Must-have 3DS games?
Must-have 3DS games?
Animal Crossing
Kid Icarus Uprising
etrian odyssey v
project mirai
Ever Oasis is good if you can find it at a reasonable price. It's certainly not "must own" but it's surprisingly fun. Miitopia is a decent lite rpg, but only really worth it on sale and only if you like screwing around with miis.
Pocket Card Jockey and Weapon Shoppe De Omase are brilliant.
Project X Zone 2 is good if you've played a lot of sega, bamco, capcom and ninty games since the game is basically "fanfic tactics".
How's Samus Returns?
Seconding Ever Oasis and Miitopia. Both has a lot of charm and can be really fun but like this user said, it's best to try and find them at a reduced price.
Personnally, I recommend Fantasy Life
>Fantasy Life
Forgot about that one. It's charming, if a little simple and can feel a little grindy at points but if you like the demo of the game you'll enjoy the rest of the game.
It has that traditional Level 5 charm going for it which is always a plus. And yeah it's grindy but at the same time, it's really comfy. And with a friend it's fun.
Speaking of Level 5, the Yo-kai Watch and Professor Layton games are great games
rune factory 4.
Worth $20-30 to play it once. Not on the level of Super or the two GBA games.
a DS flashcard
Ghost Recon - Shadow Wars
New Style Boutique
So what happens if the DS casts a shadow?
It's shadow self emerges and they must duke it out for supremacy
It's a metaphor for overcoming your inner darkness, don't question it
Is lady layton any good. I havnt even looked at it but im in the mood for some puzzels
stella glow
id argue it's better than fusion
actually fuck that, i KNOW it's better than fusion and i know you didnt intentionally imply fusion is a good game, right...?
I like Fusion.
If you're looking for classic Nintendo, Legend of Zelda:Link Between World and Super Mario 3D Land are fantastic.
If you want strategy games, Fire Emblem(Awakening and Echoes) or Ghost Recon Shadow Wars are fantastic.
If you want classic RPG, try Dragon Quest VIII, Bravely Default/Second or Tales of the Abyss.
If you want more modern RPGs, try SMT IV, Devil Survivor 2 or Ever Oasis.
For puzzle games try the Professor Layton games or Puzzle & Dragons Z.
In general, try Kid Icarus Uprising and Codename STEAM.
The biggest problem with it is: "It's not exactly the same as the old ones because it has aeion" and "level variety". Overalls it's still better than Zero Mission lmao