Meanwhile bloodborne did only 3mil till now

>Resident Evil 2 Remake has passed more than one million copies sold on Steam which places it ahead of Resident Evil 7. It is the fastest selling Resident Evil release so far on Steam.

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That's a good game, so what?

Was it absolutely nessecary to post another wojak boomer/zoomer edit you cancerous nigger.


>Bloodborne only sold 3 million on Steam.
How did they pull that off?

PC is future and now every company knows it.
Every japanese company is coming to PC like sega and capcom making bank with yakuza and monster hunter.
Microsoft realized and brought Halo collection.
Sony is shaking and is thinking of buying take two to get control of rockstars.



No one fucking cares about PC anymore except for some faggots on this site who do nothing but complain about denuvo

OP never said bloodborne sold on steam he is just saying it tanked and he is right.

based console retard paying twice for online gaming

>No one fucking cares about PC
except capcom

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So, does this mean R3make is happening?

Bloodborne is single plat you fucking faggot

BB sold more than Sony's expectations. They said this years ago. Literally what is the point of mentioning BB.

Nope. RE8 is slated for next and that's a good four or five years away. After that it's the CV, i.e. the REAL RE3, remake. Then it's the Dino Crisis remake.

releasing on steam is literally free money and people have begun to realise this.

If your main audience is the console market (as most are), then who gives a fuck is some chucklefucks pirate it on pc? the vast majority of gamers are legitimate and will buy the game. Case in point; 1 million extra fucking sales just for releasing on steam.

They are going to reuse the entire police station from RE2, and most of the city asset will be reused from Devil May Cry 5, the game is like >50% done.

>CV remake
You don't throw good money after bad kid. There is no reason to waste capital on trying to polish a turd fawned over by nobody but nobodies. Just play the game now instead of waiting for it to be remade so you don't have to get used to dreamcast graphics.

>There is no reason to waste capital on trying to polish a turd fawned over by nobody but nobodies

Exactly why they aren't doing an RE3 remake. RE3 was a dud. It almost killed the franchise. Sales for RE games plummeted after RE3 because nobody liked it. If you want to look for what game killed a franchise you don't look for the game with the highest drop off in sales, you look for the game released right before the game with the highest drop off in sales. That is RE3.

RE8 is like 2.5 years away max

>Resident Evil 2, remake of one of if not THE best selling Playstation game, in a massively popular established franchise, will potentially sell more than a brand new IP from a studio known for niche difficult titles

Wow, very surprising

>Bloodborne did great please don't mention it

You will never ever play Bloodborne

Not as pathetic as being so obsessed with a game that you compare it to the sales of every other game in existence regardless of how little sense it makes or how little reason you have to care about video game sales, not being financially invested in any of the companies.

until its on steam :^)

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Bloodborne's sales figures have never been officially revealed beyond it doing 2 million in a little under 6 months, though.

Stop citing that VGChartz figure which is literally made up.

everyone knows that

memeflope bombed hard and the ps4 is a fifa machine for normies

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>what is psnow

>Still seething because of bloodborne

man i just played bloodborne for the first time, i wish i didn't get scared away by the "ITS SO HARD" memes. what a fuckin cool game

can't do stuff that's truly spooky though so RE2 is just not on my plate

That's surprising but welcome. Jap companies usually focus on consoles because PC gaming practically doesn't exist in Japan.

>bb sold 3m
brainlet, there are 630000 platinum trophies alone.

The main reason you're seeing a bigger push for multiplat titles from Japanese publishers is because the console market domestically has stagnated in the last 6-7 years, which is down to a combination of an aging population and the rise of mobile gaming.

>RE3 was a dud.