Can we get a Spider-Man PS4 screenshot thread? I'm in need of some sick shots of Spidey skydropping.
Can we get a Spider-Man PS4 screenshot thread? I'm in need of some sick shots of Spidey skydropping
And more Last Stand is always good. If you don't think it's the best suit, you're wrong.
Unfortunately this is the only in game screenshot I have
Thanks my dudes. Any pics of him falling through the sky like in the Into the Spider-Verse promo? Looked so good.
you are joking right
It's fun trying to websling in other games. Had a blast trying to get the timing for the lightning tether in Infamous 2 down. Also
Heres my version
YES! That's the one I was looking for! Thank you, user! Love those skydrops.
All games need photo modes, they're great.
im going to sleep make the thread tomorrow i will post more
Where da Black Cat booty at?
I love Spider-Man, but I guess I got kind of burnout playing through story. How good is the dlc shit really?
I saw three dlc stories announced before the game was even out and was like "yeah no, fuck that shit", but felt like the gameplay could've been a bit deeper despite happily playing through it.
Each part is about two and a half hours long or so and it adds a little extra story but if you don't like Screwball I don't recommend it
broken neck? locked in rigor mortis?
Seconding this, OP, i'm away from my PS4, so i can't post.
What's up, danger.
>nothing at all!