This game does not support smoking or the use of cigarettes

>this game does not support smoking or the use of cigarettes

FFS is there anyway i can turn this stupid shit off?

Attached: 10475_Devil_May_Cry_5_C_14dfb19d6fe9c98d0130d57c13e579e5.jpg (945x630, 133K)

the power button works

It pops up like once or twice. Curb your autism zoomer.

im not shutting off my PC i never do only a retard turns off his PC

its annoying i dont need a disclaimer to know smoking is a bad idea less so with nero constantly berating the dyke for it

I'm pretty sure they legally have to in several regions

It only supports SMOKIN' SEXY STYLE

>killing yourself for the most underwhelming high in existence

It literally only shows up in a single cutscene, which you can just skip in repeat playthroughs.

Alternatively you can stop smoking because it's bad, mkay.

It looks cool

Attached: D1GVwN7X0AE_upI.jpg large.jpg (1200x976, 156K)

i dont smoke i still dont need the naggy message

and fuck vaping

>its annoying i dont need a disclaimer to know smoking is a bad idea
it's a jab a DmC you idiot, and it shows up once for 3 seconds.

Boy oh boy, you would have hated the launch version of MGS4

Stop smoking stoner

>in 2k34
Your fault for being a fag.

>getting offended with words
sjw tier brainlet

>i dont need a disclaimer to know smoking is a bad idea
If you're going to this length to act out about then you do

>assuming i smoke cause you didnt read the thread

>guy's arm gets torn off
>demons pop up in a city and start skewering people
>heroes show up and dismembering demons in a shower of gore
>someone lights up a cigarette

Message only appears once as a joke. You must be a manchild to even get offended by this. And Nero complaining about Nico smoking in the van, not the smoking itself.

skip the cutscenes/disable the subtitles then you mong. you spent time posting this stupid thread on Yea Forums when you could just go to the options or mash the start button during that specific cutscene.
>inb4 you took the bait

people who smoke are jaded losers and no one wants you around just like smelly Indians

>smoking can kill people
>guns don't
Are you retarded? Yikes!

>implying violence against demons isn't 100% the morally right thing to do.

Also I need a DMC V version of this pic now.

Attached: Nero.png (275x306, 132K)

Smoking is really a boomer thing. Even majority of millennials dont smoke.

Yea sure buddy, at least make sure you're not smoking near children alright?

what good reason would i have to lie about smoking?

Got em!

Oh I'm sorry did the game fucking trigger you? Were you fucking triggered you little cry baby? Fuck off. Literally saying FFS REEEEEEEEE because you have a problem with the game just fucking joke in one segment? Honestly go fuck yourself to the highest fucking caliber you fucking asshole. So sick of little fucking bitches like you who fucking have a fucking opinion like you're fucking sitting over there like, oh I'm some fucking problem to you because I'm not even smoking bla bla bla. Fuck off. Call it what you fucking asshole? Hormonal? Kid you're a fucking bullshitter. You're a fucking bullshitter. Go fuck yourself. You ain't fucking nothing. You ain't fucking anyone. You ain't got a fucking clue in your fucking head how to take a joke or what even a joke is. That I'm fucking calling these fucking kids tryhards, has your fucking panties in a bunch for what? For what? For fucking what kid? Honestly I'm fucking sick of kids like you. Literally go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself and everything that you fucking stand for because I'm gonna tell you right now, you don't stand for shit kid. You don't stand for fucking shit. Please. Yeah, cry more about muh smoking. Yeah like anybody fucking cares kid go find a fucking friend to talk to, right? Because you can't fucking talk to me, you can't fucking treat the game like a fucking VIDEO GAME. You ain't fucking real kid. You ain't fucking real. You ain't got a fucking real fucking bone in your fucking body kid. So go fucking all chat, and make some fucking friends. Alright? You can make some fucking friends because "Oh, this guy's hormonal," pffft "Uh I'm gonna mute him," pffft fuck off. You're literally a fucking cancer on this fucking world kid. Never fucking forget it.

Because you quickly find out it makes you a fucking loser isn't enough?

Allow me to give you a sage OP to help kick this habit of yours

The smoking disclaimer after Nico doing some crazy cigarette shit is funny though