Other urls found in this thread:
I played until the credits and was too frustrated to go back. Too often I found myself trekking for minutes across the map to see if that one bit of unexplored corner led to the next power up that I needed to progress. And the boss fights were starting to become incredibly tedious towards.
That being said, I kind want to replay it for 100%, but I'd only do so with a guide. Other than that, is there some optimal build/route I can take to streamline the game and make it enjoyable rather than frustrating?
Patamos geo?
>Other than that, is there some optimal build/route I can take to streamline the game and make it enjoyable rather than frustrating?
depends. are you having trouble, or is it just boring now?
Like I said, I got the credits to roll. Did a few optional bosses, but none of the crazy DLC stuff Yea Forums always complains about. If you're inquiring about what I'm looking for, something to make the game easier would be my choice. The game is fun enough once I know what I'm doing (and if I'm being effective).
I always find it remarkable how different indies get around the limitation of having no voice acting.
Don't starve used musical instruments for characters, Hollow knight uses babble and rain barely has any talking and I don't remember what they use for moon and 5p.
Reminder that Iselda is a faithful and sweet antfu, so you fuckers don't have any chance with her.
Hollow Knight memes have been pretty fucking ace lately.
Took me about 60 tries (and lots of agony) to finally beat Pure Vessel in the training hall. Now I need to beat him again in the 4th Pantheon. God help me
>Something to make the game easier.
The spells in this game make most of the normal games combat a breeze.
You can turn the basic spirit blast spell into a shotgun.
They've always been good, there's just more people making them now.
The characters are really simple design wise, which gives them immense meme potential.
>God help me.
"Help yourself faggot lmao"
>mfw gave up on the white palace
pls no bully
Can't those fuckers at Team Cherry make a last update so benches work properly? Otherwise I'll never bother with anything past Pantheon 3.
these pretentious made up language bug voice bit shits made me drop the game
are you autistic?
Moon and 5P voice lines are just English lines reversed and distorted. The autists in the discord server cracked this a month or so ago.
>that pic
You have 20 seconds to explain your use of the word 'pretentious' in this context. Go!
are the HK bugs human-sized? or is this a Bugs Life deal? Will there be a comical reveal in Silksong that reveals this is all taking place in someone's backyard?
Look at how huge the grains of dirt are.
Anything human would completely destroy all the appeal of the world they've created, so I seriously hope they don't do that shit.
More like BRAPanada
The bugs are bugsized. with some bugs being bigger than they should be
>Jibberish no effort fake language is pretentious
Jesus christ what are you doing you're going to hurt yourself
I saw it as a post-apocalypse where only bugs survived, and ended up mutating.
Jibberish languages are only retarded rhwy either sound dumb as fuck or they literally use some words in fucking English. The one in this game is perfectly fine.
Geo doesn't make any sense as currency. You can't create a functioning economy out of shiny rocks you find lying around.
Hard to say because you can't use realistic physics to judge the size, because videogames and fantasy.
With the size leafs and other random things in the background, like raindrops it feels like it's a world with man sized bugs.
When you're doing the small bugs that act like people you have the huge things in the background to establish it, when you don't it's implied that isn't the case.
Just use Hiveblood you dip
that's the joke
Gold is a valuable commodity because it is scarce, geo is literally everywhere.
Hiveblood, deep focus and grubsong make you immortal unless you fuck up.
Not everyone can go everywhere, it seems.
i thought geo was basically just guts
which is even more confusing
I just got to the White Palace for the first time.
When do the Sawblades end?
The Pale King has a sense of humor.
Not everyone has the same movement options or weapons as you
It never ends. And when it does, there'll be more in the Path of Pain
Nigga, the Knight went down to Hallownest with nothing but an old, blunt nail and a standard jump.
The pale king can go fuck himself.
What's that? "More sawblades" you said?
Can do.
The Knight isn't exactly a normal bug either
He was weak and scrawny when he started out and got stronger as he went. Remember, you pass by countless other vessel corpses throughout the journey. The Knight is the first to get that far.
Its a good way to give the characters a voice and personality without voice-acting.
Remember, this game was made by three people. Most of the voices were made by them, and their friends and family.
Also backers. Pretty sure all the backer characters were voiced by the backers themselves, or at least most of them.
Weak, but strong enough to survive, as opposed to the other vessels. We also see other bug corpses at different places, but it just goes to show that not everyone can just go down and fetch some easy geo, because it's dangerous as fuck. The only npcs you see multiple times in hallownest are all some kind of warrior
You are like a small child before me.
Full English voice acting should have never happened in any game
I started playing on PS1 and even just bubbles were fine
Hollow knight "HEGALEEE" is as far as I can go personally
Took me hours to get Pure Vessel down and now he practically never touches me.
Try to get him on Ascended difficulty (double damage) and if you do, you'll be ready for the Pantheon.
For the next Pantheon and Absolute Radiance, you're gonna need luck, and patience, and work.
Practice. I thought I couldn't beat anything past Pantheon 3 too at first. But I practiced and eventually beat Pantheon 5 and Absolute Radiance at the top. I got my fucking platinum.
That would require good audio recording quality. I don't recall any character sounding noticeably worse than any other character.
>morrowind vs oblivion
I can't even get to Sly in good shape. Even in training, I can only beat him 1/3 of the time.
I played neither, nor skyrim
You do mean 112%, right?
Sly is a joke
I only just got the joke after staring at it for a good thirty seconds and now I can't stop laughing
I don't have any faith in myself to do this. I barely managed to cheese vanilla Radiance with Shriek.
What's the deal with the collector being so damn easy?
First boss I didn't die once to.
Did I wait too long to fight him and now I'm op?
Or is he a joke
He's kind of a joke. In the final Pantheon version he summons primal aspids, and is slightly less of a joke then, but still a joke.
You're in the wrong mindset. PV eventually needs to become something you can topple consistently to get to the actual challenge.
Sure, with a specific loadout, but I also need it to work against the other bosses.
Probably. It really depends on how many hits you need to deal with his minions.
>a faithful and sweet antfu
Who constantly talks about "stretching her legs". If the knight wasn't a buglet she would jump on him the second he entered the store.
Ah I guess I was late then
I have nail+3 and strength charm so I one hit the jar stuff, and I just straight up murdered him
Is salubra bless just to troll completionists, or does it have any good effects?
When you sit on a bench, after a few seconds you'll start recovering Soul.
You just gotta bait out his 3-hit combo and hit him afterwards
We're totally coming across Bretta in SilkSong aren't we?
I like to think the Void consumes the whole Hallownest after the final ending
And that SilkSong is a prequel
Holy fuck learn what a word means before using it
I bet you use "literally" every five seconds too when you talk
But what if Delicate Flower is the canon ending?
Everybody always thinks he's joking around, but he's actually dead serious every time
Fuck gays
Fuck women and minorities
He also happen to be immortal.
>tfw I still havne't managed to beat godhome
Pure Vessel raping my bumhole
I can relate to that
You don’t need to beat the pantheon of hallownest for 112%.
You do need to beat the pure vessel, which is nearly as hellish.
I feel retarded. I dont get it
I'm totally sure I could do it, I'm just not gonna be specifically dedicating dozens of hours to do it.
You'll get it one day.
How about explaining it, and having the pleasure of knowing there is at least one person on this site that’ll be slightly less retarded?
He gets lost in Iselda eyes
So he's making a map
120 geo
I think it'll be a lot more rewarding if you figured it out on your own.
Spend enough time o Yea Forums and you're guaranteed to get it eventually.
It's alright. Personally I did a couple of hours every day, and it's always fun. The bosses are very fun in this game so it never really feels like a grind.
But sure, if you wanna move on like most people, go ahead.
I don't understand what this image is trying to say.
I say this without intent to offend but you have autistic traits.
Nah, just more dedicated than casual players. The people doing these pantheons with full bindings or bosses no-damage are autistic.
Jesus, ok. I really am just an idiot then
What the hell kind of bug is Cornifer supposed to be?
You're not familiar with Andy, are you?
How small exactly are the hollow knight buggies?
some kind of weevil
Mate, its a miracle if spaghetti doesnt fall out of my pockets on a daily basis in public. I could have this etched on living room floor and I still wouldnt make the connection.
Didn't know these things existed. They're kind of cute.
>game that was all about a huge vast kingdom to explore
>everytime you thought oh wow that must be all of it there were another area where you thought wow
>has multiple endings and a true ending that is about killing the real boss
>dlc doesn‘t add a new area, just a go to some area kill some enemies and kill the boss
>biggest dlc is just a glorified boss rush mode
>new lore is behind another jump run what if we make it kaizo place
Most radiant bosses require a lot less autism than the 4th pantheon.
To be fair they are free dlc
They dropped the ball with the last DLC, but hey, at least it was free.
She sounds like a braphog, if she actually sounded cute or sexy I would understand brapanada posts but she just doesn't sound good
>seriously complaining about free dlc
How about you shut your whore mouth.
Metroidvanias are all about interconnected worlds, adding locations post-launch is a dead idea since they will feel isolated and out of place. Furthermore, the big draw of exploring locations is the possibility of finding useful items/upgrades that will make further exploration easier still. Post-launch DLCs, however, are made for people who 100% the game, and they don't care about those anymore.
Friendly reminder that bugs don't have the nervous system complexity to sleep or dream
So the whole Radiance plot is absolute bullshit
>No boss where a human passes by and just crushes it
What? I assumed humans existed.
There's absolutely nothing even suggesting that, and it better stays that way. It's a bug world.
>It's a bug world
More like a world of people who just happen to look like bugs that takes zero inspiration from bug biology or behaviour.
But, if Humans don't exist how do I fuck Hornet?
You self insert as another bug, duh.
shitter charms ordered by least to most shitter
They do, however, regularly employ nails as weapons and draw maps.
>let's ignore that the knight is inmortal and the infection does shit to him
>deep focus and minion cheese are the least shitter
>tfw you will never be a legendary warrior cricket
you need more sawblades in your life user
I want to molest this bug.
Did you order your Collectors Edition?
She legit makes me feel things and I'm not into cuckoldry.
>Collectors edition doesn't come with sawblades
I'm not gonna double dip for this game but fuck it looks sexy.
I need some pep talk lads. Full binding PoH is gnawing at my very soul.
I still don't know how to get consistent enough with the Collector.
No. If I'm going to buy anything, it has to be a physical ost
I'd Bapa her nada if you know what I mean
Not with the cost of shipping abroad and the risk of the taxman raping me for even more money.
Bugs is a bunny and bunnies do not talk. Looney Toons is bullshit
That map makes the game look small as fuck what the hell
There's an english version that makes things more clear.
something something hey andy sweetie.
As I'm guessing you're a Britfag just fucking do it, it's still only like £80 total if HMRC gets uppity
absolutely bapanada
>geo is literally everywhere
Fuck you my biggest gripe with the game were most of the bosses. Godmaster answered that tenfold.
It looks pretty big to me.
It's a condensed version of practically everything, some zones are straight up missing as well.
Something Awful used to be good...
Does it really make a difference? Everything is portrayed as experienced by the bugs so everything will be scaled accordingly.
It literally doesn't matter. Imagine the entire solar system was shrunk down so that humans were now the size of bugs. Would anything change? No.
>When you realize how seamless the themes are
God I want the Troupe to invade Silksong
i bet you like anime
>Would anything change? No.
A fuckton of things would change. Shrinking something in size greatly increases the surface/volume ratio, which affects adhesion, surface tension and multiple other things. Things like the relative size of raindrops, relative strength of muscle fibers or the amount of force needed to roll a wheel would change dramatically.
I always imagined the Knight as about a foot tall.
What works better on NK Grimm: quick slash + quick focus or should I just go with Joni's Blessing + Lifeblood Core + nailmaster's glory and don't even bother trying to heal?
Because when I constantly have Great Slash charged I don't have enough time to get a heal off when he does the spike move. Or is there a way to instantly cancel the charge?
By the way, on another note, is it just me or is Sprintmaster incredibly good?
no heal against nkg
>Did it with a keyboard and mouse set-up.
Literally [Spoiler]keep trying, you'll get it eventually.[/Spoiler]
>healing on NKG
Just don't get hit, bro. Nail arts are awkward because you will miss out on pogo during the dives. Go strength+quickslash+sharp shadow.
Hmm, I see. I thought you could ''reliably'' get a heal off during the spikes, but maybe it's not worth it.
>sharp shadow
What for?
Also why would you want to pogo on that one move when you can dash out of the way and get a great slash in?
Quick Slash is awful for Grimm, you should be focusing on hitting once per attack. Mark of Pride, Quick Focus, Fragile/Unbreakable Strength (if you're a scrub) and Grubsong.
You can heal with Quick Focus during THREE of his attacks if you know what you're doing.
If you jump over his first bat projectile, you can safely heal as the second bat will fly over your head.
If you wait until the last flame pillar has gone off, you can heal then.
If you are in the correct position for his ground spikes, you can heal another mask of health (with Quick Focus.)
Quick Focus + Shape of Unn is absolutely free healing during his flame pillar attack.
what a scrub
Grimm is all about reacting. You need to see where he appears on screen and be ready to do the appropriate response. He never gets faster or changes his patterns. If you learn these counters, you will be able to avoid damage/get a hit in/get a quick heal to cover a mistake EVERY time without fail.
>What for?
Cheating extra hit on uppercuts/pillars. Plus with the extra distance you can be an extra spicy cunt and abyss shriek/dash his bullet hell.
Best advice I can give is treating Grimm like a dance partner, with him leading you through the fight. Don't get greedy, just let him appear, counter, and repeat.
A friend gifted me this game.
Where the fr*ck do l go? Or is it one of those games
wow best analogy for the fight. good job op
another user, can you give me advice on mighty zote, his attacks seem so irregular that i keep getting killed.
I wish I had some leftover money for this.
'Tis a metroidvania, yes.
Do l get a map eventually?
Treating the fight like a dance helped me finally beat NKG...
Now i just need to work on Zote, his attacks are just so.... random that it is hard to find a good time to go in on him
Grimm theme > Nightmare King theme
Come at me faggots
>it is hard to find a good time to go in on him
Pogo on him when he flails. Slash him on the ground when he spits. You can also time descending dark to his dropping from the top of the screen to both do damage and i-frame the shockwave.
Zote was my wall for the longest time in Pantheon of Hallownest. I wrote him off as random myself. Zote is a boss you need to control. His adds need to die the second they're on screen. They are priority one, use Abyss shriek if you have to. It costs less than the mask to heal would if you let them get loose.
You can't run from Zote, getting away from him jumps means he will teleport on top of you, so never box yourself into a corner against him. The ideal range for Zote is just under a quart of the arena away from him. That way he'll be less inclined to teleport and will likely flail around on his sword, which you can pogo and hit him a solid 6 or 7 times.
If you want to get fancy, you can Desolate Dive him when he's teleported off screen. You'll dodge his shockwaves and hit him with your own. It's tricky to get the timing down, but with enough practice in the Hall of Gods, you;ll get it.
When you learn where to stand with Zote, and how to bait him, he's not that hard in the slightest. You just need to take control of the fight by killing those adds and spending the fight up close to him. He only has the teleport shockwaves, sword flailing, add spawning and zote bomb attacks so he's actually pretty basic. It's just in a panic, most people create distance and get landed on. Good luck.
just go left from the well and jump down the big fuck off tall room
there's a fat nigga down there who makes maps
Come on, don't spoil him.
Lmao you replied 2 seconds after l got. Thanks anyways user, l should be ok from now on.
General Tips?
thanks for the reply user!
>tfw shitter but slowly gitting gud
jus b urself
also you can pogo off enemies and spikes by attacking down while jumping, it will come in handy later
>General Tips?
Don't ever farm geo. You get more than enough from chests/bosses if you just keep uncovering new locations.
better this than yooka-failee Banjo-style "Bop-bipbap bipipip" fart-speak.
Threadly reminder that Quick Focus is the crutch of crutches since a good enough player never gets hit and therefore never heals.
Do you think Team Cherry reads these threads
Post your Pantheon of Hallownest All Bindings clear then.
Why would we do that?
I feel like everytime I use shaman stone I'm cheating. It does so much fucking damage its insane.
>no physical art book
that collectors case looks tight as hell though
They're Australian, they're probably behind all the brapanada posts.
>flukenest + shaman stone + shade soul is 80 damage if ALL flukes connect
>shaman stone + shade soul by itself is 80 damage if it doublehits, which is much easier than hitting all flukes
Is this charm literally useless?
Yes I did.
Shame, both of the vinyls are sold out now on Ghost Ramp.
Yea Forums has some of the worst taste on this whole site
God I can't stand the faggy little conlang in gaybugsouls
Because the city of tears is beautiful
>guide book not done by the artist
The butthurt behind Gidmaster will never not make me smile. You fags are just jealous you aren't good enough to beat it. Literally sour grapes.
>They're Australian, they're probably behind all the brapanada posts.
OP is italian
The Knight is the size of a baby.
do I need the full kingsoul charm before gettin salubra blessing?
The Dark Souls of Hollow Knight.
Reminder that this has not and will never happen
>do I need the full kingsoul charm before gettin salubra blessing?
neverm mind you do
but broken fragile charms count lol
> Grimm theme > Nightmare King theme
but that's almost all the charms in the game
Making it 3D won't improve it though.
The whole nail and needle (even if they aren't literally nails or needles) as weapons thing makes me think of them as being around an inch or so tall, depending on the bug.
The fact that we have bugs in the Silksong trailer that uses scissors as weapons, likely sewing scissors, it seems to be about right.
Whether or not humans exist, seems pretty irrelevant though. They don't play any important role in the story so far, at least that we know of, and I don't think they ever will.
Make a real world path of pain.
> physical release
> no plush option
This was all I wanted
hell yes it would. the way physics works IRL puts pressure on how biology develops.
bugs IRL have a hard limit on their size due to the way their respiratory system works. in the past when oxygen levels in the atmosphere were higher, bugs were fucking HUGE because of it.
also due to the relationship between surface area and volume on a purely mathematical level, there is a hard limit to how large a creature can get before it collapses in on itself due to its own weight. also gravity has a clear relationship with bone structures. birds can only fly due to their lightweight bone structures, and mammals/dinosaurs of certain sizes can only exist with very specific bone structures (see elephants). this is why the most massive mammalian and prehistoric creatures (whales/megalodons) were/are aquatic.
of course none of this shit matters in HK because it's a magical fantasy setting. there are all kinds of sizes of bugs, and their sizes relative to one another based on their real-life counterparts is a very vague one at best.
So Yea Forums, do you release spirits, or let them linger?
>tfw you see Quirrel mask 10 min into the game and don't realize what it is
this game is a masterpiece
Dearest king of Hallownest,
Sincerely, ghost.
>be me
>love metroidvanias and all iterations and variations
>play hollow knight
>exploring the bottom left part of the map that has the plant tileset and plant thorns
>there's a section that is extremely difficult to traverse
>spikes everywhere and bugs you need to pogo onto to make it across
>do this with my dash and get extremely close to a ledge on the other side
>keep trying
>keep dying
>finally make it to the safe ledge
>everything on the other side is even more difficult
>find out later that I'm supposed to have some powerup to explore this area which made the first section I traversed a cakewalk
>realize the poor game design
>realize the extreme possibility that shit like this might happen in the future at another part of the map
>no hive blood
I did and all the way through I thought we were to eventually fight.
The way things turned out gave me good feels.
I let all the spirits next to the seer in peace, but released the rest. Except for one in Queen's Garden I think, but I haven't been able to find that grave again
Don't worry, it gets worse
Hiveblood is for Path of Pain only.
But that's exactly what people praise Super Metroid for
I don't remember this from back when I 100% the game at release. Is this a new addition or did I just miss it the first time?
Also more platforming challenge was great because I really liked White Palace and Path of Pain was just more of it.
>finally make it to the end
>dropped into a room with two white knights
>brain goes into literal tilt mode from fatigue and I die
>have to do it all over again
I got through white palace, including the path of pain, on my first run in like 30 minutes
I swear, its like you people have never played a precision platformer before. White palace is easy mode compared to half the shit it Dustforce
Imagine if the Pale King installed all the sawblades just because he missed the buzzing noise of all the bugs he left behind dead
eh, the path to the painterfag is entirely impossible from the start without cristal core it's not bad design
>claims to love metroidvanias
>wants a metroidvania to be linear
That was amazing.
I am such a bitch, I can't for the life of me do the Trial of the Fool. It seems easy enough, then I get worn down during the stretch with no floor waves and mawleks. Have only made it to the beast tamer once. Any advice? It's the mawleks and walljumping around squits of all things that I get fucked by.
>using hiveblood
>not grubsong+grubberfly's elegy+deep focus
Enjoy standing around waiting instead of popping a heal every 2 hits.
>>wants a metroidvania to be linear
cool strawman
super metroid makes it immediately obvious when you need a powerup to progress. it doesn't have a tedious jumping puzzle that leads you to a point that says "oh, nope. come back later". that's called "game design".
This game consistently has threads with people hating on it and I just don't understand why. It follows the same rules as super metroid where you can see the start of areas you don't have the proper power ups to traverse yet. I really don't get why it gets so much hate here... well actually I'd venture a guess that it's mostly either one furious shitposter looking for easy bait or a bunch of newfags who don't actually like their video games to be video games
Who the fuck cares where it takes place
>grubberfly's elegy
>path of pain
what for
Fuck moths.
I don't recall that happening though. Anywhere I could get to without a powerup I could either finish or find some kind of reward before absolutely needing the powerup to progress
I mean fuck i finished the first ending and got the kings seal without ever even finding the double jump
It buffs grubsong
Path of Pain has statues that grant infinite soul at almost every checkpoint, you don't need any charms to do it. Hiveblood is for memes only.
come here and get your radiance pill
like clockwork:
>a solid game is initially beloved
>popularity ensues
>game receives a lot of detractors
>wasting time whacking a statue for soul when you could get it for free
>tfw did the entire climb of the white palace without knowing I can bounce off sawblades
I felt like an absolute brainlet later when I found out.
And I was like, wow, the timings and spacings on these jumps is tight as fuck.
>trying this hard to hide the fact you've never even attempted PoP and therefore didn't know about the statues
>It buffs grubsong
wtf I thought those soul catche charms did
fuck you're right
WP is literally DESIGNED to be doable without a single blade/spike pogo.
How do you even lose to these things? Literally just bounce on their heads and they can't touch you
I hope this never happens to me
Not the pain of path though.
Can someone explain? t. brainlet.
I cleared it a couple weeks ago.
Don't be salty about all the time you wasted, I'm just giving good advice.
>I hope this never happens to me
could be worse
Those one life modes are a huge NOPE to me, the game is designed to be done on trial and error, just like ori and the blind forest, the devs put those modes here just for the no-life tryhards to beat it
people who post speaking ghost should be shot
Happened to me just now. Redid it all again and then perfected the two. I panicked hard because after that long fall I wasn't expecting an arena, would have seethed hard had I not been able to re-clear Path of Pain in five minutes due to muscle memory.
The only good advice is Shaman Stone + Spell Twister so they don't die like retards. ( and )
that's clearly the hollow knight
still wrong btw
Okay, retard.
I wish that this game had a separate voice volume toggle
a sane man can only handle so much vocal gibberish
I would prefer nothing at all
Yes a human will lift a rock up and make eye contact with hornet then slowly lower the rock back down.
That's funny, I never felt this way. The exploration and item collection felt 100% organic and natural to me and I never once had to look for a specific item to progress.
I was unaware that this game had manlet bug Guts
>This game consistently has threads with people hating on it
people have different opinions and a right to express them
> It follows the same rules as super metroid
I hate super metroid
>I hate super metroid
>I really don't get why it gets so much hate here...
Because when you hype up a game as if it's the greatest thing ever created, and someone plays and it only finds it to be just okay, it really disappoints them
This game manages to capture all of the feelings I felt playing Dark Souls for the first time. I absolutely love it.
It's bland and boring to me
I prefer for metroid-likes to have equipment instead of just upgrades
SotN is how it should be done: you have upgrades, but you also have a shit ton of weapon and armor options
>I hate super metroid
Way to out your terrible taste.
>I prefer for metroid-likes to have equipment instead of just upgrades
Super isn't a Metroid-like you retard, it IS Metroid.
You're being pedantic and you didn't make an actual argument
I say metroidlike instead of "metroidvania" because I think that the term is cancer
>You're being pedantic and you didn't make an actual argument
It's hard to make an argument to change the mind of someone who "hates" Super because it's slightly more archaic than Symphony.
>I say metroidlike instead of "metroidvania" because I think that the term is cancer
Well then you need to think things through. You're gonna get called up on calling a Metroid game a Metroid-like every single time and you know it, and if you refuse to say Metroidvania then you're not exactly leaving yourself with many options and you're asking for it.
why do people defend the voices so vehemently
It's one thing to like them but it's another thing to viciously attack anyone who dislikes them in any capacity
>slightly more archaic than symphony
Do you want me to compare the amount of content between the games?
>he thinks any of the recent HK threads constitute as hate
You should have seen these threads when the autistic LMfag was at the height of his power.
HKfags fought tooth and fucking nail to somehow survive two years of even worse shit.
Remind me of who is the pedantic one in this argument again.
>HKfags fought tooth and fucking nail to somehow survive two years of even worse shit.
winceworthy phrasing
Nah mate. Pretentious is just one of my pet peeve words especially when some retard doesn't even know what it means when they use it in a sentence.
It's okay to not like the voices but at least insult it properly.
Well in this case calling them pretentious is retarded whether you like them or not.
>Pedantry: excessive concern with minor details and rules.
The amount of content in a game is not a minor detail.
it is a good feeling to know that la mulanafag and his cursed chart has been successfully drowned out
>The bug language is just random shit, it's not a fully fleshed language like Tolkien's elven language or Star Trek's Klingon
wow this game is GARBO
I am playing for the first time. First metroidvania here, too.
I beat Hornet on the 4th or 5th try. Is she REALLY the casual filter for this game?
I struggle WAY more with some of the mini-bosses and figuring out where to go then I think I will with bosses. The combat just functions well.
I'm not sure how someone could find super metroid 'bland and boring'. Its oozing with atmosphere. Its dark and tense and theres so much freedom and mechanical depth to the point where you can do the entire game backwards if you're good enough. And the games overall brevity makes it super replayable
I don't know. I mean I like SotN a lot too, butbif you're biggest draw to the genre is the RPG mechanics I feel like theres better options out there
What a pretentious post
It's a shame really. I hope those dark times didn't turn off people from picking up LM because it's still a great game. One of the only metroidvanias to rival HK in size if not be even slightly bigger.
Why does this look like an endgame boss ? I'm guessing I'm not far enough to kill them.
>Its oozing with atmosphere. Its dark and tense
Meaningless and not gameplay related
>And the games overall brevity makes it super replayable
I don't like short games. I like content. I like games with a lot of meat to them.
It's not that hard but people will try to act as if they're some great casual filter
Ok, the little friendly guy told me that my nail wasn't great enough anyway, so I'm just going to search for that city.
Team cherry has a fair collection words in a dictionary, it's not all "nonsense".
Such a tiny thing to get turned off by though, perhaps go back to playing tabletops.
Someone actually used La-Mulana to shitpost? What a fucking faggot.
Looking at pure statistics, 55% of people who have purchased the game haven't beaten Hornet. I think this is partly the reason why people call it a casual filter.
However! There is room for misunderstandings. We can see only 71% of people have acquired the first charm, which is relatively easy to get, so perhaps it's fair to say that around 30% of people have bought the game or never played it, or have purchased the game and played it for 5 minutes and gave up (didn't like style,graphic, gameplay?), reasons which are unrelated to the difficulty of the first bosses. If we could filter these statistics and remove all players who have played less than 1 hour we would get a better picture.
Version 2. Which one is better?
i killed them without any nail upgrades
just learn their patterns
>>a solid game is initially beloved
Yea Forums hated this game when it came out. something about "muh indie shills"
t. actually played it in 2017 and tried to discuss it here. this website is fucking weird.
The former
I prefer the first version, the thumbnail looks better.
Mate. We had so many HK threads that we got forced into /vg/ for a time.
You can defeat them, you already have everything it takes to beat them. You just need to accept their challenge. The reward is respect.
Will Hornet be staring the human down? Please say yes.
Not at release. I'm talking about when the game launched and before any of the dlcs came out. You couldn't make a thread here about hk without it getting past 100 posts due to all the people convinced that team cherry paid people to come here.
The game's focus isn't even what bloody language they residents speak, why should this be a deciding factor to play the game.
It's practically the same as disliking the game for playing as a bug, why should this matter, let make it so you play as mechs with really loud and annoying sound effects instead then, oh right, that's already a thing.
>Markoth also inside
As it should be
Unironically the easiest post-tutorial (Crossroads+Greenpath) boss in the entire game. The lad in the city will spank you much harder if you don't git gut.
I want naked Radiance Girl.
It wasn't that bad. Just the standard Yea Forums reactions to indie platformers. We still had healthy discussion inbetween the shilling accusations.
And to be completely honest, the game was such an unoptimized mess on release.
The right charm combination can help a lot. I think I used Mark of Pride, fragile strength and the one that gives you more i-frames after you take damage. I think I had space for one more, but I don't recall
I just got the game the other day and I love it, and I've beat all of the story mode up until black egg temple. Is the DLC worth doing? I got decently far in the path of pain before I just got bored and went to fight some stuff, might try again later. I've heard that once you kill the final boss you can't go back and do anything you've missed, so is there any DLC that is really necessary and won't screw up which ending I get (I've heard Grimm Troupe gives a different ending, which I don't want).
Friendly reminder that Hollow Knight isn't a fucking platformer.
>Aho sanjo
What did she mean by this?
I spammed the absolute fuck out of Descending Dark until I ran out of Soul, then mashed my face into them and prayed that they died before I did. I beat them with two masks left, which means I was one hit away from dying.
nah, once you beat the final boss you can keep playing on that save all you want
grimm troupe doesnt give a different ending but it has two endings itself
the DLC is very worth going into, all the bosses it adds are top notch
Man real shit, was LaMulanaFag just the ACFag of Hollow Knight threads?
The nig's shitposting felt near similar to the eternal autist's
holy shit, I had no idea. My friend who played the game before me told me I couldn't play the game after the final boss, and he still hasn't beaten it. Maybe he's just bad. Thanks for the advice, gonna go play the game now.
>The reward is respect.
And another path open. And a charm.
I'm still eternally pissed that they never used this in the game or even added a new PoP even though they apparently planned to have on in Godmaster as a bonus.
With Shape of Unn alone, you can heal during spikes, pillars and bats. Quick Heal isn't even necessary.
>Game has platforms
>You traverse the game space by using said platforms
>Not a platformer
I bet you're also one of those people who think first person shooters aren't actually just a subgenre point and click games.
so what would you consider turn-based RPGs?
Nope, I'll buy the Silksong one if there is a physical version, though. If it just ends up being downloadable content, then I *may* double dip.
t. didn't play the path of pain
Is there any way to save Cloth or is she scripted to die against the mantis traitor?
Abyssal Shriek will save your life during the forced walljumping section. Equip Shaman Stone.
i hate to be the git gud guy
but this fight is actually pretty simpel one you see the pattern
you can straight up punish everyone of their moves
just remember that you can pogo jump out of their attacks
Not as bad as Enter Hallownest
She won't be at the fight if you don't rescue her in Ancient Basin or meet her in Deepnest. Not sure if that is preferable though, she is actively searching for death to be reunited with her friend (?) Nola. And after she dies her ghost disappears by itself without you having to dreamnail it.
later homo
Never talk to her.
Most kino music in the game, followed only by Mantis Lords
They're just turn-based strategy games with less units.
This is basically what happened to me.
I love Metroid and the Metroidvanias and various games of that ilk. HK was and is frequently spoken of as though it's on the same level as the best of the best for this genre and I went into it expecting at least a great game only to be greeted with one that is merely good. Going in with elevated expectations just highlighted the game's flaws and left me with an overall negative impression of a game I probably would have enjoyed more if it was sold to me as it actually is.
I came here expecting Iselda lewds. Wtf bros? Where are they?
That bug ass. Those bug legs. That bug tummy. And putting her weaver training to good use as well.
Scripted. It is possible to fight the Traitor Lord without her showing up though
Oh no, I dreamnailed her
Iselda lewds are just a meme.
Genuine lewds are for Hornet (and maybe White Lady if we ask for it enough times.)
That happened to me a few weeks ago. I still haven't attempted another run.
right here user
>she is actively searching for death to be reunited with her friend
Pretty sure Nola is alive and Cloth was just searching for a way to prove herself after you inspired her in Ancient Basin. Ghosts in HK generally don't realize they are dead, she probably thinks she survived the fight and is merely resting before going back to her friend.
I can understand that. I was convinced to play Undertale by a friend who haled it is the second coming of Jesus in video game form, and ended up disliking the game more than I probably would have if I went in with no expectations. I'm sorry if fags overhyping the game ruined your experience.
This thread is even lacking hornet lewds so deliver or get out
Nah, she clearly wanted to die. But you can get better from that and find happiness again so I didn't kill her.
>Nola, I'm coming. More challenging foes are out there, somewhere, but none in this ruin could take me to you...
Her dreamnail dialogue outside of Dirtmouth if she doesn't join the fight against Traitor Lord.
so few hornet lewds exist that they have been already posted a bazillion times in these threads
What's his deal?
He's the final boss of Silksong.
I don't know why but I just have a really gigantic hate for him that I cannot comprehend, like it legit ruined the ending of the game for me. I think I have autism.
I think it’s literally just one user that’s posting them in every thread.
There are plenty more lewds these threads haven’t seen that don’t go full faggot.
only his build is the correct one, you're dealing with an autist here
Can't believe Hornet has a literal saw weapon.
Hornet is not for lewd.
Strength in the shared self.
Strength in the mind united.
In every bug that would pass upon our roads only the melancholy of disparity.
>a really gigantic hate for him that I cannot comprehend
Nothing wrong with hating an out of place, 4th wall breaking, immersion ruining silly mascot that's clearly a meta joke.
Made for upskirts.
le quirky-out-of-place-character-hinted-to-have-an-important-role-but-not-actually-expanded-upon-in-game NPC
or just a Souls reference like almost everything else
For real, everyone that has a selection of Hornet lewds at hand, (you) me.
No need to post one, just wanna see how many bugfuckers there are.
He's just an easter egg. In 2 30 hour 100 and something percent playthroughs I only encountered him once. He's like the dog ending in the Silent Hill games, out of place and unnecessary, sure, but otherwise harmless.
>Lace is going to make her wear lace panties in Silksong
what is moon and 5p? also why is the third search result porn?
thanks for telling me to keep at it Yea Forums
Nope, she wears nothing at all.
I honestly don’t like this one. Legs are too beefy, and hips are somewhat too big. That, and the feet are kinda fueled up.
Now I need art of that.
Rain World lad.
Maybe she wears a skintight full-body suit.
yes I would bap her nadas
Well a bug's exoskeleton is technically wearing something I guess.
oh thanks. I've played through part of that game I guess I didn't pick up on that
slingshot bikinis are absolute patrician
people who post lewd hornet should be shot
This guy gets it.
turn the volume down then mate, no one cares about your autistic obsessions
Good. To us we have an emotional bond with him so it feels bad, but the ghost is an abomination against bugs. The siblings are better off not existing as the threat they represent is too great.
Post full, my dick demands it.
the queen is not for lewd, you should be ashamed of yourself
Why didn't they just have a bug on hand to breed the White Lady?
how does he break the 4th wall? how is he out of place for that matter?
I've been practicing Absolute Radiance for a while now and I just can't achieve any sort of consistency with it. While I've beaten her plenty of times by now, I still take tons of damage and lose more often than I win. With NKG and PV, after beating them once I could beat them fairly consistently and by the fifth win I could take them out just about every time. With AR it just doesn't happen, I'm still losing constantly. Any tips?
>how does he break the 4th wall?
By referencing the devs' previous game that's clearly not canon for HK?
It's random
She's the only boss in the game that forces the player to take on a playstyle akin to a lowly bug facing against a goddess. That's the mindset needed against AR.
>the queen is not for lewd
She's literally Hallownest's biggest hoe. Made for breeding.
First, but cropped to look like the second.
Because that bug was Pale King and he fucking peaced out into the dream dimension for some unknown reason.
Dryya had to put up with so much crap.
>You'll never go to karaoke after a long night in the mines with your bug waifu
anyone got any more Metroid-Hollow Knight fanart?
>literally swims through acid so he can continue making maps
>shrugs it off with a few singes
Just how strong is Cornifer?
How strong was he when he was young?
More like BRA-
>brapanada returned 5 results
Is he a JOJO character?
Someone explain what Baldur's Shell does, because I dun ged it
I switched to it and Shroom charm for Lost Kin because FUCK ghosts, but the shell did literally nothing if I got hit (I think?)
I would not have beat him within a few tries without the spores, though
Thank fuck it one-shot the ghosts
You are still interrupted and staggered if you are hit while in the shell, but you don't take damage.
I think there's a difference between strength and endurance. Which Cornifer probably has a lot of if he managed to seduce some massive warrior lady and make her fall entirely in love with him despite her outward complaining.
Looking at the wiki, it says that Baldur's shell completely negates four hits taken during focus before breaking and needing to be repaired at a bench. It says that it "Appears as though you've been hit, and gives you i-frames, but doesn't damage you."
Naw you have good taste
eyy i choked vs those guys too
haha swearing yeah1!! haha
fucking r*ddit
He could have set her up with another bug before peacing out. He got to mount Herrah after all.
wait so let me get this straight
In the Godhome you go through 5 Boss Rushes where in each you have to fight like 10 bosses in a row without checkpoints. Then in the final one you fight the true final boss Absolute Radiance, right? Then next to that you have the Hall of Gods where you can challenge/practice each boss individually at 3 different difficulty levels.
Then, what difficulty are the bosses in those Pantheons/Boss Rushes at? At the medium ''Ascended'' difficulty, or at the difficulty they were at in the main game?
And then, does there exist a Radiant Absolute Radiance? And is he more difficult or easier than the one you fight in the Pantheon, when you have to fight Pure Vessel before him?
this is confusing
>Then, what difficulty are the bosses in those Pantheons/Boss Rushes at?
Attuned difficulty, in the 5th pantheon the bosses who have alternate arenas in ascended/radiant difficulty use those arenas (but health/damage/etc is still same as attuned).
>And then, does there exist a Radiant Absolute Radiance?
>In the Godhome you go through 5 Boss Rushes where in each you have to fight like 10 bosses in a row without checkpoints. Then in the final one you fight the true final boss Absolute Radiance, right?
You wish. The 5th boss rush is against 43 bosses without checkpoints in order to fight Absolute Radiance and unlock the last ending.
he readjusts
what's a good charm setup for fighting the hollow knight and the radiance?
I see, thanks. Sounds unfun, so I'm not going to bother with that.
More like le quiero comer la empanada!
>t. NPC that lacks imagination
>sounds unfun
One of the most fun parts of the game
No, I don't think simple boss rushes with an arbitrary difficulty increase are fun. Luckily it seems I can fight the Radiance in the normal game as well, so that's nice. Shame about the Pure Vessel and those other Pantheon-only bosses, but it is what it is.
Rude. She's a married ant.
>Shame about the Pure Vessel and those other Pantheon-only bosses
Those are behind 10-boss pantheons without the increased difficulty. The first 2 pantheons you will do first try, most likely.
He could be from any EU country, things are cucked here. I'm in an EU shithole making $500 a month, I'd have to pay a shitton in taxes too
>"stretching her legs"
Would she jump on his taller and older brother?
Can the little ghost hold Radiance forever or did his encounters with Hornet and Quirrel have him develop feelings too like the Hollow Knight?
He's not pure because of all the actions done in game. The actual good ending is wmbrace the void where ghost turns into the Shadelord and facefucks the Radiance to death.
What if you speedrun the fuck out of it for the containment ending with as little interaction as possible?
pls respond
>hollow knight
anything he's shite
boost to spell damage and quick heal
I like mark of pride, unbreakable strength, quick focus and soul catcher
>the actual good ending is embrace the void
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.
>no way to get from the abyss to the howling cliffs
Damn that looks neat. Hopefully bright green areas will be in Silksong. There wasn't much 'new' looking foliage in HK.
Why was Hornet put into a cage in the first place?
I almost used this, though I swapped Soul Catcher for Grubsong and Steady Body.
Silksong has the superior interface so far but I wonder how they'll handle extra silk (make the spool under her health longer seems the simplest option) and I want to see the currency counter because I find it hard to believe Hornet will scavenge everything she needs
>quick focus
>for radiance
Jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with you?
Because she tends to jump away a lot.
>T. Booptis
Indecent exposure.
ass too big
pure speculation on my part but I reckon the Weavers are or were hot shit in this new kingdom and Hornet is related to the Weavers in a big way hence them capturing her. Her being half Pale Being certainly doesn't hurt either. I don't think Hornet would have willingly gone along with them since her mind is full of nothing but Hollownest
the game just seems a lot brighter than Hollow Knight in every way. I feel like it's hiding something sinister but mass infanticide is pretty hard to top
So that thing in Deepness was like some sort of embassy?
What are some good charm setups for the radiance?
or maybe they fled there and it was a ghetto
I don't think they would send anybody there to check things out and they'd arrest the princess if that was the case.
What will his first words be in Silksong Yea Forums?
"Got gud"
LOL Chris-chan does it again!
I feel like the Weavers will be the Snail Shamans of Silk Song
What we think we know about of weaver and deepnest lore.
>There was a higher being who ruled deepnest, like white lady or a wyrm, either way he dissappeared. Herra was his spouse, comparatively a normal bug.
>PRESUMABLY Herra wanted Pale King to give her a child so a higher being could lead Deepnest. Speculation.
>Weavers had a connection to deepnest, MAYBE served the old king.
>Weavers helped the pale king make void construct (Silk spools in the white palace), maybe had something to do with making the vessels.
>Weavers raised Hornet for a significant part of her life.
oh god his mouth has some kind of goldeneye/cover syndrome going on.
What happened to the king?
Starved to death because you can't eat sawblades.
Well, did he at least try it to see if he really couldn't?
Where does the water in the Royal Waterways go? Where does the Blue Lake receive its water that allows the endless rain in the City of Tears?
How is there so much vegetation in the Queen's Gardens in spite of there being no real light source?
What the fuck do the bee people eat? There aren't any flowers near where they live.
The weavers are the ones pulling the strings behind what's happening to the new kingdom. They need Hornet to fullfill their ultimate purpose since she can focus soul. I suspect they were previously banished from this kingdom or/and simply ran away to Hallownest during its times of glory.
They don't stop spinning.
You're asking some real questions here user, just like how there's no real ranged weapons like a bow in all of Hollownest but there's shit like elevators, trams, phonographs and mining conveyor belts.
Doesn't some of the water empty out near where you get the Dashmaster charm?
So, in the past, a bunch of people journeyed down into Hallownest. Like a shitload. You can see their corpses scattered everywhere. And yet not ONE of them found a Stag Station or thought to take advantage of it? The Elderbug states that he'd never seen the local Stag Station open since he was born.
The Higher Being that ruled Deepnest with Herrah is dead, if the Mushrooms are to be believed.
The Weavers came from another place, presumably the kingdom in Silksong and began to return there probably when the Hollow Knight "ascended"
As for Hornet being raised by Weavers, I don't remember any evidence pointing to that. I thought it was still quite likely that Hornet was raised more by Vespa and White Lady since Hornet never got to see much of Herrah.
They all died or didn't bother picking up Geo because what the fuck are you going to buy in a dead kingdom?
If you Dream Nail some of the Weaver corpses, they are filled with adoration towards Hornet.
I'm pretty sure there's a room with a seal of binding in weaver's den that looks like Hornet. It's long been speculated to be hornets room.
Why did the Weavers so heavily reject the other denizens of Hallownest? Under the orders of the Pale King, some workers attempted to build a Stag Station that allowed better connectivity between Deepnest and the rest of Hallownest, but they were rejected and killed. And then there's those spooky disguised Weavers who captured you when you sat on a bench.
>spooky disguised Weavers
About that...
Maybe because spiders view insects as prey. Maybe the weavers are actually the only sentient bugs to eat other sentient bugs.
Weavers and Deepnest denizens aren't the same. The bugs in the distant village aren't weavers. It was the bugs of Deepnest and presumably Herra who rejected the Pale King, There's no evidence the weavers had anything to do with that. As far as we can conclude, the weavers actually helped the Pale King.
Will the Knight return in Silksong, if only as a flashback or dream?
>Soul Meter's been replaced by a Silk Meter
Uh, what the fuck? I just beat the Radiance, and that was 10 times easier than NK Grimm? Also beat her in like half the time. I did not expect that.
Is Unbreakable Strength + Quick Slash that overpowered or something? Because I got a lot more opportunities to hit her than NK Grimm.
He'll have a seperate storyarch of walking through infection free Hollownest while trying to fix his broken body. First at the City of Tears statue, then the White Lady and finally the White Palace ruins. After that he gets fixed up by void juice and goes off into the desert to save his little sister.
I doubt it it. I expect we won't see much of Hollownest which isn't specifically about Hornet so we'll get some stuff about her childhood, some stuff about the Weavers and then that's it.
I would say Radiance has somewhat more forgiving patterns, a good deal of her attacks will give you a bit of time to heal while NKG has no time to heal at all
Aw come on, just a little.
I personally think that Delicate Flower will end up being the canon ending.
The Godseeker got teleported to this new Kingdom, which is where the Flower came from and we'll be able to fight The Knight by using "dream silk" on the Godseeker.
unless the Knight made as big as impression on her as he made on Bretta and Cloth I don't see Hornet thinking about him so much he'll get a dedicated cutscene
maybe in a combat based DLC or optional side activity you might fight him.
Will Tiso return?
How the fuck do people "finish" this game in like 50 hours? Do they skip literally every optional area, dont look for secrets and skip all DLCs?
I'm closing in to 100 hours right now, and I'm only like halfway done with Godmaster. And the only times I've been really stuck for multiple hours have been the 11 fights with that cunt Zote and learning NKG.
Hornet will have wet dreams about him from time to time, but nothing else.
He died. Twice. So probably not.
Now this I'm wondering about too. I'm 60 hours in, I'm at 100% completion, but I still have much to do.
Third time's the charm.
>He died. Twice.
>One of her siblings
>The most powerful creature she's ever met
>Saved the entire kingdom and spared her mother's immortal soul having to eventually be eradicated by light
Yeah, but they haven't really interacted, right? Why would she fucking care.
I did 112% in 35 hours. Not getting stuck on bosses, having a good memory for secrets, and using the map markers helps.
How's that even possible? I 100% it in 32 hours on my first playthrough. Sure, I did use a guide to get a few of thelast things I was missing, but still...
Reminder not to fug the bug
Going from 100% to 112% takes longer than the rest of the game combined user
>it's the beginning of a boss fight
>before the battle begins the boss is shrouded in darkness
>it looks like it could be a silhouette of the Knight
>but then the head turns slightly and the darkness diminshes
>it's fucking Zote
How would you feel?
who said they haven't interacted? I said he didn't turn her into a fangirl like he did for Cloth and Bretta. She's not just sitting down and reflecting she trying to unravel a mystery and fight hordes of enemies. It's hardly the time to be thinking about completely unrelated people. Do you think about you more succesful sibling who works i a completely unrelated field whilst struggling with an assignment from work
I didn't really use a guide, only for a handful of things, I'm trying to explore the world myself, and it takes goddamn long indeed
bapanada octis
Oh, yeah, I missed that part. Yeah, fuck that shit. I only went back to do the Grimm stuff.
>A familiar silhouette appears
>Hornet: "It can't be... You...?!"
>Just kidding, it's Zote
>...Hornet wordlessly brings out her nail. Her intent to kill is palpable.