Y'all ready for more ww2 shootan?

Y'all ready for more ww2 shootan?

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yay another game where i walk around in a boring photorealistic forest

give me some cyberpunk skyscrapers i can jump on

MCC soon. nobody cares

Wait, have we reached the point of the WW2 game renaissance where zoomers are now bored of WW2 games? Kek
Try playing vidya in the early 2000s you faggots

Fuck off low attention span zoomers

yet another game where you can't play as the good lads

wait what? we haven't had a ww2 shooter in years

Why would I play this instead of Post Scriptum? In fact, I'm hostile to it as a Post Scriptum player. The WW2 milsim community is niche enough as it is you fuckers.

Lots of games let you shoot kraut mutts in their Islam worshipping heads you dumb faggot.

>wanting yet another boring ww2 forest shooter instead of something new

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What's the difference between this and Post Scriptum?

Because Post Scriptum was stillborn and HLL still has a chance.

>Being this mad
Calm down, Jamal Gomez

That war was fucking boring. Also there's too much games about it that I don't care anymore about WW2.
I want Vietnam or Persian Gulf.

oh boy another one to split the community up even further and die in a month

HLL is more like company of heroes

This. These fuckers should've had enough respect for the community to not do this.

>unique resource based strategic meta-game
how I read that is "there's a faction-based multiplayer mobile game in this FPS for some reason"

>another ww2

Another boring ww2 game, haven't we had enough of these?

>another unreal engine realistic shooter set in WW2

cringe and zoomerpilled

>bf5 is a lackluster ww2 game with no content
>post scriptum barely has 400 daily players
>day of infamy is rip too
Not looking good but hoping people will give the new game a chance.

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>Unreal engine

>bf5 is ... ww2 game
lmao, wrong

>when you die in bf4
>go to map overview and select new spawn while waiting for respawn timer
>when you die in bf1
>have to hold down the respawn button for 4-5 seconds because reasons
>every fucking time
>when you die in bf5
>hold button to not bleed out
>or just give up as none of your teammates ever pick you up
>every fucking time
>and instead of map overview you get to see what your squad is doing

>another indie empty multiplayer only shooter

fucking idiots, make an AI, squads and squad commands so that Im not just buying a game that will be unplayable in a month,

this game has some potential as a better ww2 version of pr / squad
hope it turn's out to be like that and encourage teamwork and voip, but the first few weeks will be filled with retards

To actually answer your question instead of giving an uninformed, retarded answer like most of the thread the alpha footage is really rough looking, so not really. That being said it would have to try to be worse than Post Scriptum which flopped on its ass due to incompetence and still can’t stop fucking up. The tank shit is hilarious in PS, especially after they scraped together all those ecelebs to try and shill it.

Wish dick would just add ai to their battlefield games again so I could have some fun too.

from what I know, the map is one big open map split into "grids" or some shit which you need to capture to get control of the objective
there's no flags or checkpoints like in PR / Post Scriptum / Squad, but instead, it's more like Planetside 2 I think where you can attack from multiple sides and control multiple map points at one time, with less of a streamlined objective path

>ea and dice makes a ww2 shooter without usa, russia or glorious nippon
For what purpose?

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Most WW2 shooters usually have maps that are either urban or French hedgerows.
A dense forest is actually somewhat unique

Is it another one of those "Realistic" WW2 shooters where you die in one shot from a guy half way across the map or hiding right behind the corner? I'm really tired of them.

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I'm done with it after cod WW2.

There is Post Scriptum (which is shit) and...?

>French hedgerows.
You're in luck, because this game has those too.

>feel like replaying cod ww2
>go to download
>90 GB
yeah no fuck that

>multiplayer only "realistic" shooter on Steam that will be dead in a month

These must have a really dedicated community which buys every single one of these otherwise I don't understand why they keep making this trash.

Must also be really easy to make since they don't have to actually put any effort into level design, AI and fun mechanics

Hard to avoid those when your game is set on the western front in 1944.
Still, Hurtgen Forest is a cool setting.

g i t g u d

Team 17, worms devs?

>dynamic shifting front line
>strategy meta game
The problem with these grand, ambitious concepts is that they fail if people aren't willing to put in a lot of time and effort into it to play it properly. If the game itself does not guide and force the player into playing things properly, it will end up a huge chaotic mess.
Not to mention that 100 people is still tiny. There is no strategic scale here. Bronze age battles were larger than this.

Publisher, can you even read?

>Must also be really easy to make
They are, because you don't have to bother making things balanced and fun to play. If certain weapons are imba and the gameplay janky you just say it's "realistic" that way.
I really wonder who the people are who buy all these games because it seems there are two or three games like this getting released per year, which all end up dead/fp2/humblebundle shortly afterwards.