Try to deny it.
ITT: Vidya Redpills
So basically an opinion.
Is copy kitty actually good?
Don't forget!
thanks doc
This dose is a bit on the weak side, doc.
I'm going to need some stronger stuff
Thats a big dose.
video game culture and all the memes is really just a thinly veiled breeding ground for the alt-right, that's the true redpill
thanks doc
actual redpill: Yea Forums is always wrong and you will enjoy video games more/again if you leave this shithole
Fair. I'll stick to other boards. I'm gonna isp block this one from my modem. Farewell.
thanks doc
Thank you doctor
>megaman 11
it was decent at best. great as a speedrun but incredibly basic as a game with a disappointing soundtrack and conclusion. boss weapons were great but the game as a whole feels underwhelming.
thanks doc
We don't do the greenface user thing anymore. Can someone add a wojak face to give it soul?
you got it f a m
And that's a good thing.
Souls game are bad
They just became popular because "dude, you die 20 times to the bosses" and now it's impossible to shit talk them
>mega man is shit
>actually nvm it is good
Life is Strange
Fallout 76
Pokémon Let's GO
Battlefield V
Just Cause 4
Kingdom Hearts III
Timed Exclusives
Superman 64
Ultima IX
Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet
Devil May Cry 2
Sony at E3 2006
Capcom Closing Down Clover Studios
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Pre-Order Bonuses
Store-Exclusive Pre-Order Bonuses
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Nintendo at E3 2008
Final Fantasy XIII
Metroid: Other M
Subscription Fees on Xbox Live and PSN
God of War III
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Duke Nukem Forever
Online Passes
The Current State of Mega Man
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Dragon Age II
Mass Effect 3
Day One DLC
Bioshock: Infinite
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Resident Evil 6
SimCity (2013)
Diablo III
DmC: Devil May Cry
Payday 2
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Sonic BOOM
Broken Age
Dungeon Keeper
Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)
The Order: 1886
Fallout 4
Present Day World of Warcraft
Metroid: Federation Force
Star Fox: Zero
No Man's Sky
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Dead Rising 4
For Honor
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite
Star Wars Battlefront II (2017)
Street Fighter V
Metal Gear Survive
Sea of Thieves
Dark Souls Remastered
Paid Mods on Steam
Star Wars: Battlefront 2
The Order: 1886
Metal Gear Solid Survive
Fallout 4
Present Day World of Warcraft
Metroid: Federation Force
Paper Mario: Color Splash
Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem
No Man's Sky
Dead Rising 4
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Life is Stange
Gone Home
I'm always really glad when a AAA game gets shit on by this board, since that usually means it's actually good and worth my time. Yea Forums is an excellent litmus test for big name studio games since everything Yea Forums hates always ends up doing well and being good
No Wojak No Buy
Grazie, dottore
The reason so many older games have soul is because the limitations of technology back then forced the developers to be creative and think of good solutions, AND they were more concerned about making a quality experience more than churning out numbers for the business. AND they weren't pressed by politics and sjws to make games how they want.
Thank ya, Medicine Man
Tack doktorn
Cringe and bluepilled
>Dark Souls Remastered
Everything else is ok to a degree or even excusable, but not DSR man that shit's just awful.
You listed Yooka-Laylee twice by the way.
to believe what you have been raised to belive is to be bluepilled
to believe in a doctrine introduced to by a convincing spokesman that coincidentally reinforces the status quo is to still be bluepilled
get baited retard
DSR and Yooka-Laylee are perfectly good games and only contrarian NPCs hate them because the Yea Forums hivemind told them to.
When you can't handle different opinions that go against the hivemind
>merely pretending
You're not pretending.
Smegmaman 11 sucks dick. THe classics were kino because nostalgia + Good ost that holds up. Jump off a bridge, although, copy kity is fun
I guess I am an idiot by trying to have a conversation with retards, yeah
Yes and no. You will enjoy them more, but discussing the finer points of games you like enhances them. It just takes 1 out of 300 threads to get there.
Actually you're just a retard.
megaman is a shit run&gun all around
>but discussing the finer points of games you like enhances them.
Ok but we're talking about Yea Forums here. It's more like 1 out of 30000 threads.
then go back to r/gaming, faggot.
Your taste is trash
Yea Forums reached that point a decade ago. This board has been overrun by idiots for the majority of its existence at this point.
>Sony at E3 2006
You are a retard if you think Yooka-Laylee is anything close to Banjo in terms of quality
I'm already here.
Thanks doc
Imagine thinking Yea Forumseddit has any taste in 2019
This just in: OP is a faggot samefagging to defend his shit opinions on here. These aren't even redpills. You're embarassing. Please leave.
>only took three replies
this makes me happy
this is a Yea Forums approved opinion however so you shitposted me to death, know that it's just the hivemind at work
shame isn't it? I just got back in to see how we were doing but it seems like we had a lot of nostradamus anons back then, this board is a husk of what it was.
Redpill: I love you all very much
Keep being delusional faggot, but I only posted 3 times in this thread. Including this one.
Get le epic green faec man off my screen this is a wojak board
Whatever you say samefag
Fuck your Facebook meme format. Go back.
literally nobody said this you "oldfag" loser. Reading Yea Forums-tan comics and other milquetoast "chan culture" makes me physically wince. Your humor and OC were never good, much like this site.
kill yourself
>He says as he posts 10x more than I do, responding to multiple anons.
You're fucking embarrassing.
You're right.
Cringe, yet redpilled. board-tan comics were pure gaia cancer, but bragging about and embracing newfaggotry is a worse cancer.
>not only retarded but illiterate at that
I shouldn't be as surprised as I am.