He doesn't like Dark Souls or Bloodborne anymore

>He doesn't like Dark Souls or Bloodborne anymore

What went wrong, Soulsbros?

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>changing your opinion about a single player game

Since when?

he is right
from literally went in opposite direction they should have
1st dark souls was the last good soulslike

Um, why not? You can come to realize that FFVIII is fucking retarded when you're an adult.

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This entire video is him basically saying he loves Demon Souls and hates DS1 - 3 and BB.

source or you're lying

Holy fuck you're a brainlet

sure, but was he really a kid when DaS and BB came out?

Watch his mgs reviews, they're pretty shitty. Get to the part in mgs3 were he goes on a tangent about how hover carriers ruin everything. Yikes from me dawg

He's not saying that at all, you fucking retard. He's criticising some aspects of the games, sure, but he's not saying he hates them. Pay attention, idiot.

He literally calls DS1 - 3 uninspired and boring.

please zoom zoom to a library and read a dictionary, zoomer

Ok I was expecting a recent tweet or something but holy shit you're fucking retarded. How on earth do you function in modern society with the comprehension skills of a monkey?

Imagine being this dishonest and/or retarded.
You are the type of person that people intentionally avoid, not because you're "smarter" than everyone else and they can't handle the "truth" but because you misunderstand discussion on a fundamental level.
Which even the most normie of normalfags can do.

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I love Matt, but when he started talking about how The Age of Fire meant a world without niggers and spics I think he was going too far

hello ladies and gentlemen

Fuck off retard

>Sekiro will be shit because its main focus seems to be on combat and souls combat has always been shit
Is he right???

good thing its not a souls game

Our thoughts on JA?

the town is making him stupid

Fucking worthless. His writing is nowhere near as good as Matthew's.

Legitimately unwatchable garbage. If his videos were like 30-40 minutes he might be okay but listening to 2-3 hours of his aimless jabbering would be torture.

Even worse, because anything they make outside of Souls and Armored Core is refuse (and even those they can't get right half the time).

i was on the fence about him until that horror game video, jesus christ

He's alright. People need to chill out about the video he made about horror. He's entitled to his opinion ( even though he's completely wrong) and its pretty easy to ignore it

You gotta admit his stance on SH2 is also fucking stupid.

>Designed by committee
Wtf is he on about?

If you have looked at Matt's other videos that are not scripted then you can see that he actually has biases and unpopular opinions. (He likes cool dmc1 Dante more then dmc4 Dante) But what I really respect about him is that he keeps those biases out of his review videos and only states facts.

becuase one you played one, you've played them all.
and then you realize they weren't nearly as deep as you thought
bloodborne is easily one of the best games of all time


Plus I really appreciate that he says "the game would probably have been better if they did x; however, I understand that development time and resources are limited, and it may not have been possible to implement x, or, alternatively, they may have implemented x and found that it didn't work or caused other problems". As opposed to a lot of other reviewers, like whose criticism just comes down to "they should've just made a better game"

He's extremely biased but he has well put together writing and pacing. He's probably correct that Dark Souls has stagnated.

>But what I really respect about him is that he keeps those biases out of his review videos and only states facts.
I fucking love Matthew's videos but if you actually think this you're fucking retarded.

utterly full of himself, exemplified by the ridiculous runtimes of his video 'essays'. he is not being thorough, he just likes the sound of his own voice.

also a brainlet that didn't get Silent Hill 2.

It takes him 2-3 hours to say what Matt says better in 40 minutes.

He's a moron. You have to watch a video where he criticizes a game that you really know inside-and-out to truly see it, but he usually doesnt know what the fuck he's talking about

The town made him stupid

explain town make stupid

He made a fucking 6 hour video on dark souls 1, what fucking dimension are you people from that you think he hates the game?

He's the John Oliver of video games.

There are people making 15h reviews of things they hate.

Except the entire video was him jerking the game's dick, retard.

What does this mean

See? Now you've made a point.

No fucking way that's true.

Is this guy Yea Forums's most overrated muh critique e-celeb of all time?

no that would be anonymous poster aka you

Needs to learn to not be such a rambling autist

Friendship with AAA games have ended

Now Indie games are my best friend

If it plays like Souls, that statement is correct