Stop helping people

Stop helping people.

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She's not wrong but i'm the leader so I will do as I please

There's too much goodwill and benevolence in the world. That's the problem.

Okay maybe in the rest of the world but certainly not Fereldan
this is the niggerest place in the entire world in that universe

see I don't even wanna be there so much I can't spell it right

Only if you let me suck on your tits

Bitch, you're lucky you're so bangable

Wat gayme is this

you're desperate right?

It's funny because I recently replayed DAO and tried to play an evil character
>No, you can't
There's literally no way to play an evil character without going full retard and doing shit that just makes zero fucking sense, and you miss out on 70% of the side quests if you try.

Microsoft Flight Simulator.

There's also the attitude, the voice and other little things. Which you would about playing the game.

he's right tho and you are a pathetic little faggot for not having the same opinion
it was the last time anything remotely bangable came from bioware

the original Nier

that's a pretty common problem with RPGs, the evil route is also the drooling retard route and never written well.

playing it now the combat, pacing and AI is slowly draining years off my life.
also the Mages Circle segment might be the worst thing I've played in a modern video game.

It's pretty annoying, I haven't played that many Bioware games to completion but at least playing renegade in Mass Effect made sense. Not sure what happened here.

The last rpg i remember having fun doing evil in was the original Baldur's Gate; or maybe it was BG2?
One of those had a drow companion that only showed up if you were a vile scumbag and revelled in murdering everyone and doing horrific shit. Also you could bang her.

There was also a fairly open-to-being-evil mage in nwn or nwn2? a pyromaniac sorceror i think. can't remember exactly, but you can torch an orphanage and she laffs about it

Stop acting like you're not. You wouldn't be here if that was true.

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Because only drooling retards are evil. And the real reason crimes IRL are never elaborate and smart like the movies is because anybody smart enough to commit a crime intelligently is smart enough not to commit a crime.

That's BG2, and Viconia shows up and you can bang her regardless of her alignment. She's not even evil, just a bitch.
Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2, and Pathfinder: Kingmaker all have very good options for Evil characters. There's tons of great dialogue for a Bleak Walker Paladin in PoE.

yeah yeah now give source

>Not sure what happened here.
You played a more typical Bioware game.

>being this bluepilled
The reason you don't see crimes IRL that are "elaborate and smart" is because intelligent criminals don't get caught.
There's a reason shows like COPS are full of drooling meth fiends an literal retards; it's not because smart people don't crime, it's because smart criminals aren't ever fucking caught.

thanks, real talk question famjam, is PoE2 as much of a sjw clusterfuck as some folks claim? i see all the screenshots of lizard sex and 'cringe' and 'ur bigotry is showing' and it makes me want to hard pass that shit.

>Super cute teen in DA:O
>Looks like a 50 year old painted whore in DA:I even though it's only 10 years later

with those lips it'd have to be natthellich, and that's probably the full image

"Your bigotry is showing" and lizard sex are DivOs2, not PoE.
Most of the shitposting about Deadfire is just one guy having a fit, the screenshots he spams are edited when not completely fabricated, by the same autist who is currently sperging out about Sekiro. He moves on every time a new game comes out, same guy who was sperging about RE2 for that matter.

It has some cringy shit at times, but it's generally tolerable. Tekehu, the gay fish man is actually anti-cringe, his entire personal quest is basically teaching him how much of a douche he is. It has fantastic multiclass mechanics and some real difficulty.

well cocks

Not the user you're responding to, but no, that's just the resident CRPG autistic shitposter.