>Yea Forums doesn’t like Dynasty Warriors anymore
wtf happened?
Yea Forums doesn’t like Dynasty Warriors anymore
9 was a fucking shitshow. When they make another good one I'll start caring again.
are these games really x mashing sims or is that a lie, i'm semi interested
9 was so bad I don't think I'll ever play another DW again, including the old ones
On easier difficulties, absolutely - but this doesn't make them any less fun
The real action right now is in the licensed dynasty spin offs.
9 happened
9 was terrible, these days I jist prefer their crossover games
Dynasty Warriors series was in need of a change that would revitalize the franchise because there were a shitton of musou clones so Dynasty Warriors outside of being the original ones needed something to stand out.
The problem is that the answer they got for that was to go open world when they suck at making a functional open world game, let alone an open world Dynasty Warriors game, it had potential but it's Tecmo Koei the ones we are talking about, it was clear that the game would just be broken.
what are they like on harder difficulties
They're braindead fun yes, but they're still excellent games. Anyone here remember pic related? I remember the characters being awful but the magic was a nice addition
the series was always dumb shit for brainless lowest common denominator
Very solid hack and slash games that require being able to block effectively, do long combos, and make sure to assist your allies around the map.
Blame them for killing the series with 9. 9 left such a bad taste in my mouth, that I've just completely avoided everything they've made since then.
This game was my first musou.
Unless you relied entirely on the Storm jump spell, Shiga was easily the best character despite low overall stats.
Got the PS version later and had fun with the 4 extra character.
Kinda funny how both Tai(Taigong Wang) and Naja(Nezha) are in Orochi now, but not really in their Fengshen form.
I'm sad we only got the final musou-style game, the two earlier tactical rpgs never made it west.
Which game had the best OST?
and why is it Ken's Rage?
I do, but only until DW5E, excluding the very first one.
I feel like blocking is really not necessary.
What actually is necessary is using well your charge attacks, especially understanding which ones allow you to crowd-control in different situations.
Only thing I use block for is to bait officers into lowering their own guard or interrupt enemy strings.
samurai warriors was better.
Still waiting for DW9 Empires,
but I guess Koei probably wait abit until people are done playing three kingdoms total war
Meh, I find it useful especially on later stages, because it can stop you from being one shotted with a musou attack.
You usually have a pretty wide timespan to get away from a musou attack range and reposition yourself right behind the officer, I prefer to do that because blocking means you are vulnerable from behind.
the series took a nosedive after 5 and hasn't been as good ever since
I know that always was the point, but after DW5 the focus moved too much on having 100 enemies while ignoring everything else.
9 was hot garbage and samurai warriors was always better
They just keep adding bishies and pretty little girls. Feels like Musou is now made for the same crowd as Dead or Alive games.
Wish they'd go the pokemon route and start remaking the games from when the series was good like DW4 and SW2
Don't post my wife ever again.
Play Warriors Orochi 4 faggot
Formula got staler with each game,not to mention they also kept getting easier too
The moment they fix combat and difficulty is the moment when they shine again
9 had a lot of ideas about the right issues but had the wrong solutions or just bad implementations of good solutions
Which DW is the best again? Was it 5?
Depends on what you want
4 for overall adventure/difficulty
7 for story
8 for empires or just lots a characters
I miss it, bros...
>Liu Bei fags will defend this
because 9 was a mistake.
So this is the power of Benevolence
>5 not included
>any Empires above 5 being good
Is that Liu Chan?
did you not see what a fuckup his son turned into? this was the right move.
Dynasty Warriors 4 with XL was probably the defining game of my childhood. I played that game with my best friend at high school every weekend for about 3 years. I don't think we even played other games
Xiahou Dun or Pang Tong bros where we at
Of course he turned into a fuck up after slamming him into the ground.
Xiahou Dun bro reporting in, but not a fan of Pang Tong.
7E was pretty good.
I just liked how different Pang Tong was. His Musou attack where he'd just shoot out mad magic in all directions was balin
what's amazing is that they're still pumping out dlc for that garbage. 9 was so bad that i have no idea how they can think any would keep supporting that garbage.
>ecause it can stop you from being one shotted with 1 million archers and gunners popping on the screen at once
>gives a child brain damage
>do you not see what a fuck up he is? I was RIGHT to give him brain damage!
To be honest baby football didnt happen irl and he was still a retard
Because irl liu bei was even dumber and did straight up criminal shit
Was it ever revealed if his son did suffer some sort of mental impairment?
Feels like that's an issue with SW more than DW.
Especially in early games you can off-screen archers easily.
Yea Forums hates everything tho
Oh I can't remember his name, but I always liked that lad with the tonfas. He seemed sensational
I played DW4 with my best bud for hours upon hours, we didn't sleep and played it all through the sleepovers. Then one day he said "dude it's just mashing" and refused to play again
Is this 7? What battle was this?
>get done with school
>hop in friend's car
>grab Subway or burgers
>afternoon of DW4XL, MvC2, or Smash Bros.
Good times.
Man I remember playing empires on ps2 with my friend way back when it came out
Good times. Worth emulating for nostalgia? I remember there not being dual analog support or something, how has the game aged?
>tfw just emulated 3 instead
so fucking comfy. I'll be honest 9 looks decent but also looks so big, I don't know if I want it to be so damn big in scope. Every game is huge these days, I'm still playing rdr2.
Eeeh,even the most modern musou games are janky by today's vidya standards so it holds up for someone who's a fan.
It also emulates properly iirc too so go ahead,it's not like it's gonna take money or lots of time to try.
9 was really the thing were everything could go wrong did go wrong.
1. You once again made cloned weapons for the characters even though 8 was the first time everyone had their own movesets. You then did the shitty practice of selling old weapons like Zhang He's claws as DLC.
2. You say the combat is remade but really the launch mechanics are fixed to each button so instead of say performing a combo of S, S, S, S,T you just hold R1 and press T.
3. Because of this the combat actually feels less intuitive than before when the characters had different combos and unique features in their weapons (especially later ones like Sun Quan's flame sword that charges when you drag it around or Liu Chan's bench with its L1 counters)
4.The combat itself seems more more floaty than previous games. Feels like you're fighting underwater most of the time.
5. The open world. Theres nothing to do. That's basically it. It's huge and you can go anywhere but since the campaign mode's mission system directs you where to go there's no incentive to go exploring, especially since there's no branching off the campaign. Theres DLC what if routes now but those are just selected via the stage select screen.
6. The cut scenes are so lifeless. The in game events just consist of people just walking to each other and talking. No variation.
7. No.matter what character you pick, the missions are always the same for that faction and stage. Theres no unique stuff. The bit where Zhao Yun rescues baby Liu Chan? That's a mission that any selectable Shu character eligible for that stage can pick up and do.
So yeah.
Some random conquest battle.
Yeah I just briefly looked it up and there’s no camera controls
It should be fun anyway
He's not wrong, all these games get to that point of realization for me. But theres more to enjoy, I love the battles, and presentation of it all too.
I know that, but conquest battles reuse existing maps
DW3 on hard, my man. 4 to a point.
This took me a minute, then it slew me like Lu Bu.
Sun Ce in DW3 was a lot of fun to play, and fairly good at duels.
I remember when 4 came out and I would get so pissed off at my friends for accepting the Lu Bu duel and obviously dying.
9 was absolute garbage and killed my interest entirely.
Looks like the battle of Mt Dingjun.
Hyrule Warriors perfected the formula and there wasn't much point in getting invested in anymore after that
And also, instead of having actual generals they went and released Guan Yu's fictional fanboy and Xiahou Yuan's niece who Zhang Fei abducted?
Dynasty Warriors was what me and one of my earliest friends bonded over so I’ll always love these games.
Wu is objectively the worst faction
The game focuses too much on Shu and Wei, so of course you would think that.
I'm still not even sure what Wu's "thing" is. Wei is "muh ambition" Shu is "muh benevolence", so is Wu "muh family"? Because that also kind of describes the other two as well.
What a good solution? The old formula simply too stale.
>"muh family"
If this isn't the most ironic thing about Wu
Wu is a “kingdom” of tiger fuckers and oath breakers
Man, did they rerelease WO2? That looks pretty good
"Muh freedom" according to the novel, but they drop that midway.
Sun family is more central and has a bigger role than other families too.
Honestly Wu isn't very flashed out in the games.
Take DW5 and improve everything, add more characters, add more maps, add a "faction" mode where you follow the story of an entire faction instead of 1 character, generally add more gameplay options while keeping the basic ones and you are done.
Then make an Empires game with PvP battles.
South generally had a different culture than the rest of china so they wanted their own state.
Character stories are better than faction stories though, but hypothetical faction stories are better than both
It's an additional mode, not a replacement
>we'll never get a sitcom about Sun Quan and Zhang Zhao
I don't know about that, 5 is already long enough without faction stories. I was thinking of marrying both, so you choose a character first and then you get to play in a big branching timeline like 8 was and follow his story along that timeline, hypotheticals included. So it's kind of like 8, but if you save the character you're playing as you get to play as him for the rest of the faction story with customised timelines instead of just on one extra mission.
Chunhua objectively best girl
in kessen 2 they were the boat guys. they really liked boats
J. Howe Dunn is my main man, true loyalty, decorated general who led a simple life, also led me to have all my chars in any game wear eyepatches.
Props to John Way and Jeanne Law.
Spirit of Sanada is KINO as fuck. Peak warrior story.
hows the gameplay tho? I was considering getting it eventually
Musous are like the button of the barrel for gameplay. Right there with grinding, hotkey "action" combat, random encounters, and MMO quests.
And what do you mean "anymore"? Yea Forums has always preferred actual action games over trite like DW.
unironically turn your brain off and they are fun
Hope you are talking about newer DW or spinoff musous, because older ones are pretty solid games.
When does the next Samurai Warriors come out?
Annoucement in 2020 is all I know.
Are any of their new games good? Last one I touched was 9 and didn't like it. Would love to get back into it musou shit though
Does anybody here know how to fix SW2E issues on PCSX2? I can't find shit.
Everything before DW6 is nice.
Feel the power of my MAAAAGEEEEEK.
I don't beLIEVE in maGIIEEK
Diao Chan has tits this BIG?
I have no idea why DW8E gets such a bad rep.
I feel like Spirit of Sanada is basically the only game where it's highly recommended to have some historical context for the events. It's a dub-only game and there's too much information to ignore the dialog parts during combat. I liked the fact we finally got characters aging, though. Now that's a system I'd like to see expanded upon so there's clear passage of time.
>dat OST
there was only one type of ending, I think. In 7E you have a different ending depending on your fame. (Evil, Good/Benevolent, Wise, Affluent, Brave, Order)
All hail Lord Cao Cao!
>When they make another good one I'll start caring again.
what's this? gacha?
Fuck you.
Cut out loads of content and options from DW7E
Best boy
what game did she first show up in?
>im the only user on Yea Forums that liked, let alone remembered this game
yeah, t-thanks..
not yet at least
I already have hyrule musou, and I'm loving it.
Yea Forums never like musou games until Zelda collab'd with it and suddenly it's the best of the genre. What a Wei of thinking.
>mobile dw9
What is this hell
>spin-off musou
Warriors Orochi is the only good one.
Why is Hisahide so based?
what the fuck
They put Pagan Min in a musou?
he;s an asshole, knows it, doesn't care
>dat feel when awesome in both franchises
Wants desperately to be the greatest villain in history
Comes off as Yosemite Sam
>play SW2
>Yukimura's final mission
>at one point it becomes a FINAL DESTINATION one-man war as you fight the entire faction on your own
>no way to heal anymore
Usually if the battle turns in a one-man war it means you have fucked up not saving allies or not raising morale with objectives/killing troops quick enough.
The other musous on the switch
DW8 Worse story than 7 but still a decent introduction to three kingdoms, hypotheticals are also nice.
FE Warriors, disgusting amount of clones and dull characters on the roster but makes huge improvements to Hyrule Warrior's gameplay
WO4- lots of tech, huge amount of characters, all of them will be literally who's if you haven't played any DW/SW
I wanted to try out Samurai Warriors but KT being turbo jews never put it on sale so i guess i will never give this genre a second try.
I'm ore curious about DW but SW just seems to have a much better soundtrack. I mean i like guitar riffs but Jesus Christ, they just drone on in that series.
>modern total war games
Yukimura's final mission is the exception since his story ends at Sanada-maru with his literal last stand. The dude killed so many people they were terrified of him even after he died
How the fuck do I stop Hanzo at Sekigahara SW2
Garrison fuckers keep defecting if I come anywhere near it and none of the enemies are lured away from tearing the old guy a new one
DW8XLCE arguably has an insane amount of content, more than any other DW games. That's without DLC adding further weapons and levels.
KOEI is notorious for keeping base prices high. That 50% discount means shit when you're still paying $30.
I always found it funny it's the licensed spin-offs that Omega tends to really experiment and if those ever get sequels they tend to be exponentially better than the last game. Ken's Rage 2 being an exception.
Yeah it's too bad that ambition mode ended up being sucha total slog
Too bad playing as the enemy side is boring most of the time
I CANNOT believe Pirate Warriors never got an Empire equivalent where you create your character, put together your crew and sail the world seeking adventure. Also the fact games sold less and less as they got better and better.
A mix of an abysmal launch and the musou fanbase being the epitome of "new bad, old good". 9 has the most fluid and solid gameplay in the series. Still needs some work like better air combat, but that's something easily improved in a future installment provided they BUILD on it and don't scrap everything to go back to boring braindead dial-a-combos because whiny little babbies need their charge system.
are any of these games on pc without the usual tecmo koei downgrades? I remember the last time I checked they were still pulling shit like ps3 textures on a ps4 port.
Can you finally use the next gen textures and effects on pc?I recall ps4 stuff were not in and you had to use ps3 stuff instead.
woah this guy is sexy
Whats the best musou game? And is Dragon Quest Heroes worth a buy?
No, they never fixed the port. Elemental SFX are still missing and display as flat black or transparent, cel shading and colors are still washed out, some textures are even from the PS Vita, no gamepad button prompts.
Dragon Quest Heroes 1 is a tower defense musou where you kill enemies and sometimes get drops that let you summon them to set up roadblocks to slow enemies down. DQH2 has more varied mission structure. They were alright for what they are.
PW3 is also good.
The DW experience hasn't changed for the past 15 years. It's simply dying of old age
I fucking wish.
Oh, my people...
Is there an easy way to play the PS2 games nowadays without a PS2? I don't admittedly know that much about emulation
Wei > Wu >>>>>Jin >>>>>>>>>>>>>Shu
PCSX2 works great for me. I have a mediocre computer.
This but I have issues with SW2.
Everything else works fine
It's too fucking repetitive and the way it's designed around recycling combo strings makes it significantly less in-depth. Also not enough semen demons
Not even mods?Aw,that fucking sucks.
I still currently play and enjoy very much Hyrule Warriors and Warriors Orochi 4.
To those asking, yes, at normal and easy difficulties they are mindless button mashers, albeit very satisfactory ones with lots of cool looking and sweet combos.
I will always love DW.
pretty great
To pursue or not to pursue.
underrated show
I will always Pursue my wife
she looks retarded
I love Dynasty Warriors. I just refuse to play 9 because it looks like shit. Wei and Shu are based. Wu fags dont @ me.
how blind you are
She's not easy to get.
is she special needs?
I'm burnt out on it also 9 is terrible. Free roaming and lolhorsetravel is not what I want when I boot up a musou game.
DW9 was just an experiment. I can forgive them.
DW9 is pretty fun if you playDong Bai mode. The only story where they remembered it's a musou game and had proper musou enemy count.
Oh boy I cant wait for horrible pathing and shit AI that CA will refuse to ever fix especially so due to the new dueling feature, forced anti-player coding that will make trusted friends backstab you for no reason, some sort of scripted mid/late game bullshit crisis like civil war or a coalition being made against you and only fucking you when you get X amount of settlements but the AI gets to do whatever the fuck they want at all times like spawn a full stack of non-upkeep elites right on your fucking border because "lol why should we try to make our AI better just make them meat sponges", certain settlements to break and be nonupgradable and other bugs only to be fixed by sporadic DLC faction releases that repeatedly break the game/mods further (if this one will even BE moddable that is) and will publicly state they they have NO INTENTION OF BRINGING THE FIX TO VANILLA AND THAT ITS ONLY FOR DLC BUYERS BECAUSE FUCK THE CUSTOMER.
CA needs to burn to the ground.
Nope she is nothing like you
I really like DW9. I can overlook its problems and enjoy it
This I lost interest in that game knowing what CA is going to do dlc wise. Fuck that company and fuck that game, would rather play dw9.
DW9 needed another year in development. If it released in its current state with the DLC (at least just the characters and weapons) it would have been much better received. But companies these days have a "rush it out early, fix it later...maybe" mentality. Which I can't imagine is beneficial to them in the long run as first impressions are a thing that they apparently do not understand.
Not really,the problem wasnt content but implementation of some new features.
A better overworld and lightning not making the game look like an unity asset flip would be more than enough for a new base game.
Cool. I guess I just need to find somewhere to get the DW4 ISO or whatever? I don't torrent much
It shouldn't be that hard to find. I didn't even torrent it. There are plenty of ISO hosting sites.
The bigger issue was how poorly it ran at launch. They released an "action mode" patch a few weeks after launch to prioritize performance. But it still ran like shit. It took until around October for the game to actually run at a framerate that would have been acceptable to launch with.
Plenty of forgotten Dynasty games out there
Who here Tactics?
Literally how are the spinoff Musous better than the main series entries?
i might play it later im pretty busy tho
co-developed with Team Ninja
They stopped doing that a while ago. Warriors Orochi 4 was one of their best ports so far.
yeah. I mean I still like it but it is kind of a waste of the best character designs in the series
So the anime entries and Hyrule Warriors were co-developed by Team Ninja? Huh.
But then Team Ninja produce some utter shit post Itagaki, especially with Ninja Gaiden 3/ Yaiba, and X3.
Hw do the musous end up working?
They rely on fanservice since it's not their IP.
Was Lu Bu misunderstood?
Is NG3 really that bad?
While on the subject,do the older ones finally emulate perfectly?
>can't freely unload my gun on the hordes as Saika in WO4 because the magic shit took over the keybind/move
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 was the ABSOLUTE bomb. The first and second games weren't bad, either.
3 is atrocious, RE goes a way towards fixing it, but even compared to weaker entries like 2/Sigma 2 RE still feels like a bit of a let down
Is it any good if I never played DQ though?
Hyrule Warriors was basically the start of Team Ninja's redemption arc, and they weren't the main devs on Yaiba.
Vanilla 3 is terrible, but RE is a competent game.
Nah. But Ravages of Time Lu Bu is the most badass
If you can stand defending a point yea or you could just get 2. It differentiates itself in other ways such as boss fights and characters being more "RPG like" with a unique skillset. I dunno about its value as fan service since I haven't really played DQ though.
Never tried yaiba but it looked like a cool spinoff game with the artstyle from the first trailers
What went wrong?Is it straight up not worth trying tier?
But since then there was DOAX3, and whilst FE Warriors and DOA6 are enjoyable it shows they have no idea how to do publicity
One of the top 5 dumbasses when you only include big names
Still better than the literal retard,but you can't blame that guy for it really.
I'll pick it up for cheap sometime then, I always had a soft spot for tower defense and TD hybrids
it used to be about the character and you having to adapt to him/her and find a playstyle that works for you
now you can give every character whatever fucking weapon you want and i don't see the point in that
I hate 9 so much because its got the best character designs in the whole series, but they're stuck in the worst one in the whole series too
That wouldnt be that big of an issue if difficulty was seriously lowered
When was the last time any normal mook did anything
Even lu bu is some random guy with a bit more health than normal nowadays
I think 6 is worse. But I agree that 9 has the best designs
9 characters were really tame and lacked content on top of it + gay ass openworld
6 sucked on all fronts from new character designs/personalities to gameplay changes
The only exception was the new lü bu
it's a massive issue 2bh, it makes an already repetitive as fuck series even more repetitive
i mean what reason do i have to use a shit weapon when i can just switch to something good?
I liked the look of the open world. They did good at capturing the beauty of China and it was fun for me to hunt for cool landmarks.
6 is just fucking awful. 6 was my first DW I am actually surprised I continued to like the series
I'm the only one that likes this game and I'm sure no one wants to remember it.
even more surprising considering DW hasn't been good since DW5 with DW3 and DW4 being the best in the series
The idea wasnt bad,it was the implementation that sucked.Hell,they could fix the open world for an Empires mode.
8 is fucking fantastic what are you smoking
Yeah I agree. It was the first time they ever tried to do open world so it was bound to be not that good. I think they could make a good open world dw if they learn from their mistakes
Actually had a lot fun co-oping this
>8 is fucking fantastic
Because they experiment a bit on the formula. God I want another Gundam Musou so bad.
It is a damn good game.
Gundam Reborn was so fucking good. I dream of having another Gundam Musou game
I only remember playing 2
The voice acting was so bad especially since I have something to judge it by but it was really fun
>It is a damn good game.
The only thing good about 8 is the gameplay and no clones. Everything else like the story, character designs, stages and gamemodes don't strike a wow factor
I found the modes to be solid and I think they did the story very well. It was a good mix of Romance and Records. And 8XL gave is Lu Lingqi which is more than enough for me to sing its praises
>don't strike a wow factor
which no DW ever did...
8 has top gameplay and as you said, no clones, which is 90% of what you want from a DW game.
The story doesnt matter because its literally the same story for the ninth time and every "fan" has either watched TK2010 or read the novel anyway so Koei's cringy take on it can go fuck itself.
Character designs were miles better than the comic shit from 6&7, and stages actually suited the style by sending you to kill shitwhere it mattered instead of having you run around all the time.
ah, a waifu faggot
no wonder you don't mind eating shit
Well said.
Yeah because they changed so much