This is still the best RPG ever made

This is still the best RPG ever made.

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>voiced protag
>FPP only
it's garbage

It's an fps/immersive sim, not an RPG.

Nobody would care about this shit game if it wasn’t for “Muh redpills”

>hey bro, I prefer my games not to make me think lol thanks

Fuck off Zoomer.

It was popular for more than 10 years with not a hint of "Muh redpills" Once upon a time people actually knew the game wasn't meant to be taken seriously.


Go in, and go in, and go in like the US Marshal, and his three daughters.

It's an Immersive Sim, you can't put it in the same genre as Baldur's Gate and Fallout. It's not the best "RPG" ever made.

That said it's one of the best game ever made and arguably better than any RPG though.

It wasn't for a long time, this reality has just gone wrong

>immersive sim

there was a thread not too long ago where OP claimed it was communist propaganda and then one of the first posts was calling the game's setting a communist utopia. I think Yea Forums's actually lost any grasp on what deus ex's actual political position is and just screams red pilled and warps it into their ideology

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That's not VtM: Bloodlines.

Then the things in the game started becoming reality

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Deus Ex isn't even praised for its plot, it more has to do with the superb level design and just how much room it gives to the player in the way you can approach things. It's a cross-bread of System Shock 2 and first two Thief games and it's absolutely fucking great.

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The only thing in the game that became a reality was the two towers and that wasn't even deliberate.

An is right, third world buddy.

>Immersive Sim
stop using this dogshit name
it's an FPSRPG

Story wise Invisible War is a perfectly decent sequel. Personally, I think it's actually better written than the first game.

This. I thought IW was fine story wise. It suffered from being a console game and the main thing hurting it at the time were the extended load times that are nonexistent now.

I liked the coffee shop thing in invisible war

It was good for its time, but it’s only remained relevant for its redpills. And unlike MGS2 it didn’t have the benefit of releasing on the worlds most popular console, nor was it a sequel to a easily accessible (albiet casual) iconic franchise that everyone can enjoy

Nobody’s ever considered this a top 10 RPG, you would be lucky to even see normies or journos rank it in the top 30. It’s irrelevant outside of IGN & Yea Forums

>It’s irrelevant outside of IGN & Yea Forums
Except everyone praised the ever living shit out of it when it came out and it's seen as a cult classic, not to mention how many rewards it won when it came out.

>this is what nu-rpg fags actually believe
you can barely even call it and rpg the systems are so watered down and not really consequential to the gameplay
>b-but it's an rpg because you can make narrative decisions
that has nothing to do with rpgs go read a choose your own adventure book.
wizardry 8 is the best rpg anyway

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Yeah it was popular then, but it still was always overshadowed by constant cliche juggernauts like FF6, Chrono Trigger, FF7 Or Panzer Dragoon Saga that would always be at the top of most people’s list of classics. Console games will always be more relevant then PC games unless said PC games are ported to consoles

Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the Senator.

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>level scaling

Fuck off with that trash

postal 2 is a better deus ex game than deus ex

>Console games will always be more relevant then PC games unless said PC games are ported to consoles
This is one of the stupidest posts I've seen.

done right

>It's an fps/immersive sim, not an RPG.
What RPG allows you to tackle objectives in as many different ways as Deus Ex?

>tackle objectives in as many different ways
that doesn't make it an rpg

>that doesn't make it an rpg

>role-playing doesn't make a game a role-playing game

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I don't really care what you want genre you want to call it. It's the best game ever made. Replaying it right now.

a choose your own adventure book isn't an rpg.
rpgs are defined by the game's rpg systems

Nah it’s pretty overrated

Most games are so bad this is a masterpiece

I takeatsy it he was snackgreeable?

I enjoyed Human Revolution more

Games can mix multiple genres and design philosophies all at once and DX fits all of those criteria, including quests which reward XP, creds and loot and used to upgrade skills and items, weapons, and the player character. And immersive sim as a genre/design principle does it utmost best to take the principle of players playing an assumed role of a fictional character to a new level, even if DX lacks the more elaborate character creation elements of classic D&D-style RPGs.

He didn't hungryally havisfaction a snackoice.

>I enjoyed Human Revolution more
You enjoyed what is arguably the worst game in the series more than the original Deus Ex?

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