constantly interpreting the light that's coming inside of it.
It matter in shit like fighting games and curazee games where split-second timing makes or breaks the outcome. If it's shit like MOBAs or RPGs than 25fps is fine.
If your eyes can see see all 24 frames per second ain't it just a really fast powerpoint presentation?
Shouldn't you have it over that amount like 25 is fine then so it isn't a powerpoint anymore
it's just a ploy to get you to buy stupidly expensive gayming monitors
>60fps vs 30fps
>posts 1frame
The human eye cannot see past 6 hours
30 to 60 you can see difference, 60 to 120 you can see difference. Above this is diminishing returns.
no, you're fine. the human eye can't even see over 20fps desu
as long as it's stable and not a fast paced action game, 30fps are fine
I hope my funeral has a high and stable framerate
Pro player that plays\is active in the competitive scene of numerous FPS games here.
You're objectively wrong when you say
>Also I'm sure more fps are not healthy for you in the long term, it just doesn't look natural and probably fucks up your brain.
That's plain stupidity.
Assuming you're not one baiting motherfucker, i'll tell you exactly how it works:
There is a huge competitive disadvantage if you're playing on a screen with a refresh rate that is not capable of matching the same refresh rate of your adversaries.
This is public knowledge.
A 60hz player fighting against a 144hz player will be at an insane disadvantage.
Now this is a valid statement only when talking about competitive games that require reflexes and a decision-making opportunity window that is really really short.
Games that fit to this label?
FPS games, some MOBA games.
The end.
Everything else is completely useless.
You won't become a god if you suddenly play chess online at 144hz.
That's how it works.
>b-but you can't see more than 30fps1!11!
Objectively false, studies have shown how actual real fighter jet pilots that were purposely trained for their job can spot a single frame of difference in a 300FPS image simulation.
Now there is a big difference between a jet pilot and a gamer, obviously, but that doesn't change the fact that the more you train the eyes, the more frames you can see.
There isn't an "average" frame per second threshold for people, it's all about attentionspan and detail-processing.
>b-but you don't need 144fps to play!111!
Absolutely true, why would a casual gamer that plays less than 20 hours a week of videogames need to spend 200 dollars worth of a 144hz monitor?
Especially if said gaymer is not even interested into playing competitively?
No reason to do any of this shit, just stick to 60hz or 30fps and have fun with your singleplayer games.
>b-but i dont want to spend money to b-be competitive!!1!
Then you will never be good.
blur is caused by low response time, not low fps, you mong.
30fps will look just as clear in motion as 60fps on CRT
i bet you love your ps4
no way is this real
>I just find high fps pointless even though you're supposed to lose like 35frames a second.
What are you even pretending to think? I don't get it. Is it one of those 'the human eye can only see Xfps' jokes?
I never said you can't, the difference is obvious and pretty big aesthetically wise but there it ends.
>you're supposed to lose like 35frames a second.
What does this bollocks mean, then?
>I'm sure more fps are not healthy for you in the long term, it just doesn't look natural and probably fucks up your brain.
8/8 b8 m8
You are alone on this one. 30fps has always been the lowest acceptable framerate. It is the reason why most big games are 30fps and not 60fps.
Most of the tope rated games of all time are all 30fps or in some instances lower due to poor performance.
>first video
>>and i didn't really notice a difference until I switched back to 60 fps
nigger brainlets like this retard either have one of those broken ass AOC 144hz monitors or don't have the IQ to notice the smoothness INSTANTLY
I noticed it the moment I switched my monitor to 144hz from just using my OS
Ingame it felt as much of a jump as 30 to 60 fps.
Is there really any disadvantage in playing at 480p. For an example, I play league of legends at 480p and after a few games my eyes get used to it. Also I'm sure more pixels are not healthy for you in the long term, it just doesn't look natural and probably fucks up your brain.
this, anyone who says they can't notice a difference outs himself as a casual
144hz is a quality of life first and foremost,even when scrolling windows, and a huge difference in any fast paced game where you control the camera
it is a lot more responsive and gives you better precision and control
25 fps isn't a standard you fucking moron. You only get 25fps when your system isn't good enough to reach 30fps
12fps at 240p is my preferred way
I don't really see the difference compared to unlocked framerate in gsynch 4k either
good thread OP
everything this guy says it's true, but i'll still add my own 2 cents.
!44hz is definitely noticeable compared to 60, everything is smoother, even on windows desktop, but in games it's a bit less noticeable i think. It's very noticeable with fast motion games like this guy said, but in normal games you notice it the most when turning around quickly and everything is much clearer.
That being said it didn't make a world of difference to me.
I went from a 21.5' 1080p60 screen to a 24' 1440p144 screen and even though the extra smoothness was more than welcome, personally, the increase in screen real estate made even more difference to me than the 144hz. Having 2x the resolution allows you to have so much more shit on screen at the same time.
Then again if you can have both there's literally no reason not to.
I used to play League with 17fps
>wahhh new thing bad!!!
>displays with 144hz cheaper than ever
>laptops now come with 144hz displays, not just extreme gaming laptops either
>TV's haven't been advertising anything under fake 120hz for years, and you can't literally buy anything under 60hz
>games are behind the power curve because """""HD""""" can mean 540p upscaled to 720p
>games run at 24fps because the hardware can't handle it at 60
>thus it makes it completely acceptable for 30 to be the minimum standard
This is an autistic post.
But its NPCs who must have all the newest tech even though they don't even understand why. NPCs can't stand lower settings because they don't really care about the games themselves.
hmmmm, not sure you know what half of 1440p is user
Sorry I hurt your feelings user I didn't know you weren't thick-skinned I wouldn't have been so mean :(
There was no reason to write this in greentext and it didn't address anything in the post it was responding to.
Autistic post.
Sauce me up, lad.
What an absolute (You) post, feigning so much retardation that it lapses from ironic shitposting to actual (You) worthy shit. Mirin.
As a poor fag, I never really cared about fps, most games I play don't require much. But recently I picked up Lol and started playing on 120+fps and when it dipped I noticed a big improvement on what I was playing as well as those dips hurting my performance, as some inputs registered with delayed or outright ignored due bad timing.
Even more so with Hollow Knight. I played it on switch, did notice a few dips here and there but still got to clear half the hall of champions. Now I can't really stop noticing the horrible performance on pc when it dips from 30 below. Makes precise inputs unreliable and the hall of champion even more of a nightmare.
It does fucking matter and stop believing other poorer fags bullshit
i like u
>competitive games that require reflexes and a decision-making opportunity window that is really really short
Fighting games, dumbass.
I've been awake for 5 hours, what do I do?
Why pick 25 when the standard was slightly less than 24?
adaptive sync is heading for TVs, so consolefags will be spamming even more about "le meme 60/144" with ignorance
not him but it's right there in your pic
2560 x 1440 = 3 686 400
1920 x 1080 = 2 073 600
close enough
Sleep before you go blind.
I watched a youtube video saying it's impossible to play a shooter at 30fps so that's my opinion now.
You'd be surprised how many engines have shit tied to fps, it can literally make you faster, shoot faster, use physics differently etc, but that doesn't apply to every game
this but unironically
Yeah, there is. 60fps is for gaming and 30fps are for movies. But then again, 60fps only really matters if you're playing like an online shooter or if you're a graphicsfag
Not impossible to play at 30fps though you will be handicapped.
>60hz is a disadvantage to 144hz
There is zero point to anything above 60. If there was it would have become the gold standard for games.
>There is zero point to anything above 30. If there was it would have become the gold standard for games.
But 30 isn't the gold standard and 60 is
The fact that Ocarina of Time on n64 was 20fps mean that people will still play at a low framerate if the game is good and they don't have the choice.
When you go to movies in the theatre is it still 24fps?
>He doesn't play at 10 FPS
1 person will be playing with 150+ms of latency while the other with less than 50ms. Of course the higher frame-rate players will have a major advantage.
When you get paid to shill a number that literally changes nothing
That is changing.
24FPS with the theatre was "movie magic." It relied on being shot on 35mm film and then be projected again on 35mm film. The light and the frames physically spinning by the projector would blur things together.
Now that 35mm is mostly dead movies are shifting towards higher frame rates for digital projection.
Quentin Tarantino has a lot to say about digital project.
>Also I'm sure more fps are not healthy for you in the long term, it just doesn't look natural and probably fucks up your brain.
Protip: Being on Yea Forums fucks up your brain. You're already fucked up.
Consolefags proving their retardation once again, congratulation on being literal subhumans.
>tfw 162 fps + g-sync
>the difference is obvious and pretty big aesthetically wise but there it ends.
Well yeah? What are you saying then? No you wont get out of bronze just by buying a 240hz monitor but it sure looks A LOT better, I play hots a lot lately with my gf and when I look at her monitor which is 60hz ips I always have this thought of "wow what is wrong with your game" for a second before remembering my game is running at 144 fps and in a monitor with a lot less blur, blur reduction is important too btw.
I'm pretty sure the 25fps is damaging your eyes though
>I just find high fps pointless
do you have a high refresh rate monitor with a pc that can utilize it? post speccy if you do
your eyes don't see in frames, the higher the frame rate the more natural it will seem and this can continue infinitely because frames are just still pictures which is not like the real world and how we see it.
There is diminishing returns but in terms of it being "natural" higher is always better.
You objectively perform better at higher framerates too, your eyes are receiving an update on what happened in-game faster than someone playing at a lower framerate.
This means you're effectively reducing a latency which means a more pleasurable experience that puts responsiveness more on your natural reflexes than on your prediction based on previous frames.
If anything lower framerates would be more likely to "fuck up your brain" because it's trying hard to interpret motion from still images, your perception is going to be disjointed because you can think so much faster than what you're seeing.
Fucking insect people with your empty brains come here to regurgitate the same memes again and again and you dont even understand them.
If anything a NPC is someone who doesnt think for himself and so he is okay with whatever is thrown at him as long as it fits the norm.
high fps is a meme and only necessary for vr which is also a meme
The fact that people eat human meat when stuck in a mountain proves that they will eat anything before starving.
People who say high fps is a meme are just too poor to buy a gaming rig.
Grow the fuck up and get a job.
Feels like this is the perfect thread to ask.
I don't understand why 30 fps became a standard (or 24 in the movies) but 60 sort of makes sense because it's 2x the frames as 30. But what's the logical reason for 144 instead of 150 or 120?
wasting money is a meme
Zoomer, 10 to 15 years ago, 30FPS, or even lower was the standard.
Epic meme, reddit. Now go back to /r/gaming
you can't take your money with you when you die.
Barely any storage other 10/10
wasting oxygen is a meme
When you have to choose between the new game, and a week's worth of food, then yeah, it's a waste of money to pick the game. Just don't be poor, and you can have it all.
More FPS means more chances to click. That means faster reaction time
It doesn't matter that much in live footage because cameras have inherent motion blur. Computer rendered footage doesn't, and so it looks jerky as all hell. There is no good solution to simply panning your camera around, it will always look like shit with low FPS unless you smear the entire screen in vaseline. Games look nowhere near as good in 24 fps as film does.
>Doesn't matter much in live footage
(Insert 24fps forest camera pan webm here)
is this is a joke thread?
Not blaming you for being poor, but at least have the decency to not go around spreading lies just to justify your crappy shitbox and its poor performance.
Where's that faggot who thinks higher frame rates don't reduce input lag significantly?
And a computer render would manage to look even worse.
>Also I'm sure more fps are not healthy for you in the long term, it just doesn't look natural and probably fucks up your brain.
This has to be a fucking joke, right? How would a lower framerate be "healthier" for your eyes? Are you an actual retard?
you see it everytime, the fags go from 144hz monitors and have a heart attack when they see something at 30fps. Something fucks with their brain and eyesight and think something is wrong.
It's because 30 FPS is fucking shit. If you jump from something fast to slow you're obviously going to think the slow thing looks choppy and bad. If you think 30 fps somehow looks more "realistic" than a high er framerate, then you are a retard, 100%.
even going back to 60fps is suffering
also yea, essentially being rich and becoming poor is hard to cope with, lowering standards and making do with shit quality is painful
earning 100k a year is all nice and cozy when you were earning 50k a year, but it is obviously a downgrade of quality of life from 500k a year