The bosses in this game are way harder than any soulsborne boss, especially on higher difficulties. Prove me wrong

The bosses in this game are way harder than any soulsborne boss, especially on higher difficulties. Prove me wrong

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Loran Darkbeast

why are dmcucks so obnoxious

someones just going to post a faust cheese video.

Soulsborne bosses are just punishing. DMC5 bosses are just lenient. It's always been an easy about how DMC, apart from the first one, held back enemy design just so that the game feels fair.

What the fuck possessed you to compare these two franchises?

what video?

It does a ridiculous amount of damage when it's fully upgraded, you can kill Urizen in less than a minute with it.

The boss itself isn't really hard, it's just badly designed and optimized.
90% of my deaths was because of 7fps and camera issues.

oh boy here we go again with the falseflagging.

man every time i think about replaying dmc1, it sounds good until i remember the last boss

On DMD sure.
Fucking died more times to Griffon and pals on DMD than any other boss. Fuck you, Shadow, you stupid fat fucking cat

That boss is demanding even on DH. There's just so much shit going on.

>those enemy and boss health bars on Dante Must Die
Wow, this is so much fun. I love slashing at a boss for 10 minutes straight while they kill me in 3 hits. Son of Sparda was actually a good difficulty, since it remixed enemy placement. Dante Must Die is just lazy damage and defense boosts for everything. The enemies themselves don't even feel that much more aggressive than on SoS, so most fights are longer and more tedious, while not actually being significantly harder.

You can avoid most of the damage just by spamming sidestep eyes closed

I understand the appeal of DMD but I think SoS strikes the best balance. DMC1's DMD fares pretty well on that front, but even it has health bars that can feel a little bloated on boss fights.

The worst of the bunch is the Queen Umbusas. They have way too much fucking hp. I'd argue the Angelos as well, but that like 15 minute long boss fight with Nero is somewhat fun

You must be trash then, every fucking boss in this game is a fucking breeze. git gud, fag.

Orphan, Ludwig and Laurence. What do I win?

I've never seen such and apt description of Dark Souls in my life.

Ludwig's difficulty is way overblown by SoulsBorne players. I remember getting to this fight and having it hyped up for its difficulty.

Good for you, most people did not find him easy.

The fucking angelos that hit for 75% of your HP and take an hour to kill aren't very fun

Any tips on the timing for air taunt max act?

I think their fun as Nero, but I would probably absolutely hate them if I was playing V. If you get all the small fry Angelos down and then have just the one last Not-Nelo to take on, it is fun to just go crazy on him with Tomboy. Definitely way too much health though even if I enjoyed it.

>DMC1's DMD fares pretty well on that front
Imo, 1 was the one that did DMD the best. Most non boss fights in that game were meant to be fast and lethal, since enemies were meant to be finished off quickly before they activated their devil trigger. It just bothers me that we'll probably never get another DMD that was designed with that design philosophy in mind. Then again, I do understand that 3 and beyond are all about style, so I get why the health bars are bigger. I'm just one of those weirdos that still prefers DMC 1 to all the other ones.

What exactly was so difficult for you? He telegraphs his moves a lot.

90% of mine were due to him spamming that huge electric AOE explosion attack. He skitters around so fucking fast that you're nearly out of stamina to attack just by the time you make it in range of one of his skinny legs, and then you still need stamina to dodge his combos too. The camera does indeed suck for him because you can only lock on to his body / head which are always too high up to hit

Attached: yea fuck this im out.jpg (1920x1080, 266K)

Muscle memory.

I agree with you. I don't think it's hard to fathom why someone would think DMC1 handles DMD the best of the games. I'm pretty fond of DMC1 in general, no matter what the difficulty level is. I think it has a distinct charm to it that the other games don't (I don't just mean Dante's characterization and the atmosphere either). It's simultaneously less specialized and more idiosyncratic. The game loses steam for me once Nightmare shows up, but it's a great game.

Hes fast as shit and does a high amount of damage? I don't know man. I died to him more than any other boss in the series when I first got to him.

Did you find his first or second phase harder? I'm not trying to be antagonistic.

Fucking this. My eyes roll into the back of my head whenever I come aross them on DMD.

Enemy DT should do different things imo. Just giving them damage reduction is so stupid. Give them extra moves. Like give Protos Meteor like Nelo. That's better than wailing on him for 5 minutes while he tries to hit you with his long stick.

First phase for sure. Second phase is rather easy but honestly I'm the kind of person that panics whenever I get close to killing a difficult boss so his second phase still killed me a lot. You have to also take into account that BB is an RPG so the level you are at, and what weapon you are using can make a huge difference in how difficult a boss is.

True. My first playthrough of the DLC I rushed chikage, so i already had Cainhurst under my belt. Probably a good answer to why I had an easier time.

All of them are much easier than most of 5's bosses on DMD.

Do they look the same to you?
Because I don't get the comparison


holy shit

I don't think spending 150,000 red orbs on one move is worth it, even if it is an instant kill

Is there a strategy for Mission 18 SoS/DMD in the final fight?

Souls/Bloodborne was never hard and was never meant to be hard. And i'm not saying that as some elitist who's great at games, i just think the games have always been just decently challenging, but most people these days are used to contextual actions and holding a button to watch something awesome so they're not used to adapting because normally the games adapt to you.