Anyone else here unironically thinking about quitting video games forever?
Let's be honest life is short and it's a terrible time-consuming hobby
Anyone else here unironically thinking about quitting video games forever?
so long frogposter
Every day
good luck with that
what are going to fill the time with?
shitposting here with the rest of us, that's what
I was thinking about quitting and picking up reading, but I know that I don't have the willpower to give up these dumb games, man.
i'll quit life forever before i ever give up on videogames my dude
>enjoying yourself is terrible
Now tell me you're thinking a life of wagecuckery will be more fulfilling.
Playing less than I used to by a lot, but I'll never give up the hobby entirely.
I was, but then I got into Dying Light. Probably going to take a long hiatus from vidya after that, so I can attempt to improve my drawing skills, which I've been avoiding for years.
Gaming consumes less of my life than my shit job at olive garden
Should i quit the job?
>life is short
it really isn't though
everything is a time consuming hobby in the end. Life itself is just a time consuming waste of resources that amounts to naught in the end.
Do what you enjoy, because in the end if you've got no regrets, that's all that matters. You're gonna die alone, you'll live most of your life alone if you're on here, so why not spend that time forgetting the crushing loneliness with vidya?
There are unironically millions of hours of vidya out there. Good vidya, even. You just need to broaden your horizons a little bit if that's the issue you're having.
Whatever you game on, pack it up in a box and store it in your attic.
I was but then Halo MCC on PC was announced.
I mean, probably. It's Olive Garden.
But then no money
Or anything
Instead of quitting all videogames I am going to only quit all videogames besides JRPG's. Fuck DMCV, fuck Sekiro, fuck etc. Those games don't do it for me anymore. I'll watch someone on twitch play them or something. I'm done
No, because if I wasn't wasting my time playing video games I would just be wasting my time doing something else.
what the fuck else am i supposed to do
Just embrace death user.
No. You just need to figure out which games are actually worth your time. Not all of them are, so just quit playing shitty games.
Just play them less and pick up another hobby or spend more time being productive.
The reason why you feel bored of them is because you play them too much.
If you find something you'd rather be doing instead, go for it, as someone with pretty minimal free time, I can't learn an instrument, read that much, and I already listen to music a lot, so vidya seems to be a decent fit for me
No, they're one of my only sources of entertainment in life when I'm not at work.
Life has nothing else to offer, so no.
>quitting video games forever?
I probably am going to reach this point soon in my life. However, I have a more pressing issue:
How the fuck do I quit Yea Forums and this site in general?
>Life is short
>Better waste it working for Mr Sniffberg
I'm 30 and i'm not getting any younger. i'll play until i die.
That's pretty much how I feel only I don't even want to watch them. I just play JRPGs on an endless loop, and even started learning japanese to play more of the classics. It's scary how engrossed I can become.
Realize it's trash and get pissed at yourself for going here even though you hate it
Probably. It's annoying when people who will spend hours gaming with you won't socialize with you outside of games and honestly single player games just aren't as good/plentiful as they used to be.
>tfw all of your vidya husbandos aren't real and never be real
Like why even go on?
go ahead, become a wage cuck, we humans are never satisfied, NEVER! when you are finally wage cucked and you have a GF who's probably fucking Tyrone while you are working at McDonalds, you will miss your gamer days, trust me, i fucking do
>game for anywhere from 8-10 hours a day
>barely go outside
>dont go to gym/have other hobbies
>eat like shit
>drink mainly soda
this is bad.
>play casually anywhere from 1-3 hours a day
>go to gym/have other social hobbies or constructive projects
>play with friends/coworkers
>eat good
>drink water
this is fine.
you don't have to quit videogames like a drug 100%. Unless you're completely NEETo-mode and game obsessively to hide from your feelings/emotions.
I'm getting kinda bored of it, but it's the only thing I got. One thing I dislike to think about is that even when I'm like, 40. I'll still be playing video games. Still no hobbies, just nothing else. Hopefully video games start getting better.
I don't play video games when I'm in love.
But that was a year ago.
A lifetime ago....
I've already migrated to fighting games only some time ago, and recently decided to just play tekken. I think it's a good idea, since it's easier to manage time instead of having to open my schedule for games in general.
No. Every once in a while, A game comes out that reminds me why I play video games.
I play video games sparingly usually 1 or 2 hours every day because of work, wife and kids. The only games I'm playing over 8 hours these days are mobile games and that's just because I could play them at work undisturbed.
I've played games like 5 times this year.
I have better hobbies now.
No, but I do find it suspicious that these threads pop up every day. "I'm so tired of games" "Games suck now" "I shat my pants" and so on. Telling other people serves no purpose, it's almost as if you're begging them to quit playing games because you're either bored with them, or just want to have some kind of effect in people.
The fact that you're posting that retarded facebook frog makes it even more suspicious.
My guess is this is some bosnian psyop to make depressed neckbears even more depressed and neckbear. It must feel amazing to live only to suck the joy out of people who have very little to begin with. I hope it makes your retarded, coercive ass incredibly fulfilled, you transparent piece of shit.
I would take out one of your eyes if I ever met you in real life.
what's more likely, some turkmenistani deep-government powerplay or some /r9k/id who can't get the attention he wants on that board and so posts here? Either way I like your attitude.
If you like games, play games. You need time for yourself to enjoy things you like to do.
Nothing you do matters in the long run. Do shit you enjoy and squeeze some happiness out of life before you are dead.
If you are going to give games up for something else, it better end up making you happy.
I've picked up other hobbies but gaymen will probablly be a constant for me.
No. Looking back, I don't regret any of the time I spent playing vidya, they were fun memorable experiences. I think the problem is the age you choose to play video games. I feel like while we are young, we should be going on our own adventures and creating our own stories to tell, and save the vidya for when we are too old to do all of that stuff. So going forward I wanna keep my gaming to a minimum by playing only what really interest me, not just playing every old 80 jrpg that I can find.
useless NEET logic everyone
thinking i will sell out of my physical collection this year, carpal tunnel has taken me away from gaming and it feels like i can’t come back
Yeah frogposting is so much more productive!
Wagie wagie works all day
So we can stay home and play
I think gaming has run its course for me. I've whittled down my collection to just four consoles and less than 100 games. Nothing is exciting anymore. I know my exact specifications for a good game, so much so that if it takes more than a couple seconds for me not to make an opinion on it I might be interested. No games that have come out this year interest me. Only one two from last year did and they were both disappointing. There are only three games left that I would even consider buying out of all games now just to round off a couple consoles. Shouldn't be too long before I stop.
Not really.
My life is fucking shit and this is all I have. I don't matter IRL, so maybe I can pretend I matter in vidya.
Based NEET.
I have to get some progress on a paper AND be a wagie tomorrow; who has the better life?
You're right old frogposter, I'm gonna go re-read berserk again. See y'all later!
Thank you for not spreading lewds!
You are quite welcome!
books are dangerous.
low iq people read them and use the knowledge to indoctrinate themselves into corners.
Eh, it's not like I'd be doing anything better with the time
>time-consuming hobby
What hobbies aren't?
dang bro, rare pepe
>quitting video games forever?
One less westcuck. Wow, does a sun suddenly shine a bit brighter?
Surprise surprise that most anons that prefer to stay inside their room playing games until death, are all cringe anime posters.
You're doing a good thing, OP. Actually do it though and dont be a pussy, by sticking around just because anime-jrpg-fags said so
Awwwwww, triggered by anime? Maybe you should contact the UN to help them in a fight against it. I am sure they will also provide you with safe space and healing circle.
Videogames are temporary. being trans is full time!
Reminder that transitioning is more worth it than vidya. Vidya is basically the opposite of being trans
This is great challenge that I wanted to do for a while actually. Videogames are great but unless you have your life handled it's not something you should be doing and when you have your life handled in a positive and healthy way, videogames go on the backdrop of your life as the entertainment factor that it is and not the foreground as a binge form of addiction like porn or shitposting.
Gonna delete all my shit right now and force myself to never come here again for at least a month, and maybe even forever.
Goodbye losers.
if you place a thing in the centre of your life that lacks the power to nourish, it will eventually poison everything that you are. as simple a thing as an idea or your perspectivve on yourself or the world.
don't make videogames your life. they are not your defining feature. they're a fun and simple distraction where you press buttons and watch cool stuff happen. they are not important. when you realize they dont matter you wont need to "quit" them.