Steam Betrayal General

Where were you when Steam decided to silence the customers and just hide negative reviews they don't like because they want to please the publisher instead?

The real reviews for GTA 5 is 56% (MIXED).
But now, when you see it, it's 70% (MOSTLY POSITIVE).

Fuck, I loved Steam and Valve, I hate chinks cunts, so now I'm homeless for platform. I'll go back to Pirate Bay and maybe GoG I guess.
They used to be so customer-oriented.
Now they're just a bunch of cunts jews.

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Other urls found in this thread: Newell

Read the news for more details.

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They hide "negative reviews bombs" now.
Your voice as a customer isn't worth shit anymore.

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How embarrassing.

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Well, you can't post three pictures in one post, can you.

[How to revert these changes]
- Click your profile name (the one next to your wallet)
- Under it, select "Store preferences".
- Scroll down until you see pic related
- Click "Edit Preferences"
- Choose "Include reviews from all Steam purchases in Review Scores"
Problem solved!

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>Remove review bombs
Yeah, seems about right.
The whole point of review bombs is to try lowering or increasing a game's review score without being legitimate reviews.

>Removing the false reviews only made to lower the score is a bad thing guys I swear!
Do you listen to yourself? the reviews have a rating system, if your review is disliked and rated down by 100-1000 people pretty sure your review helps nobody and is just there to spam so fuck off

>The whole point of review bombs is to try lowering or increasing a game's review score without being legitimate reviews.
GTA got review bombed because they banned mods and random people online.
Wasn't legitimate in your opinion?

That's opt out, nobody knows that, people will still trust the store on the top of the page and rely on that.
Even though the score is false.

Yeah fuck review bombing, use the discussion panel if you want to bitch and use reviews for legitimate feedback.

They don't plan to remove reviews that are "disliked", this isn't fucking reddit.
They remove reviews during a review bomb, even if legitimate and liked, just to not offend the publisher.

>Random people
Sounds like it was people using exploits and making the game worse for other players.
I wouldn't want to listen to their reviews.


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Solid post

Review bombing was retarded and not legitimate. Trying to pass this off as ''Steam silencing gamers'' is childish and not representative of what they're trying to accomplish.

In fact they're vastly improving the accuracy of the reviews since retards mobbing a game doesn't influence the game as much.

>Fuck, I loved Steam and Valve,
>loving corporations that you don't even work for

Play gta

>someone who hacked without your knowledge gives you money

>you get banned

My friend got a hackerman's money by truckloads and didn't get banned. His social club account got hijacked by some pajeet though.

Tiananmen Square massacre. Go away chinks. This is a Winnie the Pooh meme board

it was random as fuck

Epic Chads won again.

Devotion got review bombed by chinks because their leader was compared to Winnie the Pooh. One for one, I suppose.

>Review: This game is not fun 0/10
>Valve classifies this as off-topic

That's a shitpost, not a review.
Might be an accurate shitpost but it's still a shitpost.

you do know the consider anything about P2W DRM or censorship to be off topic right?

>reviews overwhelmingly positive before AND AFTER the massive review bomb
Yeah you're basically only proving that they're making the right call. Which makes you seem more like a Valve marketer using false flag attacks.

And the worst thing was that rockstar wouldn't fix it if they fucked up

why review bomb on steam instead of letter bombing their rockstars office?

Because rockstar didn't give a fuck

in fact they are still doing this shit

Q: I care about some things that I worry other players don't, like DRM or EULA changes. Review bombs have been about them in the past. Do you consider them unrelated or off-topic?

A: We had long debates about these two, and others like them. They're technically not a part of the game, but they are an issue for some players. In the end, we've decided to define them as off-topic review bombs. Our reasoning is that the "general" Steam player doesn't care as much about them, so the Review Score is more accurate if it doesn't contain them. In addition, we believe that players who do care about topics like DRM are often willing to dig a little deeper into games before purchasing - which is why we still keep all the reviews within the review bombs. It only takes a minute to dig into those reviews to see if the issue is something you care about.

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Oh wow

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I already had this argument earlier. It is self-evident that anyone concerned about review bombs is a complete retard that wants to be told what to think by consensus. They can't fathom reading a few sentences and deciding whether another person's concerns align with theirs or not. I don't care how they try to justify their retardation anymore. Newell
Send an email to Gabe.

how very jewish

Braindead people like you should be fucking castrated. This was literally the single outlet where consumers could put any kind of pressure on the publisher/developer side of things. Now there's not a fucking thing they can do to raise a stink about unfair practices, awful policies or shitty updates.

>Nice job Gabe. You owned those retards review bombers.

What a bunch of faggots. Total desperation to appease publishers so they don't hop ship to Tencent Store

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Fucking cunts.

Steam is now completely spineless

I could understand if they were legitimately off-topic, sometimes review bombs happen because of some other game by the developer/publisher or some stupid social media bullshit. But weren't GTAV's negative reviews because of the microtransactions in GTAO? Obviously that's relevant to the game itself and not off-topic.

They false banned me and unbanned later with apologies (and they did that because of the backlash by the way). One fucker i know who was spawning money wasn't banned and still plays, though.
Review bombs is necessary for big publishers to stick heads from their asses at least once in a while.

have sex

there's that Taiwanese game that got review bombed by Chinese players, that doesn't seem fair to that indie dev at all either

>Fuck, I loved Steam and Valve, I hate chinks cunts
>proceeds to create epic shill threads daily

It's different for FREE games because anyone can review.

But for games that people BOUGHT, any review is a legitimate review because you're a paying customer.

Steamfags absolutely BTFO

They are begging me to pirate games.

>steam hides now some negative reviews
>game review sites may be sponsored by game devs, so they are not reliable
>youtube reviews are mostly cancer
>Yea Forums shits on every game anyway
How am I supposed to know which game is good and which is bad? I just wanna play some good vidya

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Welp that removes pretty much all ambiguity, Valve is just bowing to big publishers.

>Steam:Sucks loudly on publisher cock


i cant even imagine getting triggered by shit like this like holy fuck my man. take a pussy pill

If you can't decide for yourself, wait until someone plays the game and puts videos on Youtube.

>Q: So if I post a review inside in the period of an off-topic review bomb, my review won't be included in the Review Score?

>A: Unfortunately, this is correct. We've tested our process of identifying off-topic review bombs on the entire history of reviews on Steam, and in doing so, we've found that while we can look through reviews and community discussions to determine what's behind the review bomb, it isn't feasible for us to read every single review. But as we mentioned back in our first User Review post, our data shows us that review bombs tend to be temporary distortions, so we believe the Review Score will still be accurate, and other players will still be able to find and read your review within the period.

LMAO Valve is so lazy.

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they bought it, never played it, left a review about China having nothing to do with the game, and then refunded it
how the fuck is that legitimate

youtubers can edit the negative stuff out to grab more shill points
twitchers just cant do it if the game refuses to work


Reading the negative steam reviews, which are not hidden and you are fucking retarded.

Just disable reviews for refunded games then.

So then find someone who doesn't.

>then refunded it

reviews disappear when you refund a game

Steam will also hide any positive reviews made during a review bomb. They aren't selecting negatives only for this.


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Buy then refund

>But for games that people BOUGHT, any review is a legitimate review because you're a paying customer.
Fucking kek. I'm waiting for a gacha thread to show itself.

that's not fair either, WarZ being an example of a game where people who have legitimate reasons to refund a game and leave bad reviews about it

>but they will hide 1 positive review for every 1000 negative ones
How nice.

>The information we collect may include personal information such as your first and/or last name, e-mail address, phone number, photo, mailing address, geolocation, or payment information. In addition, we may collect your age, gender, date of birth, zip code, hardware configuration, console ID, software products played, survey data, purchases, IP address and the systems you have played on. We may combine the information with your personal information and across other computers or devices that you may use.

Steam now considers this off topic

What in the fuck? Phone number? Are they planning to sell this shit to the highest bidder?

Sorry user, time for the unthinkable
Swashbuckle everything and play them to find out

they've already sold it

Call me naive and retarded, but if I were a developer I would welcome any and all criticism regardless of where it is posted.
If the customers are unhappy with a company, then shouldn't that company do what it can to address their concerns, instead of hiding the complaints?
A lot of people don't simply factor the game as a singular self contained entity when they purchase; they want to know if their money is going to a company that has good values.
Valve are fucking retarded and I hope Gabe and his entire family die slowly and painfully.

>we have progressed to the point where yar-harring a game before you purchase it is such an uncommon concept that you have to remind people it's possible
My god, when can we boot these fucking normalfags out of here?

the phone number is used for two-factor authentication
but obviously, like everyone else, they'll also sell that information

You're thinking as a creator and not a corporate suit.

I know. Uncontrolled late stage capitalism certainly has a lot of flaws. Brings out the worst in people. It's still the best system when compared to the rest but holy fuck we need something new to stop this jewish behavior

as a developer, you would
as the publisher, no you fucking wouldn't

Recently I noticed reviews now have the payment method people used tagged in them, meaning wallet purchases have a Steam icon, and keys of any sort, regardless of source have a key in them.

Is this it? Will they begin to ignore key user reviews altogether when it suits the devs needs?

I wanted to sperg out, but this is fine, as long as they keep this and questionable reviews.

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You made this thread again. Now I'm convinced that it's some kind of counter-counter-smear from Epic.

>Call me naive and retarded
You're naive and retarded. Obviously companies want customer feedback, the point in here is to make said customer feedback more relevant by helping them prune out malicious ''reviews'' the sole intent of which is to hurt the company in a childish fit of rage.
>instead of hiding the complaints
They're not ''hiding the complaints'', they're i.proving the visibility of the legitimate complaints by filtering out the trash reviews.

I bet you agree with the UK government arresting people over tweets exposing muslim invader pedophiles.

yeah because new people don't know the difference
and you can only give a negative review once

This doesn't work for me. The reviews for GTA still show "mostly positive" despite having opted out

I think their evaluation is quite fair, but that's probably PR speak getting to me. The dick move is forcing everybody to opt-in by default. Not to mention the lack of any notice that such a change has occurred outside of the news section. Who even keeps track of those?

What would have been appreciated is this. Post-update, next time users look into a specific game's store page, they are presented with a notice, Valve's reasoning behind it, and then the user is asked to opt-in or out. That way, unless you literally never browse games on Steam, everyone WILL be notified and have made their choice before moving on.

This was done when they added the option to filter mature content of various nature. When they added the summary graphs for reviews, you were notified immediately upon looking at any reviews thereafter. So not doing any of this sort here is simply bullshit.

No I don't because an entirely different issue altogether. You're confusing people throwing shit reviews en masse just to shit on a publisher versus people calling out sandnigger pedophiles.

>epic store shows up and gives devs a better cut of profits
>"o-oh, well then we'll fudge the reviews a bit for you guys if you stick around :^^^)"

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Don't you think that maybe if the publishers communicated and listened to their customers more then people wouldnt resort to review bombing?
You are so fucking stupid and narrow minded. There's so many variables that you aren't considering. Address the root cause of the problem. Don't just try to hide it.

This is EXACTLY what is happening.

>tfw had a dream to work at valve when I was a kid
how could this happen. The did a complete 180 on all things I admired them for
fuck you Gaben

>steam finally getting rid of shitposter reviews and alt-sjw review bombing

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You're pretending to be reasonable but really, your main concern is that people can't form hate mobs on games for a completely trivial reason. Like for example when Metro Exodus was confirmed to be timed Epic Games exclusive people bombed the reviews for Metro 2033 and Last Light in retaliation which is profoundly retarded and not at all indicative of either game's actual quality.

I feel like anything that helps to stop the constant threads on here that are just a screenshot of some game with a "mixed" or "negative" rating on Steam combined with "OH NO NO NO NO" can only be a good thing. The people who make those threads and who lust after yet another TORtanic should probably be force-fed glue.

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If you can't even decide if a game is good or bad by directly watching the gameplay footage,
why bother at all?
Just find a review that talk good about the game.
That way you can be positive and possibly enjoy the game despite the flaws.
We don't have to live in miserable state if we can choose to.

NOOOOOO! What will I do now that I can't use my /pol/ discord to bomb SJW games so the normies don't buy them?!

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What's wrong with forming hate mobs?
The Epic Games exclusivity for Metro Exodus was a pathetic move and if the 'review bombing' stopped even 1 person from giving money to Deep Silver then it's a positive thing. Publishers need to be punished for bad decisions.
Are you Jewish by any chance? I can't believe somebody is defending censorship

>Implying casuals will do this

Steam raped you faggots and you just accept it

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Uuuh, you guys do know that you can deactivate the system anytime, right?

Deactivating doesn't work

Yup. What now, fuckhead?

civ 6 got review bombed for this under nusteam this is now off tpoic

Shhh, Yea Forums doesnt want to know that

You're trying too hard and obviously roleplaying. Question is who do you really work for?

Your own fault, user. Shouldn't have abused the system to go after your SJW enemies.

The average consumer doesn't know this, and it's not like they sent everyone an email telling them about these changes.

Valve are scum.

This. Valve did this with Steamspy by hiding everyones libraries, which you could undo, but it utterly screwed them

Go make your own alt right game store. You can sell rapeday, hatred, and that /pol/ rpgmaker game.


what the hell does that have to do with them making DRM or EULA changes off topic?

Chinks aren't people therefore they should have none of the rights afforded to people. Such as user reviews.

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meant for

Oh no what will I do without steam reviews. It's not like theres a whole internets worth of game reviewers out there or something

It's why this is happening.

to find some of the issues that still plague GTA V you'll have to hunt for hours if you don't know what you're looking for

I don't like your kind and would be fine with en masse jailing you.

no there was reason for them to make those things off topic to stop the "evil altright" as you call them

nice strawman you built there

You don't like people who stop muslims from raping little kids?

Go back to highschool, friend. There are no debate rules here just because you can't counter shit.

>board cheering a dude murdering kids just a day ago
>caring at all about kids

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So they they made review bombing about DRM or EULA off topic to get rid of the alltright?

White kids in their own country are more important than full grown adult male invaders that have no right to be there. Brenton Tarrant is a hero.

They made the move at all due to the altright. If they did not exist, no changes would have been needed.

>calls others pedos
>oddly obsessed with white kids to the point he thinks others are
Get therapy.

Shut the fuck up you disingenuous gook, no one cares what (You) think reviews are for. We will use them for any criticism we have about the game, the publisher, the devs, or any other niggershit involved with it. The steam forums are garbage where half the people posting get banned for inconsequential nonsense.

Act like a like, get the pike.

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>We will
No, you won't. lmfao. The fat man owns shit, not you.

What? I'm talking about people who rape kids. Would you not consider somebody who rapes a kid a pedo?
I never said others are obsessed with white kids. What are you talking about?

>They made the move at all due to the altright.

if that's was the case they wouldn't have even mention DRM being off topic this for publishers


bunch of fucking spineless niggers

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Wait, why is raping kids a big deal to you but not murdering them? What is wrong with you, dude?

Okay now you've exposed you are just a troll. You had me going. 9/10 baiting.

>forgetting that you can review games even if you didn't play them
Watch me, retard

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are you retarded

>it's not like they sent everyone an email telling them about these changes
It's literally in the announcements page that every user gets.

>"I give a single fucking thought to a review system that can be easily manipulated."

Dude, stop being a fucking tool and make your own decisions.
A simple stroll thru YouTube/Twitch is all the decision making power you should require.

i have never purchased a game on Steam.

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then they need to add a separate category of reviews where people can warn each other of scummy shit the devs/publishers are doing

>calls a terrorist a hero
>accuses others of trolling
Hahahaha man

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And then they make it so you can't review unless you have atleast 4 hours. That's the next step. Be afraid. shitposter.

No, they banned people for using online mods

>tfw you find out Limmy is a prick with no sense of humor outside of his job

>Fuck, I loved Steam and Valve
For what reason? Steam peaked about 10 years ago, and year in year out since then has gotten worse. It's a convenience, but they can't really be trusted and I never buy directly on Steam anymore because the prices are crap.

Plus I play more on Origin these days.

wouldn't be a problem if people would actually write something about the gameplay into their reviews instead of copypasting the same not-relevant rant about politics non-stop

>muh reviews hurr i cant have my own opinion

there was no reason to include these issues as off topic other than to suck publisher cock

find non jaded and non sensationalist you tube reviewers.
i dont relie on them bcs i can already tell by the trailers and the game description and presentation if they are worth playing or not. in general i just dont buy games from californian companies and im on the safe side mostly.

>sometimes review bombs happen because of some other game by the developer/publisher or some stupid social media bullshit
if this is going to count as off topic and it gets removed where else are people going to voice their concern with the political bullshit these companies get up to

mark my words things will only get worse from here, this is more about squashing dissent than it it preserving quality because these bombs only happen when a developer fucks up brutally

does valve want EPIC to do better? these retards or so high on their own farts up in their ivory tower that they can't even comprehend how this might be a bad idea

I'm fine with it except their stance on DRM/EULA.

Thankfully people will probably throw a big enough hissyfit at that that they'll reconsider whether or not it's off-topic.

Troll reviews should be removed at Valve’s discretion. They are not legtitimate forms of criticism.

>muh reviews hurr i cant have my own opinion
hello yang

how does that corporate cock tastes like, faggot?

how about you fucking pirate before buying, you retarded mongoloid?

>game is shit and people refund it
>their review isn't legit somehow

First thing first, I tried opting out of this cover up program, nothing changes. GTA is still reviewed great without the yellow. Maybe I should relogin?

Second, you faggots steam shills got what you deserved, you were tooting steam´s dick that they were more consumer friendly than Epic store, well, talk about getting betrayed. The scary thing is that no one of importance will care. 99% will think everything is okay. God fuck lord what a shitty future.

It's arbitrary and your definition of legit has no formal criteria. You're winging it, Valve is winging it, and because this is 4channel you'll never have to care in real life.

Good to know that you posses the omnipresent intelect to decree what is and what isn't a legitimate review.

Steam was always cancer and Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company, if you ever thought otherwise then you fell for Valve's brainwashing. Valve should have been boycotted into bankruptcy the moment they launched Steam.
Fuck Valve, fuck Epic, and fuck paying for digital distribution

They were never customer oriented, charging for a download is inherently anti consumer, immoral, and unethical

>Where were you
playing all my games that i bought without caring about reviews. get fucked normalfag

>>epic store shows up and gives devs a better cut of profits
>>"o-oh, well then we'll fudge the reviews a bit for you guys if you stick around :^^^)"
That's exactly right.
Fucking jew cunts.

You didn't buy anything, you gave them a glorified donation
Only normalfags use Steam or pay for digital distribution

literally no one is going to "betray steam" over this

>not legitimate reviews
>reviews made by people who bought the game and are dissatisfied with it in some way
What you MEANT to say is reviews by people who don't like right? This is just a complaint by shitty developers and game journos who are upset that their opinions aren't as valuable thanks to steam reviews.

Those aren't review bombs.

I'm fucking mad
Companies are ceaselessly assraping the customers and all ways of retaliating are being taken away. Way to fucking go
Piratefags did nothing wrong, I'm never buying a game from a big publisher again
This isn't just a fucking vidya issue, but obviously this isn't the board to talk about the kinds of fuckery other kinds of companies do

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I mean you do realize that in order to review a game on steam you have to own it right? There's no such thing as "review bombing" in that case unless the game was given out for free. Say the game is updated and that update actually ruins the game, then suddenly you aren't allowed to say so in a review because then other people also think that? Like I said, this isn't a legitimate criticism of steam reviews since it doesn't make any sense. The only people are actually against steam reviews are developers/publishers who are fucking over their players and game journos who are losing the reason for their job existing.

>Buy a game
>Can not say whatever you want on it
Freedom of speech might not be that important for burgers.

review bombing is pointless and childish anyway

Yeah man, fucking lazy devs not adding a Chinese translation... Who the hell do they think they are?

>Believing Steam reviews

According to Steam the best games ever made are weebshit, meme-Portal 2, Factorio and literally a free browser game about pigs

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Fuck off immediately corpotate dicksucker

The average consumer is a fucking retard and doesn't care about reviews anyway.

You can just scroll down and see the unfiltered rating dumb gwailo

Good to know that you posses the omnipresent dick in your ass.

The evil meanie gamers are hurting the poor little corporations by posting their nasty words, so they have just have to be silenced. Don't worry though, this will never be abused, this isn't about hiding complaints, the game companies would *never* do that, they love us very much, after all.
Why is it only video games companies that get nutters like you defending this shit?
What did they do to you that makes you seriously believe that wank?

Rather than review bombs, I'd want to just have the "10/10 would shank myself in the shower again" posts banned.
That shit fags up the reviews worse than anything short of chinks sperging out does.

>a vn with a potenital good story
>the only puzzle game that isn't total dogshit
>hat in time
>the only good witcher game
seems pretty based and redpilled desu

>negative feedback not instantly visible to the average customer
>unironically defensing this
bend over and take gabe's fat cock all you want, but don't try and convince others to do so
>everybody who dislikes steam is chinese xd
I'm starting to believe the shill meme. Now fuck off before I go tiananmen square on your ass

I fail to see what's wrong with it.

They way that guy types is so cringey holy shit.

the single outlet? what about twitter? youtube? any gaming community?

>removing fake and illegitimate reviews and review bombing from the equation
If it bothers you this much just use GOG and Itch and pirate everything else, but then that's not why you made this thread to get guaranteed replies. It's okay I understand, everyone needs some (you)s every now and then.

look at dis dude
o nononono

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>fake and illegitimate reviews and review bombing
How the fuck is complaining about scummy practices fake and illegitimate
And if you do something bad, then that is probably the time when the bad reviews are gonna roll. Review bombing is natural

>steam betrayal
Steam has been betraying customers since their inception. People easily forget about things like having to accept a new ToS or rejecting access to your account.

What I find funny is that this shit, instead of coming from a place of honesty, is basically epic games / EA trying to save face and point fingers. No current digital platform, not the GoG launcher, not uplay, none of them are good. They're all spyware. Steam just does the review thing wrong as well. They are bought to do these awful practices. But don't even pretend that there's a single digital platform worth a shit and that this doesn't happen outside of Steam.

>ever reading Steam reviews
It's your own fault

>best selling game of all time
>h-hah take that corperations we gave you thumbs down GAMERS RISE UP
imagine being 16 in 2019

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yeah haha fuck consumer rights haha

>thumbs down
>we have successfully protected consumer rights
imagine being 14 in 2019

>they got so butthurt about the thumbs down that steam had to change its review system
16 year old gangweed gamers have more power than you

you keep on putting words in people's mouths

lol we're writing not even talking wtf

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uh no? i'm definitely talking as a type so....

And how the fuck is winnie president, not catering to chinks, bombing other games in place of the one responsible, and all the other bullshit people get mad for, legitimate? Review bombing has some merit, but dear fucking god, at least don't pretend its usage has always been for valid reasons.

>And how the fuck is winnie president, not catering to chinks, bombing other games in place of the one responsible, and all the other bullshit people get mad for, legitimate?
not guy you're replying to, your sentence structure is barbaric. consider learning about the semi-colon or something, 3 clauses in 1 sentence is ridiculous


>b-but chinks!!!!!
fuck right off
It would be perfectly fine for steam to intervene in individual cases like that devotion fuckery. Hell, maybe even separate chink reviews from the rest of the world altogether. Creating an automatic system to silence all negative feedback is NOT fine and unjustifiable
>bombing other games in place of the one responsible
While these aren't legitimate reviews, they are 100% fair. You treat customers like shit- you get treated like shi

t. corporate cocksucker

>How the fuck is complaining about scummy practices fake and illegitimate
It's not. Why would you think those are fake?
>Review bombing is natural
Ah that's why, you just want to give the pooh bear back his toolbox. There's a difference between Chinese gov review bombing and legit players complaining user, and based Steam is only combatting the former.

Valve is the reason digital distribution has a monopoly on PC, why does Valve always get a pass? Steam was the consolization of PC.

What children at Yea Forums can't fathom is that this board's opinion, media opinion, and average Joe opinion are all different things altogether, which won't and can't mesh together without making some mush that won't help either side.
GTAV is beloved by people - every sale it goes up in best sellers, it gets awards at this annual steam thing, it's fourth most played game on platform. Rating you see now, with review bombs cut out, is actual, real average opinion about the game, as sad as it is. Problem is, there's nothing you can honestly do about it, because sort of people genuinely liking GTAV are people who wouldn't care one bit about vidya news, because for them, it's news about literal toys - nonsense, in other words. "Who cares about toys?" "Toys are to be played with, not talked about!"

you say that as if theyre 100% wrong though, especially games like gta and minecraft with heavy modability/replayability, they literally are just big toys to be played with, and you either have fun or you dont

>muh chinks
I ain't gonna type the same shit again. See and shut the fuck up or keep taking gabe's fat cock. Or both, whatever suits you

>just say "muh chinks" and you no longer have to address that part of the situation

But I already have you tremendous cock devouring nigger


Just buy the game and play it for a few hours
Reviews just sour your opinion of a game

This. Make sure to buy the season pass and at least 10 lootboxes too


Very explicitly not related to the game

Also stop whining about your dumb spy boogeyman it's just a bunch of random information no ones going to use it

You mean the platforms where a select few "influencer" voices stand out and publishers outright buy those as their advertising puppets so when normies search for the games those are the opinions they'll find?

Why the fuck do they collect the data if they aren't going to use it
How fucking blind do you have to be to not see how absolutely dystopian all of the shit that's happening is

Was a lifelong fan of Limmy, not anymore.

Fuck off incels

seething cringe yikespilled discordera tranny drumpftard

>hehehe let me insult trans and non-binary people that'll definitely help my argument

do you guys not understand
there is literally nothing wrong with that

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You can opt out retard. Just go to your steam preferences if you want to see review bombs.

yes we must, unless you like politics in your videogames, thank the left


Buuuuuut since they are alt-right incels they don't have the brain capacity to realise that

user what if you're the brainlet

>allowing corporations to take """useless information"""
>they keep slowly but steadily adding more and more to the collection because why the fuck not
>taking that pile of buzzwords seriously
Corporate dicksuckers, this is your mentality

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review bombs, especially about DRM/EULA have nothing to do with the actual game, which is the whole point of the review aggregate

like they said, if you care about those things you'll read slightly beyond the basic score aggregate

except for cases where drm literally changes things about the functionality of the game

then don't be childish spamming useless reviews

DRM/EULA are entirely positive

the only one that woul complain about them are trolls

>then don't be childish spamming useless reviews
>moving the goalposts
>implying anyone gets to be the arbiter of tone
>DRM/EULA are entirely positive
lmao ok

GTAV doesn't deserve much praise, that's what I meant. They did fuck modders over, they did gut single player addons in favor of online mode, they did do scummy price manipulations on first sales, they do sell shark cards and so on. It's "millions of flies" problem.
That said, I don't condone review bombing. Like real-life terrorism, it mostly has negative results, allowing "victims" to ride on wave of pity, while making "bombers" look like some radicals, and only people who do get hurt are customers unrelated to either party who have to figure out if this game is really bad or it was raided by someone. Emotional capacity wasted on review bombing should go into supporting genuinely good games instead.

I'm fucking done, I've spent almost 2 hours arguing with retards who are either baiting or real, unironical shills
Fuck you

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>>moving the goalposts
it's literally what reviewbombs are

so many people here are so ignorant to how childish they are

doesn't matter, if they're right they're right

Review bombing was so much of a non-threat and important to understanding changes made to a game. This problem was solved ages ago by the recent vs overall system. If they wanted to pull a payday 2 or a redshell, what's stopping them now?

>games that feature Winnie the Pooh in a negative light will no longer be review bombed by angry Chineses

One would hope whatever system they put in place works by doing things like discrediting accounts with extremely few hours played or many accounts coming from the same IP, for example. But who fucking knows, it's not like they have any reason to be transparent.

so which matters more, stopping a bunch of customers from voicing their opinions in an unruly fashion or stopping a company from having to be confronted with rightful criticism, some action warrant outrage, some actions are worse than others

>DRM/EULA are entirely positive

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So this is a reaction to Chinese insects review-bombing Devotion over the Xi Jinping/Winnie the Pooh thing, right?

Attached: xi winnie.jpg (880x495, 85K)

That's not a solution because they'll just review bomb using VPNs. I'm all for Valve manually addressing the situation, and it's my understanding that's precisely what they're doing. It should be fairly easy for employees to distinguish between real players and fake accounts, and real reviews bombing based on real grievances with the game, and fake review bombing based on Winnie the Pooh and muh hurt Chinese pride and honor. Sure it gets gray and muddied with all the political bullshit issues at play in the West and beyond, but so long as they stop Xi Jinping from killing our games and curtailing his influence over what Western and Japanese games can and can't do I'm happy. No matter how you spin this, Valve/Steam is a gaming company and they do actually care about you having fun, sure the money is good but imagine how much fun they're having getting paid to make sure players have fun alone or with friends, they have some of the best jobs in the world and they're right to stand up for that and defend it and you from the Communist Party of China, who not only care nothing for video games but outright hate it.

>stopping a company from having to be confronted
stopping a company from avoiding confrontation