Is that supposed to be a woman, Ubisoft?

Is that supposed to be a woman, Ubisoft?

Attached: Rainbow-Six-Siege-Y4S1-Gridlock-Trax-Stringers.jpg (738x415, 33K)

yes you dumb anime incel

I don't know, i think we shouldn't assume a persons gender just on a picture alone. It's a scale.

>special forces

Siege has gotten dumb recently but not outright retarded

Doesn't look obese to me, just a whole lot of testosterone.

She's surprisingly really fun to play for a 1 speed.

Is that what NUmales jerk off to?

She looks like a character the belongs in fucking Overwatch and Apex. She looks so out of place it's fucking crazy. This is obviously just a "we're cool with the kids" move.

>Australian again

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It's a self insert from one of the new gen of r6 writers.
Just enjoy having having an easy time killing a 1 speed with a larger hitbox.

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What kind of kids are we talking about that like gorilla girls?
Because zoomer games like Overwatch and Fortnite can be blamed for a lot of things but not ugly girls.

>Game is called SIEGE
>Game is about 2 teams of idiots running around a house at high speeds playing CoD and nothing is ever under siege

So that's what it is. Up until this point I had assumed R6 was a realistic tactics shooter and was thrown for a loop.

Overwatch has at least one obese character, and Apex has a few. I've definitely seen a character in Fortnite that's thiccer than a bowl of oatmeal, boi.

Mozzie is so much fun. I love sitting on OBJ, checking around with attacker drones, and then busting down a hatch to flank attackers. And earlier I got a kill with Gridlock spikes, but she isn't terribly interesting

Don't forget that they are all sexual deviants and/or vandals who punch gloryholes into walls nonstop.

Weight and height stats are listen on her character profile, calculate them and shes obese.

Why does his face look so cartoony, I thought this game had a realistic art direction?


R6 is a game with metric fucktons of tacticool waifus, lootbox skins and emotes user.

the same shit happens if you calculate bmi for anyone who's super muscular, man or woman.
That shit is kind of a dumb metric.

she's not super muscular you dumb fuck

She carries the most armor and some of the heaviest guns in the game, plus her gadgets are thicc as fuck too.

Something something Australian Special Forces BMI standard rules her out or something. I never wanted to join the military so I don't know their standards myself.

They don't weight her with her equipment retard.

>She carries the most armor
She carries her fat around which acts as body armor.
What she is wearing looks like at most a LVL III soft armor.

Attached: gridfat.jpg (864x483, 55K)

Do you think we will ever get a two male operator DLC?
I really like how they fucked with the expectations by making PL and AUS the most woke operator reveals.

She looks super muscular

>big muscle woman bad
>manlet ginger with ADHD ok

how do i get this australian cow to lay on top of me?

Hope it doesn't offend you so much you commit an act of terror or something, incel.

Ubisoft commited an act of terror against aesthetic by creating this character.

You're an idiot

>girls and boyscouts complain about misrepresentation of women in video games
>so devs start making them look like men

Are they just fucking with people at this point? Or this genuinely detached.

Attached: 1552253217880.jpg (240x250, 6K)

You want a sitting simulator user?


>Guy with girlfriend kills muslims of both genders
>Is called incel by everyone

Attached: 1sbvphys.wizardchan.what the fug.png (211x246, 11K)

>The most armor
Take a look retard
>Unprotected Arms
>No Helmet
>Unprotected legs and lower body
>Flexible Molle Vest with pouches covering only half her fat stomach

It doesn't look like she even has a plate in that vest
The only part of her that's maybe kinda sorta protected is her upper chest due to the pouches
Bandit wears more armor, he has an entire flak jacket under his vest and he's three speed for some reason

Attached: Bandit.png (960x1600, 803K)

Given the drought the past couple of weeks there are probably a few ready to fall over in the rural areas

>It's a scale.
kys moron

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It's a generic insult like cuck.

You'd think after the haircutting one a while ago they would've figured out that cosmetic work is different between men and women for this sort of shit.

go back to /pol/

Incel is a state of mind, like chad. I know plenty of incels who have sex

this is hate speech


she looks like fat ugly bitch in her late 40s.

yeah, no definition whatsoever.
look at those mayonnaise garbbing arms, fucking disgusting

>he doesn't like 'em thicc

Since this is Ubisoft there's probably shades of "hehe dese stupid Americans"

are you supposed to be a man, user?

You retarded nigga?

Fuze best boy

Yes but not a special forces operator
Who the fuck would recruit that shit

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Incels should just kill themselfs they propably know that already but hurry up stupid incels

They never once state she is trans, like ever.

oh the irony

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Nope, the only reason they even added two women was because some writer wanted to make grom two sisters because "wow like sisters are never done in computer games before so that's really interesting and I can get my secret agenda going".

shut the fuck up retard, thats just fat

but weebs and trannies are basically the same thing

I don't know, she looks swole as fuck. She could probably fuck me up and i'm actually /fit/ unlike most anons here.

incels btfo by based fpbp

mozzie is somewhat stylish, gridlock is just a fat cunt, cry more tranny

>It's okay when Blizzard does it!

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>still samefagging

Attached: 1519176195117.jpg (397x415, 16K)

no its not, thats even worse

they dont need to, you just have to look on him

I know.
This thing is not crushing my pelvis, this is the worst.

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well it is because she's got a cute feminine face


She's a pretty heavy woman which is a bit out of place, but there's worse offenders. Like Doki with her glasses or Ela with her super bright dyed hair.

You are 100% baiting, people threw a fit and still do to this day over Zarya.

>implying incel weebs aren't the ones who become trannies
lmaoing at your life with my gf and functioning penis

thats why OW is dieing

a weeb is someone into anime, quite stupid at times but not that much of a problem to deal with. a tranny is a mentally ill degenerate that will have a mental breakdown to even the smallest of arguments that go against their views.

Attached: trannies.jpg (802x777, 94K)

Yes, that looks like the type of dyke that would be doing that kind of thing. Faggot.

Damnit, trannies win again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes but either way you look at it theyre all ubitrash, one is gross waifushit, the other blatant inclusivityfagging, all garbage
just give me a tacticool frogwoman next season ubi and you can have your hamplanet

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Did they fuck up the tickrate again or something? Seeing a lot of people get shot in the head enough to leave blood all over and not taking any damage.

>functioning penis
can i suck it?

you're having a mental breakdown and screaming tranny at anything not in line with your mentally ill world view
be careful anime sissy boy or you're going to become the thing you're so obsessed with

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What's your rank in siege?

so what is your counter argument besides name calling?

It did at one point, but they handed the design over to the b team, which is about as operator as a che guevera t shirt.

Attached: rainbow-six-siege-clash-tips-operator-900x507.jpg (900x507, 69K)

go dilate tranny

>make a diverse woman of color who don't need no man
>she's literally useless in a fight without another team mate

Actually, she would be barred from even desk duty.

She's got in game armor, but it's not on her model. She's also fucking heavier than 6 foot tall spetznaz officers in the game. Like 70 kilos heavier than the next woman.

Thicc is one thing. She's the bogan queen of the food court.

I agree with you, but
>they handed the design over to the b team
I'm pretty sure is wrong.
As far as anyone is aware it's the same group of ubifags working on the game since launch, probably just with some additional staff like writers who got moved to the project to fart out some bioshit. They actually think these unpleasing designs are cool, because they're french canadians with awful taste and raging hardons for inclusivity and stronk power.

Bullshit. Look at the size of her neck. Learn how they actually do height/weight before running your mouth. You don't even need to be 'super' muscular to get flagged overweight. Which is why they fucking do a body fat calculation for the people over.

That character looks like its straight out of fucking Fortnite. What happened to the franchise?

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>a weeb is someone into anime
Not just into anime, you reddit fuck.

le creative design decisions as per ubiturd
still sometimes they release good cosmetics

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Shame Ying was the one to get this, her base design was already pretty good. They should've given this shit to Ela, Nomad or Clash to hide their ugly fucking faces.

ying is a modest chink girl, not some tryhard slut or angsty booby, so it makes sense