What was the point of this?
What was the point of this?
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Whats the point of anything man?
what a thrill...
Replaces a loading screen i think. Did it in a unique way.
Kya anti-natalist
Name a game with more Iconic & memorable moments then MGS3, (without cheating & mentioning OOT, SoTC or FF6/7). Pro tip: You cannot
How would someone go about replacing one of those tubes if one burns out?
God Hand
I find anti-natalists weird since they actually no concept of now nothingness would feel like. Are they so bothered by the feeling of sadness and hurt THAT BAD that they're yearning for something that they have no memory of?
A really long harness
Harness, rope, and sausage (beaner)
Being a neat moment that people are still talking about 15 years after the fact.
None of those games have more memorable moments than MGS3 tbqh and MGS3 has better gameplay than all of them. MGS3 is truly the greatest game ever made.
what do you mean by harness?
sausage (beaner)?
>What was the point of this?
It's a Kojima game, why would you be surprised it would flirt with walking simulators? Heck, with the exception of MGSV, all the MGS games manage to have 4-5+ hours of cutscenes despite only being 10 hours or so long, i.e. the majority of 'playing' time is spent watching cutscenes and codec calls rather than actually playing the game.
>MGS1: 4 hours of cutscenes:
>MGS2: 5 hours and 21 minutes of cutscenes
>MGS3: 4 hours and 20 minutes of cutscenes
No thanks, bro.
MGS3 isn't my favorite in the series, but I can't deny that it isn't the most memorable.
MGS3 fags defend this but shit on the jeep ride
>embed embed
based Kojima-obsessed animelard schizo
I should have been the one to fill this dark thread with LIIIIGHT
I never played MGS3 so yeah many. Wank all you want on your japanese movie game.
Not even the most memorable capcom game, Street Fighter II has it beat
Whats the point of them giving you all these guns you can't use, because when you use them they call immediately in the death squad?
consider killing yourself
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War
>Name a game with more Iconic & memorable moments then MGS3, (without cheating & mentioning OOT, SoTC or FF6/7). Pro tip: You cannot
>climbing a ladder while some shitty music plays over it
>iconic & memorable
About the only thing that's memorable about Snake Eater is how atrocious its controls and camera systems are, to the point that they had to re-release the game to fix the camera. Oh, and the preachy anti-war message that is delivered in the most juvenile and heavy-handed way possible, with characters monologuing at you for hours on end.
Bigger question is how the fuck do you replace these lamps as maintenance?
What? SF2 doesn't even have a story. Just has stages, the only ones of which most people care about is E Honda's bathhouse, Cammy's bridge with the aurora, and Guile's airfield.
based ubishit shill
>What? SF2 doesn't even have a story.
it symbolizes snake going towards past the point of no return. also its an unwinding segment right after the end.
I also hate the fourth wall breaking references to other games.
The ladder at least makes fucking sense. He has to climb up it to get to the base ahead and continue his mission. You can consider it a waste of time but in the context of the narrative it makes sense.
The fucking jeep ride? The one where you just civilly sit down and listen to the main villain, WHO YOU HATE AND SPEND THE ENTIRE GAME TRYING TO KILL, just talk at you politely for no reason? There is literally zero reason for Venom not to murder Skull Face right then and there. It's ridiculously stupid.
Guile’s theme alone is more memorable then anything from RE except the first Zombie & the Village
To demonstrate that anything kojima does will be seen as deep, no matter how retarded. Its like duchamps toilet artwork but for vidya.
I wonder what the longest static ladder in the world is
>the fog filled farm
>the merchant
>the Lord of the Rings cave troll
>chainsaw guys
>the Garrador
>the Regenerators
>the barn fight with the village chief
>robo Salazar
>Salazar and Verdugo
>lake monster
>laser hallway
>hedge maze of dogs
>invisible bug sewer
>first time you see dogs in the rain
>that huge difficulty spike room in the castle where you have to guard Ashley while she cranks levers
The game is almost nothing but memorable setpieces. Fuck off boomer nigger, go back to your shitty "Mahvel" tournaments.
To create suspension as you await for your last obstacles; to make the journey seem vile but worth it, despite the destination.
Pokemon Gold.
Epic music, only outmatched by Pokemon Ruby.
Sprites full of soul, even gets better with Pokemon Crystal.
Considered the last generation with high efforts of soul.
Literal who meme garbage that Yea Forums only likes out of contrarianism due to that one low review that IGN gave it
DMC games past 2.
>couldn't handle the ladder boss
wew lad
Ok, fine...
>without CHEATING
>OOT, SoTC or FF6/7
You are the definition of normalfag with this trash ass taste, you should neck yourself, faggot.
>There is literally zero reason for Venom not to murder Skull Face right then and there
Maybe Venom didn't want to die immediately after shooting skull face, retard.
I much prefer Metal Gear Solid 2 over 3 just for the fact that 3 feels like a collection of interesting and aesthetically pleasing set pieces, while 2 has a legitimately layered story and everything works far better as a whole.
Couldn't care much for the setting, couldn't care much for the locations, couldn't care much for the boss fights, and couldn't care much for the story until the final reveal.
>game is popular?
>REEEEEEEEE must hate popular thing!!
I fucking hate you people.
climate change
All of these:
And I raise you a No More Heroes. As a bonus, throw in Yakuza 0
>game is popular?
>REEEEEEEEE must hate popular thing!!
But the reason why MGS is popular is specifically because it appeals to the lowest common denominator, so it's a valid argument against it.
You will never get it OP, you're not equipped for it and you will live a mediocre life never understanding anything but the most simple things
They're completely different contexts with completely different contents. The ladder climb is a breather that acts as a (strange) segue between a tense boss fight and a new area; it also establishes how you're at the elevation you're at when you get there. A cutscene could've connected things too, but it wouldn't have been quite so relaxing.
The Jeep ride is an underwhelming place for the main antagonist to be spelling out his plans and goals with climactic music swelling in the background. It just doesn't fit, especially given Venom's mute status. Having Miller and/or Ocelot fill the dead air while you ride in the Jeep and then have Skullface's unveil his big monologue in a normal cutscene once you arrive would have felt a lot more natural. Or just cut out the Jeep ride entirely.
>look mommy I'm pretending to be retarded on 4chins! xD
You make me glad I'm not THAT retarded
> How dare you like iconic & popular games
Normalfag is a buzzwords contrarians use when they are seething that popular games overshadow their literal who garbage
Kill yourself you autistic chart spamming faggot
This picture lacks of backtracking.
>This picture lacks of backtracking.
MGS isn't a Metroidvania, its backtracking only makes it even more linear and was a rather obvious attempt to artificially pad out the game length,
The average Thief level has more meaningful backtracking, and it's handled much better due its interconnected and Metroidvania-esque level design.
It almost sounds like you're trying to sell us something
Something no one cared about because it wasn't good enough to withstand the test of time
It also indicates it’s a new area, and things like pursuit, supply lines are separate.
What a dumb post.
This desu.
The ladder is just one example of MGS3’s masterful pacing. The jeep ride is possibly the most autistic thing i’ve ever seen in a video game.
Devil May Cry 3, MGR, No More Heroes
Get a load of this meme teen.