Holy fuck Valve... really?

steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/M4A1-S | Flashback (Field-Tested)
Holy fuck Valve... really?

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>Gabe have you heard abo-
>Shut the fuck up, open GIMP and help me make one for other guns

I dont read stroke-victim. Wanna tell me what Im supposed to be looking at?

Open the link retard.

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lmao what a retard

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how fucking under the rock can you be

Did they delete it or make it untradeable, maybe?

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All M4A1-S prices are up thanks to recent buff, but even then lol.

>For the Joker in all of us

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Christ you retards have the outrage-prone mentality of sjws.

Top kek

lol pedał grający w cs'a

Don't project, sweaty.

zoomers are going to save us all

I don't get it. It's some shitty csgo skin from 2016. When I was young we made our own skins and didn't buy them from some store.

tylko robię gównoburzę kolego

>I don't get it

>buy akihabara accept for 47 bucks
>it's at 110 now
not even selling it

I doubt you were making shit

Why is that?

They did a CS:GO update the same day as the shooting, they buffed the M4A1-S giving it 5 more bullets in the initial mag, where it was 20 per mag, most M4A1-S skins value have gone up as a result

Yeah, I was thinking of pulling down my foreskin, my memory plays tricks on me.

based aussie shitposter crashing the economy with no survivors

>valves pandimensional ai is now being used to predict events so they can make gun skins out of them

he is being a cultural ambassador for boomers, but he didnt made shit

I don't even have a foreskin so imagine how I feel.


this tbqh

what does Gaben have against peaceful, integrated immigrants?

>PewDiePie causes terrorist attacks to influence video game skin markets
>Pewds might very well be working for Valve
how deep does it go?

Seriously, Gabe?

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While watching the video I unironically felt like playing cs again.


Feels good to have VR.

pomp eet

Fucking hell steam

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price of it is worth it alone to see any sort of reaction. this was just an added plus that i found because i just simply like the animu gun

>for a game skin

It's fine, I spent like $85 on a gacha game the other day and didn't even get what I was after.

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I quit csgo a month ago, I don't get what this is about. Did that particular skin spike in price or all of them or what?