*dodges your stun*

*dodges your stun*
*kills you in 2 hits*

Attached: master yi lol.png (170x170, 20K)

Stop playing shitty f2p games lo l

in fucking 2012 maybe

*goo fling Yi Fag while he's in Ult*
*Target can't be slowed!*



Attached: PicsArt_12-08-02.25.51.jpg (1080x1966, 205K)

>you will never play AP Yi ever again

>*plays shitty video games for children and normalfags*

balanced because melee AD carry. Melee carries have to be pub stomp strong or else theyre just trash

When people ask when League started to decline, I always just say when they thought nerfing AP Yi was necessary.

The real answer is the moment they started forcing a lane meta

How is that picture from assfaggots? How do you know this?! Explain yourself

there's no such thing as forced meta
players are literally FREE to do what they wish
that they choose to divide into lanes and roles surprises no one

>The most broken damage type
>easy access to True

Ok. Yi is hard during the first 2 kills. Then he becomes broken because MUH TRUE.

Except DotA and all its iterations has always had a lane meta. Riot didn't start enforcing it in normals games until the e-sports scene started to kick off. There was a huge desire form players for games to emulate the pro games they've been watching. I don't blame Riot for conceding as much as I hate the industry and the dumbass players who supported it because they wanted to feel like their jock friends that were into actual sports.

true is just damage

>there's no such thing as forced meta
There literally fucking is

>players are literally FREE to do what they wish
No they aren't because the game is designed for the one lane meta to be the most effective so players don't have a choice and you can get banned for not following it

>that they choose to divide into lanes and roles surprises no one
Yeah because Riot forces them to
Fucking idiot

Attached: 1541761691789.png (714x186, 13K)

>Except DotA and all its iterations has always had a lane meta.
Nope. Watch any handful of TI matches and you won't see the same team comp and lane layout happening.

it goes through resistances making your gold null and void

>still playing MOBAs
they're the black holes of vidya, just don't.

>Suddenly dotards invade league thread

Why does this game triggers so many valv3drones?

they are upset more people are playing autochess than their own game

Based and not delusional.
I hate these fucking "there's no meta" retards. It instantly gives away they never played league or anything outside of blindpick.
Ignore the ape, user, he's not worth your time

RIP to my boy AdelaideSkyHart

>what is hp

>person interested in videogames recognises a videogame character

Attached: 1426029107381.jpg (576x418, 56K)

>what is limited item slots and item management
>what is not normally breaking 4k HP
>what is 1k True per attack at 4-5 attacks per second

Remove True from the game.

settle down you sperg

nobody ever said there's no meta you fucking apes
only that FORCED meta is a contradiction.
META means OUTSIDE the game, it's what PLAYERS do


It's FORCED because if you DONT do it. You LOSE. LOSING can be noted as THROWING. THROWING is REPORTABLE.
Retard. Stop moving goalposts and accept you're wrong you fucking bronze garbage drooling neaderthal.

>FORCED because if you DONT do it. You LOSE
only in the current meta. if players found something better they would do that instead.

And then guess what??? You DROP that meta for the NEXT meta or it's considered throwing.
Lucian Mid, Ziggs bot, Lulu Top, etc. All potentially bannable now but were meta during a time.
Do not talk about this garbage game unless you've played it. And since you clearly havent, here's my advice: Dont.

>if players found something better they would do that instead.
And they won't find anything better, because Riot specifically designs their forced meta to the be the best and openly states that they do it. It's not complicated. Any time people figured out anything even remotely different, Riot nerfed it out and forced their stupid lane meta back in.

Nobody can actually be this stupid

>potentially bannable
Please name one person who was banned for playing ziggs bot nowadays. Considering I still play him and other mages both bot and top, I think you're full of shit.

whatever you stupid jerks

remember when that one pro guy bought a tiamat on morg supp and got banned for doing something outside of the meta? haha

Best champion