What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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What little envy I harbor over Arin's apparent success is easily undone with how utterly miserable he appears all the time.

Arin thought of it as a business, Jon didn't

jon punching suzi

One likes video games. One likes to make money. Another likes to piggyback off others success and do Jack shit.

Probably because he's constantly being shot on. That's the monkey's paw of being successful - reading negative comment after negative comment. Since people can handle it. Arin's probably had enough of it

>describes three people
>picture has five

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Christ, Suzi's face is so fucking horrifying. I'll never understand what attracted Arin to her.

Arin was a popular animator, famous for animations
Jon was a popular video game reviewer, famous for video game reviews
Arin started a youtube show, with jon being his right hand man, to play video games and essentially review them humorously as they played them
Jon already had this so when Arin wanted to go full time it didn't go down well
Next step, the women get involved
Arins wife wasn't happy at his success being taken away by Jon leaving
Jons girl friend at the time didn't like Arins wife and wanted Jon to pursue JonTron show instead
Arin got a new host
Jon moved away to focus on his show

Everything went down hill from there, women

Did left girl get stung by a bee?

Whats that thing on the left

>reading negative comment after negative comment
if he's actually doing this he should stop

that orc on the far left ruined everything.

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This. Fucking SJW Yoko

But he's been that way since the beginning. I think he admitted pretty early on that he stopped reading comments. Even if that's the case, is enduring it worth the money? Has the man not hoarded enough of it to live comfortably while he quietly animates again? If he's gonna take the easy route but then be moppy about it, then my original comment still stands.

Stung by booze in the womb.

im guessing arin with money, jon with games and barry piggy backing?

arin hates games, jon spent his entire career making fun of and admiring them and barry is/was just their friend

I dunno, I find her pretty attractive.

both arin and suzy are gay

Jon became a /pol/-poster and Arin couldn't handle it

Truly a sad tale

JonTron came out as a racist retard

wasn't she the one who sold shit on etsy for like 50x retail value, said she made all the stuff her self but just bought cheap jewelry from a shop and sold it to retards for super expensive prices? i think i remember arin telling people to stop being mean to her, gave me a good laugh

That's because you're fucking stupid.

Looks even worse without the ten pounds of makeup she applies every day to not look like a fucking hob goblin.

Attached: this sub-human mutant is not attractive, and if you think she is, you're either blind, retarded (1173x709, 67K)

arin tried kike-ing out and franchising a show that was just meant to be two guys shooting the shit, leading to jon leaving and being replaced with an actual kike

>fall out because women
>years of disconnect
>jon makes first show with budget
>throws arin in the end to prove no hard feelings
>jon speaks too loosely in hastily put together interview
>arin and dan call him out in front of a live audience for being a bigot and a racist
>dan is the biggest racist on youtube constantly making offensive jokes about black people and asians in general
>arin is a sheep who follows whatever his wife has to say

jon deserved better

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Why did Jontron have to become a /pol/tard? OG Game Grumps was kino.

I would

except he isn't

Ugly bitchwhore on the left getting between Arin and Jon


Arins closet trans

Jon read too many /pol/ infographics and jpegs and sperged out

It's been 6 years and people still don't know that this was Suzy's doing.

If Jon didn’t expose himself as a racist everything would still be fine.

retard, yes
but racist?

>does on interview
>whole image ruined because you can't let go of personal opinions
your loss, he's still exactly the same as he's always been. caring this much about the political views of another person is sad

this, except she's just pretending for the public because she knows the remaining fans are mostly snowflakes.
she's actually unironally racist.

Just finished watching "How not to play skyward sword". Can't believe that ending. Game Grumps sure is a huge mess.

how can he be racist? Hes a minority. Persian American

That’s what makes him being racist and condescending towards black people even funnier.

but he's not. He doesn't have the power and privelege WASPS have

100% this
only faggots who don't know the meaning of racist will call him one

I don’t care about his political views, but he is a racist piece of shit.

>That ending
Haven't bothered to watch this. How'd it go?

Ay dios mio...

Honestly, Jontron got better after they stopped doing shit together.

Literal fetal-alcohol syndrome.

Can't blame him for ditching the irate gamer schtick and focusing on making memes for twitter users

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all the more reason
arabs are extremely racist, especially towards niggers
their women on the other hand

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cluster b personality disorders

It's probably over something so stupid and petty that they're both too embarrassed to bring it up now.

arin went wrong

Middle Easterners, Latinos, and Asians are probably the most racist people on earth. Most /pol/tards aren’t even white anyway.

>h-he's racist!
>why is he racist exactly?
>th-that one interview when he said that thing!
>what thing?
>..y-you know, that thing he said that was racist!

Absolutely pathetic, nothing but a bunch of parroting sheep with no self worth to create your own opinions

CHRIST, Suzy is fucking ugly


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Friendly reminder that Total Biscuit knew the secret and took it with him to his grave.

You're an adult that still looks up to e-celebs.
That's what went wrong?
You sound like a 30 year old boomer being 15 back
when Friends or some other show was on.

Fuck e-celebs
Fuck mobas
Fuck battle royale
And fuck you

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Well, you may know they suddenly stopped playing skyward sword, and so at the end of the video, there's a compilation of things that are falling apart at game grumps, like people leaving and series's being cancelled.
See for yourself:

I only really give a shit about Jon so nothing really, it gave Jon massive publicity for his channel. His channel has soul put into it, where Jon clearly enjoys what he does and what he makes
Where as Arin wants to kill himself, where everyone who works with him is scared of being fired

Seriously go compare Subscriber counts
Jon's at 5.2 mil
GG is at 5.0 mil

I support more Muslim women getting blacked, that is how Islam will be defeated

Jon /OUR GUY/ Jaffari has more clout/fame too with normies ever since the Flex tape meme happened.
>rolling in flex tape money

>doesn't care about ecelebs
>cares about the political opinions of random people on the internet and being banned by based jannies/mods

You sound like a 13 year old zoomer being underaged when you should be banned

>Doom is on the list
Nu-Doom? The game was easy though. Did they have trouble with it?

I want to watch Jon mating press Suzi lads

arabs already went full cuck mode
if you don't understand french, the muslim is looking up muslimas for the nigger

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>Arin ends up making daily videos that dont reach half his subs in views
>Jon shows up whenever he wants and releases a one hit wonder that nets him at least 5 million views, most of the time more
>also Jon is pretty much doing what he always wanted and enjoy, while Arin is doing what he thought he would never do in his life

>Islam is a race

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this is what they want you to think

literal npc


I'm glad things worked out for Jon.

Arin's plugging out hundreds of videos with minimal effort while Jon clearly puts a lot of craft into his work (even if the jokes don't always land).

>You will never eat yee-ros with a persian beast
>He will never ECH at you

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Kirby, don't drink that shitty tequila.

I don't facepalm often, but.

Arin's ADD

Jon beat the shit out of Suzy because he's based.

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Jon came on Suzi's face.

>Jon shows up whenever he wants and releases a one hit wonder that nets him at least 5 million views, most of the time more
They're not really one hit wonders then, eh? Jon is actually a comedic genius.

What went right?

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women aren't people

Why does reading crime statistics outloud mean you are a nazi? Is it that easy to join the nazis? I thought they hadn't even existed for 80 years


>if i ever make a lets play channel then kill me
no need for that post he made now huh? he's slowly killing himself

what about here?

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I love Jon and he is the one e-celeb I would wanna hang out with but I feel I wouldnt be able to keep up with his personality.

he turned racist

meant for no idea, I didn't watch that

Arin being a talentless dipshit and abusing Jon. That's all really

Jon "ghetto safari" Jafari capped one too many niggers so they had to let him go

Jon is literally incapable of entering a job that isn't burger flipping. He is literally unable to be hired now because he spouted /pol/ rhetoric. What is he going to do when the Youtube bubble bursts?

post suzy lewds


>What went wrong
This and many other things

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Googled what the fuck that is, egoraptor went full retarded

john got a gf that looked like fem arin, then few years later broke up

somebody please put this man out of his misery

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The first two is Jon and the the last one is the rest

Just keep on posting mandy, just let it all out.

Do you really think the millions of people who follow and are subscribed to him will just fall off the face of the Earth if Youtube goes down or gets rid of him? Jon is stable for life, he's an entertainer now known for his advert sketches being successful. People will hire him to make videos like he did with flextape and the fans will eat it up like they always do.

>Just get married they said

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He'd get shit on far less if he wasn't such an insufferable dumbfuck

That's a short girl, considering Jontron is only around 1.78 meter in height.

>Jon moved away to focus on his show
I would have never had any major issues with Jon leaving, if Join actually did end up focusing on his show. But his channel absolutely tanked simultaneously with him leaving GameGrumps. He was unironically more productive while still doing GameGrumps.