Just installed new HDD, and I keep getting this error. wut do i do?
PC not booting up anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
Install Gentoo
Check cable
, check cable
Reboot and Select proper Boot device
or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key.
It says what to do on the screen.
did you think your os would magically transfer over?
>just installed new HDD
First off, Second, did you install an operating system on it?
I did. My previous HDD is connecting, but that one is almost dying.
floss infront of the webcam then reboot
why are you booting from PXE
you need to go into your bios and change the boot device to the new hard drive and then dab
Select old HDD as boot drive and transfer over
Don't do this! It makes mustard gas.
I hoped it would, but can I install it via CD rom or whatever, if I boot from there? I mean, it's not booting the HDD so I thought it won't do any good.
Have you checked the cable?
get a Yea Forums gold pass so I can pm u the fix bro
Did that, didn't work.
Probably because the shit is turned on by default in BIOS.
insert boot media in selected boot device
Do you have a fucking os on that hard drive? Are you booting from the new hard drive instead of the hard drive with the os on it? Did you fuck with the boot order in the BIOS?
Yes.it still doesn't boot when I change that in BIOS
did you dab
I don't have this problem on my Mac.
Wow, OP.
I fucked with it, but it still doesn't work.
Not video games.
attach both old and new HDD
boot from old one
get some cloning tools (there are free ones, or you can pirate)
clone your old HDD to new HDD (you won't have to reinstall OS + other sw that way and everything will stay the same it was, assuming your old OS wasn't a broken mess in which case just install from scratch)
Download a data migration tool, boot from your old harddrive and migrate your current system to the new drive.
You'll have to write yourself an OS to use, dummy.
Yes, I'm giving this a shot right now
have you tried asking a geeksquad expert?
they'll get it up and running in no time, no need for you to worry about this
don't click this webm it hacked my instagram account
try one more time
>assuming your old OS wasn't a broken mess
Do you seriously believe OP is tech savvy enough to take proper care of his OS?
this, just let geek squad handle it.
Install Temple OS
I'm trying to connect and transfer shit from my old drive, will let you know what happens
Is this an error screen?
This has to be a joke.
No? It looks fine.
>proper care
As long as you don't click on every 'install this codec to see bitches licking each other' there's not much you have to do.
You don't need to be /g/tard, just cautious.
Why? It's just normal ignorance and merchant lies.
>clone your old HDD to new HDD
If you're getting of your old HDD this is a good solution, but remember to partition and format any empty space leftover. If you're cloning from a small disc to a bigger one, you'll only use as much space as the older one had, don't let the extra go to waste.
However if your old drive still boots (figure out out you git, you only have so many boot options) you should just keep using it as your main and use this second one as storage, no OS needed. I mean I see a lot of posts saying you need to install an OS but I don't see why you would. You just want extra space for your degenerate child porn, right? Nothing wrong with your current drive? Literally all you need to do then is stop being dumb and change your default boot device then.
do not install pirate OS
Go to your motherboard's boot menu (f2, f12 or delete key) and make sure it is actually trying to boot from your boot drive and not the new drive. Or go to your motherboard's BIOS and make sure that the boot option or boot override is actually set to your boot drive and not the new drive.
It's a common beginner mistake, no biggie. Best of luck to you user, hope you have fun with whatever you play.
it's building a few packages at the same time (using gentoo's portage build system), as seen in bottom window
top window is just output log of firefox being compiled
center is output of "top" showing cpu/process activity (the same bars can be seen at the bottom in the taskbar, left of that is cpu/core temperature and stuff like that)
top right is just the linux kernel menu configuration there for no reason at all (much like everything else cluttering the screen just for the sake of looking silly)
the blue lines in the back is a silly music visualizer beating to the music currently being played, there's also a small volume bar in the taskbar beating to it as well
>Installing a program and pretend like I'm a hacker!
fa/g/s please explain to me what's the point of using package manager.
Seems like you need to get a new computer, this one's broken
no I'm not THAT big of a dumbass.
Doing this just now, will update once I'm done.It's dying, it's gotten slow as hell and keeps hanging on me, it was time I changed it.
>it's gotten slow as hell and keeps hanging on me
Honestly wouldn't be surprised if this is just your Windows installation, no offense m8 but you do sound like the type who lets it get that bad.
I am, because I'm a college faggot still and it's a bit hard for me saving up for shit like this. I got this HDD in 2012.
Should I restart my PC from the same old drive once cloning is done? or the new one? does it matter?
Eh? The point of using a package manager is so it manages your packages so you don't have to manage them yourself.
You don't have to go to a website and download an installer only to find you can't install it until you install this other thing first, and go through a few steps to find that, oops the download link is dead so it looks like you're fucked, eh? Now, with a package manager you have a whole bunch of mirrors to choose from (and when I say choose I mean it'll be done automatically in case one fails) in case something does go down. You choose one thing to install and all the prerequisites are installed for you. Makes installing new software a 2-second affair, no effort, no thinking, no web browsing, no research, just werks, etc. They're not command-line only if that's what you're getting at.
If everything worked perfectly (not bloody likely is it), you should be able to remove the old one and boot from the new one. Odds are it won't work. What closing software are you using? Did you make sure to include boot sectors and all that in the image?
Using EaseUS, it's still cloning though, not done yet.
PM'd you the fix.
>12 gigs of ram power
yeah these posts or it was written by a kid whos dad bought it for him
Had to look it up. Software that runs from within Windows, you're bloody doomed m8. I have the lowest possible expectations from something like that. You should've gone with a cloning tool that runs off a bootable CD, like Clonezilla. Keep that in mind if this one shits the bed.
Why? Explain further
Because your OS is actively running on the disk that's being cloned.
But that's the tool's job to not fuck it up, if it's made to run from the windows, it should also be able to counter that problem.
No software is 100% perfect and you'd lose nothing by using software that has to jump through fewer hoops.
Even if you don't have a CD/DVD drive because they're honestly useless nowadays you can easily boot off a USB flash drive. Clonezilla is pretty light.
OP could’ve started from a clean table, fucking idiot. What if his previous disk broke?
>Memory with 12 gigabytes of ram power
I do have CD drive, but I'm already cloning it through windows. Am I irreversibly fucked?
Why are amerimutts so against consumer protection?
I was wondering that actually. what if the previous disk is broke? wut to do then?
Nothing's gonna happen to your original disk so even if you can't boot off the cloned one there's no irreversible damage.
You'll just have to reformat and clone it properly and all you'll lose is an hour of your life.
Just glue it back together.
what if you don't have a glue?
Please. Please source.
Can you recommend me some good free software?
A little bit instructions will be nice too if you can user.
Faulty hard drives with bad sectors can give all sorts of errors. Windows is pretty good at reallocating faulty sectors and repairing data but I would never clone an install from a badly failing hard drive unless I absolutely needed software that couldn't be found again. You are much better off with a fresh install, especially when a drive is really carking it.
apt-get install nano
finding a website/repository hosting nano, wget, unpack, install, manually updating it every time
Why do stupid people like this have money for shit like this?
EaseUS turns off the computer and boots into a preboot environment on next start to do the cloning. I don't think any program is capable of accessing windows files while they're being used by the system, which is why windows still needs to restart to do updates.
A thing to note too here is a 520 was fucking shit even at the time this was written.
>tfw her good ending
Why does it have to be this way
I remember when I first had a 550 ti. That was a damn good card.
I had a 560 and I swear that thing was going to catch fire.
It modifies your hard disk's boot sector instead of just letting you make bootable removeable media? Holy what-could-go-wrong, Batman,
press f12 to get boot options or delete to go into bios. pick different hard drives to boot till you find the right one.
Or swap the harddrives round.
No it creates a ramdisk from my understanding. Allows for block level reading without worrying about files being changed at the same time. Windows does the same thing when you invoke a chkdsk /f command and reboot.
that hdd had a cunny overload
OP here, PC booted just now, you guys might be assholes but you helped a noob out. Thank you.
next time use google
I did use it. but no one mentioned cloning this shit.
And stop being a tsundere and take my thanks.
meant for
Then unfuck with it, retard.
enjoy you're windows rot
>took my at the time ~5-6 years old Windows 7 partition
>cloned it onto an SSD
>exchanged motherboard, ram and processor for new components
>repaired drivers
>installed some drivers that don't officially support windows 7
>runs smooth for another year
>starts blue screening ever so often
>freezes three days in a row while using firefox
>alright, I had a good run, but now it's time to forma-
>wait what if it's literally Firefox' fault?
>find out Firefox can freeze your computer through hardware acceleration
>a graphics card related feature
>find out I "up"dated graphics card driver two weeks before shit started breaking
>find out that driver was complete shite
>get a more stable version
>OS runs like a charm again
Fuck you Nvidia. Literally worried about blue screens for three months AND almost wiped my hard drive because of your half-baked drivers.
I don't understand why you would install a new HDD without having this little a clue about computers but okay, here's what you do. Follow this guide and download one of the free cloning software options from here:
Basically you need to clone your existing HDD to the new one which transfers not just the existing files but things like the Master Boot Record which the computer needs to boot properly. Then you need to change the BIOS options for your HDDs so your computer boots from the new drive first instead of the old drive and you use them side by side. If the new drive is larger than the old one then the cloning software will probably have given you an option to grow the partition larger, otherwise you may need to use partitioning software (also free options available) to grow your partition size which you probably can't do while it's in use, so the software will either prepare a boot disk for you in the form of a DVD-R or USB drive. And voila. Good luck.
cont. Cloning is super fine though. No issues at all.
windows does degrade though, lot of bloating over time