What does Yea Forums think about Second Life?
What does Yea Forums think about Second Life?
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ERP with people is frustrating and usually not worth the trouble, not just in SL but in general
It's nice for erotic role-play.
My AV is a cute femboy and always looking for the next virtual dick to suck.
I enjoy it, but fuck Sakura Falls and all the faggots that ruined Hentai High to make their shitty circle jerk "let's make everything about combat with our edgelord characters" that would make the original 'nothing personal kid' guy blush.
Also fuck periods while I'm at it, I guess.
people standing around waiting for others to say something to them but nobody does because everyone is waiting to be talked to first
Anime is and will always be absolutely garbage on sl and vrchat because of the users. Much like mmo's the quality has dropped severely standard wise.
I like anime well enough but its undeniable that it attracts the worst kind of people and online I will always avoid anyone with an anime avatar
>Hentai High
That shit is still around? Mental illness.
I was when I played a lot
It's literally on par with diaper fur. Just a different flavor of shit. It sucks because I also like anime. I just don't show my power level on sl or anything really since I can still enjoy it alone and those people love to stalk and dox eachother while practicing weird lbgt voice stuff.
It’s easy to fuck with people on there.
Eh, some people define crashing a sim as fucking with people but the reality is people just go somewhere else. People used to be easy to fuck with but all the stuff people do these days is so common everyone has seen it at least 10 times already. You can sometimes mess with people who have weird families though.
imagine imvu but worse. and there ya go. now with even more furfags and extremely horny virgins who no longer are satisfied with porn go to.
imvu is pretty fucking shit so that is kinda a stretch. Also has more furfags and catfishing.
How does one get into Second Life?
make an account
download firefox viewer
then spend hours fighting against the horrible UI until you learn it
then spend $10-$20 to not look like shit
then you can finally go and try to meet other degenerates
*firestorm viewer fuck
>20 Dollar to not look like shit
Make that 40 Dollar to actually look good.
You got scammed
Nah man.
>mesh head
>mesh body
>head and body textures
>quality hair
>nipples and genitals
>body mods
>good AO
>fitmesh clothing
The list goes on and on...
Seems like it takes some effort and money to create a decent character.
Download black dragon instead. Better controls and UI.
A little more graphically demanding too, but if you have fps problems just disable deferred rendering.
The only thing I feel like Black Dragon is missing is an animation override so you don't have to wear one all the time.
You can look decent for fairly cheap, but you're trading off time/effort in exchange. Anyways, I think if you go into the game just trying to buy your way into a cool avatar you're going to end up hating it.
Just get something you think is okay, is cheap, and then hang around with people and get a feel for the game before spending much more.
>imvu but worse
Say about SL what you want but imvu doesn't even have a fraction of the features SL does.
He wants to look like the top 1%, you dont need half that crap
as any MMORPG, piece of shit and mistake of industry
SL is not even close to being an MMORPG you brainlet.
Is the game playable without spending money?
No it isn't.
It's actually amazing for how shitty it is. Feels like a throwback to the early 00's internet still.
People like you are the kind of people who tried to recreate SL as project sansar, and failed horribly at it because you don't understand why people play this shit. It's not about spending money on cool avatars. It's the freedom to build and create and experiment and even doing shit with people.
A game like SL couldn't be made today. The industry is too fucking cancerous to let it happen again. SL is what games used to be like, when they weren't strictly about making money.
Half the fun is buying new shit though.
For me at least, but I'm a consumerist whore.
Yes. You could literally rez yourself a cube and use it as an avatar if you wanted.
A lot of the fun stuff is just what you do with other people.
I think it's not Yea Forums. It's /soc/. Or possibly /d/.
It's the synthesis of all three + /trash/
It's a mix of those three boards pretty much.
Is it true people can make a living off this game?
>black dragon
>better controls and UI
oh god thanks for that laugh, Niran
If you make shit and sell it on the marketplace, yes
Talented creators can.
Are you a talented 3D modeler/texture artist/animator/coder ?
Post him
>old SL
good riddance
Post your SL name and I might add you...
Then you would probably only make enough to cover land rental expenses, or maybe buy a bottle of your favorite poison every now and again.
... what? everyone talked shit, once I joined a conversation about sleeping problems, and suggested a fat girl (you could tell she was fat just by the voice) that masturbation was great for that, and she claimed she tried that too, and we all laughed
i wanted to try it but i wont pay 20+ euro just to not look like shit
What’s the bare minimum things you need to make a decent character?
I still find it nice nowdays to simhop and take a look around of what people make and decorate
Depends on what style you're going for, gender, what you want to do in SL.
What can you do in Second Life?
It's a virtual world, where everything is made by the users, so the options are almost endless. Though the majority of people use it for sex, clubbing, shopping, but there's a few scripted game systems in world that you can do (made by users, so quality will vary).
about $5-10
You’ll find some of the worst people on the internet playing it.
I checked it out of boredom even though I'm not into rp, uploaded few models and I just check it out from time to time to collect little dosh I gather.
$10 if you wanna be anime
$30-50 if you want a regular avatar
>people on this board unironically play this
Fucking pathetic kek
>calling anyone pathetic
>browses Yea Forums
lmaoing @ ur life
>What does Yea Forums think about Second Life?
The most kino one is where they go into the furries house and start berating him
I paid $0 for all that shit, so easy to get a sugar mama/daddy in SL
Depends if you're looking to rp or not, most people on rp sims won't even look at you if you don't spend like $20-40 on an avatar. But if you just plan on wandering around then you can get by with a free for the most part
I played in Star Wars role play servers back in the early 2010s that aren’t really around anymore. Really enjoyed it, made some friends.
yeah he is involved in one pathetic waste of time, you are involved in 2 and one of them is the most cursed one of all.
Any recommendations for interesting places?
I'm bored.
It's just an ERP platform for people who cant afford the hardware needed to get in VR Chat
Tried VRchat and it's just not the same.
Zero functionality and no lewdness.
VR chat is very limited compared to SL.
aren't there a few VR rooms in SL?
The only good thing to come out of second life was Daniel
and the video Oney did with that absurdly autistic guy
SL doesn't have rooms.
It consists of a mainland with different continents as well as private regions (islands).
There are VR viewers you can use to experience SL with VR headsets afaik.
There are some sort of servers, or instances, I'm not sure what to call them... apart from private islands and things like that. At least that's how it was 10 years ago. You had a list of these "rooms", some were private, and some were actually created by the game devs. They had their themes and names. And I'm pretty sure some of them had "VR" on their tags.
because humping the air while practicing my tranny voice is the pinnacle of ERP
>uwaah I'm too shy to post here >.
VR chat is actually worse
I've spent too much time on it, but I haven't spent an excessive amount of money entirely because I live off the kindness of others.
There's people I don't know in and out of my house every day and I get a good laugh out of most of 'em.
Well yeah, there are dev regions with restricted access.
But as I said you can just put on a VR headset and use a modified viewer for a more immersive first person experience.
coolest dude in the room
Suit yourself.
I do what I can.
I'll buy more hats sometime. Hope that's running well.
I've three sales this month and haven't actually made any other hats in a while.
The novelty ballcap business is a fickle one.
Hold on, you can convince other people to buy you this stuff?
thank you for this, its like eyebleach but for my brain after seeing that fucked up vid of the recent thing that happened
Yeah, if you don't have a problem with being a leech.
If you are actual scum you could cuddle up to some lonely, old lady and make her feel like you care about her until she feels obliged to gift you some currency.
Or you could just offer your services as a buttslut to some sugardaddy.
dang, wishin ya luck as always
Yeah. I’ll just become a prostitute and snag money off those people.
How active is this game really?
I can understand a small subset of degenerates but there's no way it's large right?
Do they even update the game?
Thanks man.
Anyone that plays this is a faggot and is guaranteed to have mental problems.
Are mic's required?
post the anthro avatars already I know you're lurking you titfoxes
>Do they even update the game?
Yeah, though most people use third party viewers to connect, so the updates trickle out a bit slower. As for how large it is, pic related shows how many people are currently in world.
No, I've never used a mic in SL.
Almost always above 30k concurrent players.
Still receiving regular updates.
Currently they are in the process of introducing fully animated mesh objects (as opposed to frame animation) to SL.
There are over 40k people on it right this second
I liked it more back in around 2007 when sims were larger and there was a lot more variety of places to wander around and explore.
I hope you visit my sim someday whoever you are.
Not an anthro avy, but have this. Pokemon & Kirby are the best I have to offer.
Is it really just degeneracy or people taking the notion of a ''second-life'' alter ego to talk about their problematic and shitty lives?
Just make an account and hop around some adult furry sims.
The furry community is still one of the biggest SL communities.
There are bound to be some busty futa foxes around.
ActiveWorlds is better
No and there's actually a split in the community over it. Mic users only want to talk over mic so they end up gathering with other voice users and people who only type tend to stick with other typists. I'd say most don't voice and the ones that do are some of the most annoying, banal attention whores you'll ever meet.
its fine
Askking that is like asking what do people do on Yea Forums all day, it varies from user to user. I personally do a little bit of everything I can. RP, Photography, building shit, playing an assortment of games made by other people, any hobby or sport you could think of - surfing, tennis, football (both murrican and proper), hockey, wrestling, you name it.
Whats the name of it?
>The furry community is still one of the biggest SL communities
Yet all main clothes designers no longer support it? A few years ago big brands always always used to offer digi-grade feet support for their pants, meaning every product you'd by would have a fur-friendly version. This is not the case anymore.
Every single, and i mean, every! single! roleplay sim or enviroment disallows furries because they say and i quote "the cartoon avatars dont fit the theme" etc etc.
Try being an anthro, even a good looking one, and going to a fantasy sim, they will ask you to leave without even asking if you have a "human" avatar you can wear or come to some kind of compromise.
They stereotype the fuck out of you before you can even breathe.
On top of that, being a human is boring, i'm one in my first life, why would i choose to be one in my second life too? In a world where you can be literally anything most people are dumbass maitreyas and jakes. Sad.
That's because most furries look like sonic OC donut steel characters with flamboyant pinks, blues, greens, etc fur.
Mesh avis literally turned SL into the Snow Crash Metaverse where users buy prebuilt mesh bodies and all look the fucking same.
Stay seething furfag
Hmm, sorry to hear that.
I'm not a furry myself so I may not be up to speed.
Blame Linden Labs for not updating the base character models from 2004
This isn't true.
I disagree.
You can modify mesh avis with sliders in a similar manner to the standard avi but now you can even change the "base" (i.e. the mesh face or body) in addition to changing your shape.
You can. Do people do it? Hell no. I swear I see so many female avis with the same damn face it's ridiculous.
How the fuck is anyone supposed to support a hundred different mesh bodies? Nevermind all the other nonsense you said, that in particular
infuriates me. People can say what they want about furries but lazy they are not. Be thankful they have hordes of creators making any stuff at
all you ungrateful shit.
I didnt know you could edit mesh faces, I thought they were set, maybe if this game UI wasnt a complete clusterfuck and you had to study pages and pages to learn how to do anything more people would edit it
>SL looks like THAT?
oh baby now that's the stuff. moar
I only had that unedited (had to block out the horse dick) from some thread going awhile back
Normies gonna be normies.
You need a "bento" enabled mesh face.
Those faces are rigged to your facial bones so you can modify them with your sliders just like you would modify a default avatar. Bento tech is the reason mesh faces became popular in the first place.
See? More shit to read about
But thanks for the tip
it's great
Will this game help me with my social anxiety?
it honestly helped me talk with all kinds of people
Unironically yes
What’s the best way to mooch money off people?
Ask very nicely
I may have taken a wrong turn somewhere...
Apply at a club as a hooker or DJ, most DJ's i know make 1k easy off a 1 hour set in tips, oftentimes a lot more, plus whatever they're paid by the owner to DJ.
The only good thing in it is ERP and playing dress-up with your avatar. It's absolutely awful at everything else. If you're a game developer/modder type you can make real money in it. I started playing it 10 years ago and it was already a mostly dead ghost town then, it's much the same now. Lately though it's mostly played by Arabs, Indians and South Americans that try to send you dick pics and hope to groom girls into sending nudes and meeting them in RL.
>The only good thing in it is ERP and playing dress-up with your avatar.
Good enough for me.
Nobody who isn't a furfag likes you "people". Asking for a compromise to your avatar instead of just booting your furry ass outright is already more than you deserve.
btw in case anyone wants the uncensored version-
Trolling people who take the game too seriously is the best part.
in 2012
Anyone has fursonas?
I have no life. Is this game for me?
Leave your avatar AFK on sex furniture for tips. I'm not even kidding.
Are you a sexual deviant, a creative type or just really like socializing?
If so then yes.
Bonus points if you have some disposable income you'd like to spend on virtual stuff.
what a stud, wish he would post more here
that is their FA, but idk if they go on second life anymore
I used to spend so much time in this game, maybe too much time. It helped me fully figure myself out on a level I never really thought possible, and for that I owe it and the people I met on it a lot. I don't go on much anymore, though I've been thinking of maybe going on to offer my services as a digital artist (I'm currently not a professional or anything) to draw people's avis for lindens or something
Unironically yes. It can help you socialize if you find the communities there suitable for you. You might have a hard time with it if you aren't cool with the more NSFW communities on there though.
oh yeah this was posted earlier. Nice
thats the wall i keep running into,i go to various RP sims but everything ends up becoming a pretext for ERP...no story no progression just sexual rp cliques.
wish they made more though, it's rare you see actually good looking horse furries on second life
Will people get butthurt if you play as Hitler or a terrorist?
got any other hot ones?
Makes you wonder if we're ruled by a clique who all have the same fetish in real life.
good get wrecked faggot
Nah they might only freak out these days if you look like a sexy kid
I had a friend who did shit like that. In the right areas you can get away with it, though those areas are usually the ban zones full of other trolls and stuff. It's pretty easy to piss people off outside those areas though.
Most people probably wouldn't bat an eye.
Everybody who's been on SL for a while has seen their fair share of edgy teens.
Ones that are active? I don't know, I don't think so. I don't want to spend money to go on and find out, lol.
ey uh, user... where ya goin with this?
idk i just want to RP man
I meant pictures you fuccboi
I bet a bunch of pedophiles play this game.
Of course they do. Why do you think child avy's exist?
You find them mostly in "family safe" sims, especially nudist lifestyle places. But they have to be at least somewhat subtle and do things in private since it's the only thing people freak out over and get banned for.
The concept of Second Life is exactly what I want. I wish someone would execute it in a more modern fashion, but autist shut-ins who can't disassociate their sexual fetishes with their online personas will always ruin any online community that gives them the freedom of creating their own avatar and enviornment with no restraints.
Someone please name me a good alternative to Second Life that comes close.
- I miss making shots, but I don't miss the furry community.
I rather do ERP on F-List.
you could do both
you should do both
I tried and it was really really bad
At least in SL you get visual and sometimes sound aid
F-list is like writing fanfiction with another person.
Whats the point? Id rather just write the whole thing myself.
thats just RP in general user
Fair point but in a game more senses are stimulated I guess
>Id rather just write the whole thing myself.
The whole point is to add an element of unpredictability, which can be exciting. If you write the thing yourself why even bother.
In my experience people just wanted me to be an actor in their story following the script they wanted, wasnt much room to do anything.
Yeah that's no fun and that just means they are shit at RP.
this. Go RP with other people, or at a better place. I've been to several places that don't do that (though a few of them are no longer around because sims are expensive as fuck on upkeep, and RPers dont bring in much money)
The visual element for me is actually satisfied by a well made F-List profile with images by artists I like.
>artists I like
>Almost always above 30k concurrent players.
That is literally better than eve online...
I have no idea if that includes bots though. Which are easily 2/3rds of the avatars you see around.
I only got laid once in my life and that was thanks to this piece of shit, I think being a virgin would be less embarrassing
Lads! How can I get rich through Second Life? I don't wanna be NEET anymore.
Shit went down like a year ago.
already been answered in the thread.
You'll need to travel back in time to 2006 or so if you want to get rich through SL. People might still be making a living now but it's nothing like the old days.
Why would you ever bot in SL
>third pic
Usually the sim owner has a dozen accounts permanently hanging at their sim to raise their traffic and put them higher in search results.
Mostly model bots, customer service bots and bots to increase the popularity rating of a region.
That and... fishing.
>meet girl in IMVU
>she seems cool
>turns out she's the pink-haired wacky type, just the kind of shit I like as a retard 16-year-old
>she also likes me, probably because I have long hair and look like a fucking faggot
>start a long-distance relationship
>go to her place for a few days while her parents are gone
>spend three days awkwardly cuddling and kissing because we had no idea what the fuck we were doing
>somehow end up fucking
>keep talking for like three months on msn while slowly getting bored of each other
>stop talking one day and never see each other ever again
that was 10 years ago