I just started Route C and I'm starting to get really bored. Does the combat ever get more complex...

I just started Route C and I'm starting to get really bored. Does the combat ever get more complex? Are combos ever introduced in route C? If I'm not enjoying the game by now should I just drop it? Was thinking about starting Hollow Knight or Ace Combat 7 soon, so if this game doesn't change much from here I'll probably just move on. Am I missing something that everyone else loved? I don't care about waifufaggotry and the philosophical messages in this game are pretty community college tier. The OST is really nice, I'll give it that. I'm just trying to force myself to enjoy this game and I don't think that's the way to go.

Attached: NieRAutomata-ds1-1340x1340.jpg (1340x833, 154K)

>If I'm not enjoying the game by now should I just drop it?
Keep going. It gets better after you get ending E.

>playing games you don't like
You're a fucking retard. Automata was my GOTY but if you don't like a game after an hour why the fuck are you playing it after five? You're allowed to just have bad taste and play stuff you actually enjoy.

How does it get better? I was enjoying some of the side quests and the 9S playthrough was pretty cool, but route C just seems more of the same from route A and B.

You should probably just stop at this point if you're not enjoying yourself.

>waaaahhh Yea Forums please think for me!

Not OP but it's hardly that simple. For me, Nier was one of my favorite games. But Automata was just a bore for me. I felt nothing for the characters I was playing or their world. But how could I not press on knowing it might reach the levels that the first Nier reached for me?

>But how could I not press on knowing it might reach the levels that the first Nier reached for me?
Did it?


It sadly didn't. I just couldn't get invested with the characters or their factions (androids, machines, rebels, ect.). I was too hung up on the first game I suppose.

Woops, meant resistance, not rebels.

You've come this far and you're near the end anyway. May aswell push through.
Yes OP, I agree. The game is overhyped and I wish I never got memes into buying it.

I was in the same boat as you honestly. Thinking back, my favorite parts of Automata were the connections to the first Nier.

>It sadly didn't.
QE Fuckin' D, and you're as much as a moron as OP. If you don't like a game in the first hour or two, it's not going to fucking magically get better for you. Stop wasting your goddamn time.

>Am I missing something that everyone else loved?
you arent missing anything, on the contrary you have placed too high expectations for the game. it was a nice sequel to a niche title and as a game fairly mediocre but serviceable. it's definitely not worthy of the overhype these waifufags place on it.

It was GOTY 2017.

>playing Yoko Taro games for the gameplay
Retard secondary

Maybe he's playing a platinum game for the gameplay?

It's a pretty mediocre game. Yoko Taro, one of gaming's most outlandish and exciting storytellers, and Platinum Games, one of gaming's kings of action combat come together!!
... To make a game with an okay but rather typical story and absolutely mediocre disappointing combat.

It only got hyped up because of 2B's ass and PC/PS4/XBOX owners wanting a GOTY to match up to BOTW.

I didn't really have high expectations for the game at all, since I'm not a waifufaggot.

Yeah, I hadn't played the other Nier game and I saw Platinum was handling the gameplay so I decided to give it a shot but didn't really enjoy it. I just made this thread to make sure I'm not missing some essential gameplay mechanic since I didn't really like Dark Souls at first after coming from Bloodborne but once I talked to more people about it I started to enjoy it a lot more and it's one of my favorite games now.

I remember when Shinji Mikami, Suda 51 and Akira Yamaoka came together and together to make a game and the outcome was incredibly mediocre on every front. And filled to the brim with the humor only a 12 year old could laugh at.

You onlycall people "waifufaggots" because, not seeing the appeal of the game yourself, the only two options in you mind is that either other people are wrong and like the game for ulterior reasons, or that you have bad taste/are a brainlet/etc.

People have different tastes. Not everyone likes the same things. There's nothing wrong with you if you don't like something a lot of other people do. You don't have to be so defensive. It's good to try to understand other people, yes, but you don't have to force yourself to try to be like them and like the things they like.

user, the guy I replied to used the word "Waifufags". I think you're the one who needs to not get defensive.

Stop reply to bait you inbreds

>Stop reply
stop post one phone, fig