And also impossible spellcard.
Touhou 15 LoLK coming to steam
Other urls found in this thread:
>people actually play 2hu
wait what i thought it was just jacking off material
Why do people keep making this obviously fake posts.
Steam wins another store exclusive baby!
why they had to start rereleasing from with the worst one? Couldn't they do it from Eosd or PCB?
ISC is decent tho
they started with HSiFS dumb dumb
Also when they released it they promised an official english patch, which has yet to be released
ZUN doesn’t have the source code for the old games anymore.
hsfs wasn't a rerelease of an old game like lolk
That was for AoCF, or is my memory bad? Because AoCF has an english language option
yes, aocf is the only officially localized touhou game...
By adding subs to ballons
how long until epic pays zun to make touhou exclusive to their store
>ZUN making exclusive deals with the chinese
>when the lunar capital is based on China (and any opressive country in general)
even if, there is always the drm-free psysical version
I've yet to reach ISC and LoLK, but now that they're on Steam I will gladly give my money to my lord and savior.
okay my bad, first touhou shooter
>the worst one
That's not true, they didn't start with MoF
Is hisoutensoku worth getting into as someone who's only getting into fightan games now?
soku is fantastic, but the community to play matches with is on discord
lolk has way worse balancing issues, he tried to make it like an IWBTG fangame so it's the most bullshit of the bunch
it's doable only because you got a lot of resources
if you're from chile
He deleted the source code of 6, 7 and 8 in a drunken episode
I'm not memeing.
An HD remake of those games with updated sprites, backgrounds, and remixed music would be fucking amazing.
Fuck yes
Junko is the most delicious 2hu released in years
No thanks. I prefer download from a fansite like aways.
At least it's not a fumo
why do you like chinks
He didn't plan on making touhou games after 8 but he changed his mind
So are there any good games coming out?
Fuck Steam and fuck paying for digital distribution, I'm buying the DRM free physical release. Either buy a physical copy or pirate.
Already did.
6 is overrated.
6 is pretty much the "secondary bait" of touhou
So many lovely Touhous that might not have existed otherwise.
How much will it be?
Time to get walled by the clown again I guess
fuck it, I'll reverse it so ZUN-sama can sell his classic series again
>no english support
shame, less potential tears from newcomers
All they really need is to know how to shoot, move, focus and bomb
You are genuinely retarded. Seek help.
How about you fuck off instead, I'll be supporting ZUN how I goddamn please, you're the faggot for pirating shit and trying to make excuses for it
Why is the frame around the game so fucking obnoxious to look at? I want the muted colors from IN back.
We're really lucky if that's true
They can just patch it
>if you won't give someone a glorified donation for digital distribution then you are retarded
Imagine letting yourself get brainwashed by a fat Jewish man that popularized most of the cancers killing gaming
Where can I pre-order a physical copy?
>if you pay for shit instead of illegitimately acquiring it for free you're brainwashed
Imagine being a nigger
Is this a motherfucking piracy thread
The piratenigger's the one who brought it up. They're the vegans of antimoralfags
I'm not pirating though, I am going to buy a physical copy like I said and anyone with any sense would do the same since PC rarely gets a physical release let alone an actual DRM free physical release with the entire game on disc, or pirate if you don't care about having a physical copy. kys Valve drone
What the fuck
I love bkub's take on 2hu
Honk Honk
Well guess what, I'm not going to bother with the whole process of getting it physical and so is everyone else, so you can drink my cum like the fag you are
She'll be in the next fighter, right?
>hmm yes fuck me harder daddy gaben
ZUN doesn't like the Chinese, why do you think all his Chinese characters have either been villains, lazy or shit at their jobs
What would her moveset be?
>A special move for each season, or a season mechanic
>*Teleports behind you*
>Back-stabbing projectile
>Dancers assist
Don't forget being shit.
Depower the opponent.
You are shit, user.
Junko is none of those tho
she was shit as her job as a mother
Delete this
>one job is to not let her son die
>becomes a literal avatar of hate
>attempts to destroy the entire lunarian society for the crimes of one person (who is already dead)
>focuses all her hate on her son's killer's wife (who is already imprisoned for commuting the sin of immortality)
She's incompetent for sure
Okina is the best momhu, has boatloads of kids, and one of them is a mom herself.
Oh yeah, this garbage is totally going to light the world on fire.
How do I get good at Touhou 8's normal mode
I only recently started playing these games and I need help ;_;
unironically hold shift for focused movement
Keep playing until you win.
Gya-tee !! Gya-tee !!
>No English
And the fan community proves itself better yet again.
>the fan community is better than ZUN because he uploads the games in the original language
Imagine being an EOP tertiary in the year of our lord 2019.
>learning a complicated language just for vidya
Don't read the spoiler
it's bad civilization
Yorigami Shion best girl
Shion is a shitter who never shows any remorse and simply continues to blame everyone for her own problems
At least Joon has some development and controls her powers enough to only steal from the rich after AoCF
Joon > Shion
the only people who like shion are people who dont play the games and think shes a misunderstood shy girl, rather than being a rather evil being
I would be rather evil too if I was doomed to be eternally unlucky, hungry and poor
Maybe i'm really the problem.
I just can get myself to like actually good people, i want someone broken, evil or fucked up.
Disgusting. Shouldn't you guys be discussing the game in Japanese on a Japanese board as Zun intended? Oh right, you all know self taught """Japanese""" and can't do that.
touhou 3 is the best touhou game and touhou 1 has the best song in the series, with rikakos theme from 3 being a close second
What does this have to do with the fan community
>he doesn't browse both
>he doesnt exclusively browse finnish touhou discussion boards
thread theme proposal
>tfw EoSD is the only Touhou game I can beat
I don't understand, 7 is supposed to be much easier.
>English language not supported
tell me Yea Forums, why dont YOU have a fumo of your favorite character?
>she doesnt have one
not an excuse, other anons have done it, and someone even released a step by step video on how to make one
there is literally NO excuse now
stinky awoo
>tfw you don't learn shit and just feel things out until something finally works
I don't have a favorite yet.
Something people dont say a lot but difficulty is pretty subjective in these games. Some people have trouble with an array of things most consider easy, yet ace the parts people would say are difficult
that is an actual excuse, yet you should figure out who your favorite is so you can get a fumo of them
You're asking too much from me
ZUN literally does not care if you pirate.
Fuck Touhou, fuck its niche community and fuck Zunmer.
Use bombs and learn to deathbomb. On Reimu team the deathbomb window is so long you will have no trouble hitting it in time.
Too fucking bad, he's getting my money whether he likes or not.
Hey buddy fuck you too
I'm trying. I just suck dick right now though and my autism refuses to let me consider characters I haven't encountered yet, and I keep playing through a bunch of games at once instead of focusing on one.
Closest at the moment would probably be Mokou, but that's only going off the fighters. I can barely get past stage 4 on IN.
thats fair, i would suggest playing through the games that you can, then read the official print works, then read fan works for characters that you like
user, its just essentially just cutting and hand sewing, it couldnt be easier
>when the lunar capital is based on China
I'm like 90% sure they're meant to be akin to Sakoku era Japan.
And to an extent modern Japan.
Use borders baka.
You're thinking of 9.
But user I'm a lazy fuck
My favorite is a popular character anyways
>Muh botnet
Call me back when the western 2hu community isn't using garbage brony software
>My favorite is a popular character anyways
does she already have one? if not, then if she isnt yuuka, nazrin, okuu, rin, shion, maribel, or renko, then dont expect a fumo for them to be officially made
an HD remake by ZUN of those games would be a bad idea because...?
I am working on getting forbidden scrollery since my library surprised me with copies of up to 3 and brought it to my attention.
2hu's been in my peripheral vision since my newgrounds days, but something finally pushed me into getting into it and now I wish I did earlier.
Same, I've got into the series just last year, I would have started sooner but I was too pussy to play the games
She does have one
I was just a brainlet kid with no attention span, so I didn't spend too much time trying to find the proper games. I would have to get rid of them anyways, nothing I downloaded stayed long.
I'm still a brainlet, but at least I'm not using the family computer and can download all the shit I like now.
It honestly blows my mind how gorgeous the sprite work for the aerial fighters is
Wait, what color is Mokou's hair again?
Raiko needs more relevance
She truly had potential
Time to put her in the tragically underused touhous group
Supposedly silver to white
Let's focus on Mamizou and Koishi instead
Steam Game
but she's not even the best chinese 2hu
Well you have to play it to see what you're jacking off too duh
What do Clownpiece’s dates say after spend Valentines with her?
She’s a Funny Valentine
Worst Extra
He's obviously going in reverse order for re-releases. Before HSiFS there was LoLK, and before that there was ISC.
ULiL is skipped for now, probably because it's collab with Twilight Frontier, and those guys can be fucking slow. Plus, not even sure they gonna re-release older games, since their air fightan games were very noticeably improving with each new entry, and going back to HM now probably is a hella jarring experience. And of course, the oldest fightings are still much more preferred over new ones, so re-releasing them will only drive another nail into air fighting's coffin.
Is that the yellow devil
that's not Mamizou
Why is remilia looking like that
>scarlet devil
but muj doujin spirit....
It's ok when japan does it.
Call me when ZUN has VAs in his games
no VAs
ZUN should do all the voices himself.
What does ZUN’s actual voice sound like?
Based lolimate, would stock my dick between their cheeks.
I dunno, a normal guy?
IN best soundtrack. It's so fucking memorable. Probably helps that half the doujin scene focused on it. I hope it gets to steam too.
Pick one
LoLK is fantastic but I already bought a hard-copy of the game
It has a great casting as well. Mokou being my personal favorite.
money dissapears if it’s not the right currency during transaction
>IN is the only game with the perfect cast
How did he do it? There isn't a single character in the game I hate.
It's also accessible as a game. Some may say it is the easiest touhou but i think it is a great gateway for newcomers. Though LoLK does have pointer mode it has a difficulty spike called clownpiece.
this is peak performance, it doesnt get any better than this
It was literally ZUN's "I wanna end with a bang" game
I expected his voice to be higher for some reason
Extraordinarily good tastes.
>people don't know about this
He wanted to take a break from touhou after 9.
It's why 10 was a return to the basics, so to speak. Also where he debuted the "engine" that is still in use for modern touhou games.
>We're never going to see Yumemi or Chiyuri ever again
It's not fair
>PCB Sakuya still uses EoSD art
>IN Youmu uses her IN art
smug eosd sakuya is eternal
I love the preview picture.
He was building up to it. It was going to be his last game so he saved all his best ideas for it. Then he changed his mind and had to go find more good ideas.
Why do you need the source code to sell the game? FYI the games on Steam are identical to the versions sold at Comiket, meaning he simply uploaded the compiled game data to Steam. He can just pull a Nintendo and grab 6/7/8 off MoriyaShrine.
I would prefer him just using the translation patches. I'm pretty sure the publisher he uses would be able to make a deal with the translators that are still living.
Then pirate it. Touhou gets pirated on day one because there's zero DRM. Want to support that drunken bastard? Go buy the CD. Just want to play the games? Pirate it. Add it to Steam as an external program if you really want to show off to your friends you're playing weebshit.
You're too accustomed to western soiboi devs.
>B-but soi is used in Japane...
ZUN, like most japs, has a built in immunity.
I guess.
>I play only fan games
>I prefer fanon over boring canon
Touhou was meant to be played on a CRT with buttery smooth motion and delicious scanlines. The way the bullets move across the screen with no motion blur is absolutely beautiful.
His voice is pretty high though, did you expect him to be chipmunk-tier?
Eosd already has problems running on windows 10. This problem will just get worse with time. I doubt he'd want to charge for a game that doesn't work out of the box.
I'm running Windows Server 2016 1803 and EoSD works perfectly on it. What is your display scaling set to?
Why would there be motion blur on an LCD monitor?
>>I prefer fanon over boring canon
Who actually does?
>This problem will just get worse with time
Virtual emulation exist you know.
>I post images from kikebook with retarded comments attached
quoting (You)
tl;dr LCDs must hold whatever they're showing between frames while CRTs scan across the screen as they're receiving frame data
Nothing a tiny wine d3d9 library won't fix. I don't see a problem with distributing that lib with any game.
>Eosd already has problems running on windows 10.
Such as?
I get a little too angry and invested whenever someone says that fanon interpretations of the characters is better than canon
>the frantic rush through the bamboo forest only to be stopped by one of the protagonists
>fighting your way through the layer of the one who caused the incident and the bait and switch
>the ascension through the final hallway to the final bosses
>hourai elixir and kaguya's last words
IN is kino lads.
He said he didn't want to remake old games because he'd rather work on new ones when asked about PC-98 remakes. 6-8 most likely would fit in in that same category I guess.
At least 9 has a chance to get released on Steam and hopefully have online multiplayer without having to mess with other software, right? Right?
I'd link to blur busters for an explanation longer than you'll probably read, but their site is down at the moment. Here's a tweet chain featuring john carmack and plamer luckey responding to them saying unga bunga blur bad smooth good, or something like that.
Post cards please
Infinite FPS in fullscreen mode, making it absolutely unplayable
>he doesn't play with vpatch
>fullscreen mode
why tho
PC98 games are a different matter because they're not canon anymore
And yeah, PoFV with built-in online multiplayer would be kino
Fuck 9, I just want a new Phantasmagoria
>without having to mess with other software
adonis is piss easy to install and works a thousand times better than vanilla pofv
AoCF has proven that you can't trust the Japs with netcode
Th 17 will be a Phantasmagoria.
Screenshot this.
2 tranalations were just released today. They're great like always
I've always played in fullscreen mode and the game never looked stretched to me
With playable Fortune Teller
window is too small for me, I need it to be as big as possible so I can actually look at the bullets
>Th 17 will be a mix of Phantasmagoria and Great Fairy Wars
What AoCF has proven is that American internet is third-world tier
>step by step video on how to make one
>video just says how to make clothes and update looks of an already existing fumo
>not canon anymore
ive been considering playing all the 2hu games so i can stop being a secondary, should i bother with pc98 or just start with eosd
start with pc98 if you want to be a true aficionado
start with eosd if you just want to meme with the rest of us
God I hope so.
Speaking of, anyone wanna netplay PoFV? I can host. Or soku, but I'm not too good at this one.
Don't get fooled by dumb niggers who can't set up an emulator. The PC98 games are canon but you shouldn't play them anyway because they're extremely dated. just like EoSD
Start with LLS (touhou 4) if you don't mind playing old games, start with PCB (touhou 7) if you like games that can run on a modern system.
It's not that PC-98 games aren't canon, ZUN just said that if new canon would conflict with canon from those games, the new canon is right. Makai and Genji still exist because nothing says they don't.
>using win 10
You can only blame yourself dude.
Canon unless contradicted
>anyone wanna netplay PoFV
yes please
They are canon. Just irrelevant.
Gimme 20 minutes.
>i'm dropping windows 10 support. get a real os wwww t. ZUN
post yfw zun starts making touhou for _mac_
It's finally the year of linux.
Port 30406
Forgot to mention I'm hosting with adonis2.
He doesn't care if you pirate the games that AREN'T on Steam.
Can you take a guess as to why the character grid starts from EoSD?
>remixed music
not with those shitty drum and guitar samples he's been using
You know why I don't pirate games? Because I'm not a nigger. I'm a proud honest citizen that follows the rules and has good morals.
So do you import the discs like a true customer or do you pay for nothing?
I pay for nothing.
can't connect, gonna assume I got sniped
adonis3 with spectator mode when?
Yeah good for you, I'm still gonna pirate Touhou games.
ZUN said it's canon, that's all you need to know.
You're gonna regret it my man, I know deep down you know you're doing something wrong and behaving like a nigger.
Well shit, I'm still waiting for a player actually. I'm gonna restart de server and check my settings.
Oh wow I'm retarded, I managed to get the port wrong.
Port 30406
That's a five.
I think th01 is a genuinely fun little timewaster
>implying he didn't say it just to avoid a massive shitstorm
I really doubt it
The way the phantasmagoria stuff works is because the incident in question doesn't have a particularly clear set of antagonists outside of maybe the final two stages
In PoDD it's a race between all the characters and in PoFV it's everyone investigating the flower blooming
17 so far has Reimu's soul trapped in hell and various groups working on getting her out, so there's not really conflict between the current characters
I miss windows vs mac shitflinging. Maybe it's just nostalgia.
Post your Shard of Dreams party
You're a lazy bum who just wants to play the game while feeling insecure about pirating. When it comes to Touhou there's only two ways to play it: buy the disc or pirate the game.
> Rumours of a treasure spreads over gensokyo.
> Everyone wants to find it.
> Final boss is a (Cute) Leprechaun
Reminder that you will never be as smug as satori
Shitstorm from who exactly? A few Mimafags? OH THE TERROR
You forgot the third option, which is buying the game from Steam
I don't know user, she looks depressed to me
kys pcbro
She read your mind seconds before that portrait was taken
It's the chuuni above it all face. Except it's justified because she's actually got a magical eye.
Satori is a cocksleave
>ascending through the final corridor after defeating Reisen
>go from the high powered frantic trumpets of Cinderella Cage and Lunatic Eyes to the slow piano of Voyage 1969
It's beyond kino
The ZUN arrange is even better
Wow I didn't know Satori was your mother.
Hey look it's the crown prince
nigga I beat the game on overdrive and i love Shion
>can't work Reimu into giving you high score
Now you don't even have an excuse for your shit taste.
absolutely savage
>R: Harsh as always, Marisa.
I've just about had enough of your shit Reimu
Nope, Satori is my onahole.
It's time for the Klown Kunny Klassic
My favorite Touhou.
the 11 points girl
>that doujin where Reimu becomes a prostitute, snorts coke, gets fucked in the ass and gets pregnant
It's like it was a competition to hit as many tags as possible in about 20 pages
GGs, was fun!
These moments when both players are at max spell points are so dumb, I love those.
thanks for hostan, ggs
fucking nips
w-wow so this is the power or religious rivalry
I take this to be a DMC game where all the enemies want to inflict CBT on Dante and he has to use his styles to avoid damage
Jesus christ I didn't even see that I typo'd the port again. Nice one figuring it out.
HRtP is a great game with a surprisingly high skill ceiling and headbanging soundtrack, but not exactly the best starting point for the series. It's way more enjoyable if you're already proficient at shmups.
>that doujin where Reimu becomes a prostitute, snorts coke, gets fucked in the ass and gets pregnant
I'm pretty sure I read that one a long time ago. Or at least something similar
it seems to be a common storyline in doujins
Thoughts on the photography games? Nobody ever talks about them
I want Alice to awkwardly flirt with me with her sexy romanian accent
HRtP is proof ZUN is a musical prodigy
>6 FM channels
>1 PCM channel
and he still wrung sounds out of that chip like it was the fucking SID.
>romanian accent
[citation needed]
They're HARD.
That's it
B-but user...that's not Alice, that's Idolm@aster shit
Well duh.
The doll maker of Bucuresti
They're good, but, that's pretty much it. There isn't a lot to say about them
I remember Lunatic HRtP being fucking wild, with stages so hard the most reliable way to beat them was to abuse scoring and bombs to get a bazillion extends everytime. Every stage was about coming out even on lives lost/extends gained. Bosses were fun but holy shit fuck the eyes guy on the makai route.
>mfw """defeating""" Sariel the first time
>Sanae rates herself higher than Suwako
What’s her fucking problem?
Different dollmaker.
I can't believe Alice is one of those brown dirty fucks begging in the streets of Europe
They're a rather solitary experience since you don't want people to spoil you on how to beat certain spells. Any discussion is usually limited to arguing about ISC, shitting on VD and bitching about Kinkaku-ji or lack thereof.
Best 2hu games with a ballbusting difficulty.
For best experience don't watch any gameplay footage and dont check any guides since half the fun is figuring out the strategy against the patterns by yourself
Super fun, ISC included, but to my eyes they don't have much replaylability. I mean I could score but...
I haven't played Violet Detector yet, but I only heard bad things about it. What gives?
PC-98 Touhou in general is proof that ZUN is a technological wizard
There isn't even a real engine for those games, they're built by being hooked directly into the computer
she physically lives with them and knows how they behave
Literally fucking no one likes ZUN's latest daughteru Sumimi
Of course no one liking her hasn't stopped him from making the next book another grimoire of Marisa but told by sumireko instead
but i like her...
We call that 80386 assembly, something only a drunken Nip can comprehend.
I never made it past the final boss
Hatate good
Violet Detector is guilty of a number of different crimes. Here are the major ones
1. Atrocious control scheme, the teleportation skill is mapped to double tapping Shift.
2. The level of difficulty is pathetically low compared to previous photo games.
3. Nightmare stages being repetetive, uninspired trash.
4. Usami "cockroaches" Sumireko
Look at Mr. Gucci Loafers thinking that we have the money to not only buy an overpriced plushie but to also buy all the materials needed to create a custom
>no one likes ZUN's latest daughteru Sumimi
Life is pain, I hate
So what's the best 2hu game to start with for someone new? 10?
I recall trying to get into 5 or 6 but gave up cause shit was complicated to install.
>complicated to install
you literally open the disk image in np2 and it autoruns
7 and 8 are pretty simple and straightforward
10 has a weird ass resource system
Nah I had to install some locale bullshit, run the English .exe, troubleshoot why I can't play with my dualshock 4, why the FPS are over 1000 and some other shit so it wasn't 5.
>difficult to install
go to moriyashrine, download the game and run it. the only annoying thing is making it work with vysync patch but it's optional
I like his daughter and his wife is my favorite 2hu. I also don't read any of the manga so I don't get any of the hate.
>everything goes 1000 times faster
>fixing it is optional
I fucking like Shinmyoumaru, why is she unpopular?
git gud scrub
I like Sumi just because of her outside world connection. I feel like Sanae could have filled this role if ZUN had written it that way, but what can you do
Instant buy for me
Overshadowed by our communist
You can use DX8 to 9 converter as well.
And the bigger issue is that you're using W10 to play 2hu games in the first place
That's the bare minimum, you should mess with the settings a bit more for a smoother experience.
You don't even know what the fuck that means
I always saw Sanae as the typical chuuni highschooler but she ended up like Kagome from Inuyasha who ends up being boring and overly serious.
2hu unironically plays better on gentoo than w10
>And the bigger issue is that you're using W10 in the first place
Oh right my bad I'll just triple boot windows 7 to try one fucking game.
vsync patch fixes input lag and is very recommended for the classic ones in any case, but I didn't have any issues regarding FPS without the patch
Or you can install vpatch which fixes all of that.
the input lag is only noticeable in PCB
t. guy who needs a vsync patch
I dunno, I've seen a lot of people talk shit on DDC and it certainly doesn't help that you beat the actual mastermind before her.
>"haha oh user you can just double click the .exe what are you some faggot?"
>"haha oh user you can just install Arch Linux or Gentoo first what are you some faggot?"
How are you on Yea Forums without having DirectX installed?
I'd recognize that scoff and stance anywhere
>he doesn't have his system local set toJ apanese for his hgames
What a fucking faggot.
No one can help you if you don't explain the issue properly you fucking faggot
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door. The mortality club is two blocks down.
>not having a locale emulator for that
what a scrub
>not installing japanese windows
Switch ports when?
3. Nightmare stages being repetetive, uninspired trash.
Literally the worst problem, the idea would have been decent if he didn't force you to do all the combinations (even the ones that dont make sense) or if he changed them so the spellcards are interesting with each combination
>he has to use a emulator because he doesn't understand japanese
Fuck off, MoF is fine.
>Touhou on a gamepad
>mountain of bombs
oh me laffin
>mobile touhou
That's why.
>he learns a shitty language for vidya only
the fighting games should definitely be on the switch but the main games should stay on pc
Yes, the netcode is good and there are weekly tournaments, but since everyone in the community has been playing it for at least half a decade you'll have to work hard for your wins. You'll have to join a discord server to find people to play with, though.
>he doesn't
This is fucking touhou we're talking about. It runs on literally anything including this handheld computer.
Once she's confirmed, of course.
discordfags get out and stay out
You can still find matches in most Yea Forums threads
No because youknowwho keeps sperging out and derailing the gameplay threads.
>two invites
Who's she bringing with her?
That's because you spergs include a discord link in the OP
The PoDM cast always felt like wasted potential to me, invaders from the outside world sounds like a cool concept that could work in a traditional game.
the pyro
The screen would probably be too small for a game like this
ISC>DS>VD with c teleport mod>StB>vanilla VD
Who in their right mind would ever buy touho?
they're form the future, so we probably can't for awhile
yfw yumemi is sumireko's descendant
ironic weebs who put them on cd shelves to get (You)s in battlestation threads
unironic weebs who put them in front of cameras at EVO to confuse normie viewers
join le nice [s4s] serber if u're nice, like cute things and want to be frenss
toi kratistoi
People who wants to buy ZUN a beer
Has this actually happened? That sounds scary.
ZUN is a cool dude
I don't want to search for pics right now, but some absolute madman brought SWR and Soku at least once.
Those people are the reason the source code for the earlier games is lost forever, then. I hope they know what they did.
>implying he wouldn't just buy beer himself and get shitfaced just as bad
People who arent disgusting poorfags. Some of us literally get together, throw stacks of cash into a pile and then burn it just for laughs.
>not rolling a fatty with benjis
>he doesn't build his own house by using fresh bills as paste between the bricks
Step up old chum
>he doesn't want to support his favourite developer
I love these two, but i wish Jo'on gets vanilla, she only gets rapeshit or suffering in SFW stuff.
uh oh we got an American retard over here! his widdle tummy wummy is full of propaganda so he's going to come into a thread to shid and fard before passing out!
This is cute.
lmao beerboy
How do you do that with a Steam copy?
>Forbidden Scrolly
Good luck with that one, don't forget to check out Wild and Horned Hermit and the fairy manga too, both have different tackles on storytelling.
>50 cents worth of poison baby milk has been deposited into your polluted cancer baby
You can print out a receipt but it's not as impressive.
>possibly the dumbest
Just give her a Zelda Minish cap style fangame, it will boost the fuck out of her popularity.
Use this
It's a retard proof lightweight locale emulator that allows you to play Jap games without fucking with your system settings. I used it a lot for fangames.
The joycons would allow both mainline, phantasmagoria and fighting games to work out of the box. I imagine support for other controllers wouldn't be hard to add.
I find a console's straight forward booting more convenient for something like this.
My idea was something like pic related. The stat menu could be changed to a more minimalist look so most of the screen is used for gameplay. Docking the switch would just make it go back to the usual proportions.
what is her problem
Did the switch version of touhou sky arena came out or not?
Desperate need of money
being a shrine bitch
You aren't ACTUALLY using extra lives are you? That would be pathetic.
>straight forward booting
You're 15 years late for that. Consoles haven't been plug and play for at least a decade
no, just practicing Lunatics before a 1CC
Good lord I want to mating press breed this slut
Better than playing on easy, that's for sure. There's nothing wrong with practicing on max lives until you're good enough to clear on default settings.
It's fine tho, just playing the games is the definition of a primary so he might as well be playing on easy right?
Reminder that no matter how you play Touhou, just the fact that you're playing the games makes you better than secondaries.
Why is Jo'on sad?
The Rare God!
but it is Lunatic, it's just Practice Start on individual stages instead of actually playing the game. I'm pretty sure the default for PCB sets you to that many lives when Practicing
She found a cute guy that liked her for who she is not because her power brainwashes him...then Shion's misfortune killed him.
I have a confession to make , Yea Forums. I practice with cheat engine until I memorize the patterns enough to clear without continues.
Alright everyone made a good point, I'm sorry for that common.
As stuck up as others would like you to believe, the 2hu community is pretty nice.
Doesn't matter as long as your final run is legit.
based and values-his-time-pilled.
I want to go balls deep in that god
Who the fuck cares, as long as you're having fun
Someone has that spiderman pic of "I am enjoying my anger!" Edited with Junko and Hecatia?
Go away junko
I play on easy, skip all dialogue, use homing shot, and mute the music.
You have to marry her first.
Tell me you didn't see when you posted that.
Fun is a lunarian word.
Genuinely no
Who's that 2hu you like but nobody else does?
I don't care about ss or big tits, I just think her design is cute.
Aunn apparently.
i love aunn
aunn's probably the most well liked character from her game
Aunn being so unpopular is a crime given how fucking cute she is
i hate her theme
it's so bad but so repetitive its catchy. get out of my head
Keine and Ichirin
I like the Nemu
but that might mostly be because I care about big tits
In general, everyone from her game is unpopular.
Keine and Eiki
Pretty big chance, she knows half of the playable characters from the fighters.
She's pretty cute
her legs would be hairy as fuck.
I want to shag the hag, if you know what I mean
>there are people itt that don't think SA is the best game in the series
They have to go back
I think it's the second best, right after IN and right before PCB
Aunn is great. Nips have the shit taste and you should know that already
The most interesting thing about Nemuno is that she confirms Kintoki exists in Gensokyo.
Though the real question is if he's ever gonna appear in some form and how he's connected to Suika.
It's a good game but I'm still an INfag
Minoriko. Also possibly soggy himer because mermaid, but I sort of stopped playing after Fairy Wars amd don't know much about her other than what she looks like.
I really should start playing the games again.
her theme is painfully underrated
Aunn should be grateful she didn't get super popular because of the "le cute doggo xD" shit she would be rained with
16's cast really grew on me in a way that hasn't happened since 11. Larva was my favorite, followed by Okina.
Touhou games are now on Steam? I have all of them downloaded already up to 16. Probably will be more stable on Steam
What is this fucker's liver made of.
Something only Yukari herself could get hold of
>Probably will be more stable on Steam
lmao it's the exact same as the ones you pirated. no cheevos, no cards, no meme badges, not even drm.
This has happened enough that there's at least one "not a dog" autist on /jp/ who will usually derail her threads.
does anyone have the infographic of what order you should play the touhou games in? I didn't see it posted and I thought I had it saved cause I want to get into it.
Might as well drink piss
Just play from 6 onward, or from 1 if you feel like it.
I mean I have some technical issues with some even the recent ones which are probably already dealt with for steam to be pick up and play
Illusionary materials and phantom borders
He's only drinking beer and he's Japanese. His liver is probably not in any danger of developing an alcohol-related liver damage.
You mean this one?
why do people keep reposting this garbage. splitting up the printworks is retarded.
>tfw ywn drink ZUN's own beer
Japanese alcoholic beverages are very easy to down.
Look at Miko
Go drink some sake or mirin and tell me how it feels.
They were released in that order and/or are chronologically sorted like it clearly says, what's the problem here?
Felt like I was drinking water. Are you perhaps not used to alcohol?
It's made of solid beer.
I think Yatsuhashi is cute and people should remember she exists more often.
>inb4 Kintoki was part of Suika's gang
Are there many weones playing Hisotensoku nowdays? I remember playing it a lot back when I was in USACH with my friends.
Please stop.
I really like this edgelord
I'm surprised at how much cute art she has
Shou was robbed
I'm gonna blow it.
yes thank you user
I know they're not bottom of the barrel, but they're underappreciated (and underused (like 90% of the cast))
Unfortunately Seiga doesn't get the same bump of popularity that Elly does for having a theme connected to herself that's very popular.
That's because Seiga's kind of a crazy cunt who dresses up as Santa Claus, steals people's shit in the middle of the night, then sells their shit back to them.
But lots of people like people for being crazy cunts, even if they're not like that in canon. Utsuho hasn't been mad with power for 5 games, Koishi's Heart Throbbing Adventure isn't canon, Kaguya doesn't actually want to break apart your testicles with her bare hands and Yuuka just acts frightening but walks into the human village with no issue.
Seiga is a necromancer that actually does completely disregard morality, poison people to death and has fucking UNDEAD FETUS ATTACKS. You'd think there'd be a following just for the edge factor alone.
I think it's just because she was kinda overshadowed by her own zombie, Futo, and the Crown Prince.
>cute (actually) braindead retard, cute (figuratively) braindead retard and I Can't Believe It's A Girl
They should know their place
>Clown Miko
>actually using Windows 10 ever
just use the vsync patch you fucking moron
But Miko's place is at the top.
Miko's place is on top of every other girl in Gensokyo
my wife is not dumb!
Yeah selling a game on steam that doesn't work is a brilliant idea. Go do that and see what happens.
she's not just dumb, she's a fucking DORK
>Miko's the cute oniichansexual reverse trap Cure
>Kasen is the pure dork lead Cure
>Seiga is the retarded Cure with an inferiority complex
>Futo is the aged, jaded, MY DAD AND FAIRY ARE DEEEEAAAAAD Cure
These are all horrible choices but it's so silly it works.
A lot of games sold on steam right now don't work on Windows 10, nothing's gonna happen as long as it is marked as such.
Ok go shoot ZUN an email and tell him.
Yes, that's true too.
I love the chad prince to death.
I don't advocate for Taoists to hang from trees and their every temple burned and their holy texts defiled and destroyed, but it sure would be nice if someone did that.
You have to go back
>Byakuren "We Must Secure The Existence Of Youkai And A Future For Half-Youkai Children" Hijiri~n
not even once
Go back to your smoking pile of ash
Byakuren "I betrayed my race and can't even follow my own religion properly" Hijiri
Not even once
the greatest Magician