wtf bros my lets plays
95 times out 100, and even historically for Activision, the combo of no review copies and an embargo indicates a publishers lack of confidence in the product. Sekiro is likely part of the 5%. For reference, dark souls 3 embargo ended a week before North American release. Perhaps WW release affects it? I get why embargo’s exist but not providing early copies raises my brow
Ashina clan did nothing wrong.
but dragonrot
Good. I hate journous having the right for the first night
isn't that caused by the PC being immortal?
>Review embargo
how does that work? why does some games get reviews early and some not?
No shit it won't
There is no souls-like in this theoretically "souls game"
The score and sells would be affected by negative reviews early
was it aliens?
I'm more curious about both instances of Isshin
Accordin to the images on trophies, there's a bronze trophy where he appears to an old man with no legs and only 1 arm, and a silver trophy where he's called Sword Saint and he's whole again
It's also worth nothing, if they're following DS3/BB conventions for trophies, there might be more bosses tied to the endings. Moon Presence, Gherman and Soul of Cinder don't have individual trophies
Bloodborne 2 died for this
they probably know Game Journos are shit at video Games and would give it negative review for being "too difficult" like that one Journo who couldn't even get past the first Boss in Metal Gear Rising and gave it a bad score because of it
hm, i didnt ever see the images. thats an interesting find, user.
but yeah im guessing they want to use the kid's blood to revive him
this actually looks fun
based FromSoftware for shitting on soulsfags
why do you have to spoil it for the rest of us?
It's good. We all know that game "journos" would suck at it and write a million articles about how oppressive the game is.
we already know there's time travel so I am no too surprised.
He'll probably get a crippled NPC version like Master Willem and a Boss Version in the Past
>embargoed reviews
Activision is so afraid huh
kek they know they fucked up bad by cuting all the traditional features and are shaking in their boots. this is proof. you reap what you sow cuckzaki enjoy your flop you traitorous faggot.
The answer is pretty simple. They now they will be review bombed because it is not the same as dark souls, and weeb incels will go on a rampage like they did with every other game which dares to differ from the previous installments.
yup it doesnt contain any loot boxes
Because he's a piece of shit
>repeated webm reposts with demeaning file name
>excessive infatuation with shittalking the game
Oh boy, it's blunder autist's new obsession, isn't it? This is the new game he's going to shitpost for months now that RE2 and DMC have run their course
was this real?
spoil it for me, are there aliens or not?
Because the game is going to pull a Bloodborne midway through and it's actually an Armored Core game or an Otogi sequel or something else unexpected
From don't want mouthbreathing journos spoiling the game especially since it's single player
one the one hand, reviewers are absolute idiots who give middling reviews to borderline masterpieces like demon's souls, dark souls and deracine on release
on the other, it's weird that activision are so scared that the game is gonna review poorly. either there are glaring faults with the game, or it's so hard they're worried it's gonna scare off the general audience
Sometimes I forget not to get into this threads, thery're no comfy, they're just full of shitheads like you
Post your fucking face when
Time Travel
Yeah, it's been confirmed
Hopefully it'll stay that way and won't be tainted by a bootleg sequel like dark souls
wut?the other day in a bb thread i said no time travel plot allowed, coz i get that hunch from watching some is there a bigger tripe in JRPG that is not time travel
They know it's a trud and that from are hacks who managed to catch lightning in a bottle once and life of it since then.
100% of the game will be spoiled and leaked soon and way before release date dont kid yourself user
theres no time travel, retards
you just unlock lost memories
also ashina clan's founder gets revived due to blood sacrifice
>blood sacrifice
So he was reBOURNE via BLOOD?
jesus christ, you edgy nigger, I'm glad you series is dead
Hey guys, I'm so toooottally r/outoftheloop on this, how the frick do you guys have it already?
Thats perfect. People wont leak shit days before release
This game will not get good reviews. It won't even matter if it's good or not. "game journalists" get super pissy about review embargos, so get ready to see a lot of 7/10s with a few vague reasons given as to why it "deserved" that score.
>People wont leak shit days before release
naive fool. it will leak via amazons early shipping, saudis or youtubers
>Yea Forums suddenly cares about reviews
Peak contrarian.
get a load of this retard
There's no "review embargo" because there are no EARLY review copies.
This could easily be taken as a bad sign, but you should feel bad for trusting reviewers anyway. They're terrible and shouldn't be trusted. Be a better consumer.
>no time travel
>be trabsported to a previous point in time with your current physical state and interact with physical objects, even bringing some back directly to the present
>not time travel
call it what you want, but it is time travel in all but name
Yep, shit game confirmed.
Looks like DMCV wins that bout.
yes, the publisher get to decide when review sites can give a number to their games
FromSoft PR guy said there are some areas where you'll use Fushigiri as the main weapon so I'm expecting some crazy spirit world shit down the line