The Division 2

It's better than i thought it was going to be.

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Is it ubishill? Tell me more!

Just kidding fuck off /sage /thread

Ur a gay

Getting this game for free anyway, might as well try it out I guess.

Got game for free and I still want a refund.
Just running and killing bullet sponge
Ennemies randomly spawning behind you
No crouching
Most cosmetics locked behind shop
Character creation is a joke
Missions are just go liberate checkpoints

First 'lootershooter' since Borderlands 1, I'm having a lot of fun. And I usually stick to SP games.
The cover system is pretty cool and the weapons feel nice. The menus are a bit overwhelming though, is there a way to straight up see your DPS? Instead of having to make a guesstimate based on dmg/firerate/etc. of a wep?


oh no its a shooter i have to run and shoot

it's pretty good. But I still think that it would be much better if it was a little more "out there". The bullet sponge enemies don't mesh well with the grounded style. But still the gameplay is pretty fun and the content seems good.

>Bullet sponges
Try actually looking at the stats of shit you pick up and using the better gear.

>Most cosmetics locked behind shop
Which the game also hurls at you for free by doing missions and exploring.

>Missions are just go liberate checkpoints
Why are you lying?

There are only two things that I fucking hate about this game;
First of all, getting out of the cover system fucking sucks.
You can take cover within milliseconds, but getting out when enemies are flanking you? Tough luck. You're going to get stuck and die of bullet poisoning.
And second, the way the AI doesn't react to getting shot at is fucking annoying.
I've died multiple times because the AI decide to walk up to me and keep shooting at me and the only thing I could do was keep shooting them and hope they die when before I'm out of bullets, because if I moved, I'd get shot at from other sides.
Sure, this works for pleb-tier enemies, but when a fucking minigun-wielding asshole decides you're dead meat, you're dead meat.

daily reminder that Ubisoft is good now
get with the time gramps

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lootershooters were always trash

Not anymore?
I want Ubishills to get out

imagine being so behind the times that you shit on the only AAA company worth following :^)

>any AAA company
>worth following
You should get your brain checked out, user

got it for free and its boring as hell. looks nice though. uninstalled

Nah, it's just everyone else has become shit while they stayed mediocre and look better by comparison.

not him but AC:Odyssey was legitimately one of the best games I've ever played and so was Watch Dogs 2

does it actually have directions/decent clues or is it just half arsed removing UI elements?

"Between the two rocks on the southern tip of Ithaca there is a tower, go there and you will find X" is the type of directions they give you. Not half assed at all.

The game was fundamentally designed around exploration. It isn't just turning off UI elements. Turn off the compass in Skyrim, see how far you get.

Ubisoft has become a quality company since Watch Dogs 2. The only franchise they've mistreated since then has been Far Cry.

Far Cry New Dawn is decent. Still not great but it's going in a positive direction with the "RPG elements"

The only issue with it is that due to the fact that the world isn't empty, you're forced to use a bird to fly overtop and put a marker when you get close to an objective. It's not that big of an issue, since by that point you've already explored enough to find it.

Personally (and I was counting) I only had to use the eagle twelve times in a 100 hour playthrough. That's fucking amazing for how dense the world is.

That's some shill speak. New Dawn is worse than Primal, because it doesn't do anything new. The RPG elements are shallow. It looks deep on the surface, but if you dive in you'll crack your skull.

Its better than Div1 overall but I really liked the snow theme it had
now instead of snow everything is filled with trash

Also shill speak, there are members of the cult which are generic NPCs, which don't act any different from any other NPC, and you aren't given any indication or clue as to who they are, other than that they are in a region or city.

It's a cool concept that was poorly handled. The Christmas decorations aren't noticeable enough, so it just looks like trash. I love the idea of an abandoned city that was abandoned around a certain holiday. Imagine a town that is empty and decrepit, and full of rotting, dirty Halloween decorations.

Does origins have this mode or no?

Exactly. The atmosphere of snowy NY was so much better than weirdo swamp DC. It's what made Survival such an excellent mode in Div1.

nope unfortunately but Origins is still great.

DC reclaimed by nature is still interesting though.

Looks like bland shit to me, though. I watched someone play and it seemed like all the enemies came to him while he was taking cover, and he only had to move out of that spot once.

The different factions all have different AI parameters and they're difficult as hell. Some of them are untrained looters running at you with bats and then sometimes you're dealing with ex military and active military which are basically Blackwater meets Boston Dynamics robots.

Go watch more footage. You must've only seen level 1 shit.

You're coming on too strong Ubi marketer. Word of advice, if you want to seem genuine, pick one game to shit on, even if you defend the others.

Yea Forums is not the place to talk about looter shooters that aren't the borderlands series
only /vg/ actually has civil discussion
hell even warframe gets shit on by people who don't know what they're talking about
destiny has a permanent burn mark for the horrible d1 and d2 launches with future paid dlc fixing their problems
same with division 1
even if it's better now
even if it's a clean ass launch and they're jumping straight into end game activities
it's not enough for Yea Forums
they'll say it's garbage
look for excuses like the developer who made the game

only real prime examples of dumpster fire are fallout 76 and anthem lately

Anyone saying it's a dumpster fire is outright retarded but Ubi made some dumb decisions that people in these threads defend tooth and nail pretending they add any actual complexity to the game.

Lol no

It will go from GPS to "Go to the completely conspicuous and impossible to miss landmark north of this city that's written in plain sight on your map" and then when you go there the GPS turns on when you're within a certain distance of it.

My guy I just finished rescuing the Pres from the bank, and I can tell you that there is no difference between enemy factions in this game. They all have the same types of classes.

Im playing it and enjoying it.
But I have only met one white character and he stabs you in the back.

Ubisoft need to stop pushing agendas.

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I'm having fun when it works, which isn't often. 2 hours of playtime meant 1x delta'd, 1x CTD, 3x crashed badly enough to force me to hard reset.

It's a good game, I just wish I'd get to play it.

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It's not a perfect game, but it's the only loot shooter to learn from the mistakes of previous games in the genre.

>The fucking Jihadi Outcast soldiers who run at you like the bomb guys from Serious Sam

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That dude is brown. His name is Malik ffs.
The game also shits on people who don't own a gun in its opening cinematic.

>hell even warframe gets shit on by people who don't know what they're talking about
I've played 600h of warframe and even I can say it's pure trash so fuck off, there is barely any player skill progression involved feels like these hours were wasted grinding for shit to grind for other shit it's the worst kind of design.

And /vg/ is just a circlejerk of the same overused memes over and over. There is no interesting discussion there, most people insind a general have the same opinion on stuff and just argue about petty autistic details.

its way too unrealistic
like that street light in the middle, it blinks constantly
why hasnt anyone shot it yet?

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>getting far enough to see them

I got the Ultimate for free, and I can tell that you either are a shill or actually spent 120 Canadian to play a game 3 days early.

Got it free with my CPU. Had a whole bunch of random crashes while running it in DX12. Switched over to the DX11 renderer and had 0 crashes since. Only thing I can really complain about is the network, I'll give that a pass though cause it was launch day.

>played 600 hours
>pure trash
Yeah and this is why people don't listen to people who say shit like this.

>The game also shits on people who don't own a gun in its opening cinematic.
It doesn't, it just builds up the setting

I liked the first game, I bought the second. Lick my shitter.

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m8 I smoked 15 years and would've told you it sucks the whole time
Some people just get overly invested in crap

The only interesting level design so far has been the side mission where you climb up through an underground car park and out of a hole made by a missile into an ongoing firefight between two factions. Everything else has been generic.

>A game can being addictive means it's good

I've smoked cigarettes for thousands of hours and yeah now I think it's shit, because my opinion c-h-a-n-g-e-d. I'm not sure the concept of changing opinion is familiar with anyone from /vg/ tho :)

>accurate representation of Ubi shills trying to deflate a political aspect of Division 2 since that's what they've marketed since the beginning

>First character is a strong black independent Wyman
>Second character is a Mexican (?) President of the United States.
>Third introduced character is a strong independent Wyman with a prosthetic leg

And that's it so far.

>19 hours
>only looted 400 items

Do you just ignore any lootables?

It's DC and all the whites associated with the government evacuated long ago, what do you think was left behind?

Not a fan of cover shooters and the pacing of Division but I'm happy for the anons who actively play the series getting a new game that actually learned from its previous iteration. Not fucking it up like Bungie did for their sequel.

Forgot to mention that the fourth introduced character is a mud colored female agent.

The game only counts "proper" items, i.e. gear and weapons. Trinkets, supplies and materials don't count.

It doesn't count backpacks that give resources, only weapons and armor.

i put hundreds of hours into resident evil 5, mainly mercenaries and think it's one of the worse games in the series. the campaign is fucking garbage and i finished it dozens of times

/vg/ is a literal fucking reddit colony. That board is as far removed from actual Yea Forums culture and principles as can fucking be. It is one massive, gigantic circlejerk where people play and like and fucking defend even Fallout 76 for fuck's sake. /vg/ is a literal circlejerkfest no different than what reddit gives you. Yea Forums is the only place where true opinions form because guess fucking what, if your game was good it'd get threads talking about it in a positive light. And don't you even fucking try to handwave this shit as pointing to developers because people here have loved REmake 2 and DMC 5, and you know who fucking developed them? The same company behind the Mega Man Legends 3, Darkstalkers, and MCUvsCapcom Infinite fiascos, the same fucking developer who you could ask anybody here a few months ago and they would be absolutely reviled by 99% of the people you asked. Developers do not matter, good games do, if your game was good people on Yea Forums would talk about it positively. /vg/ is literally no better than reddit is in its circlejerk accepting and defending even Fallout fucking 76.

The sole, and I mean SOLE good /vg/ thread are the Dominions threads, because the way that game plays against other people necessitates the threads at /vg/ being the way they are and they'd never survive on Yea Forums, and for that reason the threads are nothing but actually related to the video game being played.

you have to keep moving and reload when changing cover, you take less damage from moving cover to cover

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That's not the President.

Shit game that I got for free. Also tried playing it offline only to be met with the message that the Ubisoft servers are unavailable or some nonsense. So good luck having fun when the servers go offline! You'd have to be a real cuck to pay $60.00+ for this garbage.

>gigantic circlejerk where people play and like and fucking defend even Fallout 76 for fuck's sake
Why are you lying? Fallout 76 is so bad it killed the general, and all that remains now are tripfaggots who felate one another.

>but getting out when enemies are flanking you? Tough luck. You're going to get stuck and die of bullet poisoning

There's an option in the settings to change how fast you leave cover.

It's an mmo, why did you think you'd play it offline

Enemy factions were much better in the first game.

>all that remains now are tripfaggots who felate one another
that's every general post 1 month of the game's release

>MMO shooter

>and all that remains now are tripfaggots who felate one another.
/vg/ in a nutshell
There's also one that changes how fast you move from cover to cover and I can't believe it defaults to slow

>all that remains now are tripfaggots who felate one anothe
That is literally all of /vg/ one week after a game's release.

All of Yea Forums is a literal reddit colony, it has been since 2014.

The cleaners were kind of goofy but still made sense sort of.

>Try actually looking at the stats of shit you pick up and using the better gear.

it's funny how that's actually a problem to many people.

I've ended up playing many multiplayer games alone instead of with my friends because they have no concept of loot in games, they play every game that has a loot mechanic like a random shooter, just running around with the same weapon until they find one that looks cooler, and then they complain about how enemies are too hard as they level up, also they don't even care about character levels or skills, they just run around killing things until it's too hard.

every fucking game with an inventory and skill system...

I'm gonna miss popping those gas tanks.

this is true. also the enemy will keeping shooting in the spot where you last took cover. so you can move and the enemy will continue to shoot in that same spot.
this will keep happening until you shoot from a different spot.

MMO? Hardly. They could basically do the same thing without it being an 'MMO' (lol) as you put it. My point stands.

I guess someone missed half the game.

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Shooting their gas tanks was super satisfying, especially if they had people around them and you watched them scramble for safety.
>those enemies where if you shot their gas tank they'd fucking rush you instead to try and take you out with them

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sounds like your friends are part of the problem with a majority of people. in the ubisoft forms, people complain to hell and back about the difficulty. saying its too hard.

I would enjoy this game if i had friends to play it with.

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Yeah directions like "this bandit camp is on the shore east from this city". Simple but much better than your usual quest marker.

It is after the original died of a heart attack.

my friend didn't want to play cause he was still pissy about losing his shit back in the DZ in division1. it was one time and he thanks the world owes him shit.

Yeah, what? PvP? Killing AI? Whoopie. A half baked lobby RPG pretending to be an MMO seemed to be an apt description for the first game.

All of them on challenging. Led me to eventually just melt them regulary when cleaning the DZ.
The DZ.

desu i dont even have the game but i've been watching this 34 year old stream with two RL friends and i just wish i had friends and money man xd

thanks for reminding me that ubi shills here

I'm glad I never lost anything important there. Losing my classy striker backpack after it didn't drop for weeks would've made me salty af. Normally it's just good fun though, some you win some you lose, it's just some boxes.

Is this what we get here now?

What for? Matchmake missions until you find fun people, then you've found some, and they won't bother you IRL about it.

So farming loot and doing PvP. Thanks for proving my point. They could still have a single player/multiplayer aspect without having it ONLY tied to their server. Have fun losing it all and never playing again when it shuts down!

i've played the first game alone and desu i've enjoyed it more than with my friends, mainly because my friends are shit at games with loot as you can see in

I expected more enemies, some patrols, more interesting exploration. I also don't like how there's so much pointless cover all over the place, it doesn't feel like a natural city.

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I enjoyed Div 1 after the years of patches it got, turned from mediocre to pretty decent.

Is Div 2 good from the getgo?
How much more difficult is it run at good fps? Visually it doesn't look like a big step forward so if I was able to run the first one you think I can run this?

> They could still have a single player/multiplayer aspect without having it ONLY tied to their server.
Yeah they could make it as easy for the cheaters as possible while killing social areas. That seems like a great idea in a game that understood to be primarily multiplayer-focused.
> Have fun losing it all and never playing again when it shuts down!
Honestly, I played the first 350 hours and I'm done with it. If you shut it down, I paid $25 for that, that's a pretty great deal. Nothing left to do there anyways.

Are you guys on PC playing it on UPlay or Epic games?

uplay. It's shit, but it's not nearly on the same level of total shit as epic.


does epic one run without uplay?

sorry to disappoint but I'm just a normal guy who couldn't care less about political shit
the intro just says "everyone has guns now" and that's it

All I meant was they could have had both. A separation so you could have the 'online MMO' too that doesn't interact with the other offline aspect that could also multiplayer on it's own.

And sure, you maybe played 350 hours for the first one, but all you're doing is supporting them doing it to other games in the future that aren't an 'MMO'. Will you have that glee when they shut down a game you want to replay?

Nah, it's more than that. It goes from "we survived", as in together, to "did you have a gun? Did your neighbour?" and then "some survived", implying it's the ones with guns (onscreen one person with gun, one with supplies).
> All I meant was they could have had both.
And it would make it even easier to exploit for the cheaters. For what?
> A separation so you could have the 'online MMO' too that doesn't interact with the other offline aspect that could also multiplayer on it's own.
So you have a shitty main story campaign and the whole endgame - what you play the game for - is unavailable anyways. Good job.
> but all you're doing is supporting them doing it to other games in the future that aren't an 'MMO'. Will you have that glee when they shut down a game you want to replay?
m8 we went past that when they tied games to accounts.

Try the firing range at the white house. It allows you to see dps, range and much more.

What's the point though, dps is worthless as a number anyways. Good thing they removed it.

Thank you user, for being so obvious in your shilling. Guess the op can safely be ignored

And it would make it even easier to exploit for the cheaters. For what?

I don't see how it would be 'easier to exploit' if the online version has stuff like loot tied to their servers.

>So you have a shitty main story campaign and the whole endgame - what you play the game for - is unavailable anyways. Good job.

How would it be unavailable? Especially if you could multiplayer independent of their main game server?

>m8 we went past that when they tied games to accounts.

Yes, but at least there are crackers out there that will let you play should they ever go which is pretty pathetic quite frankly. Hell, I got a bunch of discs right in front of me that are basically useless unless I either use pirate cracks or use some old Windows emulation to play them...


Fallout 4 tried that

>I don't see how it would be 'easier to exploit' if the online version has stuff like loot tied to their servers.
Because you can then cheat in your loot while offline, and upload it when online again.
> Especially if you could multiplayer independent of their main game server?
Oh yeah let's just add a whole different way of networking, that's gonna be fucking trivial you donkey

Uplay, that's what AMD gave me my code for and I'm glad.

>Because you can then cheat in your loot while offline, and upload it when online again.

How can they do that if their server character has all their stats and equips tied to the server? The offline part wouldn't be interacting in ANY way.

>Oh yeah let's just add a whole different way of networking, that's gonna be fucking trivial you donkey

It wouldn't be that vastly different though if you could just make yourself be a dedicated server or something independent of them.

>division 3

Pretty good from the get go and I've got 1000+ hours into Div 1. As for FPS problems, I play it on the absolute lowest settings possible and it still looks amazing as fuck, just fiddle with the settings til you're satisfied

So basically, you're proposing someone play the singleplayer offline, but if they want to play online, they have to start over again because all their character progression is worthless? That's a fucking retarded idea.
> It wouldn't be that vastly different though if you could just make yourself be a dedicated server or something independent of them.
Yeah it would be. Changing the netcode from being cental server focused to being distributed would be a huge change.

time to stop shitposting
servers back up

It's interesting for a day then gets really old really fast

Post some webm then you underpaid shills.

thanks for the notice, abandon thread

>So basically, you're proposing someone play the singleplayer offline, but if they want to play online, they have to start over again because all their character progression is worthless? That's a fucking retarded idea.

They would only have to start again if they wanted to start playing playing on Ubisoft servers. Away from them offline or in their own multiplayer server? Keep their progress. Not perfect, but better than being forced into this always online garbage.

>Yeah it would be. Changing the netcode from being cental server focused to being distributed would be a huge change.

That's probably true in this case because of their design decisions. If it was designed with making your own dedicated server in mind, it would probably be much different.

>they have no concept of loot in games
I'm fine with the numbers on my loot being the be-all-end-all when it's gay swords and other fantasy weapons. When the loot is regular old real-world guns and you're supposed to be in an urban warfare setting it's just annoying and gay like going to shoot a gun and finding out it's actually airsoft. This game is for those who want to feel like an "operator" but have no grasp of free-form tactics, they need the trite rock-paper-scissors of a board game or the rigid structure of chess.

Every webm of the game would be would be 'man crouches behind wall, other man stands up, man shoots man (either way)'.
It's a BORING GRINDFEST, but some "people" like that.

So you would be retarded to buy any Ubisoft game not directly from uplay

Guess I'll move on since you went to play I guess.

it's actually fun, but good luck getting any of the story when you play with friends. those fuckheads just keep talking about any ingame audio. fucking christ, why did I sign up for this? I fucking hate playing co-op games when it means rushing and skipping story. can't even take in the vistas and get immersed into the game. now I have to play a second character during graveyard shift in order to enjoy the game.

Finish the story solo (only matchmake for hard missions). And then do the end-game grind with friends

>just started playing
>walking to theatre
>meet lvl2 enemies that already survive 3 headshots with my starting primary gun

heh, and they said bulletsponge enemies wouldn't be a thing anymore

That has nothing to do with stats. I don't want to shoot a 100 bullets in a armored boss with my M60

It's not a twitch shooter.
In the context of TD, anything that needs less than a magazine is not a sponge. What people call sponges are enemies that need multiple magdumps from several people.

Why do you want webms of people shooting from cover and looking for beanies in some backpack in a Washington alley

Then play something else. Why is it hard for people to play the division as the RPG game it is designed to be?
Why is ok to hit an enemy in other RPGs 100 of times to kill but just because the division uses real guns, now it is not "realistic" anymore.

I do t get it.

>You cant give your opinion on a game if you dont play it
>Hurrr Durrr Dont play a game if you dont like it

Is open mic on by default? who the fuck thought that was a good idea

>Dont play a game if you dont like it
unironically this
you'd have to be a moron to play a game you dont like

Is there a good reason to not just wait until we get a Division 2 Gold Edition + DLC?

Playerbase is actually playing the game now, not just the endgame. So if you want to play the regular game with other people, now's the time.

You sound retarded bro

Well you could try using equipment appropriate for your level. I take down gold enemies with five bars of armor in one mag of my M1.

You have to try it first

>tfw you have fun but the game is unplayable and keeps crashing

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never crashed for me so far.

>works on my machine!

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is there any way to go back to the regular world after you enter T1 world? shiiiiiit

but i'm serious.

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why the fuck would you want that

post your specs

>No comfy snow

To help friends

Are you running it with DX12 enabled? Cause that is causing issues for a lot of people, myself included.

No. DX11. Switching to DX12 means it doesn't even last a minute, I tried that as a last resort.

You can matchmake with them anyways.

I'll dm you the fix

After reaching the current endgame the biggest problem with the game is the enemy scaling in a full group on the highest difficulty and how poorly the entire skill mod system is designed. The mods were good in the closed beta so they just completely gutted them and made any offense abilities useless outside of normal difficulty shit since at most a seeker mine or a drone will remove 1/10 of an enemies armor with a giant cooldown. In closed beta you would find mods that increase a skills damage by 150%. now max level mods might give you 16% and 16% for an ability that does 150k every minute isn't a lot when assault rifles are doing 40k per shot.

Skill power does absolutely nothing except let you equip mods.

What did you expect? Same shit in Div1, only the support skills were worth a damn.

I see someone's never played a 10k electronics 5p classy tactician.

Did this game finally tell us who the fuck these people are? Why did the one in the andrew quest leave you alone after kicking your shit in ?

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Used to be you got stuck if you did that.

I like looter shooters

Should I buy this?

Also I bought a pc for about 12 500 dollars in 2014.

Will my pc be able to run it or should i buy it for my xbone?

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Dumb frogposter

Yes and yes

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90% of skills feel not useful or huge downgrades.

Firefly: Never use this. All useless.
Shield: Feels like it has 10% of the HP it had in D1.
Chem Launcher: Only healing/oxidizer are useful.
Drone: Only fixer and assault drone are useful and they dominate other skill.
Turret: See above, but assault turret. Rest are useless
Pulse: Don't bother with any of these.
Hive: Way too long cooldown to be useful. Only really worth using reviver solo.
Seeker: Weaker than before. Barely even makes a difference.

If you need healing all you'll ever pick is Fixer Drone or Chem Launcher. If you need damage all you'll ever want is assault drone or turret.

either going to drop 120 on this or just play some vanilla private server with my brother
wat do

>Shield: Feels like it has 10% of the HP it had in D1.
To be fair, I don't think a D3 equivalent exists yet. Shield is garbage without it in 1 too.
Seeker works as a better pulse now lol

That could be, I never saw anyone run that either. It was everyone just running supportive skills and broken guns that shred everything regardless.

I've used it in the underground, combined with shock ammo it's great. But it's definitly a team PvE thing. Have someone draw aggro, do normal damage with pulse turret and massive damage with stickybombs.

Nah. I just played D1 like a month ago and leveled using the shield. You could go multiple firefights with people blasting you the entire time. I don't mean with D3-FNC. I mean at level fucking 5 you felt immortal with the shield. Now the shield in D2 breaks in like 3-4 seconds of fire.

But is it worth a 100 buckaroonies? 60 for the game and season pass, that's a pretty fucking salty price.

Dont buy the season pass.

because i missed a lot of content joining up with my friends who were already much further

Fuck the chainsaw and sledgehammer guys. I thought they were glitched Machinegunners the first time I met them.

Fair enough but still 60 bucks

Season pass is just the same content everyone else gets but a week earlier

You could just wait a bit, Ubisoft games tend to drop in price really fast and the game will have more updates too

Oh, that's pretty ass. I was gonna check the contents before buying but fuck that noise completely.
I'd have to rope a friend along anyway, I did enjoy doing 100% map completion in Div1 solo but doing the group content without friends sucks

come on shills, convince me to waste money

Its the best looter shooter on the market

It makes you FEEL like a division agent

>And you could have it all my empire of dirt starts playing

Oxidizer is pretty shit endgame. Firestarter becomes really good with ammo mods since it can stunlock tank enemies by burning them which is important when a piece of their armor has 10 million health that needs to be destroyed and two of them are chasing everyone around and will one shot you.

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>giving opinions on something you don't know
>expecting opinion to have weight and meaning
>get told a fairly reasonable alternative
>call others retard

yeah, I already met those enemies
they're worse than in TD1, even though there are less of them

Fuck ubishit. SAGE

>You cant formulate an opinion on a game in [current year] with all the videos, reviews, forums, etc

Got the game for free and it really feels like a F2P.
The game's world is bland as fuck, shooting/movement is boring and feels clunky, I couldn't get into the story at all because the pacing is terrible.

Played for a few hours and uninstalled

I was expecting something mediocre but i'm still disappointed, this is pure shit.


I remember when SMB3 came out and everyone thought is was basically magic in a cartridge. Fucking zoomers nowadays cant appreciate shit. Always have to bitch and whine.

Is it better than the first one?

I too want the game for free. Where can one get it for such price?

>no comfy snow
What do you think? It was the only memorable thing about the first game.

I got it free by buying a Ryzen cpu a couple of months back.

Buy a $500 pc component
The game is "free", not free.

I crouch all the time, Wtf. How did you miss crouching?

There's flamethrower enemies in this one too. And they explode just as good when you pop their tank.

Out of all the games I got "free" (Division 2, Battlefield V and Anthem) via upgrading parts, Division is the best of the bunch.

Definitely. Armor and health system is better, gear is more complex and allows for more customization, lots of skills with variations and mods for those skills, interesting missions, promotes exploring new areas with control points and slowly taking power from an enemy faction, fresh vibrant green overgrowth look with the occasional fog and rain. They've really stepped it up so far.

It's true that it's unrealistic that human enemies don't react much to getting shot with guns, but from a gameplay perspective there are other ways to incapacitate enemies. First of all, if you have something like an LMG, you can suppress them, which can be used to keep snipers from melting your armor away while you switch target and take care of chargers and flankers. It also keeps the enemy locked down in their position, making it easier to get them with a grenade or let your teammates flank them and take them down.

The challenging big enemies with yellow bars and armor that keeps coming at you slowly can be stunned for ½ a second every time you break off a piece of armor, but even more effectively is using something like the chem launcher to set them on fire. That will give you a good 5 seconds to dump on them while they are stunned. Flamethrower turret has the same effect. There's possibly also other means of doing that, like stunning people with electricity or using that goop thing (also chem launcher) that keeps them in place.

I think it's a fun system that really makes it meaningful for a squad to be kitted out in different ways, even when you're playing the levelling bit and aren't even at max level yet.

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Should I pick this game as my free game I have to pick two of three free games :RE2 DMC5 and Division 2.

Those are all really good.
Comparatively speaking, Division 2 is quantity over quality. Those other games are great and up there as games of the year, but if you are just looking to kill a lot of time, you'll get more out of that with Division 2.

From the get go, having played a years worth after the good (1.9 I think) patch, Divison 2 is pretty solid. The sponginess of enemies is a little less and they move around and try to flank more. You have a bit more variation in skills (fuck firefly though, it is a piece of shit) and they added another weapon category: rifles. These are the middle ground between assault rifles and marksmen rifles and can be semi or burst fire weapons and hit pretty hard, esp. With crit builds since passive crit mulitplier is the flavor of the class. There is some more changes, I just wanted to point out a few to show that Massive actually tried to improve and add variation to their sequel. I am a console pleb with this title so I can't help with your other question.

It's good but soulless.

It's worth the money though if you like games with content. Compared to anthem, it's a masterpiece

That's excellent. Every game with "soul" is hot garbage.

If they add survival at any point I'm set. Soulless is a meme anyways.

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I mean I kind of expect them to circlejerk the game they're playing. They're in those generals because its a game they all like playing. I'd be really confused if there were a bunch of people in a general playing and posting about a game they didn't enjoy. Never understood the /vg/ circlejerk meme

It is a fucking meme. No one goes to a /vg/ general about a game they don’t like unless they are brain damaged

Why is this game SO expensive. Why doesn't it have a free 3hour period to try it out like div1 does?

Normal AAA price. I paid 55 Euro.

I just don't like the prices of AAA games these days or see what are the requirements a game must meet to be AAA or whatever other ratings there are.

Despite that, do you feel it's money well spent, are you enjoying it? Do you play alone or with friends?

Post proof and my chance of buying this game any time soon goes from a 5% to a 35%.

>I just don't like the prices of AAA games these days
They're the same they've been for a long-ass time. Factoring in inflation they went down.
> Despite that, do you feel it's money well spent, are you enjoying it?
Yes, but I knew that already, with >300h in 1
> Do you play alone or with friends?
Alone until endgame, then matchmaking and see who I meet.

Speaking of match-making is it global or region restricted?

>he hasn't used the flame turret to block off a spawn point and light every enemy that comes out on fire

It was region in 1 and I hope it stays that way, but I didn't test yet. But I really don't want to see those eternal pings.

>Enemy starts shooting pin point accurate before even becoming visible on cover

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They also have giant men with chainsaws that live in the sewers.

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There is no “game” with free form tactics

they also have suicide bombers who explode when you shoot them as well

There's enemies that enhance themselves with farts, and if you shoot their fart cannisters they go delirious from SNIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

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Are there any emergency services outfits like Division 1 had? I was a huge fan of my paramedic outfit and I hope 2 has something similar.

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looter shooter=shit
cover shooter=shit

Division 2 = shit + shit + shit = ebola victim's diarrhoea


Theres people that come into threads of games they dont like just to shitpost
What a sad life

yes, there are police, ems, park ranger, coast guard, swat, jtf, etc..

I don't have friends to play with should I buy this game?

If you're EU based i'll play with you.

Video Games = Shit
Fuck you if you play them

its only good with friends

I don't have friends and I'm enjoying it solo.

Really easy to get into groups or call for backup for everything

I just out the disc in and loaded the game, now I have an update that will take 6 fucking hours!!!!

Nigga how slow is your internet?

I can download 6 GB per hour

So extremely slow then. The entire game was less than an hour for me. Games are getting bigger man, you have to get used to it or upgrade your internet.

What level do you have to be to upgrade the workbench? I have no option to do so at L23.

This is funny as hell.

>user has slow internet
>"Oh, I'll just buy the disc so I can play ASAP"
>gets disc and has to download 40GB patch
>could have bought it digital and started preloading the game a week ago, then be ready to play on launch

I didn't decide to buy it until yesterday, I never even played the first one.

I was going to get Metal Gear Sold Phantom Pain, or watch dogs 2

>b-but us console chads can just pop the disc in and play

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We can because we live in first world countries. Takes like 2 mins to download

It's okay. Once you hit world tier 4 there's nothing to do. In the harder missions enemies become massive bullet sponges and are able to kill you in 2 seconds.

>Bulletsponges: The Game.

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Is Division 2 better with M&K or a controller? Asking because I played the first on console and I have never played a TPS on PC.

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Sfter I got the thompson I really started to feel this game.
Though I do not like the new mod system at all

I started using a controller but aiming really is better with a mouse, and in DZ you are going to get destroyed on PC with a controller

>Then play something else
Not him but i will, i played TD1 for around 30 hours and it was overall really bad. Good graphics can't save bad gameplay, just look at The Order 1886. Bullet sponge enemies are the worst thing, they make the gameplay so bland and tedious. Dumping two mags into a guy's face without a helmet and he still doesn't die is retarded. Giving that this is ubisoft i'm not expecting an improvement over TD1, and ubi often uses false advertising and downgrades their product at launch or sometimes even cut entire features.

M&K. Its a shooter, you'll find that even third person shooters are much easier and faster to control with a mouse.

>Bullet sponge enemies are the worst thing
its not only that but every mission/quest/whatever plays exactly the same:
>go somewhere, activate something/open a door/shoot enemies standing around
>shoot enemies that enter your room/swarm your position for 2-3 waves
>go to the next room, rinse repeat until you kill the boss in the last room
>go to the next mission/quest

Just spent a few hours playing with my m8, and my early impressions are good, seems at least as good as the first game which I had a lot of fun with. Still loving that LMG life: we take turns suppressing enemies then the other flanking. Haven't tried all the skills yet, the chem launcher seems a cool idea but in practice the firestarter seems hit or miss whether you'll actually catch any enemies in it, and the riot goo doesn't hold enemies in it for nearly as long as I'd like. The gun drone is a fucking trooper though.

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I've seen this PBJ picture like 3 or 4 times along with this question of Mouse and Keyboard and I think also the hitler picture coming before it shortly

Ice cream?

Anyone else having issues with framerate on pc? I have a good computer and the game seems to freeze every few minutes.

choo choo. This level was the best one so far.

I had the same issue + random crashing while I was on DX12. Switching to DX11 seemed to fix all the issues I had.

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>I can't fucking aim

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Whats DX12? I really want to play so anything helps. Was very frustrating last night, was looking forward to playing and just kept freezing.

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It's as "free" as "free" games with PS Plus or Games with Gold, you have to buy a Ryzen cpu

>whats dx12

It's a rendering method. Go to your video options and check to see if it's off.

I'll check it out. Thanks man, hopefully it'll fix it.


Why does Ubisoft think it's a good idea to shill games on Yea Forums? Reminds me of that assassin's creed sticky.

Mine is stuck hovering around 53 fps no matter what I do. I changed a ton of settings, fog, set to dx11, lowered resolution, nothing works. Hopefully this can be fixed in an update because the constant freezing is annoying. and I just can't keep a solid framerate. Even guys with 1080s and i7s seem to have issues.

Disappointing. I really hope this can be fixed soon. Was worried it was only me. This game looks really fun, tired of the freeze.