pass the vr headset bro
Pass the vr headset bro
It occurs to me I've never seen footage of lice before, thanks OP. it was interesting
I would tell him to get out of my house and if he didn't I'd call the cops
hold on I'm almost done with it
What is that
Did any of you actually have lice?
No, I live in a first world country
When I five or six, I got lice. Certainly not with a adult hairline though
one nice thing about pink eye is how satisfying it is to wake up with your eye locked shut from the copious amount of crust buildup and chiseling it away
How does he resist just going wild on that with his fingers? It makes me skin itch just looking at it.
>midget spic classmate had a family of 26 kids or some shit
>they all had to get shaved for lice
lice prefer clean, thin hair
sister got it several times while i had it only once
My scalp produces so much oil and dandruff that it's completely unliveable for lice. They can't bite trough my greasy scalp
Most kids in the US end up with a small lice issue at some point because it spreads in the elementary schools. Nowhere near that webm though. It's more like a few tiny lice and everyone from the school buys the shampoo adn tiny combs and murders the lice pre-emptively.
Kinda like ticks. Most kids end up with a tick or two from playing in the woods or going outside. Lice is the same. End up with a few lice, parents freak out, buy 500 pounds of delousing shit and tools, all the kids at schools end up deliced and everyone moves on.
The shit like the OP's webm is from third world shitholes where they dont know what lice even are and they just have bot flies and lice on everyone in the thousadns
yes, when I was a kid
shit always came from public school
I have thick kind of frizzy hair, but surprisingly never got lice, even when a kid in our class was discovered to have had it. I have fucking awful sebhorrheic dermatitis though which is just as irritating.
>had a fucking eye infection for over a month at this point
>was almost better, but just wasn't shaking it, might need something else
>ran out of drops
>starting to come back
>it's spreading to the other eye
I've got a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, but damn I just want to be better.
I used to be like you, but cleaning your eye every morning gets old.
This happened to me as a kid to both eyes and it scared the shit out of me. I thought I went blind.
>shave your head
>instantly solve the problem
I don't get it
The big titty nurse would check us for lice and that was my favorite day of the month. It was like penis inspection day, but sensual. I swear she would rub some kids more sexily than others.
She would scratch my head through her gloves with her nails and hum. Thanks big titty nurse.
Nope, I dodged it.
Fun fact, lice were pretty much extinct in my country until about a decade ago. Now it's making a massive resurgence. Guess what changed?
this but without the dandruff. being a greasy wop has it's advantages
Those little shits could be living on pillowcases, blankets, sheets, etc. Burn the hair and everything your head has come into contact with, honestly.
my nigga
when my eyes puffed up and swelled, it became too painful to rub out the crust, I ended up blindly walking to the bathroom sink and using the water to dissolve the crust
Lice doesn't appear out of nothing
Nope, but I've had to get checked before because someone on the bus I rode to school had it.
I hope you get better and I also hope you stop being a faggot and letting men cum on your eyes.
>tfw big titty nurse finishes your lice inspection faster than everyone else's
I'm pretty sure women who work as school nurses are low-key pedophiles.
I had a similar situation, went through middle school in the early 80's and our 'nurse' was a 20-something tall brunette who wore slightly-unprofessional skirts/hems and always touched everyone; not overtly sexually, but if you went to see the nurse, from hello to goodbye was all touches, pats, rubs, petting.
We all loved it.
I guess these days you'd be looking at lawsuits and jail time. whatever.
of the sand variety, but yes
sand niggers
never had it
although the search for it with the wood sticks or whatever felt nice
Thanks friend, I'll try.
Several times in high school because my sister was white trash and her kids ALWAYS had lice.
Thankfully with my coarse hair and severe dandruff my hair was unliveable and the lice always died off on their own sans treatment, but it was pretty disgusting.
Letting that shit build up and then just forcing your eye to open and hearing the dried up crust crack and shatter apart then rubbing it all off and feeling the orgasmic relief on my eye after itching for so long makes me cum
How the fuck do you even get lice?
>go bald
>problem solved
only insecure faggots get worried about their hair
No and they'd never be able to touch me anyway, my scalp is encaped in a shell of dead skin that protects it like a helmet.
From other people with lice
projecting your insecurities m8? no need to be so hostile with your post
enjoy getting blind
by interacting with subhumans
how the fuck is this even possible wouldn't this cause insane pain
no. but I always get one when sister sleeps with me.
Happens in shit sanitary conditions. Since americans think public healthcare is a nono, they just live with the fact that their kids can get lice because they sahre class with people that live in shit conditions.
It's like people who whine about traffic jams and are against public transport.
close enough
>dontcha see? The world is MAD at us! We've ANGERED IT!
>in elementary school
>5th grade
>mandatory bus drills out in the school field
>older grades get put in charge of younger students
>get a 1st grader girl
>sitting next to her on the bus pissed waiting for everything to end
>look down and see a bug on her shoulder
>that's strange
>see another little bug and another and another
>look at her head and see hundreds of little black bugs crawling and weaving through her hair
>fuck this
>bus drill starts
>have to help younger kids out the back
>I ditch my kid, dip out the front, and hide in the bathroom for the remainder of the time
That shit was so fucking disgusting. Her head literally looked like OPs vid
white people are more likely to get lice than any other race because of their thin straight hair
i have a huge dent in the back of my head ok faggaloo??? im NOT insecure i just dont like going bald
Either from just not noticing it happening until it's too late to outright refusing to go to the doctor for retarded reasons
is that mentally handicapped homeless? how can someone let themselves get this worse?