Halo for PC (Steam/Microsoft Store)

Can I get a rundown on Halo 4 and why its apparently shit?

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's basically the exact same issue that the new Star Wars trilogy has. Visionless hacks trying to follow up the medium's biggest sci-fi IP

>butchered the iconic artstyle by putting random hexagons unnecessary ugly details on everything
>said artstyle butchering also has an actual effect on gameplay because it's harder to read silhouettes at a glance
>ordnance drops completely removing the element of map control/spawn timing that is essential to halo's multiplayer
>cosmetics and loot box bullshit

it's really not as bad as people make it out to be
it's the worst of the 4 mainline halos easily but it's still fun
i am of the belief that the hate for 4 mostly stems from reachbabbies still in denial their game is the shittiest halo

>ordnance drops completely removing the element of map control/spawn timing that is essential to halo's multiplayer
Ordinance is only on in the basic deathmatch settings, which have always been bland. The god tier stuff like FFA Slayer, SWAT, and Regicide play as expected and are just as fun.
>cosmetics and loot box bullshit
You're thinking of 5. 4 had cosmetics unlock by progress and achievement like in Reach and 3.

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To think the last time I played an Halo game was on PC when Combat Evolved was released fifteen years ago. Am getting old but midly excited by this.


It's not, it's shit to Rechtards since they needed something to hate so they could fit in and not be bullied anymore. Halo 4 had a decent campaign but a shitty multiplayer.

>Decent campaign
>shitty multiplayer

You can't say it's not a shit Halo game with these.

>boring unengaging story
>singleplayer enemies that were not fun to fight
>fucked weapon balance (in singleplayer at least, never played any multiplayer)
the first things that poped in my mind

This, it's why I hate them the most just as much as I hate their game.

One part of the game has to be good for the game not to be shit, unfortunately for Reach, both the campaign and multiplayer were shit making the entire game shit.

please release tomorrow

I personally don't mind it. It's considerably different than the prior games, but it's also a new era for Halo, so I didn't mind. It makes for an ok epilogue to the Bungie series, if 3 didn't give you enough closure.


Except Reach has a much better campaign than 4 in multiple aspects, at the very least it's better because there's no Didact enemy shit, who were all bland as hell/annoying as piss to fight.
Additionally I never remember Reach destroying vehicular combat in multiplayer the way 4 did.
Also Reach had a far better Forge mode leading to way better custom games multiplayer.
I will admit though that 4 wouldn't have existed in the way it did without Reach.

There won't be a physical copy?

Reach story was boring, the characters were bland and cliche with only Jorge being likable, the campaign levels were terrible or just plain meh, didn't come close to Halo CE-3's highs even Halo 4 and 5 had better levels, the levels all felt like rinse and repeat with those annoying forced Firefight moments in the campaign. Plot was non-existent and it was very inconsistent with everything in the series even itself. Multiplayer was a mess from gameplay, to rankings, to maps which were either campaign maps or Forge maps, the weapons were also terrible and the vehicles were weak.

>coming soon

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Halo 2 was casual as fuck with no balance
Halo 3 was great
Halo Reach was at least not Halo 4
>343 dog!
Halo 4 completely ruined the series
>Fucking oldfag, the lore is good, the gameplay is better
Halo 5 isn't even a Halo game anymore
>It's more Halo than ever

It's all so tiresome

It's not utter dogshit like people meme it out to be but it's certainly got issues

To begin with, the art style for a lot of stuff is different. It's not a "bad" art style, but it's very different from past games for no good reason for a lot of stuff. Secondly, the tone is also a bit different. Halo 2, and especially ODST and Reach dabbled with darker, and more grounded themes, but Halo 4 is tonally pretty serious and dramatic in ways that doesn't really mesh with a lot of people's love for the franchise's more arcadey, fun orientated tone, without using it to the same effect ODST and Reach did. The soundtrack, while not bad, also can't possibly live up to marty's music

The campaign missions are decent. The problem is that "decent" is supb-par for the series, the whole thing is sort of bland and boring. There's moments of potential and genius, and it actually does a better job exsecuting some of Halo 1's ideas and atmosphere, but it just doesn't come together. The layouts are also heavily linear in a more blatent way then in past games, and the enemyt AI is a lot worse as well. The story is... polarizing. 343 tried to tell a more emotional story about MC and Cortana's relationship, and while the idea is solid, the execution, in a lot of people's minds, is cringy and hamfisted

The MP is the real problem: it's trying to be Call of Duty: There's now a full loadout system, with selectable weapons, grenades, and perks on spawn, with less of am emphasis on map control and pickups, and there's sprint. There's also a peduso killstreak system. If it were a specific mode this would be fine,but it's instead the default. The forge is also a step down from Reach's On the bright side, map design is pretty solid, and the Weapon sandbox is decent: it's big like Reach, and most of the guns function and preform well.

tl;dr it's not bad, but it's not fantastic either and it shits on a few specific things that a lot of Halo fans find particularly important

>Reach story was boring, the characters were bland and cliche

The characters are less bland and have more to them then the characters in CE or 3 do.

>the campaign levels were terrible or just plain meh

I disagree, I'd argue reach has consistently good to great levels, though I agree with "didn't come close to Halo CE-3's highs ", there's no 9/10 or 10/10 missions.

> the levels all felt like rinse and repeat
Yes, because CE and 2 don't have issues with repetition. They have it worse then reach does.

> Plot was non-existent
It's litterally got the most fleshed out narrative of any bungie game other then 2

>the weapons were also terrible
Reach hasd one of the best weapon sandboxes in the series: Most guns are useful, which automatically puts it above 2 and 3 here, and even guns with similar niches, like the Plasma repeater vs the AR, the DMR vs the needle rfiel, the focus rifle vs the sniper, etc still preform pretty differently

everything else I agree on

Who says Halo 2 is casual? It's one of the least approachable Halo games, there's a big skill curve. Likewise, i've never seen anybody say Halo 4's gameplay is better: Some people say that with 5 and I agree, but we all seem to agree that 4's gameplay was a bad idea, at least using the default settings.

Anyways, yes, I am getting super sick of this as well. Yea Forums is obviously always full of hyperbolic retards who shitpost and bitch instead of having actual conversations, but it's particularly bad in Halo threads these days.

>PC version title by title rollout

oh great, cant wait until 4 years from now when we have all the games

Enjoying those wrong opinions lads?

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What I want to know is how much this shit will cost

I'd be interested in seeing this same poll done with Halo 5's MP, though only if there were a way to verify people voting actually played the fucking thing

it's super obvious most of the people bitching about it never actually played it and just assumed it continued the trends 4 started.

>Sir, permission to leave Yea Forums
>For what purpose user?
>To give reddit back their thread
pic related

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ODST is the best Halo

People have said as much as they need to about 4 but don't let anyone tell you it's still good or 5 is better. 343 dropped the fucking ball twice and people still shill for them. 3>2>ODST>CE>Reach, all are at the very least least a solid 7 or 8.

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It really is.

>The characters are less bland and have more to them then the characters in CE or 3 do.
Halo CE-3 had far better and more interesting characters, I can't even remember anyone from Reach.
I would go on but Reach was pretty bad and I already said what I needed to say about it.

>i-i-it's not true! make another poll!
343 niggers are so fucking pathetic man.

Wow, opinions of Yea Forums, who cares you don't make up the bigger community or general fanbase.

>Playing Halo after 4
>Buying the halo machine one when the series already peaked
>Playing a game whose only advocates compare it to Call of Duty (and that's a good thing)
I'll pass little baby console shitter

If you're just now starting to get into Halo you should stop while you're ahead and play a different game.
Reach was a bad Halo game, most definitely, but Halo 4 was way worse. I should remind you that Halo veterans don't like either game, because they're both non-Halo, causal pieces of shit that attract idiots like you who somehow think you're Halo fans. 343, the company you willingly shill for, can't even show the population of players. That's how pathetic their games are.
Both Halo 4 and 5 fans, and Reach fans are zoomers and retards. The Reach zoomers are just a little bit older. It's cute watching both groups throw their shit at each other when they're both the same.

Really because outside of this shithole people like Reach just fine and hate Gaylo4 and 5. So go fuck yourself you stupid faggot.

>Both Halo 4 and 5 fans, and Reach fans are zoomers and retards. The Reach zoomers are just a little bit older. It's cute watching both groups throw their shit at each other when they're both the same.
I couldn't agree more.

A lot of us older guys don't speak up much but when we do a majority of us don't like the game.

Halo 3 was a carbon copy of Halo 2 with a better sandbox and graphics.

>no elites

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I'm only going to buy every Bungie Halo. Fuck 4.

I don't know where you've been but most Halo fans will slobber on any Halo game made by Bungie, I'm sure you were just one of those 10 maybe 15 contrarian faggots everyone hated on Bungienet.

>A lot of us older guys don't speak up much but when we do a majority of us don't like the game.
How can you tell a majority of a group of people doesn't like something when said group doesn't speak up much. Shut up you fucking poser, I bet you weren't even hanging out at phone booths back in 04'.

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Brutes are better.

>Worst spartan designs by miles
>Campaign is boring shit made difficult by just giving every enemy some kind of power weapon

Halo 3 fixed the Chief's health, gave alternating reloads for dual-wield weapons, the ability to rip off and carry gun turrets, and equipments. It was pretty different which is why the maps based on Halo 2's maps didn't play the same in Halo 3.

>you didn't play the game
Rockstar fanboys use this same regurgitated response when defending bad game design. Halo 5 took the advanced mobility trend to next level. As shitty as Halo 4 was, and as ridiculous as the DMR was, I didn't have to anticipate a thruster pack from some faggot with a shit aim and strafe. Halo 4 was unbalanced trash, but Halo 5 is no better. Every aspect of Halo 5 rewards bad, overly aggressive gameplay.
The first 'Halo' games you ever played were Halos 4 and 5. How disgusting. I pity you. Shame they have to go back to what worked in order to sell another Halo game. That means back to COD and Battlefield with you.

>the campaign levels were terrible or just plain me
The falcon mission was great. really loved seeing capital ships fly overhead and glass New Alexandria

>How can you tell a majority of a group of people doesn't like something when said group doesn't speak up much. Shut up you fucking poser, I bet you weren't even hanging out at phone booths back in 04'.
I was, Halo: Reach sucked.

Not him, but no.

1) QTEs
2) QTE bossfight
3) QTE bossfight after your previous confrontation had him just handling you like a doll
4) QTE bossfight after your previous confrontation had him just handling you like a doll and you had that whatever lady powering up which affected the gameplay in no way whatsoever
5) QTE bossfight after your previous confrontation had him just handling you like a doll and you had that whatever lady powering up which affected the gameplay in no way whatsoever and the developers hyped up the game by saying that for it was really important for you to really feel like a super soldier in this one

Also guns despawn.

This. Reach Sprint is nothing compared to "fuck this shit I'm out" thrusters

I would have enjoyed it more if they made the missions all optional, you'll have the three main missions but it's up to you which one you would tackle first, the other 4 missions in the level would be completely optional on whether you wanted to do them or skip them. This would have made me enjoy the level more.

Kill yourself you blue bitch.

Reach had the worst Sprint in the series.

Kill yourself, Reach bitch.

It's still nothing compared to a free disengage/super strafe

I'm the ODST user. Fuck Reach and fuck elites.

And fuck niggers... I mean 343

It's worse, if you didn't have a Sprint AA in Reach, you wouldn't be able to chase down the Sprint user.

You're confusing Halo fans/veterans like me to Bungie fanboys and/or Halo fanboys. Bungie fanboys will always defend Bungie. Halo fanboys will praise any Halo game, even 343's Halos no matter how bad they are. Nobody gives a shit about lorefags or Halo fanboys, because they almost always suck at the game. Their opinions are irrelevant.
It's truly astonishing how you damage controlled hard there and assumed I was a Reach fan when I clearly stated I wasn't. My point was that neither groups are Halo fans. You just jumped on the bandwagon.
Post your 50s on either Halo 2 or 3 here or keep your mouth shut.
Both are bad and need to be removed. If you want to sprint or fly around the map there are plenty of other games available.

I agree with you on the Fuck Reach part.

When does this shit come out? I just want to buy the original trilogy.

My hype for this is fucking immeasurable. I played CE on PC upgraded to that shit heap Vista just for H2, got a 360 for Halo 3, and got an Xbox One X just to play all of them in 4k 60.I have wanted to finish the fight on PC for a OVER A DECADE! PLUS REACH IS COMING TO PC? ODST? FUCK YES FUCK YES FUCK YES

Who cares? Most playlists didn't allow shit like bubble shield and hologram towards the end anyway. Halo 4 had a free fucking Health Regenerator as an armor ability. Just think. You were practically impossible to kill if you played it right

Brutes > elites. They're bigger and stronger and they have bigger dicks. Get fucked bluebois.

It's been out on the MCC. The campaigns work fine now (it took them 4 years), but the multiplayer is extremely annoying. Everybody plays Halo 3 for some reason too.

Is there any particular time tomorrow where one could watch an interview live or something regarding the new MCC news or will it just pop up some time?

Gameplay wise, Elites are better and enjoyable to fight, the Halo 3 Brutes shit on any other carnation of the Brutes but are still second to the Elites.

>that list

Armor Abilities were still shit in Hal 4 but they were also handled better compared to Reach.

>everyone plays halo 3 for some reason
Because it's the best one.

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>Invulnerability and healing on a minute cool down that you can shoot out of and spawn with is an improvement to the sandbox

*Halo 4


m8, CE barely even fucking has a plot, Johnson and Keyes in that games might as well be cardboard cutouts. And 3 is just a generic action movie plot, there's more going on, and Miranada and Johnson and Truth have actual; characters, but they are still super shallow and are single character traits

In reach, NOBLE team might not be any deeper then 3's characters, but there's better writing, more interesting cinematography in cutscenes, and most importantly, more interplay and interaction between the cast

>343 nigger
fuck off, I think Halo 4 is dogshit and I think a full half of 5 is dogshit. I'm not a 343 apologist. Just because I don't hate litterally everything they've ever done doesn't mean I suck their dick

>Those only advocates compare it to Call of Duty
What fucking advocates are you listening to? I and the other people I see defending H5's MP defend it precisely BECAUSE it undos most of the codification that 4 started, and even gets rid of the shit Reach did that took away from even starts

Regarding thrusters, git gud. The thursters in 5 aren't any better then strafing behind cover to get out of fire, they only really change shit in terms of offering more skilljumps

>Halo 5 rewards bad, overly aggressive gameplay.
Congratulations, you are the first person i've seen this whole week to actually have a legitmate gameplay criticism about 5 that's not a nitpick. To an extent, I agree: Spartan charge for example really rewards people rushing in like retards. At the same time, I think the better weapon balance, higher accuracy on weapons, more responsive controls, and faster game pace outweigh the higher emphasis on aggression.

>The first 'Halo' games you ever played were Halos 4 and 5.

Here's my original copy of the Art of Halo that I read so much the pages are falling out, and an old-ass special edition issue of a gaming magazine devoted to Halo 2 that came out a few months before 2 did.

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Fuck off 343 nigger, this thread was better without you

In Halo 4, it doesn't matter what Armor Ability you're using, you can still be killed with anything, Halo: Reach's Armor Abilities slowed the game to a crawl and you couldn't get past most of them because they were bullshit.

Can you get your autistic ass out of here, Reach sucked and its characters were forgettable non-characters.

>it doesn't matter what Armor Ability you're using, you can still be killed with anything
Except for the one I just described in the post you just replied to that makes you invulnerable to everything except power weapons and vehicles

Thing is in Halo 4 you could kill anyone using an Armor Ability, in Halo: Reach you can't.

Except for the one I just described in the post you just replied to that makes you invulnerable to everything except power weapons and vehicles


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all of this + randomized weapon spawn killing competitive strategy

and a pic of the pages falling out

The rest of the thread is just people bitching and shitposting, at least I and were actually talking about the nature of 5's gameplay

5's campaign, story and art style are actually even WORSE then 4's, for some god forsaken reason, but the forge and MP are indeed much better.

I think people spend too much time shitting on armor abilities as to why Reach is shit. Not that armor abilities aren't bad, they break even starts, but the even bigger problem is how absolutely fucking trash the map design is. Jetpack and sprint outright made maps like sword base more tolerable.

They are less non-characters then the characters in CE and 3. This is damn near objectively a fact.

Johnson in CE isn't even "one note". He's in like 2 fucking cutscenes where he says a few lines as le gung ho black man, and that's it. Keyes is purely an expositon device aside from when they use him as the proto gravemind.

in 3, Johnson has some actual presence and role in the plot, but he's still a one note gung ho black man. Same goes for Miranada, she's just there to give orders and for her dramatic death.

Carter, Emile, Jorge, Jun, and Kat are absolutely shallow characters, but they have more going on them Johsnson, Keyes, and Miranda. Jorge has his relationship with Halsey, and a personal attachement to Reach and it's citizens, which you can see throughout the game and it influences his interactions, and he has a antagnoistc realtuionshijp with emile, who sees him as too soft. Carter and Kat have a rapport that they don't share with the rest of the team due to them being the original two NOBLE memebers, and Kat herself repeatedly is shown to have her own flaws and issues. You get toi spend far more time with them and see how they react and interact with things then any character in the CE or 3 by a fucking mile.

>look mom I posted it again

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>Halo 4 had a decent campaign
no it didn't, literally everything about it felt like a knockoff

>this endless fued between pro and anti reach people
i liked it, i thought it was a cool send off that showed us a very important moment in the universe, it's not my favorite game, but it's definitely not the worst either (that's 5 and then 4_

The 7th generation of game consoles is a weird time in history, it was a huge technological leap and the start of the modern era. Its also saw the most growth in the history of the industry, publishers wanted mega hit after mega hit, follow the trends. Developers had to throw away creative freedoms and fix things that people would consider flaws. Call of Duty was the star of the show and every publisher and share holder wanted that audience, "correct" game design was to follow call of duty. It took a long time but they realized you can't get the call of duty audience, not even now. It still sells 20m copies yearly. Halo has been throwing away its identity since Halo Reach, Reach was a great game you can tell Bungie wanted to make but 343 was forced to make a more "modern" set of games.

We have finally gotten out of this stupid mindset of mimicking others games forumula's, gaming has been great since 2015 and this is a golden era to be sure. Whats ruining game design now is dlc, loot boxes and games as a service. All shitty practices, but games are better then they ever were and I don't know if that is a good trade off.

Halo infinity will be 343's real test, they threw the former x-box president under the bus in recent interviews, this appears to be a game they are proud of. No scapegoats to hide under this time.

Fuck off you stupid asshole

>gaming has been great since 2015 and this is a golden era to be sure

>gaming has been great since 2015 and this is a golden era to be sure
Source: my ass

How about you actually try to not be a useless sack of shit and try to engage in a conversation, and, you know, actually try to improve the quality of the thread so it's a back and forth disscusion instead of just people calling each other 343 apolgiists and bungie apolgists and accusing each other of being reachabortions and 4fetuses?

Why would I engage in a conversation with a mass replying schizo?

>We have finally gotten out of this stupid mindset of mimicking others games forumula's, gaming has been great since 2015 and this is a golden era to be sure.
but that's wrong


Replying to like 4-5 people at once isn't "mass replying" you fucking newag, it's when you are being an obnoxious asshole ands quote like 15 posts at once just to shitpost

Why are you so fixated on defending Reach's bullshit abilities, they don't work?

>gaming has been great since 2015
Exact opposite 2015 was the actual worst year for vidya in the 2010s, 2007 was the last truly great year for video games before everything slowly went to shit. Do you honestly fucking think the industry went into it's golden age mere months after Gamer Gate? People aren't disagreeing with you because they're boomers, people are disagreeing with you because you're a fucking idiot.

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It did, it was enjoyable for what it was.

dude gaming is the worst it's been since the fucking 80s, the games are peak homogenous, peak buggy and unfinished and peak anti consumer

>We have finally gotten out of this stupid mindset of mimicking others games forumula's
>zombie survival craft
>hero shooters
>battle royales
Objectively fucking wrong.

It's not shit. No Halo game is shit. All of them are at least a 7/10. Problem is the best are like 9.8s so a 7 seems really off. And 4 was the second Halo to be a 7 (no, the first wasn't Reach, it was ODST) and the first numbered title that low. And yes, the campaign is kinda shit. But only because the new enemy is boring as hell. What they expand on with Cortana was respectful to how Halo 3 ended, but ruined by how much MC gives a shit. They work best as a tightly bonded companion relationship. Trying to turn it into love is corny as fuck.

Now to address what I said about ODST. It's not really Halo at all. It's a shitty knock off that feels like exactly that. At least Reach felt like a Halo game. ODST is taking everything fun and throwing it out so you can be weak and smaller and in a lot of dark ass bland streets most of the time. Oh you liked [insert literally anything about 1-3]? Well get fucked. You're getting shitty semi stealth, flat characters and predictable everything. And when predictable is a negative compared to Reach where you knew exactly how it'd end before it ever released...yeah. ODST and 5 are the worst. 4 is just kind of there.

add card games.

SP level design focuses on gimmicky, sometimes "cinematic" setpieces
Covenant design is taken too seriously and loses the black humor charm
Prometheans aren't difficult, just unfun to fight
MP level design relies too much on Sprint to get from Point A to Point B
Loadouts/RNG Weapon Spawns/Ordnance further removes the beloved arena shooter elements

Basically it was made by people that didn't know what people liked about Halo but felt they had to bring it up to "modern standards" nonetheless, which we see in full force with Halo 5


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Why are you so fixated on trying to argue your strawman that you can't even come up with intelligible bait? Don't tell me you're actually autistic.

Halo 4 had such shit multiplayer that it was dead in two weeks. That's not a 7/10

How can 5 be worse then 4, when 4 has a meh campaign and shit MP, when 5 has a meh campaign and great MP?

To be fair, Halo 2 had a lot of cinematic gimmicky setpieces. I don't think that's 4's issue, 4's issue is thje blatently linear level design, the bad AI, and just being sort of bland in general.

Halo Games: 1,2,3 & ODST
Non-Halo Games: Reach, 4 & 5

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Anyone know something?

This fall at the earliest unless stated otherwise

explain what makes a Halo game a Halo game or not

Garbage campaign
Horrible AI
Shitty re-characterisation
No firefight
Overdesigned graphics
Ugly armours
Promethean fights are tedious
No playable elites

No sprint

Explain why taking a shit is a fundamental part of being alive

So if Halo 2 had sprint, as Bungi eoriginally intended, it wouldn't be a Halo game, even if every other element of it was the same?

Does Reach and 5 become Halo games if you disable sprint in them, since you can do that?

Because your body needs to expel harmful substances to avoid them from building up, what's your fucking point?

Basically 1,2,3 are Halo Games
Reach, 4 & 5 are Call of Duty games in space

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>It's not shit. No Halo game is shit. All of them are at least a 7/10.
I think that's a completely fair statement in regards to every Bungie made game but Halo 4 and 5 are like 4-5 at best.

Explain what determines something being CoD vs Halo

How about you just stop shitposting and actually give a real reply so we can have an actual conversation? Don't these threads have enough shitposting? Wouldn't it be nice to not have to hide behind 5 layers or irony and to have an actual back and forth talk with somebody


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Halo 1,2, and 3 you all start out with the same weapons and have to find better weapons while with halo 4 and 5 you can pick the weapons you want before the match begins

The fact that you're defending Reach's shitty Armor Abilities is bait.


Sprint(reach, 4 & 5), loadouts (reach,4,5), armour abilities(reach), kill streaks (Halo 4), etc are not Halo.

It's quite simple, it doesn't play like a Halo game. It looks and sounds like one but it isn't really

Kill yourself

already confirmed to be 40$/game and about 120gb total space (like on the xbone).

>How can 5 be worse then 4, when 4 has a meh campaign and shit MP, when 5 has a meh campaign and great MP?
microtransactions and a worse campaign


Req packs are a joke and anyone who defends them is a new fan and should go play call of duty

Except 5 doesn't have loadouts, it's even starts with pickups like in CE, 2, and 3.

Thanks for proving you've never played Halo 5.

>So if Halo 2 had sprint, as Bungi eoriginally intended, it wouldn't be a Halo game, even if every other element of it was the same?
>Does... 5 become Halo games if you disable sprint in them, since you can do that?

$40 per game or for the full bundle?

You mean the microtransactions that are purely cosmetic outside of a specific mode, and even for the cosmetics and inside that mode, you earn more then enough points in game to never need to spend real money?


>user claims people who shit on 5 never played it
>people insist that that's just deflecting
>turns out anons really did never play it and though it kept loadouts the whole time

satsuga Yea Forums

I don't even like 5 and even I knew it brought even starts back

>You mean the microtransactions that are purely cosmetic outside of a specific mode, and even for the cosmetics and inside that mode, you earn more then enough points in game to never need to spend real money?

microtransactions are always bad

I'm more of a storyfag so Halo 4's main problem is the fact that they condensed a trilogy's worth of events into one. The new trilogy should've been about the war between the Didact and the MC, just like how 1-3 was about the Flood and the covenant's dogmatic hegemony. The Master Chief and Cortana being the product of millions of years of research or whatever was dumb and they should've changed that scene to be more dire; that the librarian has seen the Chief in visions but doesn't hold out hope for him. That way the Master Chief can give a retort akin to this moment from MGS4:
But less romantic. He gets the job done, that's who he is. We absolutely did not need this lore shit, but the Librarian being the former lover of the Didact is good shit that would've played nicely into Halo 5 and/or 6. Like the Davy Jones and Calypso dynamic from Pirates of the Caribbean.

Captain Surrenderthatai was fucking comically stupid. Instead of giving us someone with a stick up his ass so much, make him a bit gruff and distrusting of old Spartans and their dying AIs, but keep him LIKABLE. He's utterly worthless as a character otherwise because he's quickly forgotten. He could've gone out in a heroic sacrifice to mark the end of Halo 4, but nope.

Cortana yearning to live and feel the sun on her face was good stuff. Best part of Halo 4. It's the compression of everything else that fucking sucked.

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you got me Yea Forums I haven't played Halo 5 desu I couldn't I sold my Xbox One after the disaster that was Halo MCC on there but I don't think I'd have bought it anyway as it had microtransactions.

cosmetics are gameplay and being able to buy removes the prestige from those unlocks

I think you should really kill yourself, Reachbabby.

I agree, and i'd rather they not be there, but that has no bearing on the mechanics of the gameplay itself.

I freeily admit 5, as a package, is a shit product: half the game is dogshit, and there's no splitscreen or local play for MP so the good half is online only. It's only the actual mechanics/gameplay I praise

>comestics are gameplay
dumbest thing i've read all day

He is full of shit we are getting news tmmro


>dumbest thing i've read all day
but it's true dumdum, cosmetics have historically been a way to give players another way or reason to play the game, prestige was a big part of that

The campaign is so shit I don't even remember the story despite playing it more recently than the original trilogy which I remember the story perfectly.

The multiplayer was decent though I didn't mind it. At 60 fps in halo mcc it holds up pretty well and BTB games are intense as fuck.

In terms of usefulness or balance?

Because I'd argue both go to Halo 4.

I still want ODST firefight.

You talking shit about ODST nigga?

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Okay im getting major deja vu, im pretty sure these two posts are in every thread regarding halo 4

This. Who gives a fuck about Reach's firefight, it was dogshit. ODST firefight with a dedicated playlist to search for lobbies for it would make me nut

>Who gives a fuck about Reach's firefight, it was dogshit.
what, look prefer what you prefer but halo reach's firefight was the best thing about the game

I'm worried that the amount of games in the collection will split the multiplayer communities unevenly.
Nobody will be playing Combat Evolved with me.

It's strange to me that people still throw fits over this. You'd think the infighting would stop once people have easy access to every game. The Masterchief Collection is a wet dream for CoD kids.

All the talking between Chief and Cortana takes it into overdrive and the new characters like Sarah Palmer are irritating and unpleasant. Promethean weapons don't feel too different to existing weapons. On top of that they're just a chore to fight.

So niogghas has any offical release date been stated for this yet? Or are we all to stand around with hard dicks waiting in perpetuity?

Yeah, you'd better play a fuckton of CE once it comes out, before 2 releases

The main problem will be each time a new game comes out for it, everyone will flock to it for a few weeks, then it'll settle back down and even out.
2 and 3 are the most populated in MCC but there's still a decent amount of people playing CE, so I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure a lot of PC players have an attachment to CE as well so there should always be people to play with.

There's news coming tomorrow right before the grand finals of the tournament at SXSW. Might be release date for Reach.

reach is releasing tomorrow


Sorry 5fag, you make genuinely good arguments for the multiplayer, but the campaign was a straight up insult that they are still scrambling for a way to retcon.

for PC for xbox only?


source, or just speculation? I'd spew gallons of cum if true.

You have to buy each game individually within the collection.
ODST cost $5 on Xbone and that was just Campaign. Maybe $10-$15 for Reach-4 and the same $5 tag for ODST.

>will be ported by splash damage who have done the awful gow ultimate edition pc port and rufian who did crackdown 3
Guys, I think this port is going to be trash.

>it's another "reachfags falseflag as 3/4/5fags in order to defend their first Halo game" episode
I know you guys think you're clever, but anyone that was actually active in the Halo community before, during, and after Reach's launch knows for a fact that Reach was a terrible Halo game. The shitstorm on B.Net was huge. Reach is still a good game, just a bad Halo game. I'm going to enjoy it regardless, just wanted you faggots to know the truth.

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What real reason is there to play Halo CE's multiplayer when 2-Reach exists? Muh health bar? I don't care which Halo you play I'm just curious.

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Don't play reach when it comes to PC then fag. We'll all enjoy it without you shitting up the threads.

>Anyone who likes half of the series is falseflagging for reach
Why is it so hard to imagine that people like Reach?

Attached: Reach.jpg (300x168, 9K)

So this...is the power....of nunu/v/ shitposting....woah.
>reachfag can't read
Open your eyes, nigga.
That's a lot of projection there. No where did I claim that you're not allowed to like Reach. A good amount of posts "defending" 3/4/5 in this thread were really fucking shitty, I refuse to believe those posts weren't falseflags.

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he's bullshitting
there's mcc pc news tomorrow at SXSW, where a release date is probably gonna get announced for reach

1 > 3 > reach > 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4 >>>>>>>>>> 5

Reposting because hype.


A little background:
I had a huge soundtrack channel in Youtube between 2008-2012 under the name MKTUROK117, yes, I'm that faggot, still alive and kicking.

The contents:
>HCE soundtrack
>CE ingame sountrack (no cutscene music)
>H2 soundtrack
>H2 ingame soundtrack (all music)
>H3 soundtrack
>H3 ingame soundtrack (save a few missing tracks)
>Halo: Recon soundtrack
>Halo: Recon ingame soundtrack (all music)
>Halo Reach soundtrack
>Halo Reach ingame soundtrack (all music)
>Halo Wars soundtrack

Attached: 1470406567283.gif (640x583, 1.51M)

Why, it's almost as if people have been regurgitating the same posts over and over in every thread like almost every other quasi-general thread on Yea Forums?

I'd be ok with playing each Halo for a year each.
>Implying anyone would bother with Halo 1 beyond the campaign

>implying 2 and 3 didn't butcher the forerunner aesthetic from 1
Seriously, the cold and massive look made them feel like they were never designed for life as we know it. Gave mystique and feel of tension.

Attached: space jockey.png (1000x427, 466K)

>Implying anyone would bother with Halo 1 beyond the campaign
>implying they won't
I don't that I had Halo 1 on pc forever, I will continue playing the multiplayer on the MCC just to dab on newfags

I don't think and 2 and 3 ruined it at all

just look at levels like Guardian and Epitaph

spooky shit

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>Halo Recon
It's funny how many people back in the day thought ODST was a big cash grab or how people used to argue over which Bungie game was better. Nowadays every Bungie Halo is praised.

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You left out the best one.

Look again son, it's there.

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Is it Halo: Recon? I've literally never heard ODST called that before.

now new are you?


That was its initial name during its reveal.

That's what ODST was called.

Attached: halo3reconface33333.jpg (1024x819, 101K)

we need blur cutscenes for ODST, they haven't aged well at 60 fps

I never owned a 360 and even I knew it was called Halo 3: Recon when it was first announced.

It's been over 10 years you can forgive me for not remembering it's announcement name and only remembering the name it actually launched with.

No, I don't think I can, everyone else knows this, why wouldn't you?

>literal worse than fanfic tier writing at all points
>lore and background dismissed with one liners such as "a lot can happen in five years!" xD
>Prometheans are some of the worst enemy design ever experienced in a modern FPS
>level design is ass
>final boss is a three button QTE IN A FUCKING HALO GAME
There's probably more, but jesus fuck user, don't even bother with any aspect of 4. I played the entire campaign couch co-op with a good buddy of mine and even that couldn't save it. It truly started the precipitous drop of a once great series.

Attached: halo games and 343i.jpg (2678x1498, 1.07M)

All the campaigns that came before it in previous halos were better.

Thank you for having a good opinion

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Oddly, the multiplayer maps of 3 were always better. 2 was probably the biggest offender. Suddenly we got decaying stone ruins with walkways that seemed to have been made for normal humanoids, with railings and shit.

I think people generally liked the atmosphere and accepted it for having lower price tag than full game. It wasn't DLC, it was an expansion.

I will never forget when Yea Forums streamed Halo 4 and the ending had Coca Cola ads while this played.


Retiring console fag here. I'm great at aiming with a mouse but shit at movement with WASD, is there any peripheral I can use to simulate joystick movement in FPS? Asking since it's really gonna make Halo hard for me.

4 and 5 are fanfiction

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>suddenly we got decaying stone ruins with walkways that seemed to have been made for normal humanoids, with railings and shit.
It's not like Halo 2 and Halo 3 had maps that were actually set on Earth.

Literally just git gud and you'll be fine with the keyboard side of things. Just practice with other FPS games in the meantime, it shouldn't take you that long at all to adapt.

>Suddenly we got decaying stone ruins with walkways that seemed to have been made for normal humanoids, with railings and shit.
Did you completely miss the all of Halo 1 where 343 guilty Sparks calls John a reclaimer? Bungie blatantly planned for the Forerunners to have been the ancestors to humans.

I just reinstalled Halo 1 and CE for shits and giggles before MCC comes out. Why is every server hosted by mexicans and why do some servers literally limit your chat options to emoticons?

since when did halo 1 had emoticons in chat

There are sites that archive Yea Forums. You can consult those and look for those posts if it tickles your autism.

Will there be matchmaking infection as well? Love me some infection on Isolation kino.

You're confusing emoticons with emojis. Halo 1 doesn't have emojis. Emoticons are the text versions: ":)"

>collection no longer includes all of the Halo games starring Master Chief
>still marketed as "the definitive Halo gaming experience" for its release on Steam

Are they saying Halo 5 is shit?

Name a worse map.

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So. I finally want to play again. When will it be released?

Infection is awful. Has anyone ever told you that? It's true.

All the info we have is "Reach before December"

like half the halo 3 maps

goddammit man, I want it now

>he never played fatkid

>believable but alien looking badasses
>even under religious zeal they have enough character complexity to feel like they are an actual species of actual individuals with actual psychologies

>generic gorilla monsters
>psychologically literal cartoon villains "ooga booga me crush pathetic human, grrr"

Halo Wars 2 and Atriox kinda redeemed some of it but holy fuck are they still boring as shit design when compared to Sangheili.

Attached: halo sangheili vale.png (500x458, 170K)

>gaming has been great since 2015

Where's the FLAC at

i'm fucking dying waiting for this

they're supposed to be giving more info about it tomorrow but i'm well-prepared to be disappointment and not get a release date

Is Dewrito still alive and playable enough to keep me satisfied while waiting for Reach?

I haven't been able to sleep properly because I keep going over the shit that I need to have prepared in case I have to format my hard drive and install W10.

Rat's nest would be a sick firefight map

Why does Yea Forums like the elites so much?

Some want to fuck them, some just find the Warrior culture cool.

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Halo 4 did not have loot boxes

good design

the jackals are the most based halo enemies



The only halo game you should play on PC is halo wars and halo wars 2.

1 > 3 = 2 > odst > reach >>> 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5

playable elites again when?

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Never, hopefully.

It's pretty much terrible writing and art style. There's so much to go into detail about, but it's not really worth it.

It was cool af throwing vehicles off the cliff and getting multikills, wtf are you on about?

Most of Halo 3's maps were terrible. Even the God tier Halo 2 maps had unnecessary changes made which ruined them.

Because the RTS games are best on PC while the FPS games do fine on console.

Pit and Construct were just about the only Halo 3 maps I liked.

>gaming has been great since 2015 and this is a golden era to be sure
Gaming has been in terminal decline since 2007 broseph.

Construct was cool, but Pit worked in literally one mode. Watching the tournament last night was painful when Pit TS went to time.

>be retard
>see halo thread
>make up some bullshit and post
show us on the doll where 343 hurt you.

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Will they really keep it exclusive to Win10?

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>weapon balance in singleplayer
... user are you actually retarded?

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not interested in halo just coming from the index, but who made this image?
that quote below the features list has a condescending tone towards original fans who supported the series pre-this

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is there a beta comin out tomorrow or was that someone joshing

Fuck you Midship was one of the best maps in Halo 2.

Narrows was pretty good if you were playing a variant with the original spawns

What if I want better than just "doing fine"?

A straight line will never be a good map.

nobody knows. all they said is they'd be giving more details about the collection at sxsw. i don't expect anything significant.

I never played 5 properly, but they released 5's forge on pc and i had a lot of fun with that, its definitely better than people give it credit for.

bro I bet reach about to come out in like two weeks. I believe

I really wish odst had gone all in with the open world aspect of the game, it could have been really cool

>Defender base is cramped to prevent vehicle entry and allow the defenders to protect the objective via close quarters where the enemy sniper rifle spawner can't dominate

>Last Report
>Base interior is made 10x larger for no fucking reason with no cover besides the upper walkways
>Enemy Warthogs and Ghosts can just waltz in with one button press to lower the barricades and spawn camp the defenders

Attached: 1527284333141.jpg (296x300, 26K)

is dewrito still alive

>God Tier
Midship = Heretic
Zanzibar = Last Resort

>Good Tier
Ivory Tower
Burial Mounds
Beaver Creek

>Bad Tier
Cold Storage
Foundry (vanilla)
Ghost Town
High Ground

>Shit Tier
Rat's Nest

it's releasing tomorrow

I'm the worst map in the entire series. Nice to meet you.

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Attached: kespjxthqlg21.jpg (1200x1200, 126K)

I can confirm, it is the worst map in the entire series.

Where can I still download ElDewrito?

Those low standards...fucking consoleplebs


>Can I get a rundown on Halo 4 and why its apparently shit?

Well firstly because every piece of Halo lore from Cryptum onwards is absolutely shit-tier garbage that ruins the franchise.

As for the game itself specifically outside of that, I don't even remember honestly, it was so forgettable. I remember they had sprint instead of just speeding up your basic character movement as it should be. Something about iron sights I think.

I remember the armor aesthetic was complete trash. Halo always, ALWAYS, was military sci-fi first, and so the armor you had looked like pieces of military hardware. In 4 the 343 team decided that more is more and instead of having shit that looks like it was made by weapons manufacturers and military developers the armor instead looks alien and sleek and curved with a millions pieces. Just ugly as shit. After Halo: Reach gave us the best armor customization in the series with stuff that actually looked like some army implements with worn textures and palettes it was so jarring coming to Halo 4's ridiculous designs.

I dont know if you ever played halo 1 on pc, but timberland and death island were pretty good fun

Only Halo 1-3 are worth playing

The only things I can remember about 4 are the MP being okay but itemdrop spawns being bullshit, and the kino as fuck campaign mission where you ride a Mammoth around

It was essentially Halo Star Wars for campaign.

>that trench run in the starfighter
>ends you you fighting the Darth Vader forcechoking stand-in

>no halo 2 style bossfight
>instead you punch a grenade into him with a shitty QTE
who the FUCK okayed that

Gameplay takes away from the cinematic experience.

personally it was just the one i sunk the most hours for sp and mp into and i never liked duelies or forge

Every Halo game took branches off from the core of the series to give itself a unique identity while still being Halo. The main problem with Halo 4 was that instead of building off of the series as a whole, It built off of a single game: Reach.

The result was a campaign based on character drama and a loadout-based multiplayer experience. Both of which are fundamentally not Halo.

hey, dumbfuck, you can tell in the halo 5 version of this map, they made corridors and rooms larger to compensate for the increased speed, you fucking donkey

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>Star Wars
I disagree, they were clearly going for the Call of Duty crowd.
Everything from core gameplay mechanics like sprinting, to the americanized UNSC vs ragtag Al-Quaeda Storm Covenant, to multiplayer gimmicks like loadout progression, is ripped straight from CoD. Even the final boss is a QTE just like Modern Warfare.

Release date most likely announced tomorrow at that event


Quick rundown?


if they didn't give a release date at the main event there's no reason why they would give it at some obscure halo panel

They said they would talk about it more during that obscure panel.

South by Southwest is happening right now, they'll be going into more detail tomorrow. You'll likely see a release date announcement or a rough timeframe.

Attached: Kenneth Scott .png (1149x582, 933K)

Up your ass.

enemy from the new gears of war?

They're doing a competitive BTB set right now. It's amusing to hear the casters talk about something they know nothing about.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.26M)

>neurtal assault

Is this DOOM?

Halo 4 elite under the lead designer Kenneth Scott, next to a DOOM design that's also by him.

Attached: Halo 4 elite.jpg (1280x813, 92K)

so basically the dude has 0 creativity

>ordnance drops completely removing the element of map control/spawn timing that is essential to halo's multiplayer
Ordinance is only on in the basic deathmatch settings, which have always been bland. The god tier stuff like FFA Slayer, SWAT, and Regicide play as expected and are just as fun.
>cosmetics and loot box bullshit
You're thinking of 5. 4 had cosmetics unlock by progress and achievement like in Reach and 3.

Attached: 2742.jpg (458x458, 99K)

>He has copypasta saved to defend Halo 4's multiplayer
>The same multiplayer that was so broken and unbalanced it died after two weeks


Attached: Kenneth Scott 3.png (582x789, 396K)

>saving copypasta
>not just copying the existing post in the thread to trigger user's schizophrenia
You schizzy too, user?

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Shit taste user

>Reach was a great game you can tell Bungie wanted to make
they literally only made it because they had a contract that told them too

Well, what do YOU think is the worst?

Reach is the culmination of years of padded bumpers.

honestly Ghost Town

yes, but i really do not think they're going to give a release date or launch a beta there.

>made by different studio
>newly introduced enemies that are garbage, and their weapons which are equally garbage
>boring campaign, atrocious story
>no weapon spawns in multiplayer which breaks the entire Halo formula
>plenty other bad choices all over the place

>they literally only made it because they had a contract that told them too
This fucking myth again. People said that about Halo 3 before, saying it'd be shit because of that, then ODST, which turned out to be awesome, and finally Reach, but because it's the last game, it's the most shit on.

They made it because they wanted, period.

shit man, do you remember how much people were arguing about the fucking heroic map pack costing 10 dollars.


No, they're trying to call MCC's version of Halo CE-4 the definitive version when the MCC version doesn't even have anything if you have Halo CE-4, MCC isn't worth buying.

I never gained nostalgia for it or Reach so I still see it as I saw it in 2008, as a needless cash grab and nothing else, the only Halo games I remember from Bungie fondly are Halo CE-3.

It doesn't really matter when Bungie themselves acknowledged it was a shit DLC and gave it away for free after only 3 months.

>In terms of usefulness or balance?
Both, it's a get out of jail free card.

Then did it again 3 more times afterward.

Not him but Bungie clearly wanted to make Halo 3, I wasn't seeing it in ODST and Reach, both felt lazy and quickly put together because they wanted to move on from Halo.

Actually for the legendary map pack they just halved the price every 3 months until making it free a year later.

>Reach was a great game you can tell Bungie wanted to make
No, they just made it so they could fuck off and not make any more Halo games, Marty even said the team seemed like they didn't care with Reach and was no longer listening to his suggestions. Compared to Halo CE-3, Reach felt corporate.

Legendary wasn't made free until the games were added to backward compatible on the Bone.

>Reach felt corporate
Anybody who didn't expect this after the shitshow that was ODST is a moron. They were obviously checking out.

Is Halo just an american thing? I have yet to see people actually care about it outside of US

LATAMs love Halo. Given how easy xboxes were to mod and how easily pirated PC CE was, everyone played it.

Microsoft didn't really care about international sales for Halo. Play Station is the only console that puts more money than it makes into marketing so that every Euroshite and Australoid can feel special buying gook grinding game with no story #91,652

>Except Reach has a much better campaign than 4 in multiple aspects
No. 4 was weak as a whole but I thought the story by itself was good. Not the save universe story but the Master Chief and Cortana story. Reach's story felt sterile. Though Kat's death and Survive hit their mark well surprisingly it didn't do enough for me.

But I like the both games well enough. The only Halo I was really let down by was 5. Though once they finally added file share and customs browsers the potential of forge was finally reached.

Halo 3 was a worldwide phenomenon and so was Halo 2 to a lesser extent. Outside of that its just North and South America that care about Halo.

In what universe

I never got a 360 so the only Halo games I played were 1 and 2

>Armor Abilities
Ruined the series.
DMR was fine, single player was solid.

Stupid nugaylofags

>mfw the trigger is now used to aim down sights

Fuck 4 and FUCK 5

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>I was too shit to know how to play against somebody with sprint

Sprint ruined the pacing of the maps and slowed the game down (See ).
It also gave bad players a "get out of the fight" button to sprint away (Though Armor Lock was more annoying in this regard).

It was clear as day, I remember they reused the same tagline for Reach that they used on ODST in their weekly update of you being a Spartan III on a team of Spartan IIIs and is weaker than a Spartan II, when they said that my hyped died for Reach.


This one kido

>start losing fight
>sprint away
such engaging combat
>start losing fight
>armor lock
such engaging combat

>Sprint ruined the pacing of the maps
I'd argue that infinite range guns did that far worse than moving a little bit quicker every once in a while. Not to mention the maps were the largest they had ever been

>the maps were the largest they had ever been
Because of sprint.

Is this bait or are you that retarded to not know how to counter a premature armorlock?

How could map pacing be ruined if they accounted for it by making the maps larger?

Is this bait or are you to retarded to not know that armor lock lasted long enough for a team mate to arrive and turn a 1v1 into a 2v1.

Oh you're talking on a competitive level even though armor lock was disabled in team based "competitive" modes.

They increased the map size to balance the fact that on small maps, sprint would allow you to traverse the map WAY too fast. This meant:
Have Sprint? You can traverse the map at the intended/balanced rate.
Don't have sprint? You're traversing the map at less than the balanced rate.
Maps in Reach were blatantly balanced around sprint.

>Maps in Reach were blatantly balanced around sprint.
Well it's a good thing 99.9% of playlists gave you sprint then, isn't it?

>teammates helping you is exclusive to competitive
The competitive modes were shit too because there was no ranking system.

And it was a shitty plot twist, making the Forerunners seem more primitive than they should be while making humanity's mary sue factor rise ten-folds. It's one of the best decisions of 343i to keep Forerunners as their own species.

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See Sprint slowed the pace of the game because you moved slower by default. This is pure and simply bad.
It also doesn't help that they added a slight delay between finishing sprinting and being able to shoot, meaning pacing was slowed further, OR someone sprinting vs non-sprinting, the non-sprinter always wins.

>teammates helping you is exclusive to competitive
Actually teammates playing around your armor abilities is something I would only expect in competitive play. Too bad all competitive playlists had most armor abilities disabled.

i didnt paly 4 on launch. but after going back to it, it seemed like the next logical step for what reach did (arguably the last decent halo game). i hate how halo is an ARENA SPORTS MONDAY NIGHT SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY shooter now

Halo 5 isn't Halo Reach

Don't forget that you also got faggots sprinting at you with the sword in Reach. God that was fucking annoying.

The only ranked playlist in the game had jetpack.

because they realized armor abilities are shit for competitive, and seeing as halo had always been a competitive focused game it's pretty fucking stupid to have abilities in the game in the first place.

It was the same in Reach.

Halo Reach was the codification of Halo. Anyone arguing for the changes that Reach added to 3 is fucking retarded.
It's when Halo changed from being a trend setter to a trend follower.

>Maps in Reach were blatantly balanced around sprint.
I guess that explains why 99% of the maps were shit.


Besides loadouts, the 'gritty' atmosphere and sprint, what else was codlike of it?

>The only ranked playlist in the game had jetpack.
Verticality in most competitive playlists didn't do shit and was only good in very rare circumstances, seeing somebody with a jetpack in competitive usually meant they were a braindead retard on autopilot.
>halo had always been a competitive focused game
Then find a video with reach in it. Comparing Halo 5 to Reach is like comparing Halo 1 to reach.

>loadouts and sprint
You said it for me.
Halo has always been about even starts and gaining an advantage from an even playing field. Loadouts completely changed this.

Even though shortly after release all loadouts were locked and if you were lucky there were 2-3 choices for armor abilities.

>Verticality in most competitive playlists didn't do shit

That should tell you how much they fucked up. Amour abilities in general were a fucking awful idea.

Outside of getting a sniper and wedging yourself in a hole that's there because it's a premade forge map, when were jetpacks better than sprint?

Thank you. Someone with sense.

Halo 3 was all about knowing the map. If you fuck up you fucked up.

In Reach if you fuck up you can sprint away.

t.H3 spartard jealous of superior elite hitboxes

But like I said, they actually had little to no impact outside of what, BTB? So you're complaining about somebody armorlocking a ghost only to be instagibbed with a sniper or tank after coming out of armorlock.

>say "im getting major deja-vu"
>user replies with the same thing you just replied to, as a joke
>you make accusatory statements
not even gonna call you autistic or anything like that, you're just a dumb faggot

Listen you faggots can argue all you want about 4 and 5 but I enjoyed 4’s campaign and I got so much fucking time for my money’s worth out of 5’s multiplayer, All infinite has to do is have a story as solid as 4 but with the exploration of the unknown that 1 and 3 had and tweak what 5 did with its multi a bit.

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can i haz rekon??

DMR v DMR the person with the height advantage generally won.
There WERE maps where Jetpack helped out tremendously because you could get on top of places you generally couldn't without it.
All armor abilities were bad. Let's break it down.
Discussed ad nauseam in this thread already.
>Armor Lock
I'm sure literally everyone here would agree this was triggering as fuck. Bad.
Let's turn a limited powerup in every game into something you can spawn with and use on demand. Genius.
This was completely retarded.
>Jet Pack
Sorta balanced actually, but allowed you to get into some powerful spots other couldn't, in this regard it's bad.

in general Armor abilities all ruined the flow of Halo. They were innovation fr innovation's sake and did NOT improve the game.

It was better literally any time a map has verticality.

I can safely say you were either a complete shitter or are baiting if you have that poor a memory about how good things really were.
Which almost no competitive map had overpowered jetpack spots.

>all this arguing over armor abilities
Did any of you ever play the games and had fun at all?

How is it bait nigger? 5 has some of the best arena multi and I bet your little bitch ass would get curbed immidately if you were in ranked. I mean once 343 got their shit together and released forge 5 had a great multi suite, Campaign was awful I agree, they should of went in the John vs Locke direction but instead halo 2’d us with the narrative. I really liked arbiter and sanghelios though

CE was the best Halo, 2 and 3 were great too, Reach was okay, 4 sucked big dinosaur balls because they tried to copy CoD, Halo 5 was decent, im hoping Halo Infinite drops sprint though.

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Sword Base and Reflection were in the Arena playlist.

in halo 2 and halo 3 yes

>playing halo competitively
I bet you're one of those faggots that take smash seriously.

Nobody liked sword base or reflection

Jesus, remember that initial reaction to An Ancient Evil Awakens?

I hate to be a fucking downer, but now you guys will be able to experience how badly 343 butchered the art style/atmosphere of the original games in the remastered version.


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Nobody liked arena either, which is why it was dead. It was still the only ranked playlist, though.

>playing with the new graphics

Both sword base and reflection had the same design, climbing up to the top of some structure, or taking a grav lift all the way to the top. The problem was both maps only had two other ways to get to the top and both were easily spammed with nades, and of course the lifts always had somebody with a sword or shotgun in them. Terrible maps.

The worst thing is how bright it is. Otherwise it's not THAT bad.

You can still swap between styles at the push of a button. I liked 2's remaster more than CE the Reach stuff felt tacked on.

Yeah but you can change back to old graphics for 1, 2 looks nice though.

>hating on sweaty matches and good ol competition.

doesnt this version have some 1 button graphics changer?

100% this

How is this bait, Reachshit. No one wants a fucking Reach 2.

>worst thing is how bright it is
>in the level that’s supposed to be eerie and introduces the flood

yes, even halo 2

I used jetpack exclusively during reach, the thing was godly.

>get in a 1v1
>hold down jetback
>smack your head in the ceiling
Yeah pretty great

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Don't be a pussy, post your stats.

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Alright guys, let's here some opinions.
Slayer or Objective?
Which did you prefer?

daily reminder

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>that one lonesome onahole thread so you don't forget it's Yea Forums


not just using armor lock.

shit was tits before they nerfed it.

and if you timed it right you could always just fuck someone trying to kill you as you come out of armor lock

Emphasis on the fact that it's an onahole meant to emulate trap asshole

Never 4get the H4 coke stream.

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i honestly just though you posted my profile
i look almost exactly like that in reach

look at this

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The only Halo game I've ever played is the first one and I sunk countless hours into Custom Edition. It'll be nice to finally get around to playing the rest of the classic series, even if it is several years later.

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rate and hate eachothers spartans

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Wow that is close. You have great taste in armor and color user.

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yellow is always cool

>have to unlock all the armor parts again
Maybe they tone the grind down this time.

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pretty cool

how the fuck do you faggots even remember your gamertags? don't tell me you weren't one of the cool guys who changed his gt every other month

if it's like Halo 3 on the bone, then all the armors will be unlocked, but you can only equip full sets, not mix and match.

i dont think you do
you need to use your xbox live account for the pc version so i would assume it has saved your progress since then

i just used some shitty semi auto generated one
xbox live was too expensive anyways so almost nobody saw it

the armor abilities in reach weren't a big enough deal to completely ruin the multiplayer on their own and all of you should stop bitching. and I still made tons of memories playing living dead, custom games, or doing the campaign on legendary despite all its flaws. it felt like a halo game.

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I only remember the name, the email I used back then was hacked I think. Couldn't use it anymore anyway since I forgot the name of it.

Good Spartans boys

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I've been using the same online name since at least 2000 in Everquest

Nope, MCC is a completely different game from the originals, nothing will carry over.



is there a release date for this?

I like Reach but it has been years since I've played any Halo and never played 4, why is Reach being shitted on?

probably because i still use the same microsoft account and play halo still

I always liked the Recon helmet.

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>wake up
>Halo: Reach is still about gay spartan 3s

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the only thing truly good about 4 is it explores Master Chief and Cortana as characters.

Didact was shit and so was most of 4 outside of Chief Cortana story. The Infinity's Captain was a better villain than the didact and he gets the shaft off screen so who cares.

5 just has a terrible campaign for many reasons but 5 shines through on stuff like forge and other multiplayer aspects. it's the best version of a 343 multiplayer halo.

whatever 6 brings to the table hopefully 343 truly learned from their mistakes and took all this time to give us their truly perfect halo game. only time will tell.

god i hope.

im gonna comfy it up

I'm gonna play the series for the first time in my life when Reach and TMC Collection comes out. Any hope for 5 making its way to PC as well?

the vidmaster challenges were awesome

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For whatever reason I always liked the JFO stuff.

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>Any hope for 5 making its way to PC as well?
you don't want that

>Any hope for 5 making its way to PC
No chance in hell before Halo infinite drops

halo 5 isnt even that bad. atleast it feels like halo even if it doesnt look like it and the story is aids.

but compared to halo 4 its god tier

It's been a long time since I marathoned a new game series, and I want everything, shitty or not.

It was too good and mouth breathing Halo fans couldn't accept that.

my man, i loved using the JFO helmet because you rarely saw anyone else using it

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Im still using my gamertag from when I was 15. Im 26 now.

>the vidmaster challenges were awesome
Hell yeah they were. Doing all of them with my buddies was fun.
Well, except the ODST firefight one, that one kinda sucked and was more or less just sitting in a room killing shit.

I use my gamertag as my password for throwaway things, so I've remembered it.

Man, grinding out ODST vidmasters the day of launch and getting recon at like 6 in the morning was so fucking chill

>playable elites exists
Halo community
343 studios
>remove elites
Halo community
343 brings back elites
What happens next?

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the deja vu challenge was fucking kino, I gained a six pack from all the laughter

>playable elites exists
Halo community
>Wow this is cool, I wish they had more armor types
Halo Reach
>Removes elites
Halo community
>What the fuck Bungie, why'd you remove elites, they're literally in Invasion, just enable them for everything else?


>Halo 2, half of the game is Arbiter missions
>"rrreeee, I want to play as human! this alien is stupid and gay!!"
>decade passes
>Arbiter is one of the most liked characters in the franchise
The community doesn't know what it wants.

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who else skipped school to play the reach beta with friends

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Bungie didn't remove them from games, but only allowed them to appear in certain gametypes. Back in the Halo 3 days, kids cried over them having a different hitbox (which they didn't).
I miss the green and purple.

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>Bungie didn't remove them from games
>they just removed them from games

I would stay up late playing with my single friend, and then talk about it the next morning on the bus. Good times. He was an asshole though.

Is reading that hard for you, user?

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Elites in H2/3 was bad because the janky hitboxes created a balance issue in a (fairly) competitive game when it should have been just a cosmetic change.
Elites in H5 was moot because it was in a mode purely designed to make you buy lootboxes.

Is pretending to be retarded a full time job for you, user?

invasion was the only mode worth playing on reach, so they were there.

>getting halo 2 on release
>picking up some gummy worms on the way home
>eating them while reading the guide
>get home and just play all night

I miss being a kid

More like the SOULLESS collection. real niggas play the OG Halo 3/ reach at 720p 30 fps. the very definition of SOUL

I do want it, 5 is one of the best Halo titles, multiplayer wise

i played like that for years, its enough.

>tfw this is why i still enjoy 2 and 3 the most

because im a xeno fucker and elites are cool as fuck. that and shitting on kids with bxrs and quad shots as a "dino" never got old

I hate when people get all autistic about fucking Halo. 2 was my favorite, mostly because of the time of my life that I played it, but I like them all. Even 4. I haven't actually gotten around to playing 5 yet.

>fov options
>ultrawide options
Will it also have graphics options?

>standoff in bad tier
learn to aim or learn to drive. opinion tossed

they better fucking add a fov slider to the console game or im a shit a brick

[citation needed]

I remember helping my neighbor get the one in Halo 3 where you have to finish the last mission without dying. On the Ghost escape section, the level glitched on my portion of the co-op that created a weird hall of mirrors effect that changed the level based on where I was moving my camera. Shit was weird, and I looked directly at it and I fell through the level.

Awh did somebody poop on your wittle bait attempt?

>go to bad company 2 midnight launch
>except there was no midnight launch

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The citation is play the fucking game.
There's a reason everyone played as an elite in SWAT. You could literally look down and never be headshot from behind.

>playing cod the gametype
I get it, you had shit aim and want to blame it on something that's not you.

I used it to illustrate the point. Good job deflecting because you don't have a real argument.

That was the same for spartans too. Looking down hid your dead when you ran away

Halo 4's campaign is actually great, with new enemy variety and forerunner tech being refreshing instead of another le flood bullshit like every other halo

Explain to me how literally everyone else never had any issues with killing elite players on any gametype, including codwannabe.

And I thought Halo 3 was slow. Even back then I used 120% speed in all my custom games.

we have to go back

>playing H2 multiplayer
>getting up to moon rankings
>nothing but standby cheaters
>70% of the time all you see is this screen

H2 multiplayer was fun as fuck until you got to a certain rank. Then it was just complete shit.

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Same goes for 3,reach and 5

Damn, really? I stopped bothering with competitive play after 2 so never knew if the cheating was still shit in all the later Halo's

you know what this map needs?

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a banshee

>oh man i got some feels flooding back right there

This map was pants on head retarded in CTF.
>Both teams drive the elephants next to each other

>4 had cosmetics unlock by progress
Except like five armor sets and all of the skins aside from the preorder one are paid.
Hell those skins aren't even IN mcc.

>juggling the flag
Fuck I hated that so much, I’d betray a teammate just to get him to fucking stop

What's up guys? Oh me? Not much. Just being the best armor set from any Halo game.

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they still fucking do this.

mcc was fine for a while because they had the non elephant version in matchmaking. then they added it and this shit still happens everytime. which would be fucking FINE if they didnt move out fucking base to the enemy side every fucking time meaning we no longer spawn near the flag

but that's not ODST?

i bet you didnt even get close to level 50 you fucking noob. flag juggling was faster hence people did it

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3’s ranked matches at higher levels were filled with lag switchers

Reach at onyx rank had people just knocking you off the network, specially swat

That's not how you spell Security

Yes, that's a bad thing.
Because if they removed sprint and kept it smaller, you can turn, melee, grenade, reload, etc in any direction while also going top speed.
In 5, you can only sprint. No reload. No gunning. Nothing.

>mfw i had my network protected from standby and ddos style attacks
>mfw it always ended up being a 1v1 because everyone else got disconnected

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It absolutely is. Halo 4 is Call of Duty, it has killstreak rewards, absolutely broken perks, and fundamentally broken gunplay. Maps are small, there's hardly any vehicular combat, and the story aside from the Master Chief and Cortana bits lacks any of the heart, sincerity, or the SIMPLICITY of Bungie's titles. The missions themselves lack any sandbox elements and are all linear and have scripted segments. I'm seeing a lot of love for Halo 4 recently but I promise you it's all contrarian retards that are REE'ing because Reach, the supposedly worse game is coming out. Reach may be flawed and definitely not as good as Halo 2 or 3 but fuck all of the 4fags. Reach may have been the turning point but 4 did everything Reach did bad but way worse.

It also constantly exposed your position making it that much easier for the enemy team to move on you, but yeah much extra one second is definitely worth it

This is very tl;dr but basically sums it up.

>take Halo Reach
>double down on all of its flaws and criticisms, like armor abilities
>remove all of the good things it had, like music and artstyle
>add in stuff from other popular franchises, like permanent sprint, perks, loadouts, in-progress matchmaking joins, killstreaks, and press X to respawn

yes, which is why you should know when to do it and when not to.

Reach is the best because it feels closest to Halo CE. Everyone that thinks otherwise is just a stupid nothingperson who probably thought the magnum nerf patch in Halo 2 was great.

And 99% of the time the chucklefuck that is teammate #3 has no idea when to do it

>title-by-title rollout

dipshit teammates doesnt invalidate a legit strategy

It's a halo game. There are plenty of other fps that do what halo did way better

99% of the time in high skill games it was always better to juggle because people were calling out so much you always knew where everyone was.

3 > 2 > 5 > CE > Reach > 4

enjoy the shitty xbox app

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>Reach is the best because it feels closest to Halo CE
Kill yourself

Reach does kind of have the feel of CE with the pistol's range, but I feel like the expanded weapons and armor abilities kinda set it apart. Reach is a weird inbetween game because it still has the slower, team-based, sandboxy approach that the original trilogy had but also some of the modern stuff that was put in 4/5. It's a unique Halo game and I think the reason why it's so divisive is because there isn't another quite like it.

But ODST is better than 3 and if you think otherwise its nostalgia talking

Was sitting in the warthog sideseat with the flag not a thing in this one or was everyone that played it just retarded?

Flip CE and Reach and then I'd agree 100%. 5's multiplayer is criminally underrated and I genuinely think more people would like it if they brought it over to PC. The pace of that game would lend well to MKB


>*saves your art-style*

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Eh, I can agree with that both of them are low tier anyone. I blame 4 and the poor launch of MCC for the way 5s multi is viewed by some members of the community, if they would just give it a shot they would love it

I'm not talking about the weapons or the abilities. The FoV and the general feel of the game was a lot more like the original. Unlike 2
with the amazingly sticky autoaim, massive tunnelvision and shitty graphics. Or 3 which just didn't even feel like a Halo game at all.

It unironically was.

Yeah, the game that doesn't kill you from fall damage even though it lowers your health and stamina along with grenades not sticking you on Easy or Normal is somehow better than Halo 3, a game that's barely 4 hours long. You ODST turds are as bad as Reachbabbies.

But Reach didn't feel like Halo CE at all.

Don't mean to be argumentative, but how does 3 not feel like a Halo game

I like Halo 3 and also ODST, but I think the thing that might make ODST a better campaign than 3's is it's story and general mood and tone, the ability to explore New Mombasa was really cool, especially if you were around for the E3 2003 tech demo that had that cool level we never got to play. I'm torn between the campaigns myself, I like all of them except 4/5.

hes braindead

It does, if you didn't get the familiar feeling absent from every other title in the series, you didn't play CE very much. Or worse only played
it on PC.

Something was off about it. I had an uncanny valley reaction to it like it was only pretending to be Halo, but was really just a Halo mannequin. Maybe it was how everything seemed like hitscan.