Why do people shit on MGS5 but praise this when it literally has the same flaws & is just a Skyrim clone with Ubisoft...

Why do people shit on MGS5 but praise this when it literally has the same flaws & is just a Skyrim clone with Ubisoft towers?

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>Yea Forums shits on BotW too much
>Yea Forums praises BotW too much
>Yea Forums shits on PP too much
>Yea Forums praises PP too much
>OP is trying to farm (you)s
which one is it Yea Forums?

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Simple. It DOESN'T have the same flaws. Nor is it a Skyrim clone.

>don't need to open any menus to switch between bow and melee
Already better than skyrim.

>Simple. It DOESN'T have the same flaws. Nor is it a Skyrim clone.


BotW was made by talented people with a desire to actually make some good which would push the genre forward.

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one is nintendo exclusive

i really want to see a cosplay couple of link & pit making out with eachother

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Imagine being gay

imagine being bisexual

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If they don't use that engine for another Zelda game on the Switch that'll be a massive disappointment.

Either way you're gagging for cock. This is not a position any man should find himself in.

It's all about what the fans wanted. Zelda fans wanted more freedom and less hand-holding. MGS fans wanted more story and sexy BiBo scenes. One game delivered on that expectation, the other didn't (and knowing Kojima, it was likely intentional).

who made the rules & said that you can't be vers?

Basically this. MGSV had very good gameplay but it really lacked a lot story and the fact that it got lazier and lazier as the missions went on only made it more insulting. Nobody really expects exceptional story, they expect an adventure and that's exactly what the developers focused on.

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It's very simple answer user.





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was that fucking english?

Not saying BotW is flawless, it definitely isn't, but
>Ubisoft towers
Please play the game first

It's okay when Nintendo does it

Because they made Link look beautiful, angelic and elf-like, a prime example of the white race.

BoTW has content, variety and good exploration and fun characters and towns. MGSV does not.

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>tower: *exists*
>OP: OMFG!!1!! iS tHaT a MoThErFuCkInG uBiSoFt ReFeReNcE?!?!?!?

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Imagine taking the time to write out such a banal fucking statement. "For my tastes, the masses value some things too highly, and other things not highly enough!" No shit, retard. You're not impressing anyone with this dazzling insight. Teenage faggot.

I loved MGS 5. Breath of the Wild was just meh and people saying it was anything more than that are lying to themselves.

Ive only played mgsa 1 and 2 but i really liked botw cause it was a breath of much needed fresh air into the zelda series and this is coming from someone who doesnt even really like open world games

Nice standard. "It only makes sense for people to feel the same way as I do about everything. If they feel differently, how does that make sense? It does not."

Intellectually crippled fuck.

you have clearly never studied neurochemistry

Sorry but there is nothing intellectual to say about "Breath of the Wild". It is a generic open world with Link as the main character. It's not particularly bad but the fact that it's so inoffensive makes it incredibly boring to criticize or praise. It wasn't even as innovative as people say. Anything it's done has already been done and better in games like Elder Scrolls. And I hate Elder Scrolls.

>BoTW has content, variety and good exploration and fun characters and towns. MGSV does not.
Essentially this. BOTW has one of the best open worlds ever, while MGSV even compared to its own prologue suggests it shouldn't have been open world at all.

What the fuck does neurochemistry have to do with liking Metal Gear Solid V and being indifferent on Breath of the Wild? How much of a brainlet do you have to be to analyze either game in this way?

I didn't write "Breath of the Wild is an intellectual game" or whatever, I mocked you because you made a retarded post. I don't even care about Breath of the Wild.

whether BotW wowed you or was meh comes down to how to experience caused your brain to react. you have somehow come to the conclusion that nobody who played it got any endorphins from the experience, despite evidence to the contrary

Actually it took little time compared to the reply I'm going to do to you. Thing is I'm not saying they're bad, I'm saying that they're overrated and considering there are alternative games that do a better job that came out before BotW for example shows the series is overrated. Literally Zelda fans call it a revolution when Zelda went fully open world in 2017.

Zelda games are good but always miss the mark on something. I'm at the point where I'm convinced the only reason they get such praise is because some obsessive investment into it's universe or most people that play Zelda games don't play alternatives outside of the Nintendo ecosystem.

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>just a skyrim clone
Skyrim was shallow shit, but it at least put some effort into its lore, quests, characters, setting, and gameplay variety.

He never even expressed his opinion m9.

>it's done has already been done and better in games like Elder Scrolls
In TES you can do the main quest in any order and instead of a map compass the world itself is layed out so that your sense of orientation comes from obvious landmarks? In TES loot/random battles isn't meaningless because even your best weapons break?


Me too desu

>Thing is I'm not saying they're bad, I'm saying that they're overrated and considering there are alternative games that do a better job that came out before BotW for example shows the series is overrated.
Why would you take your argument here? It's not like you have a criterion that you can show me which demonstrates "Breath of the Wild does X 11% worse than Y game, which means it's a 3% worse game than Z." We're either going to have to agree on what constitutes a "better job" than what Breath of the Wild is doing or we can't proceed. If we agree it doesn't make what we're saying any less objectionable either, because there's no assurance we've constructed our viewpoints using the same materials in the same composition, only that we've arrived at the same conclusion about the game overall in whatever way.
>Literally Zelda fans call it a revolution when Zelda went fully open world in 2017.
I don't think anyone is saying it's a revolution just because it's open-world. Breath of the Wild is praised for being open-world because it has cool puzzles that you can organically stumble upon and the navigation is often interesting and it doesn't have an over reliance on guiding the player with UI elements and you can chop down trees and roll them into enemies and shit.
>Zelda games are good but always miss the mark on something. I'm at the point where I'm convinced the only reason they get such praise is because some obsessive investment into it's universe or most people that play Zelda games don't play alternatives outside of the Nintendo ecosystem.
That is an absolutely retarded theory. I can tell you that because I don't care very much about the Zelda universe, I play alternatives, and I thought Breath of the Wild was a standout in that style of game.

>it literally has the same flaws
MGS V's greatest sin is that it was unfinished. No chapter 3 and the island of lost boys or whatever where you fight Liquid. You at least got to fight Ganon in BotW


One game failed in making telling a much anticipated chapter of a overarching story, the other expanded the freedom, scope, and gameplay of its usual adventure

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>MGS V's greatest sin is that it was unfinished
No matter the game, this is always a braindead fanboy complaint. I'd rather have a 1 hour masterpiece than a 100 hour mediocrity. If you think longevity is the main problem with V, then you lack taste. It has way more pressing concerns, for example an almost completely dead and pointless overworld.



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>the genre
The genre. The genre of open worlds.

But the Zelda series was pushed very far back.

nah, it saved it from a stale formula


Fuck off

Yes to all of those things
Well, loot and random battles are arguably meaningless, but they're even more meaningless in BotW so I'm mot giving you that point either way

>Zelda series was pushed very far back.
Not a bad thing considering even the fans and critics were getting sick of the OoT formula, and that this formula itself is a more primitive version of open world anyway (metroidvania), that was being done much better by competitors (e.g. Souls games).

This. It has 300 shrines and 300 seeds, what else do you guys want?

mgs5 and botw get praised. Mgs5 however scratches the mgs itch only for what it is and even though it leaves much to be desired, it's a "eh" in the end of the day, maybe because mgs5 just wasn't that good of a game as hyped up to be. Botw showed a new aspect of zelda and what the franchise can move into on a larger scale. The hype resonated pretty well for what they wanted to achieve bar the initial reveal.

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woah, grass. 10/10

What even are ubisoft towers because I keep seeing that term get thrown around so much

>Literally Zelda fans call it a revolution when Zelda went fully open world in 2017.

I mean, yeah in relation to what zelda has been and maybe what it has been lacking since OoT? A reason OoT has a place in people's heart is because the game opened up to people's ability to fantasize and to play. Playing is part of our nature and botw really just does that. However, those who put expectations on the game as a franchise with "puzzles" and "dungeons" and "enemy variety that I get to fight", you'll have a boring time. BotW opened up new doors for the franchise and that's the praise it's getting.

have some leaves too.

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name 10 other games where the grass blows in the wind, gets moved by the player walking on it, and can be cut by the player

True. Zelda was so bad that even mediocre BotW felt like masterpiece to Zelda fans.

a tower you climb up to "sync" and get info about a region of the overworld. Assassin's creed was the first with this, you'd climb up a tall tower and sync or what not and your map would fill with markers. In practice this is done in botw but botw only shows the map, it doesn't give you any information of where things are. It just gives you a fucking map of a region with nothing else on it but names of mountains n shit.

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That's a very weird request, are you some kind of grass fetishist?

No I just eat it

Why is link so ugly and stupid looking in BOTW?

>zelda was so bad
The majority of zelda titles yes, but zelda has a lot of nice detail and assets of information that can build a great world. Aonuma just dunno the fuck to do with it all. fucking hack.

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>Assassin's creed was the first with this
fake nerd detected. go back to facebook

>It just gives you a fucking map of a region with nothing else on it but names of mountains n shit.
Yeah and? that's good. It doesn't drown you in a deluge of pointless markers for every stupid collectable, enemy camp, crafting resource etc. You have to look with your actual eyes and mark places of interest.

What is interesting about his design is that when you put on the hero clothes from the other games, he really just fucking melts into that look. This design of link is a design that somehow meshes well and can be placed in all those games and we wouldn't bat an eye.

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I never said it was a bad thing? I like it.

first ubisoft title to do that you absolute crackhead.

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>A reason OoT has a place in people's heart is because the game opened up to people's ability to fantasize and to play. Playing is part of our nature and botw really just does that. However, those who put expectations on the game as a franchise with "puzzles" and "dungeons" and "enemy variety that I get to fight", you'll have a boring time. BotW opened up new doors for the franchise and that's the praise it's getting.

So basically, people who had preconceived notions about Ocarina's overworld being anything other than a hub are getting their wish for a sandbox given to them.

Everyone else is getting nothing. Run outside and play simulator.

Hey look it's the daily shit-on-BOTW thread
literally obsessed

my point was, if you are too focused on one aspect of the zelda franchise such as dungeons or puzzles, you won't be very happy. Botw has a bit of everything, but because it's on such a large scale in comparison to the other games, it lacks the depth in all of its aspects. It has everything for all zelda fans but it doesn't have much of everything. That's the biggets flaw.

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People shit on MGSV because it comes from a story heavy stealth series while having none of those elements

post some positivity user or get out.

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Did breath of the wild punish fighting and pushed players towards flinging every enemy into the air with a balloon? Because that was pretty shitty about mgs5

Botw lets you fling enemies into the air with "balloons" yes. For fun. Not practical.

>Enjoy Zelda games for the most part I wouldn't call myself a diehard fanatic just another series of video games i like playing when they come out
>ALTTP,OOT,WW,TP,And Minish cap are my favorites and enjoy the formula
>Bored as shit and feels like nothing fun happens
>Drop within 1 hour of pirating it for Wii U

It just wasn't for me but I'm glad it sold I guess. I just like the old formula of Zelda games. Dungeons,Music,and a general sense of a climax are very important to the franchise I believe

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>Ubisoft towers
-Discover large map areas and pinpoint all goals and obstacles in map area

>BotW Towers
Reveal map

You rely on your own sight and markers to find interesting locations or decide where to go.

>Why do people shit on MGS5 but praise this when it literally has the same flaw
So you've never played either one of them?
MGSV was unfinished piece of shit, with microtransanction shit tacked on to distract the gullible zoomers. It was also a legit downgrade from the series' previous entries.

Meanwhile, BotW is THE most open and unrestricted open-world game to date, with a great joy of movement and exploration being the driving force in its appeal. It fixes and re-contextualizes a number of common "open world tropes" that people have come to hate in recent years.

>Literally Zelda fans call it a revolution when Zelda went fully open world in 2017
Personally I literally don't see why. I'm a big Zelda fan, played and beat most the games, but even I wouldn't rate BoTW in my top 5. It lacks way too much of what made me get into the series in the first place, but then that's an issue I've been having with Zelda for years, mostly the consoles ones actually.

ohjhh botw is soooo baddd soo shitty ps1 graphic crash badicoo look better music fart orchestra ai is from half life 1 enjoy you gaming tablet faggot you will never get another great Zelda like Wind Waker since nintendo realised you can make braindead open world rpg and everyone will buy it enjoy 20fps expirence on tablet zelda is dead

I really like standard fantasy JRPGs like DQs etc.,but I never once played or cared about Zelda.
Sell it to me,what's good about it?

because mgs5 didn't come out on any nintendo consoles.

Better to do a soft reset where there is actually a possibility of improvement than sticking with a tired concept that's already perfected.

It's the variety. The best Zelda titles offer an even mix of adventure, combat, puzzle solving and general NPC/sidequest stuff. The items that you accumulate throughout the game are often very fun to use. If you get stuck, you can always explore and usually you'll find something like a health upgrade or currency.

>Literally Zelda fans call it a revolution when Zelda went fully open world in 2017.
no, those are journos, console-war shitposters and secondaries who only like the zelda brand for "le epic gaymurr cred" saying that.
actual zelda fans know that aonuma is a hack who played too much ubishit and turned zelda into a mediocre far cry ripoff. we wish the series had been given to koizumi instead.

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this. zelda isn't just an 'action game' or a 'puzzle game' or an 'adventure game', it manages to juggle all three quite well

>Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar, etc. have been making open world games for a decade or even longer
>genre is stagnating
>Nintendo shows up
>having no background in AAA 3D open world development, they decide on a whim "Here, let me try that"
>right off the bat, Nintendo make the best open world game ever made on their very first attempt using a fucking toaster.

This will never not be hilarious.

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>zelda isn't just an 'action game' or a 'puzzle game' or an 'adventure game', it manages to juggle all three quite well

Which BotW excells at.

mario 64 is p much a landmark in open world game.

exhibit a of a console-war shitposter who knows nothing about zelda.
>having no background in AAA 3D open world development, they decide on a whim "Here, let me try that"
blatantly untrue. nintendo brought in monolith - a studio that DOES have experience with open-world game design - to do it for them. you would have known this if you cared more about the actual games instead of console-war shitposting.

>shitposter who knows nothing about zelda.

I was playing Zelda when your Daddy was popping zits on his face and jerking off to Baywatch.

>nintendo brought in monolith - a studio that DOES have experience with open-world game design - to do it for them.

Nintendo OWN Monolith. And they were brought into to do the donkey work - they executed Nintendo's design mandate. Which is why Monolith have never produced an open world game as good as BotW. Because they're not Nintendo.

post something else will you?

A lot of us consider the game "revolutionary" not because of anything it did unique mechanically, but bevause of its unique take on design philosophy.

In BOTW, the open world us actually the focus of the game. In most open world games, there is still a main quest line you need to complete the game. The events must be done in a specific order. In this way, the gane is still a linear experience; the open world us something you engage with around the main story line. You can play around as much as you want, but the game will not advance toward the end until you complete the next story marker.

BOTW does not have a main story line, just a goal to accomplish. There is a "main quest" of sorts, but it is entirely optional and you can complete as much or as little of it as you want in any order. This makes exploring the open world your main engagement with the game. Everything you do in the world, whether it be getting weapons, completing shrines, cooking meals, collecting items, or just mastering combat - it all adds to your end goal of fighting Ganon. None if it is between-mission filler. It is the game. And that actually made the game feel open world, not a linear game wrapped in an open world packaging.

This is a good post.

>BOTW does not have a main story line

It does not have many things, not just main story line.

you mean paper mario?

Because its Zelda. I mean come on, its open world Zelda, how can you not love that?

Come on.

Oh no. We didn't get yet another game with the forest temple that gives you the boomerang and you fight a variation of ghoma and then on to the fire temple to get the hammer or the iron boots and on and on.

That's all you people want. The same Zelda game over and over but with updated graphics.

>Nintendo OWN Monolith.
yes, which is why they brought monolith in to work on zelda for them.
>And they were brought into to do the donkey work - they executed Nintendo's design mandate.
yes, because they were the ones with actual experience in open-world design.
your fanfiction of nintendo trying out open-world game design on a whim and making "le best game evar" with no experience has no basis in reality. sorry to burst your bubble, but they had experienced people doing it for them.

at least "the same old zelda game" was an actual game, not a glorified walking simulator in an empty world.
if 3d zeldas were starting to feel stale, it's probably because nintendo put that hack aonuma in charge of them instead of letting koizumi come up with more different directions to take the formula like he did with majora's mask.
what nintendo should have done to freshen up zelda was look at majora's mask as well as some of the great newer 2d zeldas (oracles, minish cap, albw) to see what went right with those. instead, they threw out the entire foundation of the series to make a generic open-world "game." zelda is now just another aaa adventure "game" in a sea of identical aaa adventure "games."