Everyone who hates this is mad cuz bad

Everyone who hates this is mad cuz bad.

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Absolutely based

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It was far easier than 3 though, but I agree it was a good game

My main problem with reach was that you basically had to take Sprint as an armor ability.
The amount of utility and map control you lose by not taking sprint every single time makes almost every single other ability worthless, which is a shame considering every other ability is immensely more interesting

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Multiplayer went to pot when Bungie caved to shitters crying about armor lock because they were too fucking stupid to counter it. Sad!

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There is no such thing as a sixteen month.

And all the cod kids, casuals, and retards with ADD started coming over to Halo once Bungie implemented armor abilities, CSR unbalanced maps, paper vehicles and sprint. Now with 343, 95% of the Halo players that are left are zoomers and randoms who claim to be halo fans, yet they never played or sucked at CE, 2, and 3.
Even with 343 admitting that returning to Halo's roots is the best way forward, you mongoloids and mouth breathers still defend bad game design, armor lock included. Halo veterans don't like Reach. Still, me and any other veteran can stomp your ass in any Halo game.


Jetpacks, Armor lock, and auto lock on weapons sure are fun

Armor lock was retarded.

Anyway this shit will cost almost $100 in total so idk why anyone is hyped to get jewed on ten year old games.

Swear to God this shit is a concerted effort with Activision at the helm. Year of remakes to right sinking ships.


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Think they'll pull a surprise "Available monday" tomorrow?

Jet pack is way better than sprint outside of the flattest and longest of maps.

or dislikes objectively bad gameplay

You’re right!


This better be hitting on Sunday, or at least in the following week. I'm really feeling another series marathon, since my last one was in 2015.

If you were good at the game sprint didn't matter. You could work with the limitations.

My most used armor ability was the active camo. I used it all the time and to good success. Jetpack was also pretty good depending on the map. Armor lock was for pussies and retards.

Sprint was really good, but people calling it "a must" are just wrong. I used sprint too when I needed to cap flags quickly or wanted to do specific fast things, but it wasn't the end all be all AA.

I think that sprint shouldn't be in the game overall, Halo 5 does it best with the boosting and sliding and climbing and shit. If only sprint was removed and base speed was uped by about 20%

Im not saying the others couldn't be used to success.
It's just that sprint allows you to control weapons, get to objectives quicker and allowed you to run away from fights if you were shot taken by surprise.
If you didn't have sprint, it felt like a lot of fights that happened indoors often one person would just run away from you around a corner or through a door to regen and there was very little you could do to stop them.
So yeah, I agree that it really shouldn't be in the game at all.

the biggest problem with reach was 50
% of multiplayer maps you queue into being lacklustre grey forge-made shit like this

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My second favorite Halo (after ODST) and you cant do anything about it!

>favorite Halo is ODST
>second favorite Halo is Reach
But also blue pilled, unfortunately.

Im actually mad they release it first
the best multiplayer tbqh and everyone will forget it when they release 1,2,3

People are entitled to their opinions, but I really detest those who slam Reach solely on the MP experience.

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so when can i expect my huge cock to play this game?

>killed custom games

Can't exactly forgive them for that.

>Halo reach is nine years old
>Halo 3 is 13 years old
>Halo 2 is 15 years old
>Halo CE is 18 years old

where has the time gone?

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Rumor has it that they're going to pull a "And it's going to be available...right now!" thing during SXSW on Sunday, or at very least have a release date announcement then.

I like Evade more.

thanks buddy

eh it was kinda bad before title update happened

I really liked how you could customise your rookie and actually have him appear that way in campaign.

Based halo retards, you guys are going in full force tonight!

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