So whatever happened to it being the be all end all FPS to destroy the competition? Even TF2 has more players now.
So whatever happened to it being the be all end all FPS to destroy the competition? Even TF2 has more players now
The game is actually pretty boring, they tried to make it an esport but failed, they banned a third if their playerbase, they ban you using characters in the game, the community is garbage, they search for things you said in some other social media to ban you, at this point the only thing overwatch is killing is itself
>Even TF2 has more players now.
Ok at this poin you tf2 fags are straight up pathetic
>Even TF2 has more players now
Unfortunately we will never know for sure, but I agree that the playercount has dropped significantly.
It is boring and not posting someone I want to fuck in your OP image has given your thread the death sentence.
>Even TF2 has more players now.
citation required
>? Even TF2 has more players now.
ow is shit, but come on now
>say "hello"
>get silenced
The only way to tell is queue times, which are way longer for OW.
Had tons of fun with the game but dropped it late last year because it started to get stale. Looking back the map pool was the biggest problem imo.
New content is few and far between, the 6v6 format doesn't allow for you to casually and calmly play on non-competitive modes, actual skill means nothing compared to how quickly you can press a button to let the game win for you, and Blizzard is too busy wasting their money trying to make Overwatch into an esport instead of an actually fun game.
>playing overwatch when paladins exist
you should stop being a masochist
They had fun gameplay like Genji combo and multi-charra strategies and they decided to remove it all because...
I honestly have no idea why they removed it. Sure double Winston was a bitch, but you could have just made it so that problematic weapon damage (aka Winston's area of effect tesla gun. It was the only problem weapon) didn't stack to force Winstons to jump on two separate targets instead of just nuking the whole backline at once?
Blizzard stumbled on a decent game and then ruined it trying to "fix" what was good about it.
>Even TF2 has more players now.
Friendly Heavies, Furfags, Bronies aren't players.
People. They aren't people.
You don't need to be people to be a player though
my roomate is a furry and plays tf2
What they were trying to do was have their cake and eat it too. They want to make Overwatch as easy as possible for the casual audience, but simultaneously want to turn it into a popular esport. The 6v6 format is too stressful for casual players and limiting skill to activating an ability isn't exciting or fun for pro players. In an attempt to appeal to everyone, they appealed to no one.
>Carrying games alone is nigh impossible
>Ruining games alone is extremely easy
>Blizz doesn't know how to balance it
>30 years between new character releases to add to a tiny roster
>Better games already exist or have come out since it did
Gee I wonder.
I honestly can't comment of what they were trying to do, because none of it really makes sense.
Like, the Genji wasn't a bad character even without the combo, so he worked fine in low skill level environment as well. Furthermore, the character had obvious deficits that could be abused, so he wasn't an alpha or omega character. If they thought he was too oppressive in tournment, they could have just majorly nerfed his ultimate gain and range to force pro players to rely more on his ult-less playstyle and to make his block less effective (reduce the return damage for instance) rather than targeting his fun tools.
Most importantly though, they completly failed to realize that Genji had a really important role in the gameplay environment as the only character that could really deal with healers and support. Without him oppressing the support, the gameplay quickly started to stagnate as supports enables tanks, who in turn just aren't fun to play against.
>Class based shooter
>Insist on releasing 2-3 new classes every year
>Taking this MOBAesque route essentially guarantees that you will always have characters in the dumpster that are flat out unviable or undesirable
>As a result, you have people maining heroes nobody likes and probably underperform numbers-wise
TF2 did imuch, MUCH better with 9 classes and new weapons being added for that variance. Going with more than a small handful of classes just means you have so much fucking overlap that someone is going to be deemed the best for any given role. It's quite literally a case of quantity over quality.
Blizzard could've swooped the FPS market with overwatch for a decade had they not acted in a retarded fashion.
>no mod support because muh cheaters
>even though new cheats come out every other week
>no map making tools because muh not being the integrity of the game
>acting like big brother to "solve the toxicity issues"
>end up creating an actual cancerous community always being passive aggressive with each other
>keep introducing aids heroes
>end up with GOATS and refuse to solve it
>always reuse content for special events
Fuck blizzard, fucking RETARDS.
Maybe if they actually focused on making the experience better instead of making their e-sports relevant (because people only watch it for the skins drop off you twitch account is linked to you account), then maybe it could keep on living, but the way things are going, I can tell you it's gonna be free then dead in 3 years, just look at the Google trends.