What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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they assumed literally anyone that has even a passing interest in wow knew or cared about the lore of wc1.
Then, to make it worse, they cocked it up by WoW-ifying a bunch of wc1 lore and pissing off the lorespergs that probably would have given a shit.
also really high production budget with low quality fx.
It was an ok movie but I didn't understand how it connected to the other films. Is it supposed to take place before Fellowship or after Return of the King?
literally a decade too late
Let's be real. A good Frozen Throne film would be the highest grossing film of all time up there with all this super hero shit.
I'm not wrong.
>The Asian elves
they would probably gut everything outside of the arthas sections and give christie golden input.
Rehash star wars plot.
the orcs were great
Pacing issues, it felt like they were afraid the movie would flop so they crammed as much shit into it as they could.
>dude what if the bad guys were actually good
Only Warcraft 1 is canon, eat shit and die faggots
This and pacing issues
I remember being excited. Remember the 10 year plus wait, imagining the world tree being in it, and how good it would be. A LOTR style film made in WOW. Amazing!
Then we got... what we got. It's not healthy to hype things sadly.
Too ambitious, too long. Ruined in editing. I am still convinced that this movie would be pretty good if they released a directors cut, over 50+ min were cut to cater to the masses.
What was wrong with it, exactly? Keen for the next one.
Do you have brain damage?
A combination of everything mentioned here. It missed the Warcraft hype by a lot of years. The human characters where poorly characterized, you could barely tell them apart. They also went too far in trying to link it all up with WoW, making it too convoluted and confusing. The first movie should just have been humans fighting off an orc invasion, then you can expand the world, make the orcs good guys etc. in later movies.
Bad acting for the Humans. Orc's plan didn't really make sense. Humans bland, unsympathetic. Medivh's characterization didn't really make sense.
>full blooded orcs use heavy practical efffects and actually look good
>humans are actual actors
>Garona is literally just a human painted green
Metzen obviously blew the entire budget on orcs and it shows
Ugly actors.
I liked the visuals. Some of this was the most impressive CG since Pirates/LoTR. Especially the magic, this shit was how I always wanted magic to look in a movie. Not like Dr Strange boring bullshit. The scene with the Murloc was the type of pandering they needed more of. I know Yea Forums will insist the visuals are bad, but you're wrong.
Everything else about the movie was mediocre, except Garona's black ass.
Only if it was fully animated
literally just use blizzard's in house animations to redo the cutscenes from WC3. Touch nothing else and you'll be set
>this shit was how I always wanted magic to look in a movie
Hell, this is how I want my magic to look in goddamn videogames.
I'm tired of elemental overt reliance on elemental magic.
Dr. Strange's magic effects are also good though. Or at least I think they were, the movie was such a bore I forgot all of it except the ending and I might just be overwriting it with the Strange/Thanos fight scene.
So.....sequel never ever?
>distance yourself from your father's work to prove you can achieve greatness without recognition
>prove everyone you can and debut with a fantastic scifi movie
>proceed directing crappy movie after crappy movie afterwards
was it worth it?
a black queen
30 something king
women foot soldiers
everything garona
forced romance garbage
that limped and rushed final act
Several rewrites and honestly came out a bit to late.
You are wrong
If it was going to come out, it should have happened during BC or Wrath era when people still gave a shit. Same thing happened with the Simpson's movie. Happened well after everyone stopped caring.
>proceed directing crappy movie after crappy movie afterwards
Fuck you Source Code was great
oh shit my bad, i forgot source code was a thing
I hate that one of the most concise scenes explaining the magic was cut out of the theatrical release
So did several other important scenes
>Guy in the cinema yells out "So did Thrall"
At least that's what one user claimed happened
released 10 years too late
So fucking retarded, it was never a "thing" and didn't need to be given a name. Fuck WoW
if you're talking about them making it look like the frozen throne trailer then it wouldn't happen. the expenses alone for a 2 min blizzard cinematic would be astronomical. they can handle making one every few years but we would never see one feature length
my friend and i are big warcraft fans yet we were both so bored near the end and just wanted it to be over
I loved this movie regardless of how shitty it was.
Warcraft orcs were once unique in their portrayal, yet even when awarded decades to evolve they remain extremely one-note, shallow and unimpressive. Any amateur writer could quite literally guess aspects of their culture (which may be accurately summarized as "brutish loincloth-wearing barbarians") and will find themselves well-aligned with actual game lore. This simplicity begets a race of simpletons, and very much unlike Tolkien's elves or dwarves, audiences can't be reasonably asked to invest any thoughts or feelings into tribes of fantasy creatures derived from the discarded flecks of Frazetta's long-forgotten daydreams.
>they didn't follow their own lore
>they didnt make it full cgi
>they didnt do the arthas story instead
Fel was a thing
It was a thing in WC3. WoW didn't start that shit it just brought it up way more after TBC
Worst retcon" Arcane magic is a force of ORDER
Nigga, that's why the Legion came to Azeroth in the 1st place and now how do you explain the entire fucking Sunwell Plateau
WoW's new writers are more cancerous than Metzen could ever be
>It was a thing in WC3
It was not
>remember hearing rumors about Blizzard making a movie back in BC/WotLK
>excited as hell back then, excitement slowly disappears as there isn't any news on it
>takes a decade to come out
>completely butchers WC1 lore and is pretty mediocre in all, especially since it's half "let's explain this lore" and "people will already know who these characters are, so we don't need to explain the lore"
Play the orc campaign retard
Overuse of CGI
Armor was too pauldornlord, should have been more reserved
Garona looked like trash.
Live action was absolutely the wrong call for this game. Should have just been high quality, trialer-esque CGI. Could still print money if they get their head out of their ass and just adapt core stories like Arthas, Illidan, Alexstrasza getting raped continually and bred like the prime breeding material she is by the Orcs to fuel Deathwing's army or whatever, etc.
If you can screenshot anything from the Orc campaign that refers to "fel" as it does in the movie, I will suck your dick
Should have been a CGI netflix tv series, like Rebels or Clone Wars.
....Sadly, there is no one left at Blizzard who gives enough shit about WoW lore to help make it properly anymore, or anyone I would trust without Metzen there.
>that's why the Legion came to Azeroth in the 1st place
They retconned that
>now how do you explain the entire fucking Sunwell Plateau
What about it?
In one of the campaigns your units literally drink on a corrupted fountain and turn into fel orcs.
It didn't end like this.
The movie was actually not bad. Until you had that mess of a 3rd act.
Durotan was a great character and it is fucking pathetic how it all falls apart shoving him aside when they should've concentrated more on him than anything else.
This sounds pretty close too it. Something seemed off about the movie, it felt like it was missing some serious plot lines. I just didn't think it was a very interesting movie, sort of a wow you with FX kind of deal but too light on the backstory / general atmosphere.
I said they retconned that and it was a fucking awful decision
How do you explain crack elves if Arcane magic is a force of order?
I'm so glad you're not a screenwriter. You just described a cluster fuck of shitty characters done to death.
>chaos orcs renamed to fel orcs in tft
"Fel" in that context is just an adjective meaning evil.
In the context of the movie, it is the name of a macguffin and refers to the magic school retcons in WoW.
Do you think Blizzard invented the word "fel" or something?
They also didnt invent orcs or humans so what?
damn nigger you stupid
No but from WC3 on they kept using it to describe demon corrupted shit.
>a good ____ movie would be good
You don't say.
Yeah. It's used as a decriptor. It's never its own thing.
But Fel Orcs were Red.
Mannaroths Blood Pact only brought Orcs under his will via the Bloodlust. Fel gave orcs Demon Steroids.
They gave up on the original WC1 ending where Stormwind burns to the ground and the Alliance is formed as a response to one of the Human kingdoms falling and realizing "hey this Orcish threat is a legitimate problem and not just something as minor as uppity kobolds"
But I can understand why they wouldn't want an unhappy ending for the first movie. We might get a sequel though considering how much China loved it though, so keep your hopes up.
>demon dog
>call it a fel hound
>big demon guard
>call it a fel guard
>demon forest
>call it fel wood
>demon magic
>call it fel magic
All they needed to do was make all the leads female and then attack white men, the outrage would of caused billions worth of free advertising and pushes the left to support a film they have no interest in. They will even make a kick-starter to give kids free tickets, just to spite the haters. Men are so stupid they fall for it every single time.
>the original WC1 ending where Stormwind burns to the ground and the Alliance is formed as a response to one of the Human kingdoms falling
Why didn't they go with that? It's a real ending, and opens up the possibility for sequels. I bet Blizzard was behind this idiotic decision.
>green turned fel orcs
Demon Orc Orcs.
I really liked the costume design. I fucking hate how shows like Game of Thrones now put all of their actors in fucking black even though people wore colorful clothing in medieval periods.
Like I said, a descriptor. Can you read?
muh noble savage orcs. marketing probably thought an orc focused movie wouldn't play well either.
They didn't gave up on it. Story wise they were simply not there yet. They were hoping to do a sequel.
They didn't say it was addiction free
They harped on Fel too much.
They could have just gone "Sargeras" and it would have been fine.
Fuck the "corruption" shit in fantasy settings.
>Like I said
>So fucking retarded, it was never a "thing" and didn't need to be given a name.
it was a thing since wc3 as a catch-all for demon stuff, cool your autism.
Elves are freak trolls that need magic to be pretty.
>t was a thing since wc3 as a catch-all for demon stuff
And now it isn't. Now it's that black goo from prometheus but with a stupid name. It also implies that the orcs don't know it's demon blood, which they did.
The Orcs looked fantastic, but the Humans looked retarded in their CG armor and Giga Nigga Gul'dan in his duel at the end of the movie was stupid.
Crack elves were after Kel'thuzad washed his taint in the Sunwell, they had to switch to fel until the Sunwell got purified
>their CG armor
It was plastic lol
why is this post ignored when it's actually 100% right?
>Story wise they were simply not there yet.
Warcraft 1 ends with the destruction of Stormwind and the death of King Llane. Warcraft 2 opens with the creation of the Alliance.
But yeah movie lore != book/game lore
Medivh's storyline is all full of retcons though since he's died so many times. Also the movie didn't have Khadgar get cursed with old age so there's that inconsistency as well.
Fuck you I liked it
Its fucking terrible but I liked it.
Apparently the director, Duncan Jones, kept careful documentation of all the executive meddling so he could defend himself later. Chinese investors fucked it up.
>Because the Horde was created to destroy the Sentinels, and facilitate the Legion's return, Orcs and Humans, Tides of Darkness and Beyond the Dark Portal only happened because Kil'jaeden or whoever else was in charge opened the Dark Portal in Azeroth rather than Kalimdor.
>That's right, in canonical lore the entire franchise up to this point only exists because Gul'dan couldn't use Mapquest.
>I'm sure all the Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, Elves (High-flavoured), Ogres, Gnomes, Goblins and Trolls (Amani-flavoured) who died in those wars are really happy to know their deaths had meaning.
this would be very nice indeed. I was really dissapointed about the battle scenes. Not seeing any impact or reactions on the people sucked imo
in the movie they use fel as a blanket for all demon related shit.
>magic goo
>gul'dan sucking life out of your cock and giving it to someone else
They tried to include WoW-lore
get an actual studio to bankroll it and send off the rendering work to a place like Dreamworks who _can_ handle it.
Animation should have been the plan from the start. it's the only way to get a visually consistent representation of Warcraft. The movie as is was close, but the Humans (and Garrona because she's half human) threw all of that away.
Secondly they need some actual screenwriting talent on board as well. The story itself is there, it just needs some objective work on pacing and formatting for the screen instead of books/game flavor.
lastly they need a fully all-star cast. Not necessarily big name stars, but voice actors who can do the roles as needed. Half of the characters are voiced by Blizzard themselves, and the other half would undoubtedly be willing to do some movies if for the resume credit and fat paycheck alone.
They should've gone the Star Wars/LoTR route and skip ahead of the story to the more interesting one (WC3) and if it was successful then they're free to pump out shitty prequel movies.
And that is retarded
Blizzard is good at CGI, but awful at story-telling. It's their monkey's paw with every single video game they make like Warcraft, Starcraft, Overwatch, etc.
Nope. The reason the portal was opened in Azeroth rather than Kalimdor is because Medivh lived in Azeroth and he was the one helping Gul'dan in doing so.
>lets put a fuckload amount of content into 2 hours, where we will focus on multiple characters
>what could go wrong?
Ultimately it fails to please fans and newcomers alike. Would have worked a lot lot better if it was split into a trilogy. If you don't have any warcraft knowledge you just watched a 2 hour mess and wonder if you got a refund. If you have a WoW-tier warcraft knowledge where you know some things, you are still confused, because it fails to deliver a good narrative. If you know much about it you still wonder why you even bothered to watch this butchered frankenstein movie.
It doesn't help either that actors were really bad, especially the humans. The only guy who can actually act was the guy who played Khadgar, the rest were awful.
They used to be pretty good at story telling desu
Was he too lazy to take a boat to Kalimdor and save them years of war and countless losses on both sides?
>The only guy who can actually act was the guy who played Khadgar
Too bad he looked like a mexican
Who? Gul'dan or Medivh? Medivh, even though he had Sargeras in him, wasn't after destroying Sentinels, he wanted to rule the Orcs and wipeout the human kingdoms. And Gul'dan was in it for the location of Sargeras' tomb which Medivh revealed to him.
i mean is it much better than the actual lore which is Archie and KJ literally doing everything just to piss off their big bro Velen?
Seriously, putting aside all the retarded shit about Azeroth being a titan soul or whatever and Sargeras trying to protect it from some asspull Void threat, half of the stuff in Warcraft happens ONLY because Archimonde and Kil'jaden wanted to get revenge on Velen for not submitting to the Legion.
If that had never happened, there would be zero reason to track the Dranei to Draenor, no need to contact Ner'zhul, no Dark Portal to Azeroth, the Wars would have never occurred, Green Jesus would be a literal who, Garrosh would never unveil his daddy issues onto the world and become "totally not hitler 1.0" before being dragged back in time to pick up ANOTHER Gul'dan who brings the Legion back to Azeroth (and then brings us TO the Legion so we finally see Archie and KJ get cucked by Velen for the last time)
Archimode and Kil'jaden are the SOLE reason why the Legion failed in the first place. They were bumbling, incompetent idiots who only cared about themselves. Even with unlimited power they only wanted revenge on Velen for literally no reason. If they had just let it go they would have the entire universe in their control, but instead they fucked up everything and somehow lead to a rag-tag group of 20 mouth breathing retards, a "totally not batman" and the one man you wanted dead destroying not just you, but also the entire universe destroying powerhouse you were drafted into.
>i mean is it much better than the actual lore which is Archie and KJ literally doing everything just to piss off their big bro Velen?
The big problem with Medivh is that he had the whole thing backwards. He should've been trying to convince the Night Elves to come to this side of the Ocean.
If everybody had allied against the Scourge and Legion in Lordaeron, then they could have prevented the Scourge from overrunning Lordaeron, Alterac, Dalaran and Quel'thalas and adding the bodies to their numbers, they could have prevented the resurrection of Kel'Thuzad, and most importantly they could have prevented the Scourge from getting their hands on Medivh's spellbook, and therefore summoning the demons in the first place!
And on the other side, instead of just a rag-tag group of Alliance refugees, you could've had the seven Human kingdoms, the Dwarves and the High Elves fighting against the Scourge. Sure, you wouldn't have the Tauren, but that's a fair exchange.
And best of all, since the Night Elves already know about the Burning Legion, it would have been easy to explain the threat and have it be credible! But I guess that would have been too easy.
Wasn't it retconed in WC3 though that the Orcs were sent to Azeroth by the Legion to wipe out the Night Elves and allow their invasion?
>He should've been trying to convince the Night Elves to come to this side of the Ocean.
That totally sounds like something Tyrande would do
Nothing went wrong.
It made a ton of money, just not in the US so clappers think it bombed.
No, the orcs were just a slave race to the Burning Legion
Yeah but he was decent. The rest not so much, especially Lothar, holy fuck that the most cardboard-cut type acting, it might as well be the whole movie a CGI so I can actually feel some kind of emotion and empathy towards the characters, or even reading a wiki article makes me care more about them.
what you think is irrelevant Xiaoling go back to the copper veins.
At least Tyrande is aware of the threat, his strategy to get the Alliance across the sea was pretty much bound to fail - even if they had enough boats to carry the entire population of the Western Kingdoms.
Trying to fly to Lordaeron, Stromgarde, Gilneas, Kul Tiras, Alterac, Quel'thalas and Khaz Modan and getting told to shove off by the leaders of those respective kingdoms is better than trying to convince Tyrande?
>Tyrande would have kept her immortal pussy
>Sylvanas wouldn't have rotten pussy anymore
Truly the best timeline.
How is it a force of ORDER but can be ADDICTING AND CORRUPTING
Not true. Orcs weren't slaves.of the Legion. KJ controlled the Horde through Gul'dan when Ner'zhul refused his offer. Gul'dan started to communicate with Medivh who helped him to open up the portal. They made a deal that Gul'dan will help Medivh wipe the humies and Medivh will tell him where the Tomb of Sargeras is located which Gul'dan assumed would give him godlike powers. So Gul'dan created the Shadow Council, picked Blackhand as his puppet leader because common pleb Orcs probably wouldn't follow him anywhere and made the Dark Portal just so he could invade Azeroth and become god. All was going swell but when he was communicating with Medivh in dreams, merry band of misfits led by Khadgar went into the tower and killed Medivh which sent Gul'dan into comma. While he was napping, Doomhammer rekt Blackhand, took charge, razed Stormwind to the ground, found out about the Shadow Council, killed most of them and made Gul'dan into his pet Warlock. Gul'dan didn't like it but went along with it and scouted for the Tomb of Sargeras by himself. He found it and just when Doomhammer was getting ready to rek the Alliance for good, Gul'dan fucked off with Stormreavers and Twilight's Hammer for the Tomb. Doomhammer sent Black Tooth Grin clan to kill Gul'dan but it cost him the war. Atleast that's the version from Warcraft II manual which I consider the best and least lore-rapey.
I just saw How to Train Your Dragon 3 in theaters and it is miles ahead of any Blizzard cinematic and it was a feature length production
They should have focused on something like Arthas failure in Northrend or the scourge campaign.
But it would require a good film maker.
So instead they went for the safe route with a bad copy of LOTR plot (except this time the orcs are dindu).
I dont think it would work
I doubt if the Sentinels left for the Eastern Kingdoms, the druids would have been awakened at all and they played a major role
>hey Cenarius, leave the world tree completely unguarded and travel to the other side of the world while the burning legion invades
Good plan
It wasn't actively invading yet though, If everybody had allied against the Scourge and Legion in Lordaeron, then they could have prevented the Scourge from overrunning Lordaeron, Alterac, Dalaran and Quel'thalas and adding the bodies to their numbers, they could have prevented the resurrection of Kel'Thuzad, and most importantly they could have prevented the Scourge from getting their hands on Medivh's spellbook, and therefore summoning the demons in the first place.
Theree would be a Burning Legion invasion in the first place.
>Flying Dalaran before the first war
>Made Draenei look fugly
> Made a known Blackrock orc a Frostwolf
>Retcon Garona's assassination
Fug man.
This is how all Draenei should look. The whole uncorrupted Eredar retcon was stupid af.
Same way too much Vitamin B can be lethal, or how too much oxygen is also lethal.
The worst retcon of the movie was not making King Llane a stronk motherfucker that HATED the fuckin Orcs
But they didn't look like that either. They just looked like shitty WoW Draenei that weren't CGIed in properly.
Stop using words you don't understand
I know. I just really, really hate WoW.
They cast all of the human characters from 20-something's. Fucking terrible decision, everyone looks like a cosplayer. The wise king is played by someone who looks like they should still be in highschool.
The CGI Orcs literally had more of a stage presence than the REAL human actors, who felt forced and were mostly bad actors.
In the classic assassination Garona kills king Llane because she is under a control spell cast by Gul'Dan. In the movie She is instead asked by him to do it so she can save face with the orcs " a piece of new information that imposes a different interpretation on previously described events, typically used to facilitate a dramatic plot shift or account for an inconsistency." How is this not, faggot?
Simple, because the story in the movie has zero impact on the story of the game. It's not a retconned because it has not changed established continuity