>overwhelms and eats your tank in 2 seconds
Who thought this was a good idea when you only have 4 party members?
Overwhelms and eats your tank in 2 seconds
also whats with it being a male dog by default
i wanted to name if after my doggo (hannah) but everyone is calling it "boy" it ruined it for me
bichon friese are the most catlike dogs
How come darkspawn blood is is explained to kill and turn everybody it comes into contect with and only Wardens can deal with it but you cure the Dog with just a handfull of weeds.
Just get the dog as a summon mod
Doggos are stronk
Also the darkspawn blood being poisonous and turn people into niggers trope is terribly written and only appears when they need to kill somebody important for a sad scene, it's completely forgotten after the first chapter of the game. If the darkspawn blood is that really effective then all they have to do is to spit at people or coat their weapons with their own blood, they'd be completely unstoppable.
kill yourself male feminist
cast force field you dork
>pack of wolves or dogs on nightmare difficulty
>taunt on cooldown
>wolves spread out and overwhelm the whole party
>don't become immune to other damage sources during overwhelm
>pinned down and get raped by 10 enemies at the same time
Great game.
fireball lol
>darkspawn blood being poisonous...it's completely forgotten after the first chapter of the game.
It comes up a fair few times throughout the game though. Mostly as worldbuilding though.
It doesn't kill anybody it comes in contact with, it's only if you ingest it in a somewhat large amount, Daveth takes a big gulp or two at the joining and people survive eating darkspawn flesh. If you don't swallow it's blood you will be fine. The dog is smaller than a man so it takes less to get sick but they also wear muzzles so they dont swallow it. As for the cure, the kennel master says he already has medicine for it and the weeds will give it a better chance, even after the weeds he still expects some to die
>If the darkspawn blood is that really effective then all they have to do is to spit at people or coat their weapons with their own blood, they'd be completely unstoppable.
The darkspawn are not portrayed as smart. We also don't know how potent spit is. Coating their swords in blood, whats the point. You still need to stab them anyway.
What game?
so what about the ritual was actually a ritual? they literally just drank the blood. does that mean that anyone who randomly swallows some blood could be a grey warden?
what was even the point of this? Just detecting them?
Did you finish the game
So it is ESO then? Good to know.
Hot tbqh
The mixture prospective Grey Wardens drink isn't just darkspawn blood; it also contains other materials and some Archdemon blood. Among other effects, the main thing is that it gives the Warden the darkspawn taint but delays the transformation into a ghoul and also gives independence from the Archdemons.
Anyone who randomly swallowed darkspawn blood and "survived" would just turn into a regular ghoul.
Dergon Age Origins
why the fuck would you call your dog hannah
It makes the sex more personal.
What was the point of the ritual, it doesn't give you super powers or make you any better than your non-warden party members.
It gives you the Darkspawn taint without making you beholden to the Archdemon or immediately turning you into a ghoul.
Hmm maybe because war dog are usually male?
Hannah a cute
Did you finish the game bro
Technically nobody can fight Darkspawn for an extended amount of time without eventually being tainted by their blood but i guess your party memebers are all just really really lucky.
Also of course the fact that you need a warden to serve as a trap for the dragon soul an then alluha akbar himself.
>The darkspawn are not portrayed as smart
Their field commanders are surely are tho, they know combat strategies, they loot bodies and put them on spikes for scare tactics, I wouldn't put them past poisoning their weapons
>Coating their swords in blood, whats the point. You still need to stab them anyway.
Soldiers still get with wounds in combat even if they win, they just need one smart darkspawn to know that their own blood is poisonous to non-darkspawn in order to start coating everything (especially arrows) with their own blood since they are clearly not short on numbers. But yeah the blood thing don't get much attention anyway so no point in going deep into this.
I feel like they didn't do much with the blood thing because they didn't want a zombie race. Darkspawn fights with weapons so turning their victim into ghouls wouldn't be very meaningful since their bodies are fucked up after a fight anyway
They drank a mixture of blood and something else. The point of being a Grey Warden ultimately means just being able to kill the Archdemon, they sell themselves to outsiders as being immune to the plague so that people would join and basically force people to the Grey Warden life, but they're actually not immune, their death are delayed and certain.
Basically they need as much Grey Warden as possible to increase their chance of having any Grey Warden dealing the final attack to the Archdemon.
Man, Origins sure was a fun game. What the hell happened with Dragon Age 2? It was so bad I dropped it at the start of act 2. I really tried to like it.
It lets you kill the Archdemon you retarded nigger
You can also sense Darkspawn, which is used to justify the minimap tracking enemies.
>What the hell happened with Dragon Age 2?
Made in eighteen months after EA decided what was originally going to be another expansion for Origins deserved to be its own game, in addition to a shitload of engine and mechanical changes.
It still has some good parts, like the Friendship/Rivalry mechanics and the idea for the setting. It's just a shame Bioware never got the time to build an actual game around the good ideas.
>Who thought this was a good idea when you only have 4 party members?
Why does she have so many titties? Do darkspawn breastfeed?
Can she gets off from having so many titties sucked?
Because they milked DA:O for all its worth with one billion DLCs.
>Their field commanders are surely are tho, they know combat strategies, they loot bodies and put them on spikes for scare tactics
Pretty sure that the darkspawn are just mindlessly diggin towards the old gods to taint them and make them into an archdemon when no Blight is going on. The archdemon then commands all the darkspawn through telepathy/suggestion, which is also why the grey wardens can hear/dream about the archdemon. I don't think the commanders themselves are very intelligent.
>each tit represents a dlc
Man, Origins really was Bioware's last great work. The world building was great, story worked well, likable characters. They were fucked over by EA with 2 but Inquisition really should've stayed with the Blight storyline, cared more about the Archdemon than I ever could about what's his face in Inquisition
>also whats with it being a male dog by default
It's so they could do the joke about him having a breeding harem later
Cute! If you don't want the dark fur around the eyes give her bottled water. Tested it with our fur ball, it seems they excrete some dirty stuff from thats in tap water.